NEVR's Level up! Lounge General Discussion Post #2
I want to use up all the characters in this post. I usually end up with about 1,000-2,000 left. Anyway, here goes:
At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: I feel like I'm quoting waaaay too much. I can't even fit it into one post.
Try to cut down on the grey quoted text as much as possible. I usually only try and include the vital parts of the discussion in my quotes, so that I can say more about it.
When NEVR posted about his tea I made some toast. ~_o
Then I went back to find that the toaster wasn't turned on. :(
Been there my friend. I have definitely been there. The horror...
I found most of the stuff out myself. I don't like sounding like I have no idea what I'm doing, I only ask when I have tried for atleast 2days and looked at the FAQ thuorghly.
Well that's fair enough. What annoys me is the plethora of noobs posting 'how to get exp' type topics without using the search bar or even just scrolling down the page - there's usually a topic with nearly the exact same title already on the first page of posts.
I've actually seen some level up thread in General now and then.
I haven't, but then I don't go there much. Probably got locked or deleted pretty quick anyway.
gfox should be level 30, um I mean level 60. He's one of the few users I wouldn't begrudge that spot ^^I havn't seen him post around is he still active?
He seems to be taking a break from posting. The last post he made was in this thread to say he reached level 42, on the 1st of December.
Yeah. Where'd he pop up from!?
Phantom Spanking land, just to quote me. I am that special. =P
Would be touture, says me.
It would just be pointless.
Somehow I got 62 yesterday. Strangely, I've been getting 62 every day for the past 3 days.Wow! Thats great. If only I can remember to open Portal Guard.
Turns out I've gotten 62 B/P every day for the past 4 days. 5 days ago I got 68. I usually try to aim for at least 50 per day.
They could be, my cat was working at the chemist and sometimes he gets confused. So you might have the wrong pils.
Wait wait, your CAT? I thought that pharmacist looked odd.
Yes. I mean if this was on General and we'd be talking about why we didn't get enough B/P some "n00b" would come in everyday and say "statwhore".
This thread would never last in General, it would be spammed to death and would have to be locked.
I'm not sure if he even has any posts?
He has 154 posts, and he hasn't made one in over a year. He has a miniscule amount of B/P in relation to his EXP, and one collaborative flash submission. Other than that, his only real contribution is to log on and vote on 5 things per day.
At 12/20/07 11:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: I've taken NEVR's idea into account. I'm making a discussion post now. But I've used 5,000 chars just quoting NEVR. 0_o
I might have to make this post into a part 1 & part 2 job.
NG has gone all dodgy I'll post a pic at the bottom, so keep scrolling.
Looks like the CSS isn't loading. Refresh the page and it should be fine.
I need to start doing this aswell
Looks like you, Bahamut, and myself are doing it now.
I look there about every month or so and think, Ugh.
You get an occasional thread in General that is worth a post, but there's just so many stupid fucking thread about incest and dicks made by people who think they are incredibly cool for taking about such things. I just wish they'd grow the fuck up and realise that having a sensible discussion doesn't kill you.
Huh? Well the "Fries are done?" and "I gotta' run!" rhymes.
That's from Family Guy. Although as Bahamut said, he wasn't actually referencing it. It's still a good episode though =)
I see the Terms and Conditions link, then click "I agree". :D
Most of them can basically be summed up by "Don't do naughty shit or we'll break your nuts".
Wow. All 286 of 'em??!! You'll need to start now!
I'll start today =P
Really? I thought 9 to 10 was nothing. Mostly becasue I didn't even know what it meant.
Under the old level system, we mean, when there was a gap of about 1,000 between 9 and 10 (that got bigger every day). 1-9 though were only 50 EXP apart, so a lot of people got to level 9 and thought 'WTF MASSIVE GAP".
Wow. Thats a biggy.
It's OK, But a lot of users have waaaaay more than me, which is why I need to get a move on with my stat whoring.
I have none. :'(
Bahamut has 16 =)
*NM hands some more credit to NEVR for helping him feel welcome* :3
Don't mention it.
I think I'm getting into the "talking way too much" stage.
You got there pretty fast.
At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: DAMN! My post is so damn big, I have to split it up in two parts.
I may have to do that with this discussion post.
*sigh* Not only we've had useless achievement spam recently, but congrats list copied and pasted too?
We've told him not to do it now, so it should be fine. Look on the bright side, the discussion in here is plentiful at the moment.
I don't like to put people down, unless they get on my bad side.
Unless they are idiots who deserve it. I don't like to put people down either, but sometimes it's unfortunately necessary.
The fewer people that regularly post in the General forum, the better. Also, for me, it's more the LUL and other stat whoring threads (lol) that have kept me away from the General forum rather than Rage's abusive review thread. I still like the abusive review thread, but I don't need to be there so often since I have a Deity whistle and I'll only report people that I don't like and/or is a blatant abusive reviewer.
Rage's thread is now overrun with noobs who want good whistles, and periodically have panic attacks when they get a Garbage whistle. I find it amusing that they can't conceive that they may have flagged something wrong, and instead decide to blame it on all kinds of ridiculous made up phenomena, such as 'whistle glitches', etc. It's totally gone to shit.
That would be a shame. In the Wi/Ht, out of the whole time I've been here, I've never seen the LUL being knocked off the first page.
I've seen it get close to the bottom, but I can't remember having to ever go back a page to find it.
I'm surprised I still have a Deity whistle, because there's some dipshit(s) who clear flags of reviews (even some that are blatantly abusive) for the Adolf Hitler: CAI493+D series. I don't flag EVERY low score review that the series gets, but I only flag those that are abusive and are just saying "Stop making these series" and such.
I love the Adolf Hitler: CAI493+D Series. I enjoyed the recent one for Magmar - It was just fantastic.
Ah yes, the gold aura. That would be cool, but the problem with gold aura is that once you have it, you can't change to the other auras. :(
Yeah, it's nice to have the option of changing auras. Still, the Gold aura is nice.
Coop would be a great mod! He's pretty active and would be a great mod. However, I cannot decide who should be a mod since I'm not one. :(
I think there should be a vote for non-mods who they would like to become a mod, on a similar basis to how the monthly voting is done. It will probably never happen though.
He's not entering the discussion though. To be fair, if you've been away for a few days, there's a lot to catch up on discussion-wise, especially considering some of us are now having to make 2 long posts each day to keep up with it all.
You know, I have to agree. The only good British site I can think of is
Yeah, is pretty good, but it's not a site I visit daily, nor would I ever visit daily.
I admit, I have been posting there too, but that's only for the NG BBS awards. Fuck the other threads there, however. The only threads I'd actually bother posting in now are threads about either myself or about the Hitler flashes.
Like I said to NM, it's mostly incest and dicks that they talk about there now. I also saw a thread entitled 'My duck eats cum', which I stayed away from.
Running out of characters, this post shall be continued.
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