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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 14:01:07

NEVR's Level up! Lounge General Discussion Post #2

I want to use up all the characters in this post. I usually end up with about 1,000-2,000 left. Anyway, here goes:

At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: I feel like I'm quoting waaaay too much. I can't even fit it into one post.

Try to cut down on the grey quoted text as much as possible. I usually only try and include the vital parts of the discussion in my quotes, so that I can say more about it.

When NEVR posted about his tea I made some toast. ~_o

Then I went back to find that the toaster wasn't turned on. :(

Been there my friend. I have definitely been there. The horror...

I found most of the stuff out myself. I don't like sounding like I have no idea what I'm doing, I only ask when I have tried for atleast 2days and looked at the FAQ thuorghly.

Well that's fair enough. What annoys me is the plethora of noobs posting 'how to get exp' type topics without using the search bar or even just scrolling down the page - there's usually a topic with nearly the exact same title already on the first page of posts.

I've actually seen some level up thread in General now and then.

I haven't, but then I don't go there much. Probably got locked or deleted pretty quick anyway.

gfox should be level 30, um I mean level 60. He's one of the few users I wouldn't begrudge that spot ^^
I havn't seen him post around is he still active?

He seems to be taking a break from posting. The last post he made was in this thread to say he reached level 42, on the 1st of December.

Yeah. Where'd he pop up from!?

Phantom Spanking land, just to quote me. I am that special. =P

Would be touture, says me.

It would just be pointless.

Somehow I got 62 yesterday. Strangely, I've been getting 62 every day for the past 3 days.
Wow! Thats great. If only I can remember to open Portal Guard.

Turns out I've gotten 62 B/P every day for the past 4 days. 5 days ago I got 68. I usually try to aim for at least 50 per day.

They could be, my cat was working at the chemist and sometimes he gets confused. So you might have the wrong pils.

Wait wait, your CAT? I thought that pharmacist looked odd.

Yes. I mean if this was on General and we'd be talking about why we didn't get enough B/P some "n00b" would come in everyday and say "statwhore".

This thread would never last in General, it would be spammed to death and would have to be locked.

I'm not sure if he even has any posts?

He has 154 posts, and he hasn't made one in over a year. He has a miniscule amount of B/P in relation to his EXP, and one collaborative flash submission. Other than that, his only real contribution is to log on and vote on 5 things per day.

At 12/20/07 11:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: I've taken NEVR's idea into account. I'm making a discussion post now. But I've used 5,000 chars just quoting NEVR. 0_o

I might have to make this post into a part 1 & part 2 job.

NG has gone all dodgy I'll post a pic at the bottom, so keep scrolling.

Looks like the CSS isn't loading. Refresh the page and it should be fine.

I need to start doing this aswell

Looks like you, Bahamut, and myself are doing it now.

I look there about every month or so and think, Ugh.

You get an occasional thread in General that is worth a post, but there's just so many stupid fucking thread about incest and dicks made by people who think they are incredibly cool for taking about such things. I just wish they'd grow the fuck up and realise that having a sensible discussion doesn't kill you.

Huh? Well the "Fries are done?" and "I gotta' run!" rhymes.

That's from Family Guy. Although as Bahamut said, he wasn't actually referencing it. It's still a good episode though =)

I see the Terms and Conditions link, then click "I agree". :D

Most of them can basically be summed up by "Don't do naughty shit or we'll break your nuts".

Wow. All 286 of 'em??!! You'll need to start now!

I'll start today =P

Really? I thought 9 to 10 was nothing. Mostly becasue I didn't even know what it meant.

Under the old level system, we mean, when there was a gap of about 1,000 between 9 and 10 (that got bigger every day). 1-9 though were only 50 EXP apart, so a lot of people got to level 9 and thought 'WTF MASSIVE GAP".

Wow. Thats a biggy.

It's OK, But a lot of users have waaaaay more than me, which is why I need to get a move on with my stat whoring.

I have none. :'(

Bahamut has 16 =)

*NM hands some more credit to NEVR for helping him feel welcome* :3

Don't mention it.

I think I'm getting into the "talking way too much" stage.

You got there pretty fast.

At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: DAMN! My post is so damn big, I have to split it up in two parts.

I may have to do that with this discussion post.

*sigh* Not only we've had useless achievement spam recently, but congrats list copied and pasted too?

We've told him not to do it now, so it should be fine. Look on the bright side, the discussion in here is plentiful at the moment.

I don't like to put people down, unless they get on my bad side.

Unless they are idiots who deserve it. I don't like to put people down either, but sometimes it's unfortunately necessary.

The fewer people that regularly post in the General forum, the better. Also, for me, it's more the LUL and other stat whoring threads (lol) that have kept me away from the General forum rather than Rage's abusive review thread. I still like the abusive review thread, but I don't need to be there so often since I have a Deity whistle and I'll only report people that I don't like and/or is a blatant abusive reviewer.

Rage's thread is now overrun with noobs who want good whistles, and periodically have panic attacks when they get a Garbage whistle. I find it amusing that they can't conceive that they may have flagged something wrong, and instead decide to blame it on all kinds of ridiculous made up phenomena, such as 'whistle glitches', etc. It's totally gone to shit.

That would be a shame. In the Wi/Ht, out of the whole time I've been here, I've never seen the LUL being knocked off the first page.

I've seen it get close to the bottom, but I can't remember having to ever go back a page to find it.

I'm surprised I still have a Deity whistle, because there's some dipshit(s) who clear flags of reviews (even some that are blatantly abusive) for the Adolf Hitler: CAI493+D series. I don't flag EVERY low score review that the series gets, but I only flag those that are abusive and are just saying "Stop making these series" and such.

I love the Adolf Hitler: CAI493+D Series. I enjoyed the recent one for Magmar - It was just fantastic.

Ah yes, the gold aura. That would be cool, but the problem with gold aura is that once you have it, you can't change to the other auras. :(

Yeah, it's nice to have the option of changing auras. Still, the Gold aura is nice.

Coop would be a great mod! He's pretty active and would be a great mod. However, I cannot decide who should be a mod since I'm not one. :(

I think there should be a vote for non-mods who they would like to become a mod, on a similar basis to how the monthly voting is done. It will probably never happen though.


He's not entering the discussion though. To be fair, if you've been away for a few days, there's a lot to catch up on discussion-wise, especially considering some of us are now having to make 2 long posts each day to keep up with it all.

You know, I have to agree. The only good British site I can think of is Play.com.

Yeah, Play.com is pretty good, but it's not a site I visit daily, nor would I ever visit daily.

I admit, I have been posting there too, but that's only for the NG BBS awards. Fuck the other threads there, however. The only threads I'd actually bother posting in now are threads about either myself or about the Hitler flashes.

Like I said to NM, it's mostly incest and dicks that they talk about there now. I also saw a thread entitled 'My duck eats cum', which I stayed away from.

Running out of characters, this post shall be continued.

Characters remaining: 0

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 14:02:34

NEVR's Level up! Lounge General Discussion Post #2 Part 2

At 12/20/07 12:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Congrats List - PART TWO

Coincides neatly with part 2 of my post =D

I wasn't referring to Family Guy at all when I said that. Not because I don't like Family Guy, but I remember seeing a flash with that song. Sadly, that flash isn't on Newgrounds.

It's still a good episode of Family Guy!

Who reads terms and conditions anyway? XD
I'd say people who are paranoid about the law.

Who would be paranoid about the law? *Checks for nearby policemen*

I love your flash. I'm going to start reviewing all of them. Every, single, one. I need to get flash so I can make some contributions.
LOL, response count + 69. XD

Absolutely. I've been reviewing a bit more lately, but nobody responds to reviews these days, it's rather annoying.

Or 71 when I submit my two-part Christmas flash.

Which I shall definitely have to review.

True. :( Hopefully those that did it will learn by their mistakes.

I'm sure they will, they probably just didn't realise that we all make ours from scratch.

I remember when I reached level 9 and I was like "WTF, 822 EXP TO LEVEL 10?!?!". Funny, I was actually thinking of quitting getting EXP then, but I realised that one day, I might reach that level if I just had the patience to deposit every single day until then, and look at me now, I almost have 12000 EXP! :D

Exactly! After I got to level 10 I left NG for nearly a year, which is gay, as if I'd stayed I would be on over 9,000 EXP by now. Still, I'm trying to make up for it.

I don't think there was an actual rules post back then. Back then on the BBS, there was a shit load of spam. XD

Yeah, I kinda thought it would be like the BBS 'dark-ages' =)

About 8500 total points left until I reach the big 100k.

That's the kind of thing that makes me want to stat whore loads.

It would be my 17th.

One for each year of your life...

Dear gfox,


Motion seconded.

I take partial credit for that. =D
Thank you! :)

You are welcome!

Why do I suddenly get images of Bahamut engaging in S&M?
Don't worry, I was just making a quote from this video.

Thank god, I was worried for a second there. Nice video BTW =)

Well, when I reached 9999 posts, I just made it in the LUL and said that I'll post my 10000th post the next day when I'm making my congrats list, and I did that!

With your 10k post that's slightly more excusable, cos it is a big deal.

It's been slow for a while. This really disappoints me. As soon as I get tons of time on the computer due to my sister being in London now and unemployment, the portal doesn't become active enough for me.

I know, it's pretty annoying. Being in England also restricts B/P because of the time difference.

I want my 5 star gold badge with leaves back!

I bet. What do you think of the new EGSC badge?


LEVEL 10!!!

Forget cutting down on space, I want to become a poster with giant posts. XD

As do I. As should we all!

On one day when I was still asleep at 3PM, my dad just came back and saw me still asleep. He was fucking pissed off at me for being asleep that long and for not letting the rabbits out of their hutch. Well, maybe I'd actually have got up earlier IF HE WASN'T SNORING! He can be such a twat at times. :(

God damn snoring. Women are worse though, they take all the fucking covers and you end up lying there at 3am, cold, and pissed off.

A legend, yes, but sadly, he's unknown to the majority of the BBS users.

Ignorant bastards.

Nope, those 4 flashes he votes on for one day get carried over onto the next day.

Really? I didn't know it carries over after the redesign... I've always had to vote on 5 each new day to get my EXP.

My last level up on the old system has level 16, and I'm glad I managed to get that before the redesign. Heh, I was worried that I wouldn't get level 16 in time before the redesign. XD

Level 16 was beautiful. I'm so glad I still have a chance to wield the nunchaku.

There's a future for the LUL and it's a big thanks to those huge quality posts. :D

It's so nice looking back at your posts and thinking 'Hell yeah, that was a BEAST of a post!'

At 12/20/07 09:39 AM, NEVR wrote: Thank god I made that discussion post yesterday, or I'd have no room left in this post to quote everyone I wanted to. Oh, and that cup of tea I mentioned at the beginning of my post? It's gone cold now. >:(
Uh-oh, I better drink my coffee soon, and my mug is HUUUGE!

I could do with some coffee...

At 12/20/07 12:43 PM, Haggard wrote: Yay, a short "discussion"-post by me, too.

It's catching on =) I'm a pioneer.

I was on vacation in Scotland, so I couldn't do any lists ;) .

You know, it's odd, even though I live in the UK, I've never been to Scotland. I do want to go though. Want to visit Ireland as well, and have a Guinness with Shanus =P

He posts from time to time. Once he reaches 10,000 posts he will do his final-FINAL Update of his pentalist. Hopefully I can bring two of my stats (saves and Exp) to 10,000 before he makes his last 448 posts :P

I don't think that will happen for me. Unless I REALLY get a move on with my saves, but judging by the rate of the portal at the moment, I'm not going to get the last 4,200 any time soon.

At 12/20/07 01:49 PM, Shanus wrote: Exactly, and Blams, rember those, thems were the days

Ohhh, that's what those things are above my saves...

It's cool, we're all adults here, we can get over it.

Let's hope so.

Sure is, what a legend :D

Shame he never got it to EGSC, that would have been brilliant.

Oh, lucky you know now, soon it'll make a come back.

Dead language my ass.

I'm gonna get 30000 Saves & 30000 Blams, that's my goal.

I don't know if I'll stop B/Ping once I get Supreme Commander, but I'd like to have over 10,000 blams at any rate.

Wow, about 2,000 characters left.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 15:57:27

Using LUL-List Maker...

Congrats to:
Haggard: 200 Flash Reviews
Casualty: Brigadier General
RKThrilla: Level 13
CruzAzul19: Deity Whistle
Zerok: 20,000 Posts
Emlfuryoflion: Level 17
BIGmamaKATIE: level 11
BahamutClock: 5555 exp
Idiot-Finder: Commander
silentkat: Level 12

Rage's thread is now overrun with noobs who want good whistles, and periodically have panic attacks when they get a Garbage whistle. I find it amusing that they can't conceive that they may have flagged something wrong, and instead decide to blame it on all kinds of ridiculous made up phenomena, such as 'whistle glitches', etc. It's totally gone to shit.

I know. I used to post there when it was helpful...

I think I'm getting into the "talking way too much" stage.

I don't talk much...See?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 16:17:16

1,000th post!

About fucking time. =P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 16:43:14


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 17:20:16

At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW

^^^ 60 000 posts on a thread later your level 30 somthing

im going to get banned for this but...... MY GOD CARRIES A HAMMER, YOUR GOD GOT NAILED TO A TREE....ANY QUESTIONS?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 18:17:24

At 12/19/07 11:01 PM, JerkClock wrote: Wait, leveloneaccount can't get anymore B/P points?

Ever since they put in the automatic deposit thing LOA can't get anymore then 4 B/P points without gaining EXP. So basically leveloneaccount can't get huge B/P without the risk of leveling up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-20 23:57:04

I accumulated 133 B/P points today in an effort to reach 6,000 B/P points.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 00:08:04

Level 35, icon still sucks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 00:08:21

Level 25.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 00:29:10

Level 22!

Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell

Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 05:43:14

So last day of exam, and a realization my next lie in will be Christmas Day :(

silentkat - level 12
Krykos - 1000 Posts
Imacow - 4000 Posts
madknt - 6000 B/P & Sergeant
JerkClock - level 35
TheBlackDahliaMurder - level 25
superstatguy - Level 22

At 12/20/07 02:02 PM, NEVR wrote: Ohhh, that's what those things are above my saves...

I know, but mine are so low :(

Shame he never got it to EGSC, that would have been brilliant.

Yeah, ah well, still an amazing B/P total, anyway Afro's owning everyone at B/Ping, he's been getting over 100 a week for the last 6 months that I've noticed.

Dead language my ass.

I wonder if you've ever heard Irish, now that;s a language, oh momma

I don't know if I'll stop B/Ping once I get Supreme Commander, but I'd like to have over 10,000 blams at any rate.

If I make it to EGSC, or just SC now :(, I'd keep going, once I got 30000 Saves, I wouldn't vote on movies unless they needed blamming, just cause I'm a stat whore :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 08:22:28

28,000 B/P

Congrats to:
Ajax-Cubed: Level 15
aldlv: 2,000 Blams
alrd: 7,000 B/P
BahamutClock: 5,555 Exp
BIGmammaKATIE: 666 Posts, Deity Whistle, 3,000 Saves, Level 11
bifgis: Brig. General
Casualty: Brig. General
ChocloMan: 4 Years on NG
Darkside7000: Level 24
Devil: Level 23
Emlfuryoflion: 12,000 B/P, 15,000 Total Stats, Top 300 B/P, Level 17
FBIPolux: 9.00 VP
gamerpeepinpa: 1,000 Exp
Haggard: 200 Flash Reviews
HouseMasta: 10,000 Exp
HypaShadow: 1 Blams - Lol :p
Icecry0: Level 12
Idiot-Finder: Commander
Imacow: 4,000 Posts
Jarrodk: Level 15
JerkClock: Level 35 - I don´t see what´s wrong with it =/
jflash8: Level 10
Koeberto190: 2,000 Posts
Klown5: Level 10
Krykos: 1,000 Posts
LittleBahamut: Level 24
Officer: 8,000 Total Stats
madknt: 6,000 B/P
MARCUSM: 11,000 Exp
milinko959: Level 29
Muffin: Level 29
Paradox: Level 19
Psycho-Simple: 6,000 Exp, Priv. First Class
RKThrilla: Level 13
silentkat: Level 12
Sterockicy: 5,000 Blams
Superstatguy: Level 22
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
TITROTU: Level 29
viceman: Level 11, Police Sgt., 1,111 B/P
Washu-chan: Level 26
wistmy: Level 41
X-Naut: Level 30
youngblood: Level 11

Thanks to:


At 12/17/07 09:01 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 12/16/07 09:26 AM, Auz wrote: I don´t think drugs is legal in Columbia. And I live in Holland which is still in Europe ;)
So all of us are European then!

Yep, and we don´t live too far away from eachother it seems.

At 12/16/07 10:02 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Yay! My first list!

You forgot me :´(

At 12/17/07 09:01 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 12/16/07 09:26 AM, Auz wrote:
At 12/10/07 05:44 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 12/9/07 08:25 AM, Auz wrote:
At 12/8/07 04:29 AM, Coop83 wrote: His own little world.
Lol. I´m from a place where drugs is legal ;)
So... Columbia? Wait, that doesn't fit with my European Theory. Bastard!
I don´t think drugs is legal in Columbia. And I live in Holland which is still in Europe ;)
Haha! I was right. If he's in Holland and on Marijuana, then Auz is in his own little world!

Hehe yeah :p I didn´t say I took drugs though, but I could probably get it easily.

At 12/17/07 12:14 PM, YoinK wrote:
At 12/17/07 11:47 AM, Muffin wrote: ATTN LUL'ERS: prepare to bend over and get a raunchy fisting from my sexy new gauntlet!
nice looking gauntlet you have there.

You´re such a bastard :p

At 12/18/07 09:58 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/18/07 07:58 AM, HypaShadow wrote: i got 1 blam point! WOO!
At 12/18/07 10:20 AM, NEVR wrote: OMGLOLWTF go away.

Hehe, I thought it was pretty funny actually :p

At 12/18/07 04:39 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm from Europe. Is being European a good thing on NG? >_>

It´s always a good thing imo. Much better than being an American at least.. =/

At 12/19/07 04:45 PM, NEVR wrote:
I've heard ALOT about this gfox. Is he a decent user?
gfoxcook is a Newgrounds legend.

Yeah, he made many lists like the top 100 blammers, top 100 saviours and the pentalist (he pretty much invented stat-whoring). I agree with Bahamut, he is perhaps the best BBS user ever. One of the very few mods who actually deserved to be a mod in my opinion, too bad he´s de-modded now :(

Char. left: 4,852...

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 08:43:36

At 12/20/07 11:57 PM, madknt wrote: I accumulated 133 B/P points today in an effort to reach 6,000 B/P points.

i have the same too! FACE FIVE! *slap*

after a short break, i've got tonnes of stats :) all today

6000 B/P points
Level 18!
50 missed deposits

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 09:17:08

At 12/20/07 09:39 AM, NEVR wrote: Somehow I got 62 yesterday. Strangely, I've been getting 62 every day for the past 3 days.

Yesterday was a much better day. I got 90something B/P and moved 5 spots closer to the Top 300.

*munches some pills*
Um, what are they for anyway?
Uhh... I don't know... I just hope they're not viagra.

If so, I hope my girlfriend can take it :P

I tried to catch up 10 days once. But my browser messed up and crashed... and I had already done 5 days.
Damn, that would piss me off big time.

It DID piss me off big time. So big, that I didn't started again and just congratulated a few big achievements that I still remembered.

I'm trying to get at least over 30 B/P per day at the moment,

I'm trying to get around 30 a day, too. Just beacause I think that it is a decent pace :P .

At 12/20/07 11:42 AM, HypaShadow wrote: lvl 3!

Fuck off.

At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I chased my brother around the street once with a knife becasue he was kicking my Pokémon blue around on the floor. :'( Good old days.
WOW! :O My sister has treated me like crap in the past, but I've never chased her around the street with a knife.

Seems that brothers and sisters are all the same around the world. I never got along with my brother until the day he moved out.

About 8500 total points left until I reach the big 100k.

Whoa, nice. I need a few more points until I have 10 Total Stats a day -.- .

At 12/20/07 05:47 AM, Haggard wrote: I prefer the soundtracks for FF V and VI.
I'm becoming really fond of the FFIX soundtrack. There's some deja vu's and some brilliantly played tracks like Terra. The only problem is that there's 152 tracks in total for that soundtrack. :S

I never liked FF IX. Only played through it once and never touched it again.

My last level up on the old system has level 16, and I'm glad I managed to get that before the redesign. Heh, I was worried that I wouldn't get level 16 in time before the redesign. XD

Level 16 was quite cool under the old system. It would have been great if I had managed that level before the redisign...

He was level 30 on Retrogade...Until RG went down.

Meh, I have never been part of RG.. hopefully the site will be back up soon ^^.

Only 5 days until the 6th birthday of this account ^^


Only 4 days left :P
At 12/20/07 01:49 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 12/20/07 05:47 AM, Haggard wrote: Luckily I still made about 42 B/P yesterday. But it's still annoying...
Damn, well I got 20+ when I had an exam :D

Today I will make about 10... but I'm going to a concert tonight ^^

At 12/20/07 03:57 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Using LUL-List Maker...

Much better ;) .

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 09:49:30

Bahamut's Congrats List - PART ONE

It happened again. 0__0

Listening to:

Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy IX Soundtrack

Congrats to:

Idiot-Finder - Commander
silentkat - Level 12
Krykos - 1000 posts
Imacow - 4000 posts
madknt - Staff Sergeant
JerkClock - Level 35. Oh, I think that icon looks cool.
TheBlackDahliaMurder - Level 25
superstatguy - Level 22
Auz - 28000 B/P
Cheekyvincent - Staff Sergeant, Level 18. Missing so many deposits isn't a good thing.

Thanks to:

NintendoMadness. I think it's obvious whose alt BahamutClock's is. :P

At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: Oh right I see now. I forgot that you had to maually deposit exp.

I wish we still had overtime voting.

I havn't seen him post around is he still active?

He isn't very active nowadays, but he should come back for Christmas and say hi to everyone. :)

At 12/20/07 11:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: NG has gone all dodgy I'll post a pic at the bottom, so keep scrolling.

Meh, it happens sometimes.

Wow. All 286 of 'em??!! You'll need to start now!

LOL! Please don't mention about every flash I'm co-authored on. This is a more appropriate place to see my flashes. And I know Haggard already gave out that link, but whatever.

Really? I thought 9 to 10 was nothing. Mostly becasue I didn't even know what it meant.

You didn't witness the old levelling up. ;)

At 12/20/07 12:43 PM, Haggard wrote: He posts from time to time. Once he reaches 10,000 posts he will do his final-FINAL Update of his pentalist. Hopefully I can bring two of my stats (saves and Exp) to 10,000 before he makes his last 448 posts :P

Obviously, I won't reach 10k reviews by then. However, if I can get over 100k total points before the final update, that would be great!

Yep, you definetly have to cut down on quoting! Just quote those parts you're reffering to, not like the whole post.

That's right! Why quote an entire thing when you can quote part of what's necessary?

Bahamut has only 69 flashes ;) .

But 69 flashes is more than what most of the flash authors have. :)

At 12/20/07 12:55 PM, Odyssic wrote: lulz, I will when I can see what people are taking about.

We're talking about a lot of things.

At 12/20/07 01:49 PM, Shanus wrote: So Study today, and one finally day tomorrow, and then Christmas :D

Christmas holidays, yes, but not Christmas Day. :P However, if you want things to feel more Christmassy before then, just wait until Sunday.

Too late :(


Aren't dragons immortal??

Sadly not.

N00bs the lot of them

And arseholes.

Like an epic bout of WoW

It's more epic than WoW.

At 12/20/07 02:01 PM, NEVR wrote:
Then I went back to find that the toaster wasn't turned on. :(
Been there my friend. I have definitely been there. The horror...

Me and my friends have funny toast stories. As soon as one of us says Toast, the rest will shout out "TOAST!!!"

He seems to be taking a break from posting. The last post he made was in this thread to say he reached level 42, on the 1st of December.

I think he's trapped playing on the Wii and Guitar Hero. SHAME ON HIM!

This thread would never last in General, it would be spammed to death and would have to be locked.

Yeah, it would be a big thanks to loads of fucktards for getting that locked. However, this place was almost spammed to death with garbage a while ago, but luckily, things have calmed down since then.

You get an occasional thread in General that is worth a post, but there's just so many stupid fucking thread about incest and dicks made by people who think they are incredibly cool for taking about such things. I just wish they'd grow the fuck up and realise that having a sensible discussion doesn't kill you.

Wade once said that the General forum needs to be invaded with intelligence and I agree. If that happened, I might start posting there more often.

That's from Family Guy. Although as Bahamut said, he wasn't actually referencing it. It's still a good episode though =)
Bahamut has 16 =)

Afro_Stud has about 40. :D

I may have to do that with this discussion post.

And you did so.

Unless they are idiots who deserve it. I don't like to put people down either, but sometimes it's unfortunately necessary.

Sometimes, I've had to retaliate with people who have fucked around too much with mine or Afro_Stud's flashes (more especially if they think about bugging the Fulps about it or flagging the flashes).

Rage's thread is now overrun with noobs who want good whistles, and periodically have panic attacks when they get a Garbage whistle.

I remember a time when that thread wasn't super active. I remember when it had less than 100 pages! :O

I love the Adolf Hitler: CAI493+D Series. I enjoyed the recent one for Magmar - It was just fantastic.

I love all, except for some when all Afro_Stud just did to Hitler was recolouring his skin. Those make me disappointed. Also, if he used less J-Pop in his series, I'd be happier with the series.

He's not entering the discussion though. To be fair, if you've been away for a few days, there's a lot to catch up on discussion-wise, especially considering some of us are now having to make 2 long posts each day to keep up with it all.

Haha, yeah, I agree. I remember when I had my 2 week holiday in Cuba and when I got back, I didn't feel like making a congrats list catch up.

Yeah, Play.com is pretty good, but it's not a site I visit daily, nor would I ever visit daily.

A-ha! There IS a good British site, which is Last.fm. :D

At 12/20/07 02:02 PM, NEVR wrote: Who would be paranoid about the law? *Checks for nearby policemen*

Someone's who's had bad experience with the police or court before?

Absolutely. I've been reviewing a bit more lately, but nobody responds to reviews these days, it's rather annoying.

I don't like reviewing flashes where I don't get a response. I feel like I'm talking to no-one. :(

Which I shall definitely have to review.

Just wait until this Sunday evening.

I'm sure they will, they probably just didn't realise that we all make ours from scratch.

WordPad FTW.

Exactly! After I got to level 10 I left NG for nearly a year, which is gay, as if I'd stayed I would be on over 9,000 EXP by now. Still, I'm trying to make up for it.

IT'S OVER 9000!!!

lol, I'm so lame.
Thank god, I was worried for a second there. Nice video BTW =)

Yep, it's funny that a "Human furby" said that. XD

With your 10k post that's slightly more excusable, cos it is a big deal.

"It really isn't such a big deal", LittleWashu would say. XD But yes, 10k posts was one of my biggest achievements. I got it the same week I got level 13 and I remember how much I wanted that baseball bat.

I know, it's pretty annoying. Being in England also restricts B/P because of the time difference.

Yeah, that's another problem. Since I can't be up until 5AM in the morning (besides the new year and other occasions), I cannot be one of the first to deposit and lose out on some B/P then.

I bet. What do you think of the new EGSC badge?


Ignorant bastards.

All they need to do is get the fuck out of the General forum and take a look at my sig.

I could do with some coffee...

I'd post a picture of my big mug, but I can't be arsed right now.

You know, it's odd, even though I live in the UK, I've never been to Scotland. I do want to go though. Want to visit Ireland as well, and have a Guinness with Shanus =P

I've been to Scotland a few times.

I don't think that will happen for me. Unless I REALLY get a move on with my saves, but judging by the rate of the portal at the moment, I'm not going to get the last 4,200 any time soon.

Unless there were several Clock Day-esque days really soon. XD


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 09:50:30

Bahamut's Congrats List - PART TWO

OK, so there isn't as much to say here, but I don't feel like leaving out Auz's and Haggard's posts just because they couldn't fit on my first post. So anyway...

At 12/21/07 08:22 AM, Auz wrote: I agree with Bahamut, he is perhaps the best BBS user ever. One of the very few mods who actually deserved to be a mod in my opinion, too bad he´s de-modded now :(

If only he was more active, he might still have his modship, unless he decided to not be a mod anymore.

At 12/21/07 09:17 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/20/07 11:42 AM, HypaShadow wrote: lvl 3!
Fuck off.

I'll start telling him off if he persists.

Seems that brothers and sisters are all the same around the world. I never got along with my brother until the day he moved out.

But now, me and my sister get along fine, although we don't see each other as often now. However, when she was still living here, we got along fine.

I never liked FF IX. Only played through it once and never touched it again.

Oh. :( I just find it awesome with all of those awesome tracks, although a certain melody or two is repeated loads of times. :S

Meh, I have never been part of RG.. hopefully the site will be back up soon ^^.

Hopefully it will.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 10:30:23

Back from the Xmas Brewfest 2007, Coop congratulates:
BIGmammaKATIE: Level 11
BahamutClock: 5,555 Experience. Retire!
Idiot-Finder: Commander
silentkat: Level 12. *sniffs* Why have you got a plastic bag for me to sniff? It smells of plastic.
Krykos: 1,000 Posts
Imacow: 4,000 Posts
madknt: Sergeant
JerklClock: Level 35. Better than the shurikens IMO
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
superstatguy: Level 22
Auz: 28,000 B/P

Listening to:
Foo Fighters - Come Back

At 12/20/07 05:47 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/19/07 08:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: I can't do that, as I'm not allowing my mobile to reside in my denim pockets!
And I can't let my mobile be too loud and too annoying :P . It would be quite embarrassing if my mobile would be ringing during a lecture...

That's what silent mode is for. Then, and only then, should you employ it!

20 months... that's worth about 6,000 Experience!
Yep, and I've put that to good use :P
I would like to reply something along "I shall pass you some day!" but I know that this isn't going to happen any time soon (not even any time later) :'(

At least you're man enough to know and admit it when you're beaten :P

At 12/20/07 03:27 AM, Coop83 wrote:
I just wish I was around 5 years ago on Newgrounds.
Don't we all?
Ha! I was around here that time! :P
Only 5 days until the 6th birthday of this account ^^

I can't even remember what I was doing 6 years ago. It might be a side-effect of the drinking last night and today's travel.

At 12/20/07 09:39 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 12/20/07 03:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares for one final day in the office, while congratulating:
Good old christmas =D

I've been back in today for 5 minutes, but only because we were passing through on the way home after the festivities.

I talk too much and it saddens me, since I can't talk too much this morning - getting ready for the office party... in Whitland, about 200 miles away...
Damn, why is the office party so far away? I'm sure you'll have a good time regardless.

Yes I did and there will be a news post about it a few minutes after this delightful one has been pasted up. There was much alcohol, a festive meal, a bit of singing and dancing, some pool and a few other incidents which you'll just have to readabout on the post itself!

At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/19/07 04:45 PM, NEVR wrote: Which is just what we need. Coop also has my vote for modship cos he's been here a long time, and is a legend.
Coop would be a great mod! He's pretty active and would be a great mod. However, I cannot decide who should be a mod since I'm not one. :(

That's touching, but it doesn't change a thing, sadly. We don't have any active mods who are willing to tackle the spamming problem head on.

At 12/20/07 03:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: They aren't mine, so yes :P
OK, they're not yours, but you'd still give them out like that?

*Drops CDs into a jiffy envelope addressed to 'Bahamut, c/o Newgrounds, Cyberspaces* Of course I would.

At 12/20/07 12:43 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: Wow. All 286 of 'em??!! You'll need to start now!
Bahamut has only 69 flashes ;) .

The other 217 are flash that he has been co-authored on. I don't think he can respond to those reviews.

At 12/20/07 12:55 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: Thanks to:
Odyssic. Join in our conversation fun. :D
lulz, I will when I can see what people are taking about.

By the sound of things, we are talking about you :P


Minimum number of characters per post been added now, has it?

At 12/20/07 06:17 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Ever since they put in the automatic deposit thing LOA can't get anymore then 4 B/P points without gaining EXP. So basically leveloneaccount can't get huge B/P without the risk of leveling up.

Unless Craig has a few words with the admins, that is :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 12:14:05

Portal picked up nicely yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with 105 B/P in a day.

NEVR Congratulates:

Auz: 28,000 B/P - Getting close! I remember when Coop was at this stage.
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 11
BahamutClock: 5,555 EXP
Idiot-Finder: Commander
silentkat: Level 12
Krykos: 1,000 posts
Imacow: 4,000 posts
madknt: Staff Sergeant
JerkClock: Level 35
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
superstatguy: Level 22
CheekyVincent: Level 18; Staff Sergeant

At 12/21/07 05:43 AM, Shanus wrote: I know, but mine are so low :(

It's going to take forever to get to 10,000 Blams.

Yeah, ah well, still an amazing B/P total, anyway Afro's owning everyone at B/Ping, he's been getting over 100 a week for the last 6 months that I've noticed.

Do you mean 100 a day?

I wonder if you've ever heard Irish, now that;s a language, oh momma

I have actually, I used to have an Irish teacher, and she tried to teach us some irish one time. Couldn't get my head around it. Also I studied Brian Friel's 'Translations' for A level English which has a lot of irish in it.

If I make it to EGSC, or just SC now :(, I'd keep going, once I got 30000 Saves, I wouldn't vote on movies unless they needed blamming, just cause I'm a stat whore :P

Heh, I honestly can't say if I'd keep going or not. I probably would after a while, but I can see myself wanting to take a break from it once I did get there. It's not an easy task, after all.

At 12/21/07 08:22 AM, Auz wrote: Yep, and we don´t live too far away from eachother it seems.

I was actually in Holland over the summer, in Amsterdam to be precise. I'd love to go again sometime.

At 12/21/07 09:17 AM, Haggard wrote: Yesterday was a much better day. I got 90something B/P and moved 5 spots closer to the Top 300.

I got 105 yesterday, the portal was flowing nicely.

If so, I hope my girlfriend can take it :P

You stallion!

I'm trying to get around 30 a day, too. Just beacause I think that it is a decent pace :P .

Yeah it's a good steady pace to go for, and most of all it's attainable. No point in aiming too high.

At 12/21/07 09:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: Me and my friends have funny toast stories. As soon as one of us says Toast, the rest will shout out "TOAST!!!"

Haha, random games <3

I think he's trapped playing on the Wii and Guitar Hero. SHAME ON HIM!

He better make a HUGE catch up post when he gets back is all I can say. And I mean HUGE.

Yeah, it would be a big thanks to loads of fucktards for getting that locked. However, this place was almost spammed to death with garbage a while ago, but luckily, things have calmed down since then.

Yeah, imagine that spamming we had a while back multiplied by about 100. That's probably what this thread would be like in General.

Wade once said that the General forum needs to be invaded with intelligence and I agree. If that happened, I might start posting there more often.

Yeah, but a lot of people don't understand the concept of intelligent posting apparently.

Afro_Stud has about 40. :D

Afro_Stud is a maniac =)

And you did so.

And it was SO good.

Sometimes, I've had to retaliate with people who have fucked around too much with mine or Afro_Stud's flashes (more especially if they think about bugging the Fulps about it or flagging the flashes).

People are idiots. They forget that this site was founded on risqué material, like Assassin and Club a Seal, and then throw a hissy fit when they see something like the Adolf Hitler series. They need to remember what NG is all about.

I remember a time when that thread wasn't super active. I remember when it had less than 100 pages! :O

I remember discovering it when I first came to the Wi/Ht, and back then it was great - people posted good links in moderation and review mods like kidray76 were pretty active in there and helped out often. Now it seems that users are going far out of their way to find abusive reviews, which isn't the point. There's this whole "let's get a deity whistle as fast as possible" culture going on there, and it's really killing the thread.

Haha, yeah, I agree. I remember when I had my 2 week holiday in Cuba and when I got back, I didn't feel like making a congrats list catch up.

I had to go last minute Christmas shopping today, and by the time I got back home I was shattered, and didn't feel like making a huge post, but here I am =P

A-ha! There IS a good British site, which is Last.fm. :D

I've never seen or heard of that site before! It looks cool though.

"It really isn't such a big deal", LittleWashu would say. XD But yes, 10k posts was one of my biggest achievements. I got it the same week I got level 13 and I remember how much I wanted that baseball bat.

I would have been on that baseball bat by now, I think. Getting close to it if not.

I bet. What do you think of the new EGSC badge?

I used to think that too. I used to really hate the new B/P levels in general, but they've grown on me lately. I still think they should have just re-vamped the old ones, though, the old Elite Guard badges were so much more original than the new shields.

Unless there were several Clock Day-esque days really soon. XD

I wish... Although by the next Clock day I imagine I'll already be over 10,000 saves.

At 12/21/07 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yes I did and there will be a news post about it a few minutes after this delightful one has been pasted up. There was much alcohol, a festive meal, a bit of singing and dancing, some pool and a few other incidents which you'll just have to readabout on the post itself!

I shall endeavor to check that out after posting this =)

That's touching, but it doesn't change a thing, sadly. We don't have any active mods who are willing to tackle the spamming problem head on.

It is a shame. I bet '08 users are going to be even worse than '07 users in the spamming department.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 13:41:09

Listening to:

Congrats to:
BahamutClock: 5,555 Experience
HypaShadow: LVL 3 - You got a long way to go buddy, good luck! =]
Idiot-Finder: Commander - Short and effective, I like.
silentkat: LVL 12; 100 Posts
Krykos: 1,000 Posts
Imacow: 4,000 Posts
madknt: Sergeant - You're loving that sentence, eh?
JerkClock: LVL 35 - WITH a reasonable icon, indeed.
TheBlackDahliaMurder: LVL 25 - DEATH METAL
superstatguy: LVL 22
Auz: 28,000 B/P - Make more lists, dude =P
Cheekyvincent: Sergeant; LVL 18

Thanks to:
yoshi77777 using the List Maker :o

I don't need to follow this quote trend! =P

At 12/20/07 09:39 AM, NEVR wrote: You have been missed. I'm becoming addicted to NG Log by the way.

Yeah, everyone is. I hope.

At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: Yeah same here. If we didn't have LUL list maker from NG Log then making lists would be much much harder. Thanks Casualty!

Hmmm, I didn't realize people still use that thing! I don't use it, I prefer olskool Notepad, but I'm glad other people find it convenient!

So because everyone was talking about it, I updated it a bit, and now it looks awesome (I suppose). Tell me what you think!




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 14:06:59

At 12/21/07 01:41 PM, Casualty wrote: Hmmm, I didn't realize people still use that thing! I don't use it, I prefer olskool Notepad, but I'm glad other people find it convenient!

I use it every day =)

So because everyone was talking about it, I updated it a bit, and now it looks awesome (I suppose). Tell me what you think!

That rocks man. I was thinking of dropping a request into the NG Log ideas thread about the list maker, but I decided against it in the end as I figured it was probably only used by about 5 people. Glad you found some time to update it though!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 14:19:13

1,000 Exp pts. How ya like meh now?!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 16:51:22

At 12/21/07 08:22 AM, Auz wrote: 28,000 B/P

Cool, I also reached 15,000 Saves today. What a nice way to start my christmas holiday :)

At 12/21/07 09:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: If only he was more active, he might still have his modship, unless he decided to not be a mod anymore.

I think he asked to be de-modded because he thought he was too inactive and stuff.

At 12/21/07 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote: I was actually in Holland over the summer, in Amsterdam to be precise. I'd love to go again sometime.

I always hear foreigners saying that Amsterdam is such a great city. I don´t know what´s so special about it though, I´ve been there once or twice and it wasn´t that interesting.

At 12/21/07 01:41 PM, Casualty wrote: Auz: 28,000 B/P - Make more lists, dude =P

Thanks. And yeah I know I should make lists a bit more often, but I don´t always have time or feel like it you know. Also I prefer to post an achievement along with it, to make it a little bit less post count +1´ish if you know what I mean.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 17:04:17

Thanks Casualty for the updated NG Log LUL list maker. Love the new link system and your example post is most legendary. I've managed to cut down alot on quotes. :) But still need two posts..

Congrats to:
Idiot-Finder: Commander - One more!
silentkat: Level 12 and 1,000 posts
Krykos: 1,000 Posts
Imacow: 4,000 Posts
madknt: Sergeant
JerkClock: Level 35
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
superstatguy: Level 22
Cheekyvincent: 6,000 b/p and 18 level
yoshi777: 1,000 Experience
Auz: 28,000 B/P and 15,000 saves

At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/19/07 03:59 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Also, for my shortest posts, well, I've made some blank posts in the past. :D

Tut, tut, tut. :p

Have any of you used all the character space?
I've only done it once and I hope to do it again soon!

High-five... wait those were considered lamely cool.

Yes... yes you can. :D I love that level icon.
Satan is happy now, but he'll prefer to kill people with a cannon.

Becasue you were on NG all night. =p I was up till 4:00am on NG.
I don't want to wake up at about 2 or 3PM ever again!

I never have since that time.

DAAAAAMN! You're worse than me with waking up late.

I've only done it once though.

Also, his smiley face kicks ass! #;-}>

Wow. They do kick ass!

WOW! :O My sister has treated me like crap in the past, but I've never chased her around the street with a knife.


When I was a noob, I did make a few stupid things like make a few abusive reviews

I did make one abusive reveiw. I thought sayin "blam this peice of crap" was fine to say. But I was wrong. D:

At 12/20/07 12:31 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Well, when I reached 9999 posts, I just made it in the LUL and said that I'll post my 10000th post the next day when I'm making my congrats list, and I did that!

Spammer! :D

A legend, yes, but sadly, he's unknown to the majority of the BBS users.

He's unknown to me. :'(

I wish I joined when I first knew about the site, which was January 2004.

I found out about this site about Feb 06. But I wasn't interested in the internet at that time.

Because one of my real life friends has been put off this site because of all the perverts.

Almost happened to me. Lucky it didn't.

Heh, I remember when I thought it was tough to deposit 2 alts daily. XD

You don't have to make your alts higher. Do you?

Only 5 days until the 6th birthday of this account ^^

Yeah, spammer! j/k :D

You forgot to say B, idiot! Stupid clock!

That was my fault. I didn't set it's B-Alarm.

At 12/20/07 12:43 PM, Haggard wrote: FINAL Update of his pentalist.


Just quote those parts you're reffering to, not like the whole post.

Yes, I'm trying to do that now.

It's just the CSS not loading. Just refresh the page.

It seems to be happening more often. I get at least twice a day.

Bahamut has only 69 flashes ;) .

Well most of his flashes are collab work.

At 12/20/07 01:49 PM, Shanus wrote: Threeché


Too late :(

What was the subject?

Damn, well I got 20+ when I had an exam :D

While you were in the exam??!!

At 12/20/07 02:01 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Try to cut down on the grey quoted text as much as possible.

I'm attempting to do that. Am I doin it well?

When NEVR posted about his tea I made some toast. ~_o
Then I went back to find that the toaster wasn't turned on. :(
Been there my friend. I have definitely been there. The horror...

I found most of the stuff out myself. I don't like sounding like I have no idea what I'm doing, I only ask when I have tried for atleast 2days and looked at the FAQ thuorghly.
What annoys me is the plethora of noobs posting 'how to get exp'

Maybe there could be a system that locks new accounts from posting for the first week?

Yeah. Where'd he pop up from!?
I am that special. =P

You didn't spell special right. You like "speshiall". :D

I usually try to aim for at least 50 per day.

I miss a bit of flashes when I'm posting here. =P

Wait wait, your CAT? I thought that pharmacist looked odd.

You might want to check your medicine, his fur is so unhygenic.

Refresh the page and it should be fine.

But it dosn't. :'(

Rage's thread is now overrun with noobs who want good whistles, and periodically have panic attacks when they get a Garbage whistle.

I used to be one of them. :|

At 12/20/07 02:02 PM, NEVR wrote: Nobody responds to reviews these days.

I've got abput 300 reveiws and only 50 of them have been relyied to. :'(

After I got to level 10 I left NG for nearly a year.

Wow. I would never think of doing that... EVER!

I know, it's pretty annoying. Being in England also restricts B/P because of the time difference.

Thats why I stay up so late. To get all the B/P that comes through... yes I'm that much of a statwhore.

I bet. What do you think of the new EGSC badge?

I though it was just SC not EGSC... is it?

As do I. As should we all!

Every Wi/Ht poster for themselves!

God damn snoring.

My uncle's the worst. Sometimes you can hear the walls vibrating slightly.

Ignorant bastards.

I know of him but I've only posted in his

It's so nice looking back at your posts and thinking 'Hell yeah, that was a BEAST of a post!'

Same here. It feels like I've been here for a month when I've only been here for 3 days.

I could do with some coffee...

I HATE coffee. It's all bitter and..... BLEGH

At 12/20/07 12:43 PM, Haggard wrote: Yay, a short "discussion"-post by me, too.
It's catching on =) I'm a pioneer.

I was on vacation in Scotland, so I couldn't do any lists ;) .
Want to visit Ireland as well, and have a Guinness with Shanus =P

Lol. I'll come with. I'll bring some native from my area.... ummm.... Big Mac?

At 12/20/07 01:49 PM, Shanus wrote:
It's cool, we're all adults here, we can get over it.
Let's hope so.

Let's hope were all adults? Or "Let's hope we can get over it"?

I don't know if I'll stop B/Ping once I get Supreme Commander.

I'm gonna' carry on. As soon as I have EGSC then I'm gonna' go back to Rage's again, carry on B/Ping and posting. Then I'm a statwhore at the same time as helping NG keep clean.

At 12/20/07 03:57 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Using LUL-List Maker...

I should think so too. >-:(

I don't talk much...See?

Why? :'( It would be great to have someone else in the convo. Are you from the amazing land which I like to call... EUROPE!?


We don't have spammers here. j/k :D

At 12/21/07 09:17 AM, Haggard wrote: If so, I hope my girlfriend can take it :P

Grandpa's have girlfreinds? :p

I'm trying to get around 30 a day, too.

I don't have an aim. I just want to get as much as I can. The statwhores way.

At 12/20/07 12:30 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I never got along with my brother until the day he moved out.

Was that the closest to the best day of your life? :D
192 chars left.

To the next post!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 17:06:01

Start of part 2

At 12/21/07 09:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Congrats List - PART ONE

Fits perfectley in with my part 2!

At 12/20/07 11:53 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
But he should come back for Christmas and say hi to everyone. :)

I'll make sure I don't miss him.

At 12/20/07 11:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
LOL! Please don't mention about every flash I'm co-authored on.

Do mean some flashes, you havn't even realised you've been co-authored in?

You didn't witness the old levelling up. ;)

I was there I just didn't know what was happening.

That's right! Quote an entire thing.

I've slighty edited the quote I just made. :p

At 12/20/07 12:55 PM, Odyssic wrote:
We're talking about a lot of things.

Too many things.

At 12/20/07 02:01 PM, NEVR wrote:
Me and my friends have funny toast stories. As soon as one of us says Toast, the rest will shout out "TOAST!!!"

Sounds fun! Have any of you heard that Weird Al song "Toast"? It's really weird. But I find that the laughing spoils it. ;(

However, this place was almost spammed to death with garbage a while ago.

It was about spam accounts being made purley for abusive reveiws. I was there when it happened, belive me it wasn't nice. I'm scarred for life. I have a phobia of whistles. :p

Afro_Stud has about 40. :D

What??!! Thats insane!

Haha, yeah, I agree. I remember when I had my 2 week holiday in Cuba and when I got back, I didn't feel like making a congrats list catch up.

If I miss a cuople of days. I'll just make a list with only congratz then the next day qoute from the recent day.

At 12/20/07 02:02 PM, NEVR wrote:
I don't like reviewing flashes where I don't get a response. I feel like I'm talking to no-one. :(

Thats the case when I reveiw, I'm mostly reveiwing flashes mostly to get my reveiws up, but hey, I'm a statwhore.

Just wait until this Sunday evening.

I'll be there. The first of your flashes I saw was something about Mars.

IT'S OVER 9000!!!

I've heard that clip all over NG flashes, where's it from?

With your 10k post that's slightly more excusable, cos it is a big deal.
"I got it the same week I got level 13 and I remember how much I wanted that baseball bat.

You got 10k posts at level 13? I'm level 12 and don't have 1k yet.

At 12/21/07 09:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: But I don't feel like leaving out Auz's and Haggard's posts

I hate missing people out.

At 12/21/07 09:17 AM, Haggard wrote:
But now, me and my sister get along fine, although we don't see each other as often now.

I get on fine with my bro now. Thank god.

At 12/21/07 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: We don't have any active mods who are willing to tackle the spamming problem head on.

Are you a man to the spam?
I hate spam wheter it's food or e-spam.

'Bahamut, c/o Newgrounds, Cyberspaces*

I don't think sending letters works like that Coop. :D

At 12/21/07 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote: Portal picked up nicely yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with 105 B/P in a day.

I know it was mad yestarday. I would amazingly pleasd with 105B/P! Where you on NG for most of the day?

At 12/21/07 05:43 AM, Shanus wrote:
Do you mean 100 a day?

Yes he probably does. 100 B/P in a week is pretty bad.

It's not an easy task, after all.

BlueHippo said it took him about 2 years or something.

At 12/21/07 09:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
I think he's trapped playing on the Wii and Guitar Hero.
He better make a HUGE catch up post when he gets back is all I can say. And I mean HUGE.

That would be massive! Atleast 10 full posts!

I remember a time when that thread wasn't super active. I remember when it had less than 100 pages! :O
Now it seems that users are going far out of their way to find abusive reviews, which isn't the point.

The reason of a Deity whistle is a motivation for people to flag reveiws and the people at Rage's are taking it further than that.

I've never seen or heard of that site before! It looks cool though.

There's a popular thread on C&C about Last.FM. I thought about checking it out but then I thought I'm in enough clubs.

I still think they should have just re-vamped the old ones, though, the old Elite Guard badges were so much more original than the new shields.

Even when I was a n00b I thought the old badges were cool. I think they should fo improved the old ones.

It is a shame. I bet '08 users are going to be even worse than '07 users in the spamming department.

I'm an '07er I'm not a spammer at all.... am I?

At 12/21/07 01:41 PM, Casualty wrote: I don't need to follow this quote trend! =P

lulz. It's not a trend, it's addictive.

At 12/20/07 09:39 AM, NEVR wrote: You have been missed. I'm becoming addicted to NG Log by the way.
Yeah, everyone is. I hope.

I'm addicted. What gave you the idea?

So because everyone was talking about it, I updated it a bit, and now it looks awesome (I suppose). Tell me what you think!

Read the top of my part 1 post.

At 12/21/07 02:19 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: How ya like meh now?!

Still not that much.

At 12/20/07 07:09 PM, silentkat wrote: I Reach 100 posts today! Yay!

You missed a zero there, buddy.

Phew de la fini.

With 2,823 left.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 22:31:43

6,000 saves

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-21 22:47:34

My god. You guys have waaaaaayyyy too much free time.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-22 00:18:22

Level 25!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-22 00:43:31

Congrats to:

Krykos: 1,000 Posts
madknt: Sergeant
JerkClock: Level 35
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
superstatguy: Level 22
Auz: 28,000 B/P
Cheekyvincent: Level 18, Sergeant
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 25
superstatguy: Level 22
Auz: 28,000 B/P
Joshiwa: 6,000 Saves
bifgis: Level 25

Still not that much.


It is a shame. I bet '08 users are going to be even worse than '07 users in the spamming department.

I don't spam

Most of the time >:3
Yes he probably does. 100 B/P in a week is pretty bad.

Depends on if you are stat whore.

We don't have any active mods who are willing to tackle the spamming problem head on.

This thread needs its own mod, I agree.

IT'S OVER 9000!!!

Teh spam LOL

Still don't talk much....Should be getting Sergeant soon.. Good night Newgrounds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-12-22 00:47:03

Ranked No. 600 in exp points. :)

BBS Signature