At 11/9/07 08:30 PM, zoke wrote: This post makes 300 :)
Not an achievement. Stop posting crap like this hoping to get a congratulations from someone. I'll quote Coop on what qualifies as an achievement:
At 11/9/07 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
"Here are the achievements generally congratulated for:
Multiples of 1,000 for Blams, Saves, Total B/P, Posts, Experience. Exceptions are 4 of a kind or decent sequences (1,234; 2,468) or special numbers (666; 1,337) for the above.
Multiples of 100 for Reviews (Flash and Audio)
Multiples of 50 for Reviews with responses (Flash and Audio) - Currently under review.
Rankings: Top 5,000; 2,500; 1,000; Hundreds (e.g. Top 400); Tens (e.g. Top 80) for Experience and B/P rankings.
Voting Power: Single interger increases (i.e. 8.00+) Base and Total Voting power. Sequential VPs will also be congratulations worthy
Whistle: Bronze; Silver; Gold; Deity Whistle UP Whistle down is not an achivement, neither is getting rid of Garbage, that is just overcoming stupidity.
Number of Flash / Audio submitted may at times be construed as achievements, dependant upon the quality of the submissions and the discretion of the individual list maker."
Stop posting crap just to add +1 to your post count.