Listening to:
Demon Burger.. Uh, sorry, I mean Dimmu Borgir
Dimmu Borgir - Dreamside Dominions
Dimmu Borgir - United In Unhallowed Grace
Dimmu Borgir - The Promised Future Aeons
Dimmu Borgir - The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance
Dimmu Borgir - The Insight And The Catharsis
Dimmu Borgir - Grotesquery Conceiled (Within Measureless Magic)
Dimmu Borgir - Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria
WHAT? What are those titles? :P
Congrats to:
Frostbreath: 10.00 VP - Welcome to the club =)
Coop83: 7.5 Base VP
Guhtrie: LVL 34
CursedPanther: 10,000 Experience, LVL 31 - THE 10,000 Experience, congrats ;)
Odyssic: Sergeant Major
Dream-Of-Duke: 9,000 Experience
ReignX: LVL 5
Auz: 9,000 Experience; 11,000 Saves
Cheekyvincent: 2,000 Posts
All-American-Badass: Top 5,000 Exp/BP
Koeberto190: 6.00 VP
Twone: 5,000 Posts
Oxymaniac: 3,000 Experience
craigalan: 200 Reviews
Dream-Of-Duke: Top 700 Experience
Emlfuryoflion: 7,777 B/P
DewclawedstormV1: 600 Reviews
Megagold: 10,000 Experience; LVL 31 - Another one with 10,000 Experience! Congrats!
PsychoYoshi: LVL 24
life: LVL 35 - Get a <insert own username>! I know, it's lame, whatever.
Zenon: LVL 22
SpeedMetalSandwich: 2,000 Posts
Rabid-Animals: LVL 12
Psycho-Simple: LVL 22
phileeguy: 12,000 Experience
Thanks to:
At 8/28/07 03:09 AM, schneelocke wrote:
It still is one...
.... Nooo....
At 8/28/07 04:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/27/07 11:42 AM, Casualty wrote:
Oh, but your new ones are automated, so now you can be even lazier if you want (and you do, obviously).
So's the central locking on my car, but you don't see me shouting about it. *plays with remote, wears batteries out -.-*
Don't worry, I'll buy you a new remote for your birthday, when's that?
At 8/28/07 08:25 PM, Shanus wrote:
The best term is, hell yes It rules :P
<Moans> Oooh, I can't wait =P