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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 08:51:06

Your Statistical Variations Today:
You entered the top 6000 in Experience Points. Outstanding!

The codfish on the park bench is fried by the raw maple. 30/10/2009

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 09:08:53

Top 50 B/P of all time. It makes me feel all warm inside. :)

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 09:37:25

Coop relaxes on a slow Saturday afternoon, while congratulating:
NEVR: 6,666 B/P; 3,000 Saves
VincentElric: Level 11
Akatsuki321: 5,000 Spams; 2,000 Saves
gfoxcook: Level 22
MetalDart: Level 11
Incognitus: Level 10
Falling-Angel: Bronze Whistle
Molotov: 89,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: Top 800 B/Per
alrd: 4,000 Experience
Seamonky: Top 50 B/Per

At 6/22/07 04:13 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 6/20/07 04:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm not planning on it :) That would be just a waste of my chance to get into the top 100 B/Pers. I'd love to get to the top 10, but let's just concentrate on the top 100 for now - moved up to 119 overnight :)
Yeah, its good to have those dreams. I am not really planning to stop, I am so young compared to you all right now so I have my whole life ahead of me......to b/p. You will eventually all die and I can take over :D

Only if one of my sniper teams fails in its mission!

At 6/22/07 04:59 AM, KIRBYLINK wrote: 1100 POSTS!!!!!!!! XD

Fuck off

At 6/22/07 10:46 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 6/22/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: Thanks you. One of my favourites from the Transformers soundtrack, right behind Hunger by Spectre General
I haven't seen the Transformers, I heard it on the radio...

Look on YouTube, it's bound to be on there

At 6/22/07 10:51 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/22/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: On another wet morning [It's June FFS!]
Fuck Britain!

With regards to the weather, yes

At 6/22/07 07:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HUZZAH! FAKE LEVEL UP! 22 on June 22!

I hate it when people show off new weaponry to me and I'm not allowed to have a go with them

At 6/23/07 12:46 AM, Funkybob2 wrote: Wait, so what's going to happen to us who are below level 20? What will happen to experience requirments once the 60 level system comes into place?

The required experience levels will drop, causing pretty much every user with more than 1,000 Experience to level up at least once.

At 6/23/07 08:23 AM, Bahamut wrote: Exactly! If I did permanently change my name to something different (not saying I will want to change my name), I would accept the fact that people would still call me Bahamut, because that's what people know me as. I wouldn't tell anyone to stop calling me Bahamut, I'd just let them call me by that name.

Yeah, but now that the usernames have been locked down, we are stuck with him as X-Naut and Molotov as Molotov. At least he didn't come up with something crude, like BadgerRapist, or something equally cruel and sick.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 10:26:44

At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but now that the usernames have been locked down, we are stuck with him as X-Naut and Molotov as Molotov. At least he didn't come up with something crude, like BadgerRapist, or something equally cruel and sick.

Well, it's Molotov's own fault. Or rather, it would be his own fault if he actually was unhappy and wanted his old username back, which doesn't seem to be the case... so what's the actual issue here? If he hasn't got a problem with it, why does anyone care?

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 11:48:28

Level 11... I didn't even realise i got it until i looked at my profile.

Penis. Funny.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 15:14:37

Congrats to:
Akatsuki321 - 5,000 posts, and 2,000 saves.
alrd - 4,000 exp.
Emlfuryoflion - Top 800 b/pers.
Falling-Angel - Security Guard, and bronze whistle.
Incognitus - Level 10.
LokLokLok - Level 11.
Metal-Dart - Level 11.
Molotov - 89,000 b/p.
NEVR - 6,666 b/p, and 3,000 saves.
Officer - 2,000 exp.
Powerage - EG Private First Class.
Sanity-Of-Insanity - Level 13.
Seamonky - Top 50 b/pers.
VincentElric - Level 11.

At 6/22/07 12:54 AM, Molotov wrote: That's it,i'm fucking tired of being the true X-Naut and him being imposter X-Naut let's get something straight right now i am Molotov now not X-Naut anymore he is i gave him the motherfuckin name get used to it goddamnit.


At 6/22/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: The plot's a little insane, but it is a fascinating read.

I can't imagine why something that involves time travel wouldn't be a little insane.

At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: I hate it when people show off new weaponry to me and I'm not allowed to have a go with them

I wouldn't mind a little friendly fight every now and then. But if you plan on fighting someone who just got something like the level 25 golden gauntlet, don't you think that would be going a little too far?

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 15:14:51

Only just rememberd.. it's my 4th Newgrounds Birthday!

That's all, I may rest in peace now.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 15:41:58

While randomly looking at my profile, I found that I have 666 blams!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Why is it that a man can't hold another man's scrotum in the palm of his hand (as an act of friendship) without risking being called a member of the homosexual community?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 19:53:27

Been away at friends and out on the town the passed few days, so expect a large list

Aci6 - 200 Flash reviews & 100 Audio Reviews
Molotov - 88888 B/P & 89000 B/P
ShortMonkey - 4000 posts
PenguinLink - 20000 B/P
Major-punk - 7000 exp
IvanTuroc - top 500exp
Funkybob2 - 2000 Blams & 1000 posts
KungFuCow - top 900 exp
Sanity-of-Insanity - level 13
Powerage - Elite Guard Private First Class
Officer - 2000 exp
alrd - 4000 exp
NEVR - 6666 B/P & 3000 saves
VincentElric - level 11
Akatsuki321 - 5000 posts & 2000 saves
gfoxcook - level 22 ish
Metal-Dart - level 11
Incognitus - level 10
Emlfuryoflion - top 800 B/P
Kidiri - top 6000 exp
Seamonky - top 50 B/P
bila -14.00 VP
LokLokLok - level 11
carmelhadinosaur - 4th NG B-Day
Sabotage - 666 Blams

Thanks to:
PenguinLink (x2)

Listening to:
Black Martyr - Caked In Gore (Dead Rising), Watch You Die & Can Horses Throwdown?


At 6/21/07 04:17 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Oh really? >:P

It'll take getting use to, but I'm sure it'll look even better then the knuckle duster

At 6/22/07 10:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: I disagree with Shanus.

I've officially retracted my statement and will blame it on lack of sleep

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 23:44:08

1400 reviews.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-23 23:46:38

omg i have never seen a longer thread in my life

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 01:05:34

I just noticed I have exactly 3000 blams

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 01:20:48

At 6/23/07 02:16 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Over 2,000 saves.

You must have had a lot of shots on net. Congrats Akatsuki. ^_~

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 04:46:27

At 6/23/07 11:46 PM, txc2011 wrote: omg i have never seen a longer thread in my life

This one's longer. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 04:59:06

Coop congratulates the following on his way to the pub:
Bila: 14.00 Voting Power
LokLokLok: Level 11
carmelhadinosaur: 4th NG Berfday
Sabotage: 666 Blams
wizardman: 1,400 reviews (Flash)
BlackPlastic: 3,000 Blams

At 6/23/07 10:26 AM, schneelocke wrote: Well, it's Molotov's own fault. Or rather, it would be his own fault if he actually was unhappy and wanted his old username back, which doesn't seem to be the case... so what's the actual issue here? If he hasn't got a problem with it, why does anyone care?

I think he's trying to say that he doesn't give a rat's arse who has the name X-Naut. Clearly Bahamut does though...

At 6/23/07 03:14 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 6/22/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: The plot's a little insane, but it is a fascinating read.
I can't imagine why something that involves time travel wouldn't be a little insane.

Well I just finished reading it this morning and all I can really say is "Buh?"

Seriously, it's engrossing and it gave me a headache.

At 6/23/07 06:20 PM, alrd wrote: Thanks Coop and 'X-Naut' for having me on their lists, but X-Naut you forgot Bila in the list, 14 VP is a nice achievement, hope you agree with me on that one >;(

Most of the time I wouldn't, but I'll make a concession for Bila.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 05:20:11

At 6/24/07 04:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: I think he's trying to say that he doesn't give a rat's arse who has the name X-Naut. Clearly Bahamut does though...

That's what I mean... if Molotov doesn't care, why does anyone else? :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 06:02:44

lol, 555 reviews. :D:D:D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 06:07:46

4000 exp

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 06:19:53

Listening to:

Helloween - 'Cut in the Middle' and 'Introduction'

Congrats to:

alrd - 4000 EXP
Seamonky - Top 50 B/P. Wow.
bila - 14VP
LokLokLok - Level 11
carmelhadinosaur - 4 year old NG account. Yay.
Sabotage - 666 blams
wizardman - 1400 flash reviews
BlackPlastic - 3000 blams
Dream-of-Duke - 555 flash reviews
fuzz - 4000 EXP

At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but now that the usernames have been locked down, we are stuck with him as X-Naut and Molotov as Molotov.

But I will still remember Molotov as X-Naut.

At least he didn't come up with something crude, like BadgerRapist, or something equally cruel and sick.

Yeah, it sounds cruel and sick, but a name like that just sounds really retarded.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 06:22:27

Before I get to the actual catch-up posts in here... I just want to make a little Public Service Announcement type post about a couple of "dos and don'ts of teh LUL!" so... here we go:


I've noticed wayyyyy too many people posting two-three-four word posts. Featuring 0 content EXCEPT the stat they're statbragging about. Folks, you've got to do better than that.

And while I've seen plenty of posts like "4,000 blams!" or "9,000 experience! :)" and so on and so forth... the main offender as of late seems to be whistlebrag. See the three cases below. ALL THREE OF THESE POSTS ARE FROM ONE SINGLE PAGE OF LEVEL UP, and they're all for the same achievement:

At 6/6/07 12:51 PM, BlackPlastic wrote: deity whistle
At 6/7/07 11:08 AM, 1337 wrote: Deity whistle.
At 6/7/07 02:21 PM, iateamexican wrote: Deity whistle.

Folks, that is NOT the way to announce your deity whistle to the world. Put some more flash and/or substance into it, PLEASE. "Woot" isn't quite enough, but at least he tried harder than just adding a period. #;-}>

At 6/14/07 04:40 PM, thomtomw wrote: woot i now have deity whistle, thankyou to altarus, 1337, jonthomson, kidray76 and all the other people who helped me.

THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT, FOLKS! Not only did he add substance, he actually THANKED people. Amazing.

Kudos to you, thomtomw.


Not to single this poor bastard out, but he's a perfect example of another annoying trend we've all come to love/hate:

At 6/15/07 07:04 AM, firewolf7 wrote:
At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW
Do we even care at all? No? Yeah, i didn't think so.

This has been sooooo done to death. Stop replying to spancker's post from page 1 (or any other post from page 1, for that matter) and acting like it was just made yesterday. It's from TWO-THOUSAND-FUCKING-TWO, you blind and ignorant and dense fools. Notice how the topic has nearly 2000 pages? Do you think those hundreds and hundreds of pages all sprung up in the past few weeks? Idiots, the lot of you.

At 6/4/07 12:21 PM, ThemonkeyonNG wrote:
At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW
I think it's great that the guy who posted this is now a lvl 18.

And that most of the people who first posted on the topic are now some of the highest ranking NGers.

Now THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT. MonkeyonNG, you are a CREDIT to your species. You replies to the same post that the other guy did, but instead of being an idiot, you made some thoughtful and interest comments about how times change, and you seem to understand the passage of time to begin with. AMAZING. #;-}>

And now... back to our regularly-scheduled LUL! programming... catch-up posts due... SHORTLY!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 06:57:15


At 6/4/07 04:05 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 6/3/07 11:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote: </Beach Boys>
Round round, get around, you get around.



You should take me there sometime.

It's... uh... Switzerland, I guess. I've never been, closest I came was Germany, but... um... feel free to go on your own, I s'pose?

At 6/4/07 08:21 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/3/07 11:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey, I know of them. #;-}>
Yay! :D


Also, I saw you listing Deep Purple on your listening to: a day or so ago.
Yeah, I bought their In Rock album yesterday and it's great. Child in Time is such an awesome song. I'll have to get their Machine Head album since it contains Highway Star and Smoke on the Water.

Highway Star and Smoke on the Water are definitely the two songs of theirs that I'm most familiar with.

I'm not sure if I've heard Child in Time or not. Like with many things, it's quite likely I have heard it and just never knew the title. I'll have to look for it some time and find out if I know it or not and if not, see what I think of it. #;-}>

Awwww... not forever. Just... gone away for awhile. Like Santa.
I heard Cyberdevil was trying to take over, but there seems to be nothing heard from SK about it.

That'd be what the RG thread on C&C seems to indicate, yes.

Al Gore's daughter was writing for Futurama at one point.
I didn't know that. :O


Did Conan O'Brien just write for the Simpsons back in the early 90s?
I dunno.

Jeez, you don't know much, do ya. #;-}>

Just as Phil Hartman shoulda been, but he kinda got killed by his wife just before starting to play Zapp Brannigan. ;_;
I never knew about Phil Hartman, the voice actor for Troy Mcclure being killed until a few weeks ago. :( I also never noticed the absence of Troy when Phil got killed. :|

................. you only found out he was dead this year?! Dude, he died in like 1998.... 9 years ago, that summer during the offseason between Newsradio seasons 4 and 5.

It was probably the toughest death for comedy to take in the past two decades. Yes, I know, Chris Farley... Mitch Hedberg... and many other comedic losses in the 90s and 00s, but... Phil Hartman's death was the hardest to take by far.

Didn't you ever watch him on SNL? Newsradio? Etc? Is your only fandom of him anonymous through his Simpsons voices?

He wasn't just the voice of Troy, BTW. Lionel Hutz ring a bell? #;-}>

At 6/4/07 08:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: The worst stat for me at the moment is posts, as that's dropped from something close to 9-10 per day down to about 2 or 3 per day :(

I'd say that's no longer true a half-month later. Am I right? You seem to be gaining on me quite astoundingly, despite my bursts of activity.

At 6/3/07 11:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/29/07 06:37 AM, Bahamut wrote:
HMMMMmmmmmmmmmm... maybe the Simpsons' writers were depending on Futurama's writers for teh ASSISTANCE?

Al Gore's daughter was writing for Futurama at one point.
Kristan Gore still does, to my knowledge.

For the new material, you mean? Wasn't aware of that. Still, there was a big gap there in the middle. I wonder if she was involved with the Simpsons or any other animated show in between.

Did Conan O'Brien just write for the Simpsons back in the early 90s? I don't think he was ever involved with Futurama.
He was a staff writer for the Simpsons, then made his way into other projects. He has had at least 1 guest appearance on Futurama (Xmas Story - he has a stand up gig for breakfast at the resort where the gang are staying)

Well of course I've seen the ep where they're at the ski resort and he's doing stand-up (har har... without standing up)... but I meant I don't think he's ever WRITTEN for Futurama, that's what I was getting at.

At 6/3/07 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: .... I guess I meant to type "There's currently an active list" there. Boy, that was quite the fuck-up.
Meh, I've made worse.

P'haps. You've been leaving a lot of single words out of your posts lately, I must say. At least two of your posts to me have had their meanings dramatically altered by accident by you. #;-}>

Thanks for noticing. I'm closing in on 3/4 of your holy grail of B/Ping - 36k


Well, Dogma took an insane break from the BBS and then DID come back, so I guess you could argue I've pulled a Dogma a few times. I didn't have the patent on that sort of thing.
"Pulling a D0GMA", yeah, that sounds suitably loaded with innuendo.

Just as it should be.

At 6/3/07 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I'd ask Coop if I could do that with his saves, but then I'd shoot right past 36k, since I noticed he said he's passed 13k now... #;-}>
Well, you can have a few of them, that would certainly help me make up my mind for getting to 15k / 15k. C0GMA's got over 200 now, so take them, by all means as well.

If only 'twere that easy.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 07:10:55


At 6/4/07 12:31 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 6/3/07 11:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote: ... what, killing a man?
Yes, but the BBS saved me from murder, again

Wow... I totally don't remember where we were going with that conversation... or where we were coming from, even. #;-}>

Awwwww yeah...
You seem to like the Led Zep, this in turn makes you cool, in my book at least

SEEM TO? Sheesh. They're only my fave classic rock outfit of all time, and since I love the Who, Pink Floyd, the Stones, and Cream quite a lot, that's saying quite a lot, IMO.

AAAAHHHHAAAHHHHAAAAAHHH, *dances to the riff a little*


I can't remember either, must have been important :D
Damn. Oh well, we're fucked.
Yes that we are, no literally though :P


I have other... robotic duties... that distract me from teh NG BBS. I guess.
As do I, making robot love etc #;-}> (stole your smilie)

You're a fast one, then. ROBOT MAN.

At 6/4/07 01:31 PM, Solidone wrote:
At 6/3/07 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/29/07 11:38 AM, Solidone wrote: robert Miles Vs Darude - children of the Sandstorm
LOL! Darude's Sandstorm vs. Robert Miles' Children, eh? I haven't heard that, though of course I've heard (many versions of) both original songs.
I've heard many versions of both as well. But this is probably the best remix/different version that i know of.

Cool. I'll keep an eye out for it.

At 6/7/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/6/07 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/6/07 04:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, I'm expecting 4 new members to that list in the next 6 months.
Yep, although gfox will take time to get to 10k posts, but that's acceptable, because I love his high quality posts. :)
You and me both

Awww shucks, guys. They're low in quantity and high in multi-quote chunk pasting... don't confuse either of those things with high quality, now. #;-}>

At 6/12/07 06:12 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/11/07 05:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, that was fun, especially using my cinematic violence and a few ripped off Indiana Jones lines - throwing a guy through a Zeppelin and saying "no ticket!"
Ah, yes... you can never go wrong with Indiana Jones quotes and impersonations!

That is an excellent scene. Though of course the guy he just threw out the window couldn't hear the great line. Wasn't it some old Einstein-looking German fellow Indy was saying it to?

Indy: :::shrugs shoulders::: No ticket!
Old Man: ...... (holy crap, I'm glad I've got my ticket...)

At 6/11/07 05:30 AM, X-Naut wrote: I'm sorry, but after being deprived of a Wolfie biscuit for so long, I feel as if I'm starting to lose my mind.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? o.o


At 6/12/07 06:46 PM, Vivi12000 wrote:
At 11/2/02 10:14 AM, Mangeta wrote:
At 10/30/02 12:24 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I JUST WENT 2 VOTING POWER 4%
too bad theres about 5000 people with more power than you...
Thats is to bad for him
At 6/12/07 06:48 PM, Vivi12000 wrote: Ok Im just gonna leave now

LOL! Dude... that was the best reaction I've ever seen of someone who just realised (I'm assuming here, but I think it's a safe one) that they had just responded to a freaking 5 year old post as though it was a current conversation....

Well played, sir.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 07:14:34


At 6/15/07 07:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Thank you for your deposit, Bahamut! You now have 10,000 experience points. You need 624 more to get to level 17.

Congrats (again) on the 10kness, my good man!

Yes, I finally reached 10k EXP! It seemed like I would never get there, but now I finally got it! :D The only downfall is that I got 10k EXP first before getting into the top 500 EXP, but meh, I'll be there soon. Also, now that I have another 10k stat, I am now a 4x10k'er (the 11th one). :D *Sigh* Too bad gfox stopped updating the 2x10k pentalist a while ago. Oh well. Now to aim for 20k EXP when I expect to get it sometime in March 2010. XD

Never. Pfft. #;-}>

Oh hush about the pentalist already, and listen to Coop. He's a wiser (or at least more patient and calmer) man than you on this matters, it seems.

At 6/16/07 06:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/15/07 08:03 PM, X-Naut wrote: What, did you guys form an X-Naut mocking club or something? That's not cool. :(
No, we're not mocking the Flash God who had an F+ BA, we're mocking the imposter (i.e you :P)


At 6/16/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: c) Both you and I know that gfoxcook will be updating the 2x10k pentalist when he reaches 10k posts. I hope to see you on the quadlist when I join you there as well :)

SEEEE? Coop knows what's up.

Yeah, but that won't be until a LOOOOOOOOOONG time.

:::rolling of teh eyes::: Dude... have you checked my postcount lately? I'm not exactly stuck at 6000 or something. I've posted from 9000 to 9250 faster than I posted from 8800 to 8900, in fact. I remember that 100 posts taking an exceptionally long amount of time is the reason I single that one out, rather tha 8900 to 9000 (which I think was somewhat faster).

It won't be all THAT long till I hit the 10k. By January is Coop's prediction, and I'd say that's my own OUTSIDE prediction at the moment as well. Inside predict is prolly September, as has also been discussed.

At 6/18/07 11:19 PM, FIGMENTUM wrote: I beat life

...to Supreme Commander : (


I suppose maxing out the parts of my profile I have free control over is worth a return to old habits. Pity I'm still using Paint and shitting out low quality jpegs.

so it's all wutnow?

Isn't every numerical part of your profile under your control?

Well, aside from your age, I suppose. #;-}>

PAINT = TEH WIN. Congrats, man, congrats indeed... on teh EGSCness. Rock on witcher bad self, Mistah James.

At 6/19/07 05:01 PM, life wrote: I finally did it.

15,000 blams.

15,000 saves.

HELL YEAH! Awesome twin b and p amounts FTW.

Elite guard supreme commander.

... that too, but it's really kinda secondary, to be honest.

For four years now I've been creeping up on this goal.

I have a feeling it won't take me quite THAT long to get to my goal, unless you're counting from 2003 when I started b/ping, but... heh. I hear ya, man. Things worth doing are worth doing for a looooong while. And so you have.

If Tom adds new blam/protect ranks I'm going to go fucking ape shit.

and... what, throw a fit but stay put? Or throw a fit and then go insane with teh b/p restart? #;-}>

But for now it's been fun, but I'm done with blam/protect.


Good luck with that. I managed to stay retired for a good 1.5 years. It's tougher than you think, though, in a way... especially if teh peops start getting it into their heads that the NG world'ld be a better place were you to get your ass back in gear and start moving onwards and upwards yet again. #;-}>

At 6/20/07 01:17 AM, jonthomson wrote: VP = 11 boo yah

11.00! Woot! Congrats, jt. Next stop... 11.11!

At 6/23/07 12:46 AM, Funkybob2 wrote:
At 6/22/07 07:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: LET IT BE KNOWN....

Should the 60 level system go into effect today, 6/22/2007...
Wait, so what's going to happen to us who are below level 20? What will happen to experience requirments once the 60 level system comes into place?

They'll go down. How much exactly... and in what fashion levels 1 through 60 will be laid out exactly... remains to be seen, as only the admins know that now. Heck, they may not have even decided yet.

At 6/23/07 10:26 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but now that the usernames have been locked down, we are stuck with him as X-Naut and Molotov as Molotov. At least he didn't come up with something crude, like BadgerRapist, or something equally cruel and sick.
Well, it's Molotov's own fault. Or rather, it would be his own fault if he actually was unhappy and wanted his old username back, which doesn't seem to be the case... so what's the actual issue here? If he hasn't got a problem with it, why does anyone care?


Why does Bahamut care? Why do I care? Why does at least one other person (can't remember who, but I know me and the dragon ain't alone on this one) bother talking about this issue?

Well, let me set this up for you:

If I were to change my name from gfoxcook to ... uh.... saddonkeyman.

And you were to change your name from schneelocke to gfoxcook.

Don't you think it'd be REASONABLE to expect some backlash from the rest of Wi/Ht? People would be upset with both you (for assuming my old (and one and true) name) and me (for letting go of it in the first place, and claiming not to care for some stupid-ass reason) as well.

I would think quite a few people would find it confusing, saddening, and lame. And that's how Bahamut and I feel about a legendary user and a legendary name no longer being linked together, as they once were.

At 6/23/07 08:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/23/07 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Back when you (or whoever) was namechanging all the time, sure, we'd have gotten used to Molotov. But you stayed on X-Naut for too long, and now you're stuck as X-Naut in our minds forever. That's just the way it is.
Exactly! If I did permanently change my name to something different (not saying I will want to change my name), I would accept the fact that people would still call me Bahamut, because that's what people know me as. I wouldn't tell anyone to stop calling me Bahamut, I'd just let them call me by that name.

And if someone else changed their name to Bahamut after you weren't Bahamut anymore... we'd all be giving them crap, too.

At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/22/07 07:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HUZZAH! FAKE LEVEL UP! 22 on June 22!
I hate it when people show off new weaponry to me and I'm not allowed to have a go with them

I don't think your gauntlet would stand much of a chance against my double-bladed battleaxe, anyhow.... so it's just as well. #;-}>

Yeah, but now that the usernames have been locked down, we are stuck with him as X-Naut and Molotov as Molotov. At least he didn't come up with something crude, like BadgerRapist, or something equally cruel and sick.

I'd actually prefer if the "new" X-Naut were named something like BadgerRapist instead. Because then at least we wouldn't have to see X-Naut all over the place in topics but the poster not actually being the true X-Naut. Eh.. Whatcha gonna do, though.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 07:16:26

Okay, now that that's done...

At 6/23/07 04:08 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/22/07 07:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HUZZAH! FAKE LEVEL UP! 22 on June 22!
Congrats. :) And don't worry, at the current rate, the level 60 system will take another decade or two to be implemented, at least. ;)
At 6/23/07 06:22 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: Level 22
Early, just for you...
At 6/23/07 08:23 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - Level 22. pimp is a bastard.
At 6/23/07 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop relaxes on a slow Saturday afternoon, while congratulating:
gfoxcook: Level 22
At 6/23/07 07:53 PM, Shanus wrote: Congrats:
gfoxcook - level 22 ish

Thanks for the pre-congrats, guys. Now get ready for the real thing... well, okay, I deposited like SIX FREAKING HOURS AGO, but you'll have to pardon my slowness in getting around to catching up in here. I didn't want to just drop by for the THIRD straight day...er... night and just post a level up, so I forced myself to come and catch up, only I didn't start until around 3AM! Fun fun fun. #;-}>



20070622 - 17050/17057 (fake level 22)
20070623 - 17060/17063 (fake level 22)
20070624 - 17070/17069 (DING DING DING!!! ACTUAL LEVEL 22!!!)

I've always been more of a sword fan than an axe fan, but level 21 and level 22 are pretty nice looking axes, at least. I like the look of 22 with my green neutral aura, too.... and I am VERY gratified to have experienced EVERY LEVEL UP TO BUT NOT INCLUDING one of the lamer level icons (along with 14, of course)... that being level 23.

Now, of course, I wish I could hit level 24 and 25 before the 60 level system goes into effect (I hope you're right about that decade or two, schnee...), but I think I'll just have to either hope they're in the 45-60 range of levels in the new system (it's possible...), or else that gfoxclock or gfox will get to be them, because it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for gfoxcook to experience level 24 or 25.

Still, those 2 aside... the other 3 of my top 5 levels have already come and gone (16, 20, and 15)... and 21 and 22 are certainly top 10ish levels of mine.


LEVEL 22 FTW. I shall enjoy teh oldschool level 22 for as long as Tom Fulp shall let me. HUZZAH!

Goodnight. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 07:22:05

At 6/24/07 07:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 22 FTW. I shall enjoy teh oldschool level 22 for as long as Tom Fulp shall let me. HUZZAH!

Congrats on that its looking awsome, wanted to give you a congrats on the new level, hope you enjoy it, anyways congrats.



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 08:29:17

Ok, I think I can type well enough again, even with my handicapped finger. So, my list for today (phew, I have to catch up a whole week...)

Listening to:
Therion - O fortuna
Rage - Alive but dead (Instrumental)
Deine Lakaien - Traitors (Live)
System Of A Down - War (Live)
Knorkator - Omega
Tocotronic - Ich heirate eine Familie
Moby - In this world
Running Wild - Bad to the bone
Queens Of The Stone Age - Medication
Letzte Instanz - Kopfkino
Grave Digger - The Keeper of the Holy Grail
HammerFall - A legend reborn
Bloodhound Gang - We are the Knuckleheads

Congrats to:
DrHood: 19 Years IRL
Frank-The-Hedgehog: EG Colonel, 4,000 Posts
Shanus: 7,000 Saves, 10,000 B/P, First Deposit, 3,00 Blams
AtomicTerrorist: 3,000 Posts
Lordofthefarm: Bronze Whistle, Police Sergeant
NickScott: 2,000 Posts
PenguinLink: Level 12, 20,000+ B/P
Aci6: RL Birthday, 200 Reviews, 100 Audio Reviews, Police Lieutenant
alrd: 2,000 Saves, Entered the top 800 in B/P, 4,000 Experience
Akatsuki321: 17 Years IRL, EG Sergeant, 5,000 Posts, 2,000 Saves
LiquidSapphire: 7 PPD
FIGMENTUM: EG Supreme Commander
Black-Flame: 4,000 Posts
BlackPlastic: 5,000 Saves, EG Praporshchik, 3,000 Blams
Auz: EG Brigadier General
alphamosh: Safety Patrol
pepeatumi: 24,000 Blams
life: 15,000 Blams, 15,000 Saves, EG Supreme Commander
Emlfuryoflion: 1,000 Experience, Top 800 in B/P
jonthomson: 11.00 Voting Power
LittleBahamut: Level 12
alphamosh: Bronze Whistle
ArmouredDeath: Level 12
EvilJesus: 3,000 Posts
carmelhadinosaur: 14,000 Saves, 4 Years on NG
pixelz: Level 12
Seamonky: 20,000 Saves, Top 50 in B/P
Molotov: 88,888 B/P, 89,000 B/P
ShortMonkey: 4,000 Posts
Major-punk: 7,000 Experience
IvanTuroc: Entered the top 500 in Experience
Funkybob2: 2,000 Blams, 1,000 Posts
KungFuCow: Entered the top 900 in Experience
Sanity-of-Insanity: Level 13
Powerage: EG Private First Class
Officer: 2,000 Experience
NEVR: 6,666 B/P, 3,000 Saves
VincentElric: Level 11
Falling-Angel: Security Guard, Bronze Whistle
Metal-Dart: Level 11
Incognitus: Level 10
LokLokLok: Level 11
Sabotage: 666 Blams
wizardman: 1,400 Reviews
Dream-of-Duke: 555 Reviews
fuzz: 4,000 Experience
gfoxcook: Level 22

Thanks to:
Odyssic (2x)
Bahamut (2x)
X-Naut (2x)
Shanus (2x)
PenguinLink (2x)
Coop83 (2x)

At 6/17/07 08:37 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 6/16/07 10:07 AM, Haggard wrote: Congrats to:
You missed me

Oops, sorry about that.

Congrats to:
Odyssic: 4,000 Experience - Better late than never, eh?

Finally done...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 10:19:52

God damn, I got another achievement. 5000 posts. I'm only half way there to the really big goal. :D

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 10:42:17

Im pretty pumped today. ranked #135 in b/p points and im only 7 spots away from # 800 on the top experience!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 12:02:25

At 6/23/07 08:31 AM, alrd wrote: 4,000 experience points, closing in on level 12, hopefully I'll get there before the redesign.

Who am I kidding, I will reach 13 before the redesign.
Only 16,908 experience points left for level 25 B)
At 6/23/07 09:08 AM, Seamonky wrote: Top 50 B/P of all time. It makes me feel all warm inside. :)
At 6/23/07 11:48 AM, LokLokLok wrote: Level 11... I didn't even realise i got it until i looked at my profile.
At 6/23/07 03:14 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Only just rememberd.. it's my 4th Newgrounds Birthday!

That's all, I may rest in peace now.
At 6/23/07 03:41 PM, Sabotage wrote: While randomly looking at my profile, I found that I have 666 blams!
At 6/23/07 11:44 PM, wizardman wrote: 1400 reviews.
At 6/24/07 01:05 AM, BlackPlastic wrote: I just noticed I have exactly 3000 blams
At 6/24/07 06:07 AM, fuzz wrote: 4000 exp
At 6/24/07 07:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 22 FTW.
At 6/24/07 10:19 AM, Seamonky wrote: God damn, I got another achievement. 5000 posts. I'm only half way there to the really big goal. :D

Congratulations to all of you Peace be w/U.

At 6/24/07 07:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I shall enjoy teh oldschool level 22 for as long as Tom Fulp shall let me. HUZZAH!

I think you will enjoy it a long time as in all the way until Level 23 is yours, Tom can delay the layout-new levels another year & +

Goodnight. #;-}>

and have a pleasent good afternoon.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-06-24 12:18:43

It took me a while but I finally ot 6666 posts. To bad it isn't a big deal to most people as well as myself -_-