At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 5/7/07 03:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh... but... um... what does being more excited about multiple TV eps of Futurama... than about a single Futurama DVD movie... have to do with any of us being rich? O_oWell, for example, I'm being paid to bum around the house today. It's a national holiday. Don't whinge, we get less national holidays than any other civilised country. Even Belgium gets more.
Why would I whinge? We've got Memorial Day coming up in a few weeks, which you do not. It's all good.
I was under the impression that most of Europe (well, at least the continent) gets more holidays than we do here in the US. Or at least, more paid days off/vacation time, if not actual "observed holidays."
I get 17 days of paid time off to use for sicktime/vacationtime/personaltime + 9 days everyone has off, for a total of 26 days off out of... 52 * 5 business days a week....
260 work days, I get 26 off, work 234.
Do you honestly have it worse?
Well, of course... there's 105 days on weekends, too. 105 + 26 = 131 days off, work 234... that sounds a lot better now. #;-}>
Damn straight. My gf would want 5. And I would happily supply them. Then we'd get it on on top of them in the bed.Interesting theory there. *Coop asks his girlfriend about sweet lurve on top of 5 plush hypnotoads, returns shortly with black eye.* Thanks for that, Greg.
whhoooops... I shoulda put a disclaimer on that post.
Oh wait, no we wouldn't. My gf is always so against "Corrupting the plushies," as she puts it.Damn impulses.
Just keep in mind, some Americans don't know there's a Jersey in between England and France and a York in England or an Orleans in France.... but I do. Hence my sensitivity to these matters.It's a refreshing perspective to hear, trust me. I always get pissed off when I talk to Americans (in particular) and I say I'm from England. "Oh, I've got some relatives up that way - in Providence" That or the funny looks I get when I say Jersey really is a beautiful place.
Well, parts of New Jersey are, actually (the woods in the middle of the state, the cranberry bogs, etc.).
IT SAYS "NEW" IN FRONT FOR A REASON, PEOPLE. #;-}>Spelling aptitude tests?
It wasn't a trick question. o_o
At 5/7/07 07:15 AM, schneelocke wrote: Well, OK. But I still think it's a pity.
Yes... it'd be nice if the forum had 20 active, thriving, massively awesome lists. Go ask Wade to allow NG Lister. #;-}>
Just be pulling for me to hit 10,000 posts, then. Pray I don't give up on posting on the NG BBS now that I'm back onboard and trying to be more regular. #;-}>I don't pray, but I'll keep my claws crossed for you. :)
I thought I was telling Coop to pray that, not you. But thanks! #;-}>
I'm a gfox. Wolves like foxes, right? We're like cousins and shit.Yeah, I do like foxes... they're tasty. ;)
At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I get on quite well with RedCircle now, as when we do meet, we know where the battle lines are drawn. With JoS, I still think he's a cunt and if he was on fire, I'd probably roll around laughing at him. Maybe he was an arrogant prick before he became a mod, but he is certainly one now.That's just what I mean. Is there any kind of oversight over moderators' behaviour other than "Tom/Wade/... will look into it if they receive too many angry PMs about the same moderator"? If not, there should be; the admins have better things to do, and the moderators shouldn't be allowed to be cunts just because the admins can't control them all the time.
It's a balance. If a mod is doing a good job of cleaning up threads like the admins want, then they'll be more tolerant when it comes to user complaints, but if there's enough users complaining loudly enough, then of course the admins will listen and see if the complaints are valid.
At 5/7/07 07:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yay, I'm now a Wi/Ht Member! :D
Listening to:
Machine Head - 'Now I Lay Thee Down' and 'Slanderous'
New Order - Round & Round '94
New Order - True Faith '94
New Order - Blue Monday '88
New Order - Regret
BonusStage - Happy 18th birthday
OMG, Bonus is teh legal. Happy b-day, Bonus.
At 5/7/07 03:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You've heard their music, you just don't know it's by them. Trust me on this one.I will trust you, I must've heard something by them before. It was like that with Led Zeppelin when I thought I havn't heard a single song of theirs, but when I listened to Stairway to Heaven, I instantly knew I heard it before.
Depeche Mode songs you've probably heard and don't know it:
Personal Jesus
Enjoy the Silence
Policy of Truth
World in My Eyes
It's No Good
That person is lame.Yeah, and his name on Newgrounds is DreamTheater (aka, PureMettle and Crackman). XP
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)