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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 02:53:30

At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/7/07 03:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh... but... um... what does being more excited about multiple TV eps of Futurama... than about a single Futurama DVD movie... have to do with any of us being rich? O_o
Well, for example, I'm being paid to bum around the house today. It's a national holiday. Don't whinge, we get less national holidays than any other civilised country. Even Belgium gets more.

Why would I whinge? We've got Memorial Day coming up in a few weeks, which you do not. It's all good.

I was under the impression that most of Europe (well, at least the continent) gets more holidays than we do here in the US. Or at least, more paid days off/vacation time, if not actual "observed holidays."

I get 17 days of paid time off to use for sicktime/vacationtime/personaltime + 9 days everyone has off, for a total of 26 days off out of... 52 * 5 business days a week....

260 work days, I get 26 off, work 234.

Do you honestly have it worse?


Well, of course... there's 105 days on weekends, too. 105 + 26 = 131 days off, work 234... that sounds a lot better now. #;-}>

Damn straight. My gf would want 5. And I would happily supply them. Then we'd get it on on top of them in the bed.
Interesting theory there. *Coop asks his girlfriend about sweet lurve on top of 5 plush hypnotoads, returns shortly with black eye.* Thanks for that, Greg.

whhoooops... I shoulda put a disclaimer on that post.

Oh wait, no we wouldn't. My gf is always so against "Corrupting the plushies," as she puts it.
Damn impulses.


Just keep in mind, some Americans don't know there's a Jersey in between England and France and a York in England or an Orleans in France.... but I do. Hence my sensitivity to these matters.
It's a refreshing perspective to hear, trust me. I always get pissed off when I talk to Americans (in particular) and I say I'm from England. "Oh, I've got some relatives up that way - in Providence" That or the funny looks I get when I say Jersey really is a beautiful place.


Well, parts of New Jersey are, actually (the woods in the middle of the state, the cranberry bogs, etc.).

Spelling aptitude tests?

It wasn't a trick question. o_o

At 5/7/07 07:15 AM, schneelocke wrote: Well, OK. But I still think it's a pity.

Yes... it'd be nice if the forum had 20 active, thriving, massively awesome lists. Go ask Wade to allow NG Lister. #;-}>

Just be pulling for me to hit 10,000 posts, then. Pray I don't give up on posting on the NG BBS now that I'm back onboard and trying to be more regular. #;-}>
I don't pray, but I'll keep my claws crossed for you. :)

I thought I was telling Coop to pray that, not you. But thanks! #;-}>

I'm a gfox. Wolves like foxes, right? We're like cousins and shit.
Yeah, I do like foxes... they're tasty. ;)


At 5/7/07 05:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I get on quite well with RedCircle now, as when we do meet, we know where the battle lines are drawn. With JoS, I still think he's a cunt and if he was on fire, I'd probably roll around laughing at him. Maybe he was an arrogant prick before he became a mod, but he is certainly one now.
That's just what I mean. Is there any kind of oversight over moderators' behaviour other than "Tom/Wade/... will look into it if they receive too many angry PMs about the same moderator"? If not, there should be; the admins have better things to do, and the moderators shouldn't be allowed to be cunts just because the admins can't control them all the time.

It's a balance. If a mod is doing a good job of cleaning up threads like the admins want, then they'll be more tolerant when it comes to user complaints, but if there's enough users complaining loudly enough, then of course the admins will listen and see if the complaints are valid.

At 5/7/07 07:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yay, I'm now a Wi/Ht Member! :D


Listening to:

Machine Head - 'Now I Lay Thee Down' and 'Slanderous'

New Order - Round & Round '94
New Order - True Faith '94
New Order - Blue Monday '88
New Order - Regret

BonusStage - Happy 18th birthday

OMG, Bonus is teh legal. Happy b-day, Bonus.

At 5/7/07 03:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You've heard their music, you just don't know it's by them. Trust me on this one.
I will trust you, I must've heard something by them before. It was like that with Led Zeppelin when I thought I havn't heard a single song of theirs, but when I listened to Stairway to Heaven, I instantly knew I heard it before.

Depeche Mode songs you've probably heard and don't know it:

Personal Jesus
Enjoy the Silence
Policy of Truth
World in My Eyes
It's No Good

That person is lame.
Yeah, and his name on Newgrounds is DreamTheater (aka, PureMettle and Crackman). XP


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 02:58:45

Chronologically, this part's last, but I don't want to bum everyone out by ending my catch up posts with it, so I'm posting it as part 2 of 3 instead:

At 5/8/07 03:44 PM, BlueHippo wrote:
At 5/8/07 02:15 PM, Azentiger wrote: Except helping users, answering questions and be patient, does it needs something else to become a Wi/Ht member?
yeah you have to post in this thread every single day and congratulate people and have conversations with people in this thread, or else you won't be noticed, because posting in as many little threads in the wi/ht won't get you noticed, even though that's the main part of the wi/ht. i didn't realize that until a couple days ago, but if you want to be a wi/ht member, just post in here all the time and you will be considered a 'where is / how to regular' although i disagree with it, it appears to be the only way to do it, unless you are absent, and pretty much post in EVERY thread in the wi/ht.

You do realise you're going to convince him and other newbies to be postwhores in LUL, which will only make LUL a worse place for regulars to post in and enjoy each other's company than ever before, right?


At 5/8/07 05:06 PM, Azentiger wrote:
At 5/8/07 03:44 PM, BlueHippo wrote: yeah you have to post in this thread every single day and congratulate people and have conversations with people in this thread, or else you won't be noticed, because posting in as many little threads in the wi/ht won't get you noticed,...
Thanks man, you just gave me an idea...I'll write congrats on each page. That should works.


Come on, BH. It ain't cool to basically be counterproductive and half-jokingly encourage folks to spam instead of be helpful, which is kinda the opposite of helpfulness on a place where helpfulness is always welcome.

Not everyone who helps out on the forum gets noticed enough, but this is nothing new. If you hadn't noticed, the election that Recon just ran was the first election in 15 months.

If we'd been holding elections every 3-4months like we were trying to do back in 2005-2006, then I guarantee you you'd already be a member. But we're not, so that's why you haven't been elected yet. Have some patience and please stop complaining, it's depressing.

At 5/9/07 02:29 AM, deslona wrote: I agree with BlueHippo, if I spend time congratulating everyone on every stat that they post I could be here for a long time just typing and copying/pasting the statistic. It should be about helpfulness, not kissing arse (to be noticed).

No one asked him or you or anyone to do that. Well, except BlueHippo just telling the newbie to do so.

Not that I voted in this last election, I didn't even know it was going on, but I've never voted for someone for membership because they kissed ass/congratulated people.

However, it's a simple fact that people who are sociable in this thread (whether that's by making congrats lists or just shooting the breeze or rank/statbragging) are going to get NOTICED more, and that is true. But that's nothing special about Wi/Ht?, that's called human society.

If I really wanted to I could post a stat everyday;
1100 posts yesterday, 1111 posts.... 12500 blams/saves (I will get that today by the way). I don't come into this thread unless I have something to say (12500 B/P's and 1111 posts).

Yes, but most of us outgrow that phase, now don't we. I don't honestly think BlueHippo is going to regress and start doing all the wrong things just so he can get elected into the membership. Do you?

Congratulations to all the new Wi/Ht? members that did real work for this forum.

News flash, folks:

Getting elected into the Wi/Ht? membership is not like being appointed a Supreme Court Justice.

Nor is being modded, BTW. But anyway. Can we stop making such big deals out of such minor shite?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 03:00:08

At 5/7/07 07:33 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/7/07 02:28 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Heh, each time I spoke with iscrulz at Retrogade he was usually banned on Newgrounds. Poor guy must have one of the highest ban counts here.
I should of kept track but the damn mods deleted my sig for my ban count on more than one occasion.

You could always keep track in a file on your own hard drive instead of using your sig, man. O_o

At 5/7/07 03:32 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 37blehehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yes I will get that many when ng shuts down.


pointse-spread kirks pee hole wide
Speechless I hope from intrigue.

Yes, I confess to being curious.

Is "pointse" some sort of unholy cousin to goatse?

IT'S WHAT I KNOW, MAN. This ain't just opinion. It's rockhard, rocksolid music FACT.
A fact huh still sounds like personal opininions to me, rock and rock it maybe but still just a hypothesis, not law.


Well, I can't wait to try those two for SA, then.
Good, but be aware of the Alpha it seems like a fast car but it sucks. The best car would be Bullet.

Kay kay.

Every single vehicle has a real life counterpart in GTA, though, no matter how hard or easy it is to see from how it looks or from the name. I always know from the looks, personally. The name is seldom close.
Right I admit I have a hard time telling the names apart. I think inferus=lambo cheetah=ferrai comet=porcshe banshee=viper Bullet=Ford GT. Correct if wrong.

Yep. In Vice City, at least:

Infernus = Lamborghini Countach (prolly my fave car growing up in the 80s, BTW)
Cheetah = Ferrari Testarossa (the most classicest of 80s Ferrari styleses)
Stinger = Ferrari Daytona Spyder 365 GTS/4 (as in Miami Vice's pilot)
Comet = Porsche 911 Carrera
Phoenix = Pontiac Trans-Am

Although I read that the Infernus is a Vector M12 in GTAIII (I haven't gotten that far in the game yet) and an Acura NSX in GTA:SA, so apparently a lot of the cars are different real life models in different GTA games.

What's up with that, anyway? O_o

Anyway, here's a nice photo gallery of all the vehicles in GTA:VC:


Uh yes there might be cars stat list to compare I like it becuase its harder to steal. You have cheetah only 2 fags with uzi compared to 3 fbi cars with 12 feds with smg's. The GTA 3 car(Kurma=Neon) was cool too. for SA its stupid SUVs

Ah, so it's the challenge. Plus, just getting up to 5 stars instead of just 3 stars needed to get the car to even come out, of course. #;-}>

But I like the Cheetah's speed. It's hard to control at top speed, though. Infernus = better handling, so I wish there was a VCPD Infernus, personally.
That would be cool. Handling is a better a aspect than speed.

Yah, yah. A lot of people apparently swear by Banshees and Stingers for stability and handling. I think Infernus is the perfect mix between the high speed of a Cheetah but more stability like those, though.

Ha thats sucks the suckers. Some place need a pcj though I cant one on the top 2nd island ( north of the mall.)

Yeah, that one's been driving me crazy.

There was a tough one near the airport, too, but I finally got that one with a PCJ... I can't get the one you just mentioned. That one plus 2 others is killing me.

Yeah yeah I tried fusing gfoxclock with Dr. Nick and FA-aled. Glick is too close to Jimminy Glick. I hope the gfox smilie represented you knowing that.

I know teh character, but I wasn't actually thinking of that fusion. Good... attempt... there. I AM NOT MARTIN SHORT. #;-}>

At 5/7/07 11:11 AM, Casualty wrote: Well well, what a coincidence! I reached 7,777 Saves on the 7th day of the month of the 7th year!

Yet... yer exp musta been 7860 since it's 7870 now. So close to 7770 but not quite.

And sadly, 'twas the 5th month. If it'd been July + the exp thing, you would have blown my MIND, man.

At 5/7/07 11:54 AM, AtomicTerrorist wrote: oh no! how coincidental that i reached 11 000 saves 11 days after my birthday and quote you, who posted at 11:11~!!!! :O

Ahhhh, numbers!



gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 03:21:25

At 5/9/07 02:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You do realise you're going to convince him and other newbies to be postwhores in LUL, which will only make LUL a worse place for regulars to post in and enjoy each other's company than ever before, right?


Ah, good. I see this was an isolated incident.

Come on, BH. It ain't cool to basically be counterproductive and half-jokingly encourage folks to spam instead of be helpful, which is kinda the opposite of helpfulness on a place where helpfulness is always welcome.

Not everyone who helps out on the forum gets noticed enough, but this is nothing new. If you hadn't noticed, the election that Recon just ran was the first election in 15 months.

That long ago? Wow.

If we'd been holding elections every 3-4months like we were trying to do back in 2005-2006, then I guarantee you you'd already be a member. But we're not, so that's why you haven't been elected yet. Have some patience and please stop complaining, it's depressing.


Not that I voted in this last election, I didn't even know it was going on, but I've never voted for someone for membership because they kissed ass/congratulated people.


However, it's a simple fact that people who are sociable in this thread (whether that's by making congrats lists or just shooting the breeze or rank/statbragging) are going to get NOTICED more, and that is true. But that's nothing special about Wi/Ht?, that's called human society.

Of course. I am not arguing with you on posting in a forum and being noticed by it. I am commenting on the reasons behind the post... just to be noticed? Not my style... (but hey, if it works for others...)

If I really wanted to I could post a stat everyday;
1100 posts yesterday, 1111 posts.... 12500 blams/saves (I will get that today by the way). I don't come into this thread unless I have something to say (12500 B/P's and 1111 posts).
Yes, but most of us outgrow that phase, now don't we.

I would like to think so.

I don't honestly think BlueHippo is going to regress and start doing all the wrong things just so he can get elected into the membership. Do you?

Not worried about membership, I would have liked to before, now. If I get it I will be happy, if I get reccomended for it. I will be happy to. But it isn't something I am actively seeking. Alot seems to have changed in the past year on NG. I am still finding small changes.

Congratulations to all the new Wi/Ht? members that did real work for this forum.

That was typed under the assumption already stated.

News flash, folks:

Getting elected into the Wi/Ht? membership is not like being appointed a Supreme Court Justice.

No, never said it was. Don't exaggerate :)

Nor is being modded, BTW. But anyway. Can we stop making such big deals out of such minor shite?

Who said I am making a big deal? It was one post. Relax.

On a seperate issue, but maybe leading me to make the statement as it was discussed in AfroUnderscoreStuds' top 300 B/P users thread there have been some moddings on NG of some users that may not have been for the best (for this forum). I would hate to see the same thing.
Naturally I do not expect a mod to be perfect 110% of the time nor make decisions that I agree with we are only human. I would like to see this list do well with good people - that is my concern. I am happy it will stay that way.

You seemed to have cleaned up in a fairly pithy manner, no need to slam me for it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 03:31:24

At 5/9/07 02:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yes... it'd be nice if the forum had 20 active, thriving, massively awesome lists. Go ask Wade to allow NG Lister. #;-}>

No, I'd rather not. And I doubt he would say yes, anyway.

I thought I was telling Coop to pray that, not you. But thanks! #;-}>

Could be... maybe I'm just confused. :P

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 03:32:32

At 5/9/07 02:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Come on, BH. It ain't cool to basically be counterproductive and half-jokingly encourage folks to spam instead of be helpful, which is kinda the opposite of helpfulness on a place where helpfulness is always welcome.

no, no, i know, i'm terribly sorry i really did want those stupid posts deleted. but then he quoted me by the time i got home and shit, great. that's all we need, another random drone posting in the LUL... i really am sorry, i regret making that post as soon as i pressed the post button.

Not everyone who helps out on the forum gets noticed enough, but this is nothing new. If you hadn't noticed, the election that Recon just ran was the first election in 15 months.

yes i know i remember being upset last time i didn't make it too, but i really didn't care as much back then.

If we'd been holding elections every 3-4months like we were trying to do back in 2005-2006, then I guarantee you you'd already be a member. But we're not, so that's why you haven't been elected yet. Have some patience and please stop complaining, it's depressing.

yes yes i know. that's what i said. i had several members tell me that they voted for me, but i told them that their vote was null, and only 4 votes were being cast. i told myself that i was going to be done complaining, but my boss had made me trash 4 days worth of work earlier and i was rather upset, and needed to bitch about something.

sorry for being a baby, it's out of my nature to complain about such things. and what does it matter that i didn't make the list? i dunno, i was already bitching about the LUL before the elections were even cast.

but my feelings still stand about the people who shamelessly use this thread for a +1 postcount all the time, just by copying other peoples lists. not like you and coop though, who actually take the time to go through the thread, like i used to at one point and grew dull of.

all i know is i will continue to do what i can in the wi/ht, let the cards play themselves. i know i've said i was sorry several times but it's hard not to when i just made an ass of myself (but honestly i was just going to get VPOY to delete my posts on IRC when i got back (SEXIEST NEW MOD EVAR))

hangs head in shame and drags feet off to bed :


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 04:27:44

8,888 Posts

Hoping his paperwork woes will dissapear, Coop congratulates:
MARCUSM: 9,000 Experience
Azentiger: 7,000 Total Points
AtomicTerrorist: 1,000 Days on NG
DrHood: 4th NG Berfday

Thanks to:

At 5/8/07 04:35 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 5/8/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: Worth a policy review, but I'm just not up for that fight at the moment, as overall I'd say the moderators do a good job.
I'm sure they do, but bad apples still vex me. :P

I'm willing to say that they're only Human (except JoS) and therefore errors do creep in from time to time.

At 5/8/07 08:51 AM, Shanus wrote: Ah the tires is always a big thing, ah it's pretty stupid. How much it cost to get re-done? and the Irish NCT, which is what we call it, it strange, if you go late in the day you'll pass with no bother so the testers will got off early. My dad went in the morning and failed miserable and then without doing anything to the car got it rechecked in the evening and passed with flying colours. The car has long since rusted away though.

It only cost me £130 to get fixed, but I still balk at everything that is done to take my already limited supplies of liquid capital away from me!

At 5/8/07 12:42 PM, Azentiger wrote: I don't want ti be cheap, but what is a Wi/Ht member? A user who help others a lot or something like that?

I'd have a look at the Memberlist and see what it takes for the members to vote you in.

At 5/8/07 03:44 PM, BlueHippo wrote: i dunno, i had people tell me they voted for me, but they didn't know that only the 4 vets were supposed to vote... so hopefully next time i'll be let in as a member, wi/ht is my favorite board :(

Here is an extract from the PM that ReconRebel sent to me, I trust you received a similar copy:

At 4/28/07 8:30 PM, ReconRebel wrote: The people who are eligible to vote are also the nominees for membership. Here's the list in alphabetical order:

I voted for the four people I thought most deserved it. I am unwilling to discuss my vote further, but that's down to personal choice.

I help people out in the threads other than just posting in Wi/Ht, so there's another part of your argument blown out of the water. Sometimes I can't as I don't know the answers and sometimes, because someone else (absent usually) has already answered. To me, it seems silly to re-iterate what someone else is saying unless you are going to add anything new. That's just a cheap way of getting post +1

At 5/9/07 12:44 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 5/8/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ah, I got mine from watching Count Duckula, which is probably historically inacurate.
Which makes me bring up this question: Why are ducks so popular in retro cartoons?

Why not? Vampiric Vegetarian Ducks sounds like a great concept.

At 5/9/07 02:29 AM, deslona wrote: Post if you have somethign to say, not to kiss everyones arse.

You may notice that I use this thread as a lounge as well as making the lists. I quite like my lists, they are very theraputic. I do not view myself as kissing anyone's arse by making them (especailly not X-Naut's, you'll only get him stirred up into a frenzy)

At 5/9/07 02:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I get 17 days of paid time off to use for sicktime/vacationtime/personaltime + 9 days everyone has off, for a total of 26 days off out of... 52 * 5 business days a week....

We get less public holidays than Mainland Europe, I am sure of it... 8 in total, plus I get another 18 days to take as I see fit. Damn, that means we're in the same boat.

Do you honestly have it worse?

Well, if they make another bank holiday for us, I'll only end up having it taken out of my annual leave allowance

Interesting theory there. *Coop asks his girlfriend about sweet lurve on top of 5 plush hypnotoads, returns shortly with black eye.* Thanks for that, Greg.
whhoooops... I shoulda put a disclaimer on that post.

That's what "playtesting" is for ;)

At 5/9/07 02:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Getting elected into the Wi/Ht? membership is not like being appointed a Supreme Court Justice.

Now that would be total corruption of power, giving someone like BonusStage Supreme Court Justice powers.

At 5/9/07 03:32 AM, BlueHippo wrote: sorry for being a baby, it's out of my nature to complain about such things. and what does it matter that i didn't make the list? i dunno, i was already bitching about the LUL before the elections were even cast.

There there *pats on shoulder*

but my feelings still stand about the people who shamelessly use this thread for a +1 postcount all the time, just by copying other peoples lists. not like you and coop though, who actually take the time to go through the thread, like i used to at one point and grew dull of.

Hey we all find our own niches in which we thrive. Leave the posts alone, they will all be forgotten about in the fullness of time. Trust me, we still get angry with the knobs who come along and copy our own lists. Some things never change.

A lovely number here for you gfox:

8,888 Posts

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 09:38:44

Exam status: Very Screwed



Serbian-terrorist - 500 posts
AtomicTerrorist - 999th day on NG & 1000th Day on NG

Coincidence, no ;)

DrHood - 4 years on NG
MetalDart - 5th Portal Awards
deslona - 1,111 posts

Weren't Elite Guard Captain when I checked, I'll congrat you tomorrow

Coop83 - 8888 posts


Listening to:
Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused, Whole Lotta Love, Heartbreaker, Ramble On, Immigrant Song, Celebration Day & Since I've Been Loving You

At 5/8/07 01:01 PM, Solidone wrote: Adams still said he wouldn't shake Paisleys hand. How can they work together if they wont even shake hands. I just don;t think its as big a step forward as people are making it out to be. Give it 6 months and see if it actually works or not.

Well at least they're talking now, it's a start, it's obviously not the end. And it is a big deal, as Paisley said he'd never even sit on the same government as and Sinn Feín party member. But you're right, we'll see what happens in the next 6 months.

At 5/8/07 02:01 PM, Odyssic wrote: Hehe, that was awesome.

The fight scenes were quite good, but I has very disappointed about the end. I probably will see it again though.

Bully :P

I'm actually quite a passive character, just this guy would make anyone wanna punch him :D

At 5/8/07 03:19 PM, Casualty wrote: EVERYONE: Fine, fine, I set Ng Log so it'll tell you the n*10,000th total stat instead of the n*1,000th...

People power > Casualty

At 5/9/07 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: It only cost me £130 to get fixed, but I still balk at everything that is done to take my already limited supplies of liquid capital away from me!

I know who that feels, had to take 2 weeks of work so I can do my exams, I'll barely survive. Cans on beans morning, noon & night for me. And at least you'll have a working car by the end of it.

I think the LUL is a great place, it allows regulars to talk, newbies to get some recognition for things they do on NG and for even some questions to be answered. I myself post here to sow my appreciation for the amazing things that some users do, also gives me motivation to try and best their achievements. And yes the Wi/Ht? members were, for the most part, regulars of this thread, but they all contributed to making this forum a better place, and put alot of hard work and effort in doing so. I myself try when I can to answer some of the questions answers on this forum but usually they are covered already. Which just shows how the system works.

Eep ranting, very unlike me, but it had to be said

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 10:10:48

Listening to:

Rainbow - 'Stargazer' and 'A Light in the Black'

Congrats to:

Serbian-terrorist - 500 posts
AtomicTerrorist - 1000 days on NG
DrHood - 4 year old NG account
MetalDart - 5 portal awards
deslona - 1111 posts
Coop83 - 8888 posts

Thanks to:


At 5/8/07 12:25 PM, schneelocke wrote: Did I miss something yesterday? o.O

You definitely did. There was a glitch and almost everyone was level 30.

At 5/9/07 02:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: New Order - Round & Round '94

To be honest, they're another band I'm unfamiliar with, but possibly heard some songs of theirs before. Then again, are you familiar with what I listen to?

Depeche Mode songs you've probably heard and don't know it:

Hmm, the song names don't ring a bell. :(


lol. :D But he watches several other shows like The X Files and 24. However, to me, those shows are nothing compared to Futurama. XD

At 5/9/07 06:01 AM, BonusStage wrote: Psh, Bahamut instead of Hippo? gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I demand a recount

or should i say, a GOODCOUNT


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 10:42:42

Listening to:
Metallica - Invisible kid
Anarchist Academy - How to kill a racist
Joint Venture - Die Fliege

Congrats to:
Serbian-terrorist: 500 Posts
AtomicTerrorist: 999 days on NG - ZOMG!
DrHood: Level 15, 4 years on NG - Double-ZOMG!
MetalDart: 5 Portal Awards
Falling-Angel: Safety Patrol
deslona: 1,111 Posts, 12,500 B/P
Coop83: 8,888 Posts

Thanks to:

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 11:22:17

At 5/9/07 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm willing to say that they're only Human (except JoS) and therefore errors do creep in from time to time.

Did you receive an admission that your bans were in error and/or an apology? Mistakes do happen, yes, but saying that they do is not a valid defense unless it's actually accompanied by an attempt to make up for past mistakes and ensure that future mistakes won't happen. (Which, I might add, is something that should probably be said to those who banned you rather than you, of course.)

In any case, metamoderation would still be helpful. If one decision a mod makes is metamoderated as inappropriate once or twice a year, that's probably to be expected, but if you get half a dozen complaints per month, something's likely wrong, and a red flag should be raised. In other words, metamoderation is not actually about zero tolerance; it's just an answer to the question of quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

At 5/9/07 09:38 AM, Shanus wrote:

I myself try when I can to answer some of the questions answers on this forum but usually they are covered already. Which just shows how the system works.

Boy, do I ever know how that feels. I once tried to help out people by answering questions, but gave up after a few days because there never were any that were a) unanswered and b) answerable. :P

At 5/9/07 10:10 AM, Bahamut wrote: You definitely did. There was a glitch and almost everyone was level 30.

Blimey... I wish I had seen that.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 11:27:52

At 5/9/07 09:38 AM, Shanus wrote: Well at least they're talking now, it's a start, it's obviously not the end. And it is a big deal, as Paisley said he'd never even sit on the same government as and Sinn Feín party member. But you're right, we'll see what happens in the next 6 months.

yeah. It's a start at least.

At 5/8/07 03:19 PM, Casualty wrote: EVERYONE: Fine, fine, I set Ng Log so it'll tell you the n*10,000th total stat instead of the n*1,000th...

Good, i think thats a good choice.

People power > Casualty


Congrats to:
Coop83: 8888 Posts
deslona: 1111 Posts
Falling-Angel: Safety Patrol
MetalDart: 5 portal awards
DrHood: 4 Years on NG
AtomicTerrorist: 999 Days on NG
Serbian-terrorist: 500 Posts

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 11:55:00


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 13:12:19

At 5/9/07 12:20 PM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
AtomicTerrorist: 1,000 Days on NG
DrHood: Level 15
MetalDart: 5 portal awards
deslona: 1,111 Posts, 12,500 B/P
Coop83: 8,888 posts

Now, why is the portal not active. I went on before I went to school today, there was 19 flash movies. Now 3 or 2...

I guess that is what happens when you got to go to school. The portal is 9/10 slow around this time of day. oh for my next milestone past

26000 B/P points Yay I guess ^_^?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 13:51:51

I've spent a total of 1,000 days on NG. Today is nr 1,010 and counting.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 16:41:04

level up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 17:11:01

1000 DAYS ON NG!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 17:37:13

Im 11 now :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 19:47:26

PenguinLink's Congratulations List #66
Congratulations to the following users:

AtomicTerrorist- 22,222 B/P Points, 11,000 Blams, 1,000 Days in NG
Cereal- 7,777 Saves
Oglaphinahorfinhof- 3,000 Experience Points
life- Level 18
Officer- Level 10
iscrulz- 21,000 Saves
3tard- Level 10
Emlfuryoflion- 2,000 B/P Ranks
Sterockicy- 3,000 Experience Points
Coop83- 11,000 Experience Points, #30 Wi/Ht Member, 8,888 Posts
Tommy- Level 17
NEVR- 3,000 Blams, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Nijsse- Level 19, 13,000 Experience Points
Akatsuki321- Elite Guard Private
Idiot-Finder- Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel, 11.00+ Voting Power
Hybrid-Of-Souls- Level 12
Seamonky- 200 Audio Reviews
SlashFirestorm- 3,000 Posts
Haggard- 2,000 Saves
bifgis- Level 12
BonusStage- 18th Birthday
Casualty- #29 Wi/Ht Member
Bahamut- #31 Wi/Ht Member
absent- #32 Wi/Ht Member
X-Naut- 17th Birthday
OsAmARaMa- Top 400 Experience Users
Casualty- 7,777 Saves
Shanus- 8,000 B/P Points, Elite Guard Praporshchik, 2,222 Blams
MARCUSM- 9,000 Experience Points
Azentiger- 9,000 Total Stats
Serbian-terrorist- 500 Posts
DrHood- 4 Years in NG, Level 15
MetalDart- 5 Portal Awards
deslona- 1,111 Posts and 12,500 B/P Points
LittleWashu- 26,000 B/P Points
Frostbreath- 1,000 days in NG
killer-of-cows- Level 13
Snubby- Level 11

At 5/9/07 05:37 PM, Snubby wrote:
Im 11 now :D

Took you quite some time, didn't it? :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 20:35:29

At 5/9/07 07:47 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 5/9/07 05:37 PM, Snubby wrote:
Im 11 now :D
Took you quite some time, didn't it? :D

I suppose it did, I stopped depositing and all for a while. Anyway, WOW you actually congratulated everybody. Very classy. NG BBS needs more users like you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 20:53:41

At 5/9/07 08:35 PM, Snubby wrote:
Anyway, WOW you actually congratulated everybody. Very classy. NG BBS needs more users like you.

Newgrounds already has many great users, much of whom post in here. I am in no way one of them. And I don't think I'll ever compare to what they have done here. But I really respect and thank you for your kind words, Snubby. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 22:45:18

Elite Guard General, and 9.00+ VP :D

Now to wait like, a long time before the next badge.
But I did get a pretty big boost in VP with this one

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 22:54:13

Elite Guard Second Lieutenant! And when rank is updated, I'll be in the top 350 b/p points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-09 23:36:28

At 5/9/07 10:54 PM, bifgis wrote: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant! And when rank is updated, I'll be in the top 350 b/p points.

pfft! Top 300 is all that matters anyway!


REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 00:19:36

Congrats to:
AtomicTerrorist - 1,000 days on NG.
bifgis - EG Second Lieutenant.
Coop83 - 8,888 posts.
Frostbreath - 1,000 days on NG.
killer-of-cows - Level 13.
LittleWashu - 26,000 b/p.
MadCow - EG General, and 9 VP.
Snubby - Level 11.

Thanks to:

Oh, you.
At 5/9/07 04:27 AM, Coop83 wrote: Why not? Vampiric Vegetarian Ducks sounds like a great concept.

Apparantly, so did Millionaire ducks, Superhero ducks, and ducks that play hockey.

(especailly not X-Naut's, you'll only get him stirred up into a frenzy)

You would know.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 02:21:33

Listening to:
Radiohead - Lewis (Mistreated)
Radiohead - Life in a glass house

Congrats to:
LittleWashu: 26,000 B/P
Frostbreath: 1,000 Days on NG
killer-of-cows: Level 13
AtomicTerrorist: 1,000 Days on NG
Snubby: Level 11
MadCow: EG General, 9.00+ Voting Power
bifgis: EG Second Lieutenant

Thanks to:

At 5/9/07 12:20 PM, Odyssic wrote: Now, why is the portal not active. I went on before I went to school today, there was 19 flash movies. Now 3 or 2...

Yeah, it's quite a pain. I only made about 7 B/P yesterday. Ever since PSD there are not that many new flash to vote on.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 02:46:45

At 5/9/07 03:32 AM, BlueHippo wrote: all i know is i will continue to do what i can in the wi/ht, let the cards play themselves.

Forget about it BlueHippo. You think I didn't see the election was more of a popularity contest than anything else? Hell, absent should've been the 29th member but unfortunately he had to settle for 32nd. I'm a little worried how the next one will go now that friends of friends are Wi?Ht? members. I have the sinking feeling people will continue to vote for who they like, not who's the most deserving. Really turns my stomach. Stick around bud and I'll vote for you. I'm not blind to what's going on despite my decreased attendance. ^_~

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 06:58:01

my posts and my post average are the same :O at 2812 and 2.812

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 07:22:44

Congrats to:
LittleWashu: 26000 B/P
Frostbreath: 1000 days on NG
killer-of-cows: Level 13
AtomicTerrorist: Posts and Average Posts are the same: 2812 and 2,812

That's because you're on NG since at least 1000 days.

Snubby: Level 11
MadCow: EG General, 9.00+ VP
bifgis: EG Second Lieutenant

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-05-10 07:26:32

Oh, and I just saw that I entered Top 20000 in exp points.