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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-26 21:07:46

At 4/26/07 08:23 PM, Shin-Violator wrote: btw iate... yes that makes u immature...

Oh, and by the way, he was younger at this time, ok? Do not judge someone who isn't immature by a post he made at least 4 years ago. That's make YOU immature.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-26 22:18:13

At 4/26/07 02:11 PM, Casualty wrote:
At 4/26/07 03:30 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Ivan hooked me up with another site a few weeks back that's similar to Newgrounds but a lot more addictive.
I'm interested. Please, do tell me where I can find this place =P

If you give me your e-mail address via the PM system I'll send you an official invite Casualty. Everything you do there is worth points towards your next level and referrals are a biggie. Even if you decide not to stay I could use the boost. Currently having a problem getting my music tracks to auto play. *groan*

At 4/26/07 06:08 PM, Slightly-Crazy-Dude wrote: God damn it Recon, answer your fucking private messages.

I'm really sorry SCD. Don't be pissed at me bud. Been busy with the new security system at work and spending most of my online time elsewhere. I'm slightly behind on the PM's but you'll have my reply before the end of tonight's shift. I promise.

At 4/26/07 08:36 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: This place has sure changed.

You must be new. Haven't seen your face before. ^_~

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-26 23:25:16

At 4/26/07 10:18 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/26/07 08:36 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: This place has sure changed.
You must be new. Haven't seen your face before. ^_~

Not really. He's that topic starter.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 00:06:53

Congrats to:
Azentiger - 4,000 posts.
Crag - Level 11.
Hycran - EG Captain.
iateamexican - Gold whistle.
Idiot-Finder - 15,000 b/p.
Noodleboy111 - Deity whistle.
SlipperyMooseCakes - Level 13.

Thanks to:

At 4/26/07 04:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: I don't have the inclination to do that, as my dad recently beat me in a game of tennis on the Wii, which is quite disturbing

Fine. How about some co-op Contra instead?

At 4/26/07 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: It could be soon.

But it'd better not be. >:(

Why not copy and paste the names?

I could, smart aleck, but I'm already used to typing out the names.


Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 00:13:48

I've got 5000 EXP!


...damn me not checking both email-list things. :sigh:

Also damn me not depositing every day.

Also, 12000 saves. :-D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 00:15:13


See ya next year Level up Lounge.

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:14:20

4.444 posts per day. Although I think I screwed that up with this post anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:25:21

At 4/18/07 02:57 AM, IM-KOOL-R-U wrote: thanks gfox for ruining my hopeful thoughts j/k

Always pleased to be of service!

At 4/18/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/18/07 02:28 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thankee kindly.
*Mr Miyagi's ghost wanders in* Welcome *and out again


No, she just stretched while we were having a cuddle and accidentally knocked my bruise with her heel.

:::raises eyebrow::: Kinky!

At 4/18/07 02:56 AM, BlueHippo wrote: although, i just wanted to add... SevenStar was an EGSC, but got deleted, so you're actually the 91st EGSC :0
That's just petty. Ok, he's the 90th remaining EGSC, how does that sound?


At 4/18/07 05:48 AM, sketch0587 wrote:
At 4/18/07 02:28 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 19 and in New Hampshire?
17 and in indiana?

Teh sex.

Goin' for places like Brown and Dartmouth and the like up there, or whats?
oh wow greg, are you alluding to what YOU were accepted to :P

Nah. I got intoooo... Rice, MIT, Duke, U of Texas, U of Mich, Penn State.

Failed to make it into Princeton on Early Admission or whatever they called it back then.

HHAHAHAH 6 of 7, you're absolutely insane, for GOD SAKES GREG

What's insane about it?

Colgate, UoV, UConn, IUPUI, Ball State (Indy school ... in case there are others :\)

Wheeehoooo. I know Ball State, damnit. That's where David Letterman went, man. Geeeez. Come on.

UoV meaning Virginia I presume? Unless you mean Vermont. #;-}>

Got into the last three ... but i don't want to move from home yet :'(


I mean, i'll live on campus, but i just don't want to move out of indiana yet, so i'm going to check both IUPUI and Ball State to see which one i like more :\, since they're both relatively AVERAGE KID schools, UConn was above average but like ... ugh i just can't :'(

Why no Purdue and Indiana if location means so much to you?

At 4/18/07 07:50 AM, schneelocke wrote: Oh, yes. :) I regularly check to see whether there's anyone ahead of me I can pass soon (users with gains of 0 or 10 XP)

Mmmmm yes.

Good point. I also do that - I always repeat myself, just to make sure that everyone knows what I want to say. ;)


Who knows. It's easier to do your thing on NG without feeling compelled to do lots of other things and waste more and more time, at least, which I guess makes it less likely that people get so totally fed up they just stop depositing altogether, but... well, I think it's still happening. Maybe not with people who're level 25 or 27 or 29 now and who know they'll never be able to get those levels back if they stop depositing for a significant amount of time, but in the lower levels (where I am, for example), it sure doesn't seem all *that* uncommon. Or at least it seems so to me, given that I keep on moving up through the XP ranks... ;)

True enough. But it's not just that people at higher levels are less likely to give up. It's also just that there are much less of them, the density is lower. Every now and then someone in the top 10 or 20 exp stops depositing and drops. We just don't notice because there's not as much rankchanging going on as there is down around #200, when someone can jump +5 in a week.

You might recognise that, or you might not. I've been running KoLmafia for that reason for the last month or two, but now, even the prospect of coming back some day doesn't motivate me anymore - not even enough to run a bot.

Well, I recognise it at least, and I know I'm not alone. ALWAYS DEPOSITS TEH EXP.

Maybe. But it's still a trade-off - if you don't expect it to happen, it might still not be worth the cumulative amount of time you're investing.

The time is not that much IMO, even cumulatively speaking. If you just have one account on NG that you care (or cared) about to the point of needing exp for it every day, you can spend more time brushing your teeth every single day than depositing on NG. To me, that's a no-brainer.

But not to everyone, I know.

I think it's more about forgetfulness than motivation.

Because it's a cute li'l black wolfnose. ^.^


I rather like ^_^ and ^.^, myself. It's hard to say why, but they just seem more natural to me...

They're both fine, but the former is exactly the one I meant seeing too much of. It's the "average anime ASCII smiley," as opposed to the . one, which is far rarer.

Though why that doesn't work with me and my girlfriend never ceasing to find each other cute despite having lived together for nearly 6 straight years... I will never know!
Surely you're not complaining?

I was trying to emote surprise/amazement, not disappointment!

As in, it's wonderful but I don't know how it continues to be true. Will wonders never cease, that sort of thing. #;-}>

Oh, sure it's distasteful... but not shocking, at least not if you know the individual pictures. The whole thing is not bigger (in terms of shockiness) than the sum of its parts. (As for myself, I used to poke around on rotten.com quite a lot in the past, which probably made me at least somewhat shock-resistant. I still find the images icky and disgusting, of course, but not emotionally disturbing.)

Well, when I first saw it, I didn't know the individual pictures yet. But that was years and years ago, so I guess some of the pics that make it up have gotten around on their own by now.

Anyway... Whee, rotten. I've been there, yep.

It's not really offensive or disturbing to me on a conscious level, it's more the visceral gut reaction you can't help if you have it... you just have it.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:39:02

At 4/18/07 08:26 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/18/07 07:50 AM, schneelocke wrote: Sweet, congrats! ^^ Wow, there's 90 already? Quite insane - NG definitely needs a new B/P rank or two above EGSC
Like I said, I'll have to get to about 29k and then they'll move the bar up to about 50-60k.


Because it's a cute li'l black wolfnose. ^.^
You're too cute for your own good :P

GET A .... oh wait, that joke didn't work well with schnee last time. NEVERMIND. #;-}>

Though why that doesn't work with me and my girlfriend never ceasing to find each other cute despite having lived together for nearly 6 straight years... I will never know!
Surely you're not complaining?
Wait until you wonder why you ever found her cute (if ever that happens) and I'll remind you of this...

If we haven't stopped finding each other cute after 7 years in love and 6 years living together, I doooooo noooot think it's likely to ever happen, kthx.

At 4/18/07 11:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hahaha, lol. Your 999999th and 1000000th alts. :P

YEAH. They rock.

The Why of Fry is great and the Anthology of Interest (I and II) are awesome. They have to be some of my favourites as well. Would be cool to see one more of them, as long as they don't take it too far like they've done with Treehouse of Horror.

Yeah, the Anthologies, that's the ones I meant. Gotta love 'em.

At least they didn't do one per year on the same day like with Treehouse, I s'pose. Can't become too predictable.

And they did do at least a couple Crazy Santa Killer Bot eps, so... they already had the predictability angle when it came to Christmas. #;-}>

Yeah, and all the weird stuff happening in it. I love the twist on that episode, same for what they did with Obsoletely Fabulous.

I don't remember that one by title name, unlike Sting. What be up in that one?

Yep. Futurama is far more creative and far more funnier than The Simpsons. The characters, well, I'm not too sure which of the two shows have better characters, because The Simpsons has Homer, Bart and Abe, while Futurama has Fry, Bender and Zoidberg. :P

Apples and oranges (and strawberries and grapes and... you get the picture).

Just like with teh tasty fruits, teh awesome characters on each show need not compete. There's a time and place for them all, and we can all have our faves from both shows. Hooray!

And don't forget Apu. Apu > Abe. How could you mention Abe when there's... APU!?!? #;-}>

At 4/19/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: The do a lot more abstract stuff in the Anthology episodes, as they kill Bender in both of the anthologies so far... three times. Also, Leela kills the rest of the crew, except for Fry... *prod's Bender's fat human corpse* WOO!

Why do you say both of the anthologies so far? There's only two, and there's no need for "so far" either.

Well, Futurama doesn't have the constraints of being a loosely based parody of Matt Groening's family. He's a sci-fi nut and has been allowed to build on the success of the Simpsons with quite a large budget. I think he's done a great job, to be honest

He DID a great job. Long over, man. Long since over. ;_;

In one of the great inequities of TV... one show, which is good, gets 10+ years. The other one, which is GREAT, gets just 4 years.

At 4/18/07 11:28 PM, ramagi wrote: when gfox comes backs and post he comes backs and posts.....

Tee hee!

Oh yeah, but we certainly know when he's been, don't we *wades through gfawks posts*


At 4/19/07 01:15 PM, schneelocke wrote: But.. she's gfox's girlfriend, not mine.

MTE! MTE! But I think he was directing to me over your post in between. At least I hope so! #;-}>

At 4/19/07 06:35 PM, X-Naut wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 9,000 posts.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:52:37

Damn...how far will this thread go.ITS BEEN 3 YEARS OMFG!!!!!

My First Crappy Clock flash

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:55:08

Ohh yeah I lvled up to.these lvls are easy all you'll have to get is 50 exp. I wonder how long it will take to be to get to the first lvl to the last

My First Crappy Clock flash

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 01:56:52

At 4/21/07 05:51 AM, iscrulz wrote: Listened to

South Park - California Love (Bum edition)
Easy E - Real Muthaphuckkin G's
and others

You guys sure are doing the whole listening/listened to stuff a lot. Soooo cliched.

That said, I will say that I got a mp3 player last month, and my three most listened-to songs on it, out of 1600 songs... are my three fave 80s songs of all time (though I Ran by Flock of Seagulls is up there, too).

TALK TALK - It's My Life
TALK TALK - Life's What You Make It

IN THAT ORDER. Ultimate rule-age. I have a playlist with 9 songs (12 tracks, though, because those three are at the start and the end of the playlist).

I love the playlist so much, I made two CDs of it. One for my car and one for my apartment.

Note: I have always been a fan of It's My Life, long before VCS came out, but I must admit that the original Vice City is how I got massively exposed to the other two songs, from Flash FM and Wave 103. God bless those fake radio stations, long may they wave. :::SALUTES:::

At 4/16/07 02:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: my two topics, but don't feel like it right now in here (though I did read a few posts back on page 1750,
and not here to stay. Hows VCS been did you max out your empire stats and shit

Nice segue, ehhhhh????

I have all 30 empire sites. Took me a few good hours of milling around and shit to realise that I couldn't get that one damned biker empire site in Vice Point on the east side near those hotels until I freakin' ADVANCED THE PLOT a bit more into the Mendez Bros. missions.

But wotevah.

I've got like 7 each of the first three business types but only 3 each of the drugs/robbery/smuggling ones. I'm planning on evening it all out so there's 5 of each type * 6 = 30, nice even spread.

I'm at like 65% game completion, and I'm holding off on advancing the plot. If I hurried up and did all the missions left (the movie studio, Mendez bros, and then the few more people who can give you missions after that, which I only just barely spoiled myself on by glancing at a FAQ just once about it), I bet it would boost up to 85%+.

Not 99% like my Vice City save, but still not so bad for 40 hours of game time and tons of fun in the past month!

Until Daddy takes the T-Bird away.


Sup dude I had a gooden wank. Over a packet of sweetner.

A golden wank is what I thought you said at first. Holy shite.

At 4/17/07 02:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Clock day 2005 was the start of everything passes day most likely. in 2004 it was like any other blank day maybe 30-55 flash were submitted not something around 1k.

I thought 2004 was bigger than that, because I remember 2003 already starting to be pretty cool. How you describe 2004 Clock Day is more like 2003 Clock Day. 2004 wasn't 1000 entries or anything, but it was a good 100-200 entry day, I think.

I won whozah. and your alt's 2nd alt could be geephoxez


Why not gfawks instead? Just a BIT simpler (and more used, not to mention)...

999999 was no mistake, I wanted both ids!
I should haved recalled that iirc.

Yeah. Like... come on.

could have deposited for it other or spam it up.

Funk dat shit.

the more alts you got the more time you waste. Thats why I trashed 3 of my alts.

Unless you don't use 'em. See 999999 and 1000000 for examples.

At 4/19/07 02:06 AM, ReconRebel wrote: iscrulz (you still haven't returned my PM fag)
I know I am not a very good Pm responder I have some month or older PMs to address.

YEAH! You better respond to my PM first before you even think about responding to Recon's or else I'M GONNA DIVORCE YOU.

At 4/20/07 04:13 AM, Zendra wrote: I don't know if it counts, but I have become a BBS moderator now. That's a level up for me. :)
Damn your a mod now Z. Please look the other way. Good luck.

Look the other way... before he crosses the street? #;-}>

At 4/21/07 02:17 PM, PenguinLink wrote: PenguinLink's Congratulations List #57
Congratulations to the following users:


At 4/16/07 11:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Whoa. A man who keeps track of his congrats list count... now THERE's some statly initiative I can both shudder at AND respect at the same time! #;-}>
There is no need to respect me sir. With all due respect, you are the one that should be respected upon from me the most. :)

Maybe so, but I never even THOUGHT to number my congrats list, back when I did them up in style like you do 'em now.

Just colour me impressed, I guess, if not respectfulling, then... yes.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 03:01:26

Today has been quite a good leveling up day for me!

10000 b/p points and Level 11!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 04:13:46

Coop waits for a BBQ tomorrow and congratulates today:
Crag: Level 11
NEVR: 8,000 Total Points
Azentiger: 4,000 Saves
Idiot-Finder: 15,000 B/P
SlashFirestorm: 5,000 Experience; 12,000 Saves
wismty: Level 21
Sterockicy: 10,000 B/P; Level 11

At 4/26/07 04:13 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 4/25/07 04:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: A sign of the times, as it will become increasingly common
How so?

Well, as more people seem to be logging more saves per day than blams, it is only a matter of time before more people reach 10k Saves before 10k Blams. You and me are both far too experienced for this to happen to us, but there are others who will find it.

At 4/26/07 06:08 PM, Slightly-Crazy-Dude wrote:
Hello Wi/Ht? Long time no visit.

Hi SCD, how goes Scotland?

At 4/26/07 08:36 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: I made that post over 4 years ago


This place has sure changed.

*Drops to knees* The chosen one has returned!

At 4/26/07 11:25 PM, Azentiger wrote:
At 4/26/07 10:18 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/26/07 08:36 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: This place has sure changed.
You must be new. Haven't seen your face before. ^_~
Not really. He's that topic starter.

Look at the emoticon ReconRebel wrote. He was being sarcastic.

At 4/27/07 12:06 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 4/26/07 04:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: I don't have the inclination to do that, as my dad recently beat me in a game of tennis on the Wii, which is quite disturbing
Fine. How about some co-op Contra instead?

As much as I want to sit around and play games all day, I really have to go and see what my Girlfriend is up to

At 4/27/07 01:25 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 4/18/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Mr Miyagi's ghost wanders in* Welcome *and out again

That was wierd... and somehow cool as well.

No, she just stretched while we were having a cuddle and accidentally knocked my bruise with her heel.
raises eyebrow::: Kinky!

No, on that occasion, the pain did not transcend into pleasure, I can assure you.

At 4/27/07 01:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 4/18/07 08:26 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/18/07 07:50 AM, schneelocke wrote: Sweet, congrats! ^^ Wow, there's 90 already? Quite insane - NG definitely needs a new B/P rank or two above EGSC
Like I said, I'll have to get to about 29k and then they'll move the bar up to about 50-60k.

What are you whinging about? At least you'll still be an EGSC!

Because it's a cute li'l black wolfnose. ^.^
You're too cute for your own good :P
GET A .... oh wait, that joke didn't work well with schnee last time. NEVERMIND. #;-}>

Didn't work with schnee OR me last time as I recall :P

Though why that doesn't work with me and my girlfriend never ceasing to find each other cute despite having lived together for nearly 6 straight years... I will never know!
Surely you're not complaining?
Wait until you wonder why you ever found her cute (if ever that happens) and I'll remind you of this...
If we haven't stopped finding each other cute after 7 years in love and 6 years living together, I doooooo noooot think it's likely to ever happen, kthx.

Glad to hear it!

At 4/18/07 11:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, and all the weird stuff happening in it. I love the twist on that episode, same for what they did with Obsoletely Fabulous.
I don't remember that one by title name, unlike Sting. What be up in that one?

Bender gets downgraded to a wooden robot, but then finds out it was all part of his upgrading to make him compatible with the new 1-X robot

At 4/19/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: The do a lot more abstract stuff in the Anthology episodes, as they kill Bender in both of the anthologies so far... three times. Also, Leela kills the rest of the crew, except for Fry... *prod's Bender's fat human corpse* WOO!
Why do you say both of the anthologies so far? There's only two, and there's no need for "so far" either.

We have it on good authority that Comedy Central has bought the rights to the Futurama Franchise and season 5 is in production. We expect to see episodes on our screens in 2008.

Well, Futurama doesn't have the constraints of being a loosely based parody of Matt Groening's family. He's a sci-fi nut and has been allowed to build on the success of the Simpsons with quite a large budget. I think he's done a great job, to be honest
He DID a great job. Long over, man. Long since over. ;_;

See above, it will be back, with original voice actors, writers etc.

In one of the great inequities of TV... one show, which is good, gets 10+ years. The other one, which is GREAT, gets just 4 years.

But now has a contract for another 4! And possibly a straight to DVD movie as well!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 04:16:56

At 4/27/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop waits for a BBQ tomorrow and congratulates today:

Gee, Getting ready for it already. Somebody enjoys their BBQ's!

BTW, Nice long post! How long did that take you?

Also, Isnt it your NG birthday tommorow?

Also, Hi! :-)

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 05:11:14

At 4/27/07 01:25 AM, gfoxcook wrote: True enough. But it's not just that people at higher levels are less likely to give up. It's also just that there are much less of them, the density is lower. Every now and then someone in the top 10 or 20 exp stops depositing and drops. We just don't notice because there's not as much rankchanging going on as there is down around #200, when someone can jump +5 in a week.

True... are +5 jumps in just one week still all that common in the ~#200 range, though?

The time is not that much IMO, even cumulatively speaking. If you just have one account on NG that you care (or cared) about to the point of needing exp for it every day, you can spend more time brushing your teeth every single day than depositing on NG. To me, that's a no-brainer.

Still. Suppose it takes you a minute to deposit on NG every day; you already have your browser open, but you need to navigate there, check out five movies and vote on these, so I think one minute is certainly not too much.

That's about 6 hours per year, then - so after four years, you've spent an entire day doing nothing but deposit on NG. And that's a full 24 hours, too, from midnight to midnight, without any sleep, no getting out, no eating, no toilet breaks, no doing anything else...

And of course, "it just takes X, that's not much" is not necessarily a real argument, anyway. Yeah, one minute a day might not be much, but is NG the only site you're only staying semi-active on in case you come back some day? Cruft does accumulate, and every ocean is made from individual drops (well, not literally, but you know what I mean).

I often notice the same thing with money, myself; people often say things like "oh, this and that is really very cheap, surely you can afford that", but while they are technically right, the problem is that if I wanted to buy *all* the things that are very cheap and that I surely could afford, I'd still end up paying more money than I actually have. And while no single purchase would be responsible for putting me over my limit, I'd still have to cut down on individual purchases to consolidate my finances.

Time is similar. I only have 24 hours a day, many of which I already have to use for other, more important things, and I can't just do everything I want - and I couldn't even if everything, individually, just took a minute per day to do.

Of course, I myself am still on NG because it still has value to me, but I can also understand people who feel it doesn't anymore, because I've felt (and feel) the same way about a number of other sites and because not wasting time on those every day for years (even if it's just a miniscule amount each day) has made me feel better, too.

They're both fine, but the former is exactly the one I meant seeing too much of. It's the "average anime ASCII smiley," as opposed to the . one, which is far rarer.

*noddles* That's true. I tend to use ^.^ rather than ^_^ myself since I think the former's cuter, but I still like both of them.

Goodness, I remember a time in the early nineties when I used smileys like ":-)" and thought that ":)" (without the dash) looked weird. Things sure have changed...

It's not really offensive or disturbing to me on a conscious level, it's more the visceral gut reaction you can't help if you have it... you just have it.

That's what I meant - you kinda lose that gut reaction after a while. It's still there, of course, but you just become indifferent, to an extent.

At 4/27/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, as more people seem to be logging more saves per day than blams, it is only a matter of time before more people reach 10k Saves before 10k Blams. You and me are both far too experienced for this to happen to us, but there are others who will find it.

*noddles* Well, who knows - maybe I'll have more saves than blams myself some day, too. :P My ratio at least sure has gone up quite a bit in the last 6 to 9 months or so (and possibly before that, too; I'd have to check to be sure, though)...

What are you whinging about? At least you'll still be an EGSC!

Unless they raise the threshold to 60001 points. >:)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 05:34:22

At 4/27/07 04:16 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 4/27/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop waits for a BBQ tomorrow and congratulates today:
Gee, Getting ready for it already. Somebody enjoys their BBQ's!

Somebody used to work in a supermarket and knows how fast that stuff sells out when the weather is nice. It's overcast at the moment, so if I get it ion now, there won't be dissapointment.

BTW, Nice long post! How long did that take you?

About 10- 15 minutes

Also, Isnt it your NG birthday tommorow?

Yes, I'll be celebrating, but all those stat adoring posts will have to wait until tomorrow

Also, Hi! :-)


At 4/27/07 05:11 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 4/27/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, as more people seem to be logging more saves per day than blams, it is only a matter of time before more people reach 10k Saves before 10k Blams. You and me are both far too experienced for this to happen to us, but there are others who will find it.
*noddles* Well, who knows - maybe I'll have more saves than blams myself some day, too. :P My ratio at least sure has gone up quite a bit in the last 6 to 9 months or so (and possibly before that, too; I'd have to check to be sure, though)...

Well, we can surely give it time

What are you whinging about? At least you'll still be an EGSC!
Unless they raise the threshold to 60001 points. >:)

Tom's not that much of a bastard, is he?!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 08:30:42

Thank you for your deposit, Peregrinus! You now have 5,000 experience points.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 09:33:25

At 4/26/07 10:18 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
I'm really sorry SCD. Don't be pissed at me bud. Been busy with the new security system at work and spending most of my online time elsewhere. I'm slightly behind on the PM's but you'll have my reply before the end of tonight's shift. I promise.

Got it, read it and replied. Thanks.

At 4/27/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Hi SCD, how goes Scotland?

Scotland is still a magnificent place. The sun is shining, i have beers and wine in the refrigirator and i have a smile on my face. After tonight shift at work, things will be all good.
Pm me sometime or catch me on AIM or MSN. You're another face from long ago that i havent spoken to in ages.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 11:32:42

Listening to:

Megadeth - 'Ashes in Your Mouth' and 'Crown of Worms'
Helloween - 'The King for a 1000 Years'

Congrats to:

Azentiger - 4000 saves
Idiot-Finder - 15000 B/P
SlashFirestorm - 5000 EXP, 12000 saves
wismty - Level 21
Sterockicy - 10000 B/P, Level 11
Peregrinus - 5000 EXP

Thanks to:


At 4/26/07 02:11 PM, Casualty wrote: Listening to:
Trivium - Pull Harder Blah Blah Blah


Yes, I do am the worst typist EVER.

Nah, ramagi beats you. XD

At 4/26/07 06:08 PM, Slightly-Crazy-Dude wrote:
Hello Wi/Ht? Long time no visit.


At 4/27/07 12:06 AM, Imposter-X-Naut wrote: I could, smart aleck, but I'm already used to typing out the names.

You can get used to copying and pasting their names. ;)

At 4/27/07 01:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: At least they didn't do one per year on the same day like with Treehouse, I s'pose. Can't become too predictable.

Yeah, I would've started to hate the Anthology of Interests if it went one per year. Would've ended up traumatising me just like when I saw the last two Treehouse of Horrors. :( I'll blabber on about TOH now.

I think I - V of the Treehouse of Horror are awesome. VI - IX are great (I know VI has Homer3, but the first story of that episode wasn't so great), but the older ones beat them. X and after, it started to get bad and gradually gets worse with some exceptions of some good stories (e.g. Send in the Clones).

I don't remember that one by title name, unlike Sting. What be up in that one?

It was when Bender was lost on an island.

That will all I'll say about the episode. :P
And don't forget Apu. Apu > Abe. How could you mention Abe when there's... APU!?!? #;-}>

I think Abe's funnier, but I shouldn't forget Apu's catchphrase, "Thank you, come again!" Also, just a little reminder to everyone here:

Futurama > The Simpsons

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 13:17:50

Listening to:
Radiohead - Cuttooth
Radiohead - Dollarc & Cents

Congrats to:
iateamexican: Gold Whistle
NEVR: Silver Whistle, 8,000 Total Stats
Azentiger: 4,000 Saves
Idiot-Finder: 15,000 B/P
SlashFirestorm: 5,000 Experience, 12,000 Saves
wismty: Level 21
Officer: 4.444 Posts per day
Sterockicy: 10,000 B/P, Level 11
Peregrinus: 5,000 Experience

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 18:55:45

1 week of college left, 7 lectures attended, Shanus' fucked

NEVR - 8000 Total Stats
Azentiger - 4000 saves
Idiot-Finder - 15000 B/P
SlashFirestorm - 5000 exp & 12000 saves
wismty - level 21
Officer - 4.444 posts/day
Sterockicy - level 11 & 10000 B/P

special congrats, I still win on exp though ;)

Peregrinus - 5000 exp


At 4/26/07 02:11 PM, Casualty wrote: LOL, Trivium XD

For Shame, ah they're ok live. New album sucks ass

At 4/26/07 02:13 PM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, it's always good. That reminds me, I'd better book August 15th off work, to maximise the pointage

I probably will be free, if not I'll pull a sicky ;)

Well, when I bought it, I had to put a stereo in - Sony MiniDisc player and a couple of 6" x 9" speakers in the rear parcel shelf. It's been in for a few repairs on the engine - New Thermostat, new exhaust (Drove through a flood too fast and wrecked the catalytic converter) On a good day and on a home track, I can push three figures out of it.

Sounds pretty sweet, and if it's hooked up with a good sounds system it's all good. I'm guessing you're a bit of a boy racer then, you're just giving me a craving for a car now. Definitely gotta do it this summer

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 19:42:53

Level 13? Win

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 19:45:35

32000 total b/p points. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 20:10:14

Well i finally reached lvl 10. And it's going to take me forever to reach lvl 11 but i am alsmost to EGPFC so i guess i am satisfied with that.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 20:38:03

Thanks to those who congratulated me. ^_^

At 4/27/07 08:30 AM, Peregrinus wrote: Thank you for your deposit, Peregrinus! You now have 5,000 experience points.

Heh, 5 ahead of you. I came back to Newgrounds just in time...and I'll never, ever miss a deposit again. :evil laugh:

At 4/27/07 07:45 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: 32000 total b/p points. :)

I look forward to destroying you, good sir!

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 20:48:36

I'm one year old :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 22:43:11

I'm a member of both the NG Police and the Elite Guard Barracks. We wanted to let people know about both groups. With Pico Day around the corner, there will be a lot of leveling up and both groups certainly could use the new members. I hate to advertise, but I promised that I would. If you know anyone that is leveling up or if you would like to join for yourself, check out either the NG Police or the Elite Guard Barracks, depending on your current b/p rank.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-27 23:43:13

How did this topic get this long and big. That is my question.


Xbox live: FatlessPuddle0

Army Rangers

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-28 00:26:54

26,000 BALms - You passed 26000 Blams. Impressive!
Actually stopped at. why stop at 26k. Reasons: I am not online enough to reach 27, 28, 29, or 30 kays, Getting blams arent easy anymore. We know why, It matches the first 2 digits of my profile id, I can now just TooCool all UJ flash or blam with 5.

Short list XaXhXeXaXdX below :**F

Now COngrats to:
Snowy-Beast: Level 16
Dent0n: Level 19
LukeLovesLemonparty 2k exp
LittleWashu 11,111 saves
Odyssic: E.g. Staff Sergeant
BlueHippo 48k b/p, 60k ttp & 1k day old account
Kharbon 12k post ( posts is not a level up)
AtomicTerrorist: E.g. Major General nice b/p ratio
Emlfuryoflion: E.g. Private
life 50k ttp
JerkClock: LEvel 17
Penboy 2k exp
Muffin Nglog stuff
PulpChaos: Level 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls: E.g. Sergeant
Crashman Top 1k in exp
ibhenowflee 4k exp
Cereal 12k b/p
Coop83 400 portal flash reviews
Nicholas-Deary: E.g. Private
regexp 2k exp
ReconRebel Ranked #5 in b/p ( Stars rule man)
PenguinLink 10k saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 12 age 17
Kidiri: E.g. Private Firstclass
BlackPlastic 700 musical reviews.
Oglaphinahorfinhof: Level 11
Politoed 2k exp
JoeMation 5k posts
AlexanderTheInsane: Level 12
Fake X-Naut 10.00 votes!
RageVI: Level 21
FloppyDiskClock: Level 11
Bahamut7: Level 12
Shanus: Level 11
AnzRage 11k exp ( I am hot cuz im *fly.)
Solidone: E.g. Private First Class
ShortMonkey 3k exp
Penguin-92: Level 10
Noodleboy111 Diety whistle ( Just stop flaging and whistling)
SlipperyMooseCakes: Level 13
Hycran: E.g. Captain
Crag: Level 11
iateamexican gold whistle
Azentiger 4k saves
Idiot-Finder 15k b/p
SlashFirestorm 5k exp and 12k saves
wismty: Level 21
Sterockicy: Level 11 and 10k b/p
Peregrinus 5k exp
squadus2: Level 13
Dream-of-Duke 31k b/p
I-Love-Caitlyn: Level 10
NobGoblin 1 year old account

At 4/22/07 12:23 PM, Bahamut wrote:

Who loves biggernig cant spell the rest of it.

At 4/22/07 02:56 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 4/22/07 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Poor tree. It still had some life left into it. >:(

*Sniff* Aint that the true old gal still had some spunk.

At 4/23/07 02:56 AM, YoinK wrote: I remember when I hit 2k experience.

I dont think you do.

At 4/23/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/22/07 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 4/21/07 04:40 PM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I've got 6 reviews outstanding after last night, so that should keep me happy.
Neat, bro. I havent written a review in 8 days maybe I will catch a slash or bahamut flash and give it a crappy kind of review.
Well, I'm close to 400 reviews now, which has really exploded for pace this year,a s have my saves (more about this on Saturday)

Right 400 hmm I was close to 1600 but now thats too far away. More saves right its happening more newer users are having a higher S2B than B2S ratio. ya know.

That and I'm taking over the Top 100 Responses list, since AfroUnderscoreStud decided to leave, with the exception of the B/P Ranks 51+

hmm maybe I should get some responses now. Nice luck with the lists

Thanks, Happy Earth Day to yourself

Your Welcome and thank you I did my part by throwing my trash in the garbage bin.

At 4/25/07 08:07 AM, KIRBYLINK wrote: ya well i'm almost lvl 13! W00T

shut up your not close. You're worse than wesdood.

At 4/26/07 12:01 AM, wizardman wrote: Well, the 25th was the first day in 6 months that I forgot to deposit, if that counts, lol...

Nope. I went 2 years last time I missed was July 4th 06. I have missed on my alts though.

At 4/26/07 10:01 AM, BlueHippo wrote:
also, i forgot ANOTHER deposit on muffin o_O i dunno what's going on!

Let me deposit for muffin I will never miss.

At 4/27/07 01:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You guys sure are doing the whole listening/listened to stuff a lot. Soooo cliched.

Oh so you think its cliche. Yeah your so fly dont conform. I listened to CC- various stand up with list makeing

80s music stuff and all

Well maybe you like the 80s because of the nostiglic old skool kind of mentality people get because the new stuff sucks.

and not here to stay. Hows VCS been did you max out your empire stats and shit
Nice segue, ehhhhh????

Truely surpislingly.

I have all 30 empire sites. Took me a few good hours of milling around and shit to realise that I couldn't get that one damned biker empire site in Vice Point on the east side near those hotels until I freakin' ADVANCED THE PLOT a bit more into the Mendez Bros. missions.

I got them all as so as I could. I cant remeber how well I did and other info.

But wotevah.

at least you got it now to get all the jobs/missions passed.

I've got like 7 each of the first three business types but only 3 each of the drugs/robbery/smuggling ones. I'm planning on evening it all out so there's 5 of each type * 6 = 30, nice even spread.

Got to have a variety. I like the smuggling irc becuase of the Sabre Tubro.

I'm at like 65% game completion, and I'm holding off on advancing the plot. If I hurried up and did all the missions left (the movie studio, Mendez bros, and then the few more people who can give you missions after that, which I only just barely spoiled myself on by glancing at a FAQ just once about it), I bet it would boost up to 85%+.

I got to play VCS for PSP all this talk is making me exicted in a nonperverted way. I know I got lots of unique jumps, rampages, and red ballons to find but I am concerned with 100%.

Not 99% like my Vice City save, but still not so bad for 40 hours of game time and tons of fun in the past month!

100% for me and its the only gta game I got 100%. I would like it for SA but I have 98.5% of gang terratree taken damn vatos.

Until Daddy takes the T-Bird away.

You got it.

Sup dude I had a gooden wank. Over a packet of sweetner.
A golden wank is what I thought you said at first. Holy shite.

Yeah my spelling is actrious I may have wanted it to say golden, but not likely.

I thought 2004 was bigger than that, because I remember 2003 already starting to be pretty cool. How you describe 2004 Clock Day is more like 2003 Clock Day. 2004 wasn't 1000 entries or anything, but it was a good 100-200 entry day, I think.

Ah maybe I dont remeber 04. I came back in 03 in august and thats what I am thinking 04 was well perhaps.

I won whozah. and your alt's 2nd alt could be geephoxez

Nellie maye

Why not gfawks instead? Just a BIT simpler (and more used, not to mention)...

yes you just asked the question to yourself.

999999 was no mistake, I wanted both ids!
I should haved recalled that iirc.
Yeah. Like... come on.

Gah cut me some slack dude

could have deposited for it other or spam it up.
Funk dat shit.

inactive is the prime choice

the more alts you got the more time you waste. Thats why I trashed 3 of my alts.
Unless you don't use 'em. See 999999 and 1000000 for examples.

Correct but most alts are for depositing, co-authoring yourself, or trying to be funny.

I know I am not a very good Pm responder I have some month or older PMs to address.
YEAH! You better respond to my PM first before you even think about responding to Recon's or else I'M GONNA DIVORCE YOU.

Well uh too late I will just counter-sue you if you try to divorce me.

Damn your a mod now Z. Please look the other way. Good luck.
Look the other way... before he crosses the street? #;-}>

I would run him over. oh congrats for having the last post on 1836

At 4/27/07 10:43 PM, Snerd wrote: I'm a member of both the NG Police and the Elite Guard Barracks. We wanted to let people know about both groups. With Pico Day around the corner, there will be a lot of levelinher the NG Police or the Elite Guard Barracks, depending on your current b/p rank.

*Salutes* Hey wait Pico day wtf is that some common day the staff decided to make up, sort of like like the groups or person day.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature