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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 07:33:20

Level 12
17th Birthday


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 08:30:01

Congrats to :

Dent0n, lvl 19 looking good!
LittleWashu, 11,111 saves!
Odyssic, 4k B/P!
BlueHippo 60K POINTS!
Kharbon, Lvl 12 + 12,000 POST!
MetalDart, 30Flash!
Life, 50K points!!!
JerkClock, LVL 17
Muffin 12K B/P + 19K points
Ibhenowflee 4K Exp!
Cereal 12K B/P!
Regexp 3K exp!
ReconRebel, #5 in B/P List!
PenguinLink, 10,000 Save !
TheBlackDahliaMurder Happy BDay and enjoy lvl 12!

Thanks to :


Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 10:05:19

It looks like slow n' steady wins the race afterall, Recon. ;p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 11:28:18

At 4/23/07 02:56 AM, YoinK wrote: congradulations penboy for 2k experience... I remember when I hit 2k experience.

Out of curiosity, do you recall which level you were when you hit 2k XP?

At 4/23/07 11:51 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Recently knocked MPA out of the #5 spot on the top 50 blam/protect list. My only regret is it happened during Shit (star) Day. *frowns* I'm glad these idiots only get 24 hours to show everyone how fucking stupid they are. >:-(

Congrats! :)

At 4/24/07 02:54 AM, PenguinLink wrote: 10,000 Saves

Wow, I was just about to say "congrats on getting double-listed", but then I checked your profile and noticed you didn't actually have 10k blams yet - it's rather unusual to hit 10k saves first, I guess, but still, cool. Congrats! ^^

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 11:31:34

Your Statistical Variations Today:
You lost 1 B/P Ranks today! Shit!

LOL! Imposter X-Naut, you're a bastard. XD

Listening to:

Rainbow - 'Starstruck' and 'Do You Close Your Eyes'

Congrats to:

ibhenowflee - 4000 EXP
Cereal - 12000 B/P
Coop83 - 400 flash reviews
AtomicTerrorist - 1.0101010101 B/P ratio, #888 in EXP
Nicholas-Deary - Elite Guard Private
regexp - 3000 EXP
ReconRebel - #5 in B/P
PenguinLink - 10000 saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder - Level 12. Happy birthday.

Thanks to:


At 4/23/07 12:17 PM, Haggard wrote:
It's a german Black/Dark Metal-Band. Check it out, everyone! ;)

Nah, I don't feel like discovering any artists right now. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 11:56:42

I got my gold whistle back today. Bring on deity.

At 4/24/07 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote: Your Statistical Variations Today:
You lost 1 B/P Ranks today! Shit!

LOL! Imposter X-Naut, you're a bastard. XD

hard luck bahamut. Youll just have to put in the extra effort to get that spot back.

Listening to:

Rainbow - 'Starstruck' and 'Do You Close Your Eyes'

What about "Since you bin gone", thats the best rainbow song.

Congrats to:
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 12 - happy birthday also
AtomicTerrorist: ranked #888 for Experience
PenguinLink: 10000 Saves
ReconRebel: ranked #5 for B/P - big congrats for this one, nice one mate,
regexp: 3000 Experience
Nicholas-Deary: EG private - joing the EG barracks, link in my sig.
AtomicTerrorist: cool b/p ratio
Emlfuryoflion: top 3000 for B/P
Coop83: 400 Reviews
Cereal: 12000 B/P
ibhenowflee: 4000 Experience

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 12:12:07

Kataklysm - As I Slither
Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
Children of Bodom - Bed Of Razors
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Children of Bodom - Silent Night, Bodom Night
Children of Bodom - Downfall

Congrats to:
ObsessedOne: LVL 10
TooHot100: 6,000 Experience
Justin-Bailey: Gold Whistle; EG Private
AtomicTerrorist: Top 150 B/P; EG Major General; lol S/B ratio; Ranked #888 Experience
skreetch: LVL 9
Bstuk2: 1,000 Experience
Rabid-Echidna: LVL 19
Snowy-Beast: LVL 16
Dent0n: LVL 19
LukleLovesLemonparty: 2,000 Experience
Odyssic: EG Staff Sergeant
BlueHippo: 48,000 B/P; 60,000 Total Stats; 1000 NG Days - Neat indeed!
Kharbon: LVL 12; 12,000 Posts
MetalDart: 30 Flashes
Emlfuryoflion: EG Private; Bronze Whistle; Top 3,000 B/P
life: 50,000 Total Stats
JerkClock: LVL 17
PenBoy: 2,000 Experience
Muffin: 12,000 B/P; 8,000 Saves; 19,000 Total Stats
PulpChaos: LVL 11
Hybrid-of-Souls: EG Sergeant
Crashman: Top 1,000 Experience
ibhenowflee: 4,000 Experience
Cereal: 12,000 B/P
Coop83: 400 Reviews
Nicholas-Deary: EG Private
regexp: 3,000 Experience
ReconRebel: Top 5 B/P
PenguinLink: 10,000 Saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder: LVL 12; 17 Y/O
Solidone: Gold Whistle

At 4/23/07 03:02 AM, Muffin wrote: You FUCKED UP and FORGOT TO DEPOSIT! DUMBASS!

hey, i don't think i've seen that last one before o_O

Hey, I don't think I ever added that last one o_O Weird!




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 12:34:11

Recently I got 2000 B/P, after my being banned, thus giving me the rank of Elite Guard Private First Class.

Apparently Gooch thinks 'Pics or it didn't happen.' is getting old quickly.

The codfish on the park bench is fried by the raw maple. 30/10/2009

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 14:45:13

Listening to:

My Achievment today:
10,000 Total Points

Congrats to:
ibhenowflee: 4,000 Experience
Cereal: 12,000 B/P
Coop83: 400 Reviews
Emlfuryoflion: In the top 3,000 for B/P
AtomicTerroris: Rankend #888 in Experience, Protect-Blam Ration of 1.0101010101 - :)
Nicholas-Deary: EG Private
regexp: 3,000 Experience
ReconRebel: #5 in B/P
PenguinLink: 10,000 Saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 12, 17th RL Birthday Saves - Happy Birthday to you! ;)
Solidone: Gold Whistle
Kidiri: EG Private First Class

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 17:16:10

700 audio reviews bitch. And I think that makes over 100 in the same week.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 18:12:16

Congrats to:
AtomicTerrorist - #888 in exp.
BlackPlastic - 700 audio reviews.
Cereal - 12,000 b/p.
Coop83 - 400 reviews.
Crashman - Top 1,000 expers.
Emlfuryoflion - Bronze whistle, and Top 3,000 b/pers.
Hybrid-Of-Chaos - EG Sergeant Major.
ibhenowflee - 4,000 exp.
Kidiri - 2,000 b/p.
Muffin - 12,000 b/p, 8,000 saves, and 19,000 total points.
Nicholas-Deary - EG Private.
Odyssic - 11,000 total points.
Penboy - EG Private First Class.
PenguinLink - 10,000 saves.
PulpChaos - Level 11, and EG Sergeant.
ReconRebel - #5 in exp.
regexp - 3,000 exp.
TheBlackDahliaMurder - Level 12, and 17th berfday.

At 4/23/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'll be waiting

Then let the rematch begin.

Queen > Europe


At 4/24/07 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote: LOL! Imposter X-Naut, you're a bastard. XD

lulz, you had it coming. :p

Also, that puts into the Top 25 b/pers now. Unless Bahamut decides to be a prick, and tries to pass me again. >:(

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 21:41:54

Level 11!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 21:46:40

At 4/24/07 09:41 PM, Oglaphinahorfinhof wrote: Level 11!


As for me:

Thank you for your deposit, Politoed! You now have 2,000 experience points. You need 908 more to get to level 11.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 22:39:29

At 4/24/07 10:28 PM, JoeMation wrote: 5,000 Posts


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-24 23:19:53

DaSadGirl - 7777 posts.

( 3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 00:01:42

Level 12.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 00:03:14

Thanks for voting, X-Naut!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 6.25 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 60% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 10.00 votes!

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 01:05:13

Level 21!

Seems to have taken an ungodly amount of time, but I'm glad to be here. I still don't think the icon's as cool as the hammer, but I'd take a higher level any day.

I was also convinced that the redesign would be released before I leveled up, which obviously hasn't happened. I'm actually pretty glad.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 04:03:35

Coop waits patiently for the cricket season to begin, while congratulating:
Atomic Terrorist: Ranked #888 for Experience
The BlackDahliaMurder: Level 12, 17th Birthday
Solidone: Gold Whistle (Again)
Kidiri: EG Private 1st Class
Haggard: 10,000 Total Points
Odyssic: 11,000 Total Points
BlackPlastic: 700 reviews (Audio)
X-Naut: Top 25 B/Per; 10.00 VP (Finally :P)
Oglaphinahorfinhof: Level 11
Poilitoed: 2,000 Experience
JoeMation: 5,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: Level 12
RageVI: Level 21
FloppyDiskClock: Level 11

Thanks to:

At 4/24/07 11:28 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 4/24/07 02:54 AM, PenguinLink wrote: 10,000 Saves
Wow, I was just about to say "congrats on getting double-listed", but then I checked your profile and noticed you didn't actually have 10k blams yet - it's rather unusual to hit 10k saves first, I guess, but still, cool. Congrats! ^^

A sign of the times, as it will become increasingly common

At 4/24/07 06:12 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 4/23/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'll be waiting
Then let the rematch begin.

*Coop lets X-Naut win a couple of games, then pounds him into submission*

Well, you shouldn't spend all your time celebrating 10 VP, there's still plenty more votes out there to collect.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 06:12:49

At 4/24/07 05:16 PM, BlackPlastic wrote: 700 audio reviews bitch. And I think that makes over 100 in the same week.

Yay, me too :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 08:07:05

ya well i'm almost lvl 13! W00T


Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 11:15:39

I got my third secret and this is my 2,400th post!

I be down with Mozart mother fucker! I've been banging out jives since I was a dickworm

Slags and hoes.

Oh shit king kong what are you going

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 11:16:51

At 4/25/07 11:15 AM, EvilJesus wrote: I got my third secret and this is my 2,400th post!

Hang on this is

I be down with Mozart mother fucker! I've been banging out jives since I was a dickworm

Slags and hoes.

Oh shit king kong what are you going

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 11:18:24

"OMGWTFBBQ, I LEVELED UP! My glove is back! :O"

That's what I said when my main account reached level 12. Now this alt has reached level 12. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 11:25:34

Listening to:

Wintersun - 'Starchild' and 'Beautiful Death'

Congrats to:

Kidiri - Elite Guard Private First Class
BlackPlastic - 700 audio reviews
Oglaphinahorfinhof - Level 11
Politoed - 2000 EXP
JoeMation - 5000 posts
AlexanderTheInsane - Level 12
Imposter X-Naut - 10VP
RageVI - Level 21
FloppyDiskClock - Level 11

Thanks to:

Casualty. Who the fuck is LukleLovesLemonparty? :P

At 4/24/07 11:56 AM, Solidone wrote: hard luck bahamut. Youll just have to put in the extra effort to get that spot back.

Yeah, but I'll have to wait until I get lots and lots of time again.

What about "Since you bin gone", thats the best rainbow song.

It's a great song, although it's a cover. However, that song isn't on the first two Rainbow albums, so I don't have that song on my computer right now. I can't be bothered going through about 100 compilation CDs that my dad owns just to get one song.

And fuck downloading.
At 4/24/07 06:12 PM, Imposter-X-Naut wrote: Also, that puts into the Top 25 b/pers now. Unless Bahamut decides to be a prick, and tries to pass me again. >:(

I'll pass you again sometime. Perhaps not soon, unless you slip up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 11:47:39

Level 11 & #5000 exp
Both not achieved today but I've been busy
Have to get use to Level 11 icon now

I beat the Redesign too, which is fast becoming an urban legend

Screenie below to prove the #5000

Long list ahoy

Dent0n - level 19
LukeLovesLemonparty - 2000 exp
LittleWashu - 11111 saves
Odyssic - 4000 B/P, Elite Guard Staff Sergeant & 11000 Total Points
BlueHippo - 48000 B/P, 60000 Total Points &1000 Days on NG
Kharbon - 12000 Posts
AtomicTerrorist - Elite Guard Major General, 9.25+ VP & #888 Exp
MetalDart - 30 Movies
Emlfuryoflion - Elite Guard Private
life - 50000 Total Points
JerkClock - level 17
JUSTIN-BAILEY - Elite Guard Private
Penboy - 2000 exp
Muffin - 12000 B/P, 8000 Saves & 19000 Total Points
PulpChaos - level 11 & Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Hybrid-Of-Souls - Elite Guard Sergeant
Crashman - top 1000 exp
ibhenowflee - 4000 exp
Cereal - 12000 B/P
Coop83 - 400 Flash Reviews
Emlfuryoflion - top 3000 B/P
Nicholas-Deary - Elite Guard Private & 1500 B/P
regexp - 3000 exp
ReconRebel - #5 B/P
PenguinLink - 10000 Saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder - Level 12 & 17th B-Day IRL
Solidone - Gold Whistle
Kidiri - 2000 exp & Elite Guard Private First Class
Haggard - 10000 Total Points
BlackPlastic - 700 Audio Reveiws
Oglaphinahorfinhof - level 11
Politoed - 2000 exp
JoeMation - 5000 exp
DaSadGirl - 7777 posts
AlexanderTheInsane - level 12
X-Naut - 10.00 VP
RageVI - level 21
FloppyDiskClock - level 11
KIRBYLINK - level 13ish
Bahamut7 - level 12

At 4/19/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: Your account's not even a year old - mine's just coming up to three. Go figure.

Well, I've missed more deposits than you already so it'll take me a while longer till I'm at the same Stats as you, another 3 years should do it

I've got a 1.4 litre Seat Ibiza. It's blue, 5 door hatchback and with the right nutjob behind the wheel, it can outrace most cars (Including 3.5 litre BMWs and a Toyota Supra with racing spec yesterday, though I don't think he was trying)

Love those cars, nice, fast and nippy. You racing for money or just for fun???

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 12:42:08

Listening to:
Garbage - Parade
Wohlstandskinder - Take on me

Congrats to:
Odyssic: 11,000 Total Stats
BlackPlastic: 700 Audio Reviews
Oglaphinahorfinhof: Level 11
Politoed: 2,000 Experience
JoeMation: 5,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: Level 12
X-Naut: 10.00 Voting Power
RageVI: Level 21
FloppyDiskClock: Level 11
SBB: 700 Audio Reviews
Bahamut7: Level 12
Shanus: Level 11, Ranked #5,000 in Experience

Thanks to:

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 13:55:17

At 4/25/07 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/24/07 11:56 AM, Solidone wrote: hard luck bahamut. Youll just have to put in the extra effort to get that spot back.
Yeah, but I'll have to wait until I get lots and lots of time again.

Fair enough.

What about "Since you bin gone", thats the best rainbow song.
It's a great song, although it's a cover.

I actually never realised it was a cover before.

And fuck downloading.

oh, you don;t download at all?

At 4/24/07 06:12 PM, Imposter-X-Naut wrote:


Congrats to:
Shanus: Level 11
Bahamut7: Level 12
FloppyDiskClock: Level 11
RageVI: Level 21
X-Naut: 10.00 Voting Power
AlexanderTheInsane: Level 12
JoeMation: 5000 Posts
Oglaphinahorfinhof: Level 11
BlackPlastic: 700 Audio Reviews
Odyssic: 11000 Total Stats
Haggard: 10000 Total Stats
Kidiri: 2000 B/P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 13:58:54

11,000 experience. i'm hot cuz i'm hot, you ain't cuz you not, not.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-04-25 16:44:30

Elite Guard Private First Class

and 2,000 b/p.

go me!!!

BBS Signature