At 2/17/07 04:50 PM, Coop83 wrote:
*looks* I'm not really that close... besides, I've got gfox to fry first!
OH MY! Behind the scenes strategizin'!
At 2/18/07 02:51 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Your thunder is mine! I now have 10,000 Saves and that qualifies me for the triplelist when gfoxcook updates it. Huzzah.
HOORAY. Congrats.
At 2/21/07 11:23 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/19/07 10:58 PM, DukeOfMuffins wrote:
At 2/17/07 04:50 PM, Coop83 wrote:
besides, I've got gfox to fry first!
Taking it one step at a time, I see.
Well, even though you've posts 4 times in the past 2 days, I can see you're posting faster than gfox, so you'll pass him iside this week
Posting faster than a man who didn't post once in 90 days is no great feat, BTW. #;-}>
I was stuck at 8978 from January until Saturday night 4/14.
At 2/22/07 08:10 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 1/22/07 01:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/12/07 03:48 AM, Iscrulz wrote:
At 1/6/07 03:18 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
gfox is at 10,040 exp
gfoxclock is at 12,310 exp
gfoxcook is at 15,380 exp
congrats to the gafoxes.
Right-o I missed this post and want to reply but kept slacking down. well like its said better late than sorry.
The word "a" not "my" means ther not my but damnit I take pride in helping them get there. I have no alts over 10k my highest is 5,555 1,330 150 100 100 80 and 0
Ah, okay.
So what do you think of my alts then, eh iscrulz? #;-}> REVIEW THEM FOR ME, TOO, PLLZZZZZ...
Keep in mind the main two alts mostly but also the 999999 and 1000000 ones in their glorious inactivity. #;-}>
them I know.
gfoxclock - same thing as other famous groups but you did make it before 2005
gfox - unorginal just shorten from your main, could be because you didnt want anyone to have it
999999 - could be a mistake from trying to get the millionth id.
1000000 - shitty alt only thing great is the profile id#
any other alts - nice
I made it in two-thousand-fuckin'-three man. Hell yeah I made it before 2005. Why, was 2005 the year of the "everyone making a clock name" or something? #;-}>
Ding ding ding, that's exactly why my alt alt is named gfox, yes.
999999 was no mistake, I wanted both ids!
LOL! 1 mil's a shitty alt aside from the id, eh? Yeah, I guess so.
No other alts, sorries. ;_;
At 2/27/07 11:38 PM, MadCow wrote:
Does that mean I'm going to be on that list linked in gfox's profile, when in gets updated? When will it be updated? Or is it one of those lists that rarely gets updated just cuz :[
Not just cuz, either.
It's retired. Inactive. Caput.
But congrats on your 2x10kness and all back then.
At 2/28/07 03:24 PM, schneelocke wrote:
If he updates it again, you should appear in there, I think, yes. I don't know whether he still is updating it or how often, though - you should probably ask him about that (or wait until he comes back to this thread and answers your question ^_~).
Psst... in the future, 'twould be better if you refer people to ask me about it in the pentalist thread.
If Mad Cow posts there and asks to be added to my spreadsheet, that's the best way to go about things. I can check if Mad Cow IS on it already, and if not add add add! Next time (the last time) I'm updating the list, I can go through the recent pages of that thread and find anyone I'm missing that I want to add to the final update.
But if they post in here?
Let me put it to you this way: I'm catching up on 78 pages right now, from 1750 to 1828.
There's no way in hell I'm combing through every post by every user in the LUL for people who need to be on my pentalist's final FINAL update. I will only be looking in my pentalist topic, as should seem logical to all, methinks.
At 3/10/07 04:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Level 16!!! :D
I'll probably only have this for a short while, but I guess it's nice while it lasts.
At 3/10/07 10:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:
The episode is called "The Birdbot of Icecatraz" and Bender poses as a Penguin to escape from doing community service.
That is an excellent episode. I have all four seasons of Futurama on DVD, and that's one of my fave eps.
At 3/10/07 04:17 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Coop83 8383 posts (most of the time I would skip these posts but its different.)
Thanks. I wouldn't have noticed it myself if it wasn't for gfox to make me aware of it about a month ago.
8383! Hell yeah.
I'm about to hit a nice landmark post amount myself. THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.