At 3/18/07 11:06 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
Thanks wolfie! :-) Why doesn't anyone put a nose on their emoticons? I tried to conform but it was no good. *frowns* Couldn't touch your nose with your tongue if you didn't have one. :-d No you couldn't. You'd be touching your eyeball instead and that's kinda scary. And what about somebody who wears glasses? 8-) Without a nose they'd better learn how to see through their chin because that's where the specs will be. I'd search for some more examples but it's almost nap time.
Hmm, I can't reach my eyes with my tongue, myself - I'm no Gene Simmons. ;) But seriously, I sometimes do include a nose, like this: ^.^
You're welcome, too. ^.^
Nah, I messed up the last one so I figure it's time for a vacation, literally. So I'm curious wolfie. Why do you rarely post outside the LUL? I never noticed that before. Took a break from Civilization IV (a short one) and did some voting. The portal really sucks when the sun is up on your side of the world. Are werewolves eternal? With a weekly point gain of 3.5 it may take longer than you thought to catch me. Immortality might be a good thing in this case. If you ever want to go out for a bite, just howl. ;-)
*chuckles* I'd like that.
As for posting... oh, hmm, good question. The main reason is that NG doesn't seem to have any kind of "push" system for BBS updates; you can't subscribe to posts, for example, and get notified (by email) when there's replies, you can't get notifications for NEW posts (in a certain board), there's no RSS feeds, nothing (or at least, I haven't found anything). There's not even a way of marking topics as interesting or an overview over topics you've replied to (recently); basically, if you want to participate, the only way to do so is to check the BBS on your own frequently, and the only way of keeping tabs on which topics you've posted in is to either use your posting history (a kludge, at best), memorise them on your own, or bookmark them somehow, which still is a kludge (even with services like, since you couldn't actually see if there's new replies in "your" threads - you'd still have to pull them manually.
So... that's part of the reason. And also, I often don't quite know what I could post; if somebody asks questions, I either don't know the answers myself, or someone else will have answered them already, and in other topics, I'm even more lost. I'm not really very social , at least until I know people better.
Outside of that... eternal? You mean, as in, immortal? No. :)