Been away for a few days, drinkin, stayin up late, stuff that I wouldn't advise
Drinkin while posting is a bad idea
TheMaster - 10000 posts
Sterockicy - 11111
Nicholas-Deary - 3 subs in 2 days & daily 2nd - sweetness
MetalDart - 11111 Blams
Malachy - top 100 exp
MadCow - Elite Guard Major General, 5000 exp & 36000 total stats
DarkSoldier - 10000+ stats & top 600 B/P
pepeatumi - 40000 B/P
Senti - level 17
Freelance-Magician - 5000 exp
ibhenowflee - top 1000 B/P
MARINE - Elite Guard Master Sergeant
IM-KOOL-R-U - top 200 exp
At 3/4/07 06:06 PM, Nicholas-Deary wrote:At 3/4/07 02:45 PM, Shanus wrote: God damn double posters :DYeah! I'm so posty, woah! Sorry for the double post again, its a vicious circle, LOLF!
I Joke
Yes we suck, so so bad,
spammers unite
At 3/5/07 01:09 AM, iscrulz wrote:better quit dreaming before you get hurt even more.At 3/4/07 02:40 PM, Shanus wrote:
But but but, I want my nunchaku soon
At 3/5/07 05:55 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 3/4/07 02:40 PM, Shanus wrote: *Part-time Statwhore waits hopingly*
You just have to take every single chance you get to do a quick portal clearance. It works for me
Me too, but my plan has kinda gone down the toilet this week, exp, it all i'm gettin >_<
At 3/5/07 10:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 3/4/07 02:40 PM, Shanus wrote: Consider it done
I've got a few people to join in :)
Oh brilliant, bottle to gerrard way's face
Best concert ever
I wish I was at the concert where Matt Heafy got bottled at and really pissed off at the one who bottled him. :D
that'd been so funny, #oh oh oh, yeah yeah yeah#
he's a fag
At 3/7/07 12:26 AM, Sterockicy wrote: My first ever congratulatory list, I feel special.
*cough* jumpin on the band wagon * cough* lol ;)
At 3/7/07 08:21 AM, Casualty wrote:At 3/4/07 02:40 PM, Shanus wrote:At 3/4/07 10:50 AM, Casualty wrote: Sounds like an awesome festival! And yeah, make sure you bash those emos! MCR sucks!And Im stayin in a tent with a really goodlooking friend of mine, the fun will be had
Lamb of God rule!!!!
Hell yeah dude!! I just heard Lamb of God is coming to Graspop, and that's in Belgium, where I live! I can't miss THAT, can I...
Ah you're lucky, I missed em, when they were over here, and all my friends went. hope they come back soon
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