At 3/3/07 02:15 AM, PenguinLink wrote: I do not know if this is considered as an achievement, but I joined the Top 300 B/P Ranks List some time ago. I am profoundly glad that I finally made the list. :)
pretty sure it deserves a congrats sooooo... Congrats :D
At 3/3/07 05:02 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 3/3/07 01:18 AM, LittleWashu wrote: I guess that anything where one person can be on top and make it harder for anyone else just by getting more points would make any system broken. Even without the bonus the few people got when it was possible to get it people would still be complaining because of the increases.Aye, it is. I don't mind working five years for something that someone else worked for five years, too; that's not unfair, but when I have to work for five years that they worked for 6 months, and if what they got after five years is something I'll basically NEVER have, then I think the system is broken indeed, yes. >_>
The reason why the system was made this way was to promote people to deposit their EXP. But it seem that has backfired since most people stop depositing at level 9 when they see that gap. When I first got to level 9 I needed 924 exp points to get to level 10. Now it is 1200+ and this was over a year ago. I personally think if the NG staff were to change the system why not fix it like the B/P system and cut the EXP needed in half. That way anyone could get to the top and not get penalized for missing EXP. Because lets face as I said before adding new levels to jsut cut the EXP in half won't do anything at all but slow down the problem. Evenually it will be back to the same thing later on.
Of course, if higher levels didn't come with an increase in VP, I would be more likely to just say "eh, it doesn't matter all that much". I'd still be annoyed, but less annoyed than I am now...
So I see now so it annoys you more because of the higher levels come with extra VP. Most of the people I seen complaining about it being so hard to level up gripe about just getting to the next level most of them don't bitch about the VP.
The changes will evenually happen just not right away I just hope I can get to atleast the next level before the changes do happen but I highly doubt it though.Yeah... who knows, that might be difficult. I'm still wondering whether I'll be able to reach level 16 before the new levels, myself; it should take less than four weeks now, but who knows for how much longer the redesign will be delayed. :P
You got a point there with the delays. there has been a lot of them. if the redesign was on time I don't think I would have made it to level 13 level alone 14 were I am not. I won't get to level 15 until sometime in august. If I get to level 15 which I doubt I am willing to bet a lot of people will be pissed off.
At 3/3/07 03:47 PM, LittleWashu wrote: The reason why the system was made this way was to promote people to deposit their EXP. But it seem that has backfired since most people stop depositing at level 9 when they see that gap. When I first got to level 9 I needed 924 exp points to get to level 10. Now it is 1200+ and this was over a year ago. I personally think if the NG staff were to change the system why not fix it like the B/P system and cut the EXP needed in half. That way anyone could get to the top and not get penalized for missing EXP. Because lets face as I said before adding new levels to jsut cut the EXP in half won't do anything at all but slow down the problem. Evenually it will be back to the same thing later on.
Yup... I'd definitely be for fixed-scale levels, too.
So I see now so it annoys you more because of the higher levels come with extra VP. Most of the people I seen complaining about it being so hard to level up gripe about just getting to the next level most of them don't bitch about the VP.
It's a bit of both really, actually. I realise not everyone can have a 14+ VP, but, goodness, it's difficult enough to even get to 10 (even when you're an EGSC) unless you've been here since the beginning. (10 is still attainable, of course, but still.)
Of course, whether you've got 10 or 11 VP probably doesn't make a huge difference in practice, but it's yet another thing that says "the old users are and always have been more important than you'll ever be".
You got a point there with the delays. there has been a lot of them. if the redesign was on time I don't think I would have made it to level 13 level alone 14 were I am not. I won't get to level 15 until sometime in august. If I get to level 15 which I doubt I am willing to bet a lot of people will be pissed off.
*noddles* Yeah... I don't really recall when it was initially supposed to happen, but I'm pretty sure it was some time last autumn, so they're definitely quite late. :) Not that I personally mind, of course.
i just got elite guard private not five minutes ago.
*bask in my privateness*
At 3/3/07 08:35 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: Elite Guard Brigadier General!
Nicely done, your first star badge!
I just noticed this for myself.
Experience: Ranked # 555 out of 1,112,322 users!
Congrats to:
Acid - Level 14.
AndersonCouncil - 8,000 exp.
Dream-of-Duke - #800 in exp.
Ecke - 3,333 posts.
LuigiBot - 1,000 posts.
Malachy - EG Private.
PenguinLink - Top 300 b/pers, and EG First Lieutenant.
pwroftheseagoat - EG Brigadier General.
RupeeClock - #555 in exp.
Static - 6,000 exp.
At 3/3/07 09:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: *bets $5 stake* Hell, I've only lost £2.62. Not even half an hour's work.
$5? That's chump change. You know you want to press your luck even further. *devilish smile*
Sure, give it a shot.
Great. Now I actually have to try and find a copy.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
I reached my 1000th post and im a police sargent now.
At 3/3/07 08:07 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 3/3/07 03:47 PM, LittleWashu wrote:Of course, whether you've got 10 or 11 VP probably doesn't make a huge difference in practice, but it's yet another thing that says "the old users are and always have been more important than you'll ever be".
It is all about how you think of it. While some of the older user have more voting power then the newer users, that isn't true. There are many important people on NG who have very little voting power. and don't forget you can pass the older people with persistant depositing thought it will take time. So many people gripe about that not only because of that, But they want to get to certain levels just as fast as the older users did. Sadly in life everyone can't always get what they want if that was the case pimp would have about 1,000,000+ other user sharing his spotlight.
You got a point there with the delays. there has been a lot of them. if the redesign was on time I don't think I would have made it to level 13 level alone 14 were I am not. I won't get to level 15 until sometime in august. If I get to level 15 which I doubt I am willing to bet a lot of people will be pissed off.*noddles* Yeah... I don't really recall when it was initially supposed to happen, but I'm pretty sure it was some time last autumn, so they're definitely quite late. :) Not that I personally mind, of course.
the layout was suppose to be in november. Personally I am glad it wasn't then because if it was I wouldn't have gotten to one of my favorite levels. I don't mind waiting for the new layout to come because with each passing day I get closer to getting to level 15 were you are at now as you are on your way to level 16. Plus as I said before if the NG staff rushed through the layout, there could be bug in it and then there would be a whole lot of people making threads complaining about the problems.
:A Congratualtions to the below:
HouseMasta 5,000 blams
LittleWashu Ranked 1,111 in exp
Ecke 3,333 posts
Static 6,000 exp
PenguinLink: in Top 300 b/p list & e.g. 1st lt.
Nicholas-Deary 20 flashss
LuigiBot 1k posts
AndersonCouncil 8k in exp
Dream-of-Duke Top 800 in exp
pwroftheseagoat: EG Brigadier General
Malachy: eg private
RupeeClock 555th ranked in the exp.
CountDracula: Police Sargant 1k posts
At 3/2/07 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 3/2/07 08:48 AM, iscrulz wrote: all it takes is one post and a profile. and um other stuff I dont recall.And a profile picture, but I still think those alts will never get UOTD. Maybe my alts Toohot100 and Bahamut7 will sometime.
I don't believe 7 and th100 will get an uotd. theres a chance but I am betting no.
At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 3/1/07 08:15 AM, iscrulz wrote:What? You're not going soft on me, are you?At 3/1/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, it'll still be quite some time before I pass you, so you've got that to look forward to... shall we say 2010?I should be retired by then 3 years I serious hope.
Yes I am but its over 10k b/p to go to reach my goal.
Nah, you should never pet a burning dog...Lets pet it.Perfect hey look a dog.Ooh
Oh my what the it must be a sign, to do what.
At 3/2/07 05:52 PM, Sterockicy wrote:At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote: Just gotta ticket for the biggest Irish festival this year, Oxegen, It will be mental and will mean I will miss my depositing, but It ain't till July so I'll be like level 23 by thenSick man, Never heard of it before but it sounds cool. Well your going to miss depositing so I will be like a level 24 by then!
Sorry you maybe level 11 by then but not level 23/4, new levels are never coming.
At 3/2/07 09:32 PM, X-Naut wrote:
I'm awesome like that. And it involves me pressing this link over and over again.
You shouldn't tell people how to do that.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 3/3/07 08:07 PM, schneelocke wrote: It's a bit of both really, actually. I realise not everyone can have a 14+ VP, but, goodness, it's difficult enough to even get to 10 (even when you're an EGSC) unless you've been here since the beginning. (10 is still attainable, of course, but still.)
That's a nice coincidence, I just happened to reach 10.00 voting power yesterday :o
I'm splitting my replies into 2 evenly sized posts. For some reason the characters remaining reads zero and I'm too tired to start messing around with the text lest I screw something up. *yawns*
At 2/25/07 07:18 AM, IvanTuroc wrote:At 2/24/07 11:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote:congrats on your vote power. I look forward to my next big increase in VP. About 1500 B/Ps away I think.Check out this nifty stat; Voting Power: 13.00 votes!
Thanks a lot Ivan. Not only a voting power increase but the final b/p rank too! Your 5th star bud! It'll be interesting to see what happens to your pace once you get there. Most people tend to slow down or stop altogether. Remember that even a few points each day makes it tougher for the other users to catch you.
BTW, when the new levels and ranks are introduced, will there be more vote power or will 16:00 still be tops? Anyone know?
Good question. I never thought of that but I'm guessing the vp ceiling won't change. I'm sure somebody will have answered it by the time I catch up in here. This topic grows like a magical beanstalk for crying out loud. :-P
Now congrat me on my level up to the nunchakus! WWWoot11!0! Level 16 has to be my favorite icon.
Big congrats Ivan. That's one of the most popular icons out of the bunch. The chain is still too long for pratical use, unless you plan on using them like a manrikigusari.
Ever eaten frog legs?
Neither have I. If you straighten the legs of a frog you will notice they are fashioned just like a man's legs only with web feet.
That didn't stop the dog down the street from biting me in the ass this morning. >:-(
And the frog stays squatted. But the resemblance is close enough to make me raise an eyebrow about evolution.
I think the Royal Family are a bunch of shapeshifting lizards myself.
At 2/25/07 09:21 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 2/24/07 11:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Did you have all 4 pulled at once?Heh. No, I didn't feel anything - the whole thing was done under general anaesthesia, so I was completely knocked out. Which, one might add, is a good thing. :P
So you think wolfie. How can you be sure they didn't do evil things to your temple? o_0
I guess you've never heard of casu marzu cheese from Italy.
*chuckles* I probably wouldn't try that cheese (and not other other kinds like the German spider cheese, either), but I think it's less icky than eating giant spiders.
I saw a special on strange foods from around the world and casu marzu cheese was one of the foods they spotlighted. I showed a large Italian family sitting around the table chowing down on the stuff. The older relatives seemed like they were actually enjoying it but some of the younger ones wouldn't touch it and looked disgusted with whole event. Now imagine you're a guest and you politely refuse the cheese appetizer. Being a foreigner they respect your wishes. Now you're into the main course which is a delicious rack of lamb (you're part wolf, you must like lamb) and as you're finishing the last bite you notice a maggot crawling on the edge of your plate. Think you could keep your meal down at that point? :D
What if it's some type of disease that could mutate and eventually be transmitted to humans?*shrugs* To be honest, I'm much more worried about dying in a traffic accident than I am about some hypothetical virus.
Afraid of dying in a traffic accident? Never heard of that phobia. Got a name? Got a number?
Ever eaten baby, BTW? ;)
If those pics are for real then something is terribly wrong with this world. I've seen things that most will never see but that's immoral beyond comprehension . Shit wolfie, that's so freakin' depraved I don't know what to say.
Thanks. I missed a deposit on Tuesday due to excessive game playing on my new computer.*noddles* That's a problem I don't have, fortunately... the new NG day starts at 6am for me, so no matter how long I stay up, it's never too late to deposit.
When was the last time you missed a deposit and how many do you think you've missed? I must be somewhere in the 60's or 70's.
How about comatose in a closet? I hope you packed a lunch. There won't be any meals served on this flight.*chuckles* Airline food is usually not exactly great, anyway. But hey, just a few more months!
I remember one flight where they made an awesome potato salad. It was boiled potato cut into small cubes, chilled in the fridge, then served on iceberg lettuce with Italian dressing. I was lucky enough to get seconds (waived my rights to a complementary bag of peanuts).
Congrats on the 70k b/p points wolfie! I haven't been keeping track of your stats lately. Are you gaining on me or falling behind?Gaining on you, I think, but only a very small amount... you'll be safe for quite a while. :P
If I hear someone outside my door saying, "I'm gonna huff and puff and blow your house down" I'll know you're about to pass me on the top 50 b/p list. ^_~
At 2/25/07 11:44 AM, periodPops wrote: mother says hentai is for 40 year old men that cant get dates and get their dick sucked like tom selleck on everyone loves millionaire.
Hahaha! Barbie may suck but Ken ain't complaining.
At 2/25/07 12:00 PM, Drybones92 wrote: can't believe this topic is about 5 years old
Cool 'eh? It's older than most of the accounts on this site.
I just lost the second half of my post and I'm not typing it again. Forget to copy and save. Oh well...
At 3/4/07 01:53 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I just lost the second half of my post and I'm not typing it again. Forget to copy and save. Oh well...
God thats a pain in the ass isnt it. I have done that before, and there was no way I was going to write it all again.
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
Say hello to the new General! So ends my journey to achieve 50% extra voting power, and begins my climb to become the 72-ish EGSC...just 5K b/p away.
Wish me luck!
Take care of yourself.
At 3/4/07 02:26 AM, Sterockicy wrote:At 3/4/07 01:53 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I just lost the second half of my post and I'm not typing it again. Forget to copy and save. Oh well...God thats a pain in the ass isnt it.
Like a badly bruised tailbone Sterockicy. When I realized what happened I slammed my hand on the desk so hard I tripped the glassbreak alarm in the main lobby. Made the other guards jump (lol).
I have done that before, and there was no way I was going to write it all again.
I hear that. Both were roughly the same size and that's a ton of typing. Besides, I've less than an hour left in my shift so my time is limited. Maybe I'll retype the second part when I get home. Still remember most of the people I quoted and what was said.
PenguinLink's Congratulations List #34
Congratulations to the following users:
Nicholas-Deary- 2,600 Experience Points, 20 Flashes Submitted to the Portal
LuigiBot- 1,000 Posts
AndersonCouncil- 8,000 Experience Points
Dream-of-Duke- Ranked #800 in Experience Points
pwroftheseagoat- Elite Guard Brigadier General
Malachy- Elite Guard Private
RupeeClock- Ranked #555 in Experience Points
CountDracula- 1,000 Posts
AfroUnderscoreStud- 10.00 Voting Power
ArtDanVal- Elite Guard General
Thanks To:
At 3/4/07 01:53 AM, ReconRebel wrote:I just lost the second half of my post and I'm not typing it again. Forget to copy and save. Oh well...
Yes it happens. Quite frustrating, isn't it? >:( Once I was typing a huge post and out of nowhere suddenly my Computer reboots itself. I cursed so loud that some birds that were nesting in a tree fluttered and flew away. >:(
At 3/4/07 02:30 AM, ArtDanVal wrote: Say hello to the new General! So ends my journey to achieve 50% extra voting power, and begins my climb to become the 72-ish EGSC...just 5K b/p away.
Wish me luck!
Dude, way to go, that's what I'm aiming for right now. :)
I'm only 311 points away.
Btw, I'm sure that it's 55%, not 50% extra VP. ;)
After watching the total lunar eclipse last night, Coop congratulates:
Nicholas-Deary: 20 Flash Submitted to NG
LuigiBot: 1,000 Posts
AndersonCouncil: 8,000 Experience
Dream-of-Duke: Top 800 Experienced
PenguinLink: EG First Lieutenant
pwroftheseagoat: EG Brigadier General
Malachy: EG Private
RupeeClock: Ranked 555 for Experience
CountDracula: 1,000 Posts
AfroUnderscoreStud: 10.00 Voting Power
ArtDanVal: EG General
At 3/3/07 09:56 PM, X-Naut wrote:At 3/3/07 09:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: *bets $5 stake* Hell, I've only lost £2.62. Not even half an hour's work.$5? That's chump change. You know you want to press your luck even further. *devilish smile*
Yeah, but that's the way to win big - buy low, sell high.
At 3/4/07 01:38 AM, iscrulz wrote: Yes I am but its over 10k b/p to go to reach my goal.
2x EGSC?
Oh my what the it must be a sign, to do what.
*grabs marshmallows and toasting fork* this? *toasts marshmallows*
At 3/4/07 01:49 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm splitting my replies into 2 evenly sized posts. For some reason the characters remaining reads zero and I'm too tired to start messing around with the text lest I screw something up. *yawns*
Famous last words?
At 3/4/07 01:53 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I just lost the second half of my post and I'm not typing it again. Forget to copy and save. Oh well...
I knew it! Unlucky, Recon. Personally if I'm doing something of the multi-post genre, I'll put it on MS Word, just so I've got a copy elsewhere.
Hindsight is always 20-20 though
At 3/4/07 02:30 AM, ArtDanVal wrote: Say hello to the new General! So ends my journey to achieve 50% extra voting power, and begins my climb to become the 72-ish EGSC...just 5K b/p away.
It's only 4.5k, so you've gained 500 B/P at the flick of a switch. Nice work.
I still own you for voting power though!
At 3/4/07 03:16 AM, RupeeClock wrote: Dude, way to go, that's what I'm aiming for right now. :)
I'm only 311 points away.
Btw, I'm sure that it's 55%, not 50% extra VP. ;)
Yeah, I've already picked up his other error. Statwhoring is bad for the memory, obviously :P
At 3/3/07 10:54 PM, LittleWashu wrote: It is all about how you think of it. While some of the older user have more voting power then the newer users, that isn't true. There are many important people on NG who have very little voting power. and don't forget you can pass the older people with persistant depositing thought it will take time. So many people gripe about that not only because of that, But they want to get to certain levels just as fast as the older users did. Sadly in life everyone can't always get what they want if that was the case pimp would have about 1,000,000+ other user sharing his spotlight.
Oh, I didn't say *everyone* who's important has a high VP.
Outside of that, I can only pass others if they stop depositing. But again, it's not really about *passing* people so much as it is about being able to achieve - without having to invest decades of my life - things that they were able to achieve without investing decades, too.
And although you might disagree, I think that *is* unfair. I'm not saying that everyone should be able to reach level 25 after getting 2000 XP, but I also don't think it's fair that I'll have to reach 55910 XP to get there. (Just think about that number for a while.) And that's just me; someone who just reached level 9 today will need 82980 XP, for example - they'd have to deposit until well into the year 2030 to get there.
Of course not every single user should be level 30, or 25, or 20, or even 15. But it should be *possible* to do so, just like it's possible to reach EGSC no matter when you started... and just like it was possible to reach level 25 for a bunch of old people, too.
And it's not like various solutions haven't been suggested, either: I can think of at least two proposals that would fix many flaws of the current system (namely, a fixed XP/level scale, or a system where level requirements go up exponentially rather than linearly, so that the gaps are (much) smaller at lower levels than they are at very high levels.)
the layout was suppose to be in november. Personally I am glad it wasn't then because if it was I wouldn't have gotten to one of my favorite levels. I don't mind waiting for the new layout to come because with each passing day I get closer to getting to level 15 were you are at now as you are on your way to level 16. Plus as I said before if the NG staff rushed through the layout, there could be bug in it and then there would be a whole lot of people making threads complaining about the problems.
Yeah... I agree that it's a good thing that they're taking their time to make sure it'll work out. And maybe I'll reach level 16 before the redesign, too... although I really wanted to go beyond that. :P Ah well, I hope the old level icons will still show up (as redrawn, better-looking versions). :)
At 3/4/07 01:49 AM, ReconRebel wrote: So you think wolfie. How can you be sure they didn't do evil things to your temple? o_0
Occam's razor, mostly.
I saw a special on strange foods from around the world and casu marzu cheese was one of the foods they spotlighted. I showed a large Italian family sitting around the table chowing down on the stuff. The older relatives seemed like they were actually enjoying it but some of the younger ones wouldn't touch it and looked disgusted with whole event. Now imagine you're a guest and you politely refuse the cheese appetizer. Being a foreigner they respect your wishes. Now you're into the main course which is a delicious rack of lamb (you're part wolf, you must like lamb) and as you're finishing the last bite you notice a maggot crawling on the edge of your plate. Think you could keep your meal down at that point? :D
That probably would depend on where it came from, and whether it was supposed to be there - if it was part of the dish (and if I knew it was), I'd feel less bad about it, and the same would be true if it came from somewhere else, not my plate.
That being said, if I think something would be too icky for my taste, I *would* refuse it whether it's polite or not. :)
But yes, I do like lamb. In fact, I've just got an invitation to eat some hangikjöt (smoked Icelandic lamb) a while ago - no date's been set yet, but it'll be before easter, and I'm really looking forward to it. It's supposed to be quite delicious. ^.^
Afraid of dying in a traffic accident? Never heard of that phobia. Got a name? Got a number?
I'm not afraid of it; I said I was more concerned about that. Seriously, people worry about the wrong things all the time - for example, even the chance of being struck dead by a lightning is twice as high as the chance of dying in a terrorist attack (in the USA, no less), but people are still willing to be blindly spend billions out of fear whenever someone says "boo, terrorists!", even though they would laugh until they cry if somebody suggested that people being killed by lightnings is a national security problem.
If those pics are for real then something is terribly wrong with this world. I've seen things that most will never see but that's immoral beyond comprehension . Shit wolfie, that's so freakin' depraved I don't know what to say.
Well, I can calm your mind, then... they are only real insofar as that the guy is a performance artist who's eating a duck with a baby doll head stuck on it. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhu_Yu , for example. :)
When was the last time you missed a deposit and how many do you think you've missed? I must be somewhere in the 60's or 70's.
Last time: not sure. Total missed: hmm, about 15 to 20 or so?
I remember one flight where they made an awesome potato salad. It was boiled potato cut into small cubes, chilled in the fridge, then served on iceberg lettuce with Italian dressing. I was lucky enough to get seconds (waived my rights to a complementary bag of peanuts).
Sounds nice... except for the iceberg lettuce. ^.^
If I hear someone outside my door saying, "I'm gonna huff and puff and blow your house down" I'll know you're about to pass me on the top 50 b/p list. ^_~
*chuckles* Don't worry, I rarely ever huff and puff. I just bite. :)
Congrats to:
Nicholas-Deary: 20 flashes
LuigiBot: 1000 Posts
AndersonCouncil: 8000 Exp
Dream-of-Duke: Rankend #800 in Experience
PenguinLink: EG First Lieutenant
pwroftheseagoat:EG Brigadier General
Malachy: EG Private
RupeeClock: Ranked #555 in Experience
CountDracula: 1000 posts, Police Sergeant
AfroUnderscoreStud: 10 Voting Power
ArtDanVal: Elite Guard General
Volit0: 1000 Posts
Odyssic: First NG birthday
Thank you for your deposit, BBQBeefburgerdragon! You now have 3,000 experience points. You need 1,088 more to get to level 12.
Congrats to:
Nicholas-Deary - 20 flash submissions
LuigiBot - 1000 posts
AndersonCouncil - 8000 EXP
Dream-of-Duke - Top 800 EXP
PenguinLink - Elite Guard First Lieutenant
pwroftheseagoat - Elite Guard Brigadier General
Malachy - Elite Guard Private
RupeeClock - #555 EXP
CountDracula - 1000 posts
ArtDanVal - Elite Guard General
Volit0 - 1000 posts
Odyssic - 1 year old NG account
Thanks to:
At 3/3/07 09:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: If you're submitting a flash today, read the review I'll leave you!
Sorry, but no weekly short flash this week. Maybe next week, I'm just busy recently.
At 3/4/07 01:38 AM, iscrulz wrote: I don't believe 7 and th100 will get an uotd. theres a chance but I am betting no.
And I'm betting yes!
So, I went to London with my school for 3 days, which was awesome. I got Lamb of God and Children of Bodom shirts and an Arch Enemy CD. Good shit. The UK is a really nice country, I'd say =P And London is impressive.
AtomicTerrorist will be happy to hear I hereby missed 3 deposits, even though I'll stay ahead of him for EVER =)
That also made me miss daily lists, so here's a pretty long one...
Congrats to:
AdamJack: 4,000 Experience
pwroftheseagoat: 19,000 B/P; EG Brigadier General
MadCow: 10,000 Blams; 11,000 Saves - Nice one dude!
Guardian: LVL 14
Metrackle: Ranked #4,444 Experience
Minion777: 10.00 VP
Pieriku: Gold Whistle
superstatguy: 3,333 B/P; Top 8,000 Experience
aldr: LVL 11
XkwiziTOnE: LVL 20 - Extremely cool man! Congrats!
Bahamut: 6.66 Base VP
Zerok: LVL 16
Click-Here: LVL 14; 100 B/P - Make a profile ;)
Marsupial: 3,000 Posts - You're UOTD on NG Log, go log your stats!
OsAmARaMa: 10,000 Experience - Woooh, congrats!
Rucklo: 5,000 Posts
MetalDart: 11,000 Blams
Zen-Zinxe: 1,000 Posts
phileeguy: LVL 17
BlueHippo: 4,000 Posts; Being awesome
RupeeClock: 25,000 B/P; 10,000 Saves; Ranked #555 Experience
PickledOnionMuffin: Ranked #444 Experience
Haggard: Deity Whistle; EG Private First Class
Auz: 10,000 Blams - And may there be many more 10Ks
DarkSoldier: Silver Whistle
Acid: LVL 14
Housemasta: 5,000 Blams
Ecke: 3,333 Posts
Static: 6,000 Experience
PenguinLink: Top 300 B/P; EG First Lieutenant
Nicholas-Deary: 20 Portal Submissions
LuigiBot: 1,000 Posts
AndersonCouncil: 8,000 Experience; Top 800 Experience
Dream-Of-Duke: Top 800 Experience
This must be the first time two users are congratulated for the same ranking achievement on the same moment
Malachy: EG Private
CountDracula: 1,000 Posts; Police Sergeant
Afro_Stud: 10.00 VP
ArtVanDal: EG General
Volit0: 1,000 Posts
Odyssic: One NG Year
BahamutClock: LVL 11
BBQBeefburgerDragon: 3,000 Experience - How can you keep up with all those alts? Haha!
Thanks to:
PenguinLink - Yay! You're going faster than me though, I think.
BlueHippo - It sure did! Now let's watch it morph into an eagle!
At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote: Just gotta ticket for the biggest Irish festival this year, Oxegen, It will be mental and will mean I will miss my depositing, but It ain't till July so I'll be like level 23 by then
& yes My Chemical Romance are going to be there too, Emo bashing anyone???
Sounds like an awesome festival! And yeah, make sure you bash those emos! MCR sucks!
10.00 VP, I think that deserves a small celebration.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 3/4/07 10:55 AM, Phantom wrote: 10.00 VP, I think that deserves a small celebration.
10 VP is a fantastic achievement! Congrats dude. :)
I'll get something like 10.36 votes as soon as I grab my next b/p badge.