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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 14:10:18

5k Blams!! :)

»» HouseMasta «« PM


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:09:34

Here's a dumb question for you....

Instead of sorting through the 1700-some odd posts, can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote? And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:15:33

At 3/2/07 03:09 PM, Eyseicle wrote: Here's a dumb question for you....

Instead of sorting through the 1700-some odd posts, can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote? And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?


You get 2 exp points per vote because you only get 10 points a day and you have to vote on 5 movies to get 10 points. If you do the math 10 divided by 5 is 2.

Now for my next milestone passed I am now 1111 in EXP not really a big deal though >_<

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:17:09

At 3/2/07 03:09 PM, Eyseicle wrote: can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote?

You don't get 2 exp a vote. You get 10 experience points a day, by voting on 5 Flashes and depositing.

It's 10 a day because it's a nice, round number. That simple.

And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?

Once you've signed up and created a profile, there are no other ways to get experience points, which means you can only get 10 points a day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:39:12

At 3/2/07 03:17 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
At 3/2/07 03:09 PM, Eyseicle wrote: can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote?
You don't get 2 exp a vote. You get 10 experience points a day, by voting on 5 Flashes and depositing.

It's 10 a day because it's a nice, round number. That simple.

And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?
Once you've signed up and created a profile, there are no other ways to get experience points, which means you can only get 10 points a day.

Boy... So ten a day... and I've got like 950 points to go before level 10... So 95 days later I'll be level 10?? Seems hardly worth it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:47:00

At 3/2/07 03:39 PM, Eyseicle wrote:
Boy... So ten a day... and I've got like 950 points to go before level 10... So 95 days later I'll be level 10?? Seems hardly worth it.

You are wrong there. When once you get to level 9 the EXP you need to get is on a sliding scale so by the time 95 days pass you will need more exp to get to level 10. as you level up even more you will need even more exp and the sliding scale will be even higher then the last level.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 15:51:51

Define "sliding scale". Does that mean my EXP goes down over time?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 16:39:31

At 3/2/07 03:09 PM, Eyseicle wrote: Instead of sorting through the 1700-some odd posts, can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote? And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?

No, there's not (anymore).

At 3/2/07 03:51 PM, Eyseicle wrote: Define "sliding scale". Does that mean my EXP goes down over time?

No, it doesn't; however, the requirements for the various levels slowly go up. If you deposit every day, you'll never actually lose a level (at least not once you have reached it for good), but reaching higher levels will become more and more difficult. See http://planetbob.net/ng/ngxp.php .

On a side note, there's many people who think that this system is ridiculously broken and that it should be changed - not only because it discourages people from keeping on depositing after they reach level 9, but also because it's unfair that a small number of folks get a big bonus in terms of XP (= level = VP) simply because they were here when the XP/level system was still very young.

I'm one of those who've been complaining, myself, and I've been making suggestions on how to change the system, too, but so far, no change seems to be in sight. Oh well.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 17:29:31

Just gotta ticket for the biggest Irish festival this year, Oxegen, It will be mental and will mean I will miss my depositing, but It ain't till July so I'll be like level 23 by then

& yes My Chemical Romance are going to be there too, Emo bashing anyone???

DarkSoldier - Silver Whistle - only two more ranks to go
Zen-Zinxe - 1000 posts - woo one more than yesterday
X-Naut - being insanely on time
ibhenowflee - 3500exp
Acid - level 14, in a few hours
RupeeClock -10000 saves
Haggard - Elite Guard Private First Class & 7.00+ vp
HouseMasta - 5000 blams

At 3/1/07 10:51 PM, squidly wrote: So many mods here.

Like 3???

At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Any break I get, I'm on the portal. It slowed to 35 yesterday, but that's still above pace for me. Maybe I can salvage a 210 point week.

55 for me, but I pulled an all nighter, just for the concert tickets, I'll get bout the same today I'd say

At 3/2/07 12:17 PM, Odyssic wrote: I'm feeling sick again

Yeah, me too, but for a different reason.
Hope you get better, eat your greens etc.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 17:52:00

At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote: Just gotta ticket for the biggest Irish festival this year, Oxegen, It will be mental and will mean I will miss my depositing, but It ain't till July so I'll be like level 23 by then

Sick man, Never heard of it before but it sounds cool. Well your going to miss depositing so I will be like a level 24 by then!

& yes My Chemical Romance are going to be there too, Emo bashing anyone???

Oh you Emo lover! Na jokes man, it should be good fun!

At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Any break I get, I'm on the portal. It slowed to 35 yesterday, but that's still above pace for me. Maybe I can salvage a 210 point week.
55 for me, but I pulled an all nighter, just for the concert tickets, I'll get bout the same today I'd say

Well sorry to break your spirit and everything but ive made 65 already today :-P. Jokes man, your doing well for a newly aged 18 year old. Who can blame you?

At 3/2/07 12:17 PM, Odyssic wrote: I'm feeling sick again
Yeah, me too, but for a different reason.
Hope you get better, eat your greens etc.

Somebodys been partying to hard!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 20:19:26

lol 2600 posts?

i havnt had much to level up on for the past while sooo...

7100 exp too!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-02 21:32:55

Congrats to:
Acid - Level 14. lulzlost.
AtomicTerrorist - 2,600 posts, and 7,100 exp.
DarkSoldier - Silver whistle.
Haggard - EG Private First Class.
HouseMasta - 5,000 blams.
ibhenowflee - 3,500 exp.
LittleWashu - #1,111 in exp.
RupeeClock - 10,000 saves.
Zen-Zinxe - 1,000 posts.

At 3/2/07 12:08 AM, Sterockicy wrote: LOOK, LOOK! He deposited exactly on 12:00:00! How is that even possible?

I'm awesome like that. And it involves me pressing this link over and over again.

At 3/2/07 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, I'll call you Imposter X-Naut from now on.

Fine with me. :)

At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Checks Vegas odds* 1,000,000-1. Might just have a few dollars on that

Well then, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

Well... there are good bits and bad bits. the terrible cunt line was a favourite when I worked in a warehouse

Would it be worth a rental?

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 00:09:36

Hahaha, thanks for the congrats, I am now OFFICIALLY level 14 :P

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 00:35:14

I'll see you at 6666.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

/ Accomplishments: first 1000 comment news post.

/ عثكغ ʘⒺⒸⓀⒺʘ

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 01:18:45

At 3/2/07 04:39 PM, schneelocke wrote:
On a side note, there's many people who think that this system is ridiculously broken and that it should be changed - not only because it discourages people from keeping on depositing after they reach level 9, but also because it's unfair that a small number of folks get a big bonus in terms of XP (= level = VP) simply because they were here when the XP/level system was still very young.

I guess that anything where one person can be on top and make it harder for anyone else just by getting more points would make any system broken. Even without the bonus the few people got when it was possible to get it people would still be complaining because of the increases.

I'm one of those who've been complaining, myself, and I've been making suggestions on how to change the system, too, but so far, no change seems to be in sight. Oh well.

The changes will evenually happen just not right away I just hope I can get to atleast the next level before the changes do happen but I highly doubt it though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 02:13:45

6,000 exp :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 02:15:38

PenguinLink's Congratulations List #33
Congratulations to the following users:

DarkSoldier- Silver Whistle
Acid- Level 14
RupeeClock- 10,000 Saves
Haggard- Elite Guard Private First Class, 7+ Voting Power
HouseMasta- 5,000 Blams
Ecke- 3,333 Posts
Static- 6,000 Experience Points

I do not know if this is considered as an achievement, but I joined the Top 300 B/P Ranks List some time ago. I am profoundly glad that I finally made the list. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 02:49:55

550 exp!
260 posts!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 03:19:45

At 3/3/07 02:49 AM, KevinHR wrote: 550 exp!
260 posts!


4,980 exp!
9,247 posts!

These "achievements" are important as hell!

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 05:02:53

At 3/3/07 01:18 AM, LittleWashu wrote: I guess that anything where one person can be on top and make it harder for anyone else just by getting more points would make any system broken. Even without the bonus the few people got when it was possible to get it people would still be complaining because of the increases.

Aye, it is. I don't mind working five years for something that someone else worked for five years, too; that's not unfair, but when I have to work for five years that they worked for 6 months, and if what they got after five years is something I'll basically NEVER have, then I think the system is broken indeed, yes. >_>

Of course, if higher levels didn't come with an increase in VP, I would be more likely to just say "eh, it doesn't matter all that much". I'd still be annoyed, but less annoyed than I am now...

The changes will evenually happen just not right away I just hope I can get to atleast the next level before the changes do happen but I highly doubt it though.

Yeah... who knows, that might be difficult. I'm still wondering whether I'll be able to reach level 16 before the new levels, myself; it should take less than four weeks now, but who knows for how much longer the redesign will be delayed. :P

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 06:22:59

I'm on my break from work again, and this stupid computer doesn't have flash installed so I can't vote on movies, so no exp >:(

I'll make a list later when I get home

At 3/2/07 05:52 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote: Just gotta ticket for the biggest Irish festival this year, Oxegen, It will be mental and will mean I will miss my depositing, but It ain't till July so I'll be like level 23 by then
Sick man, Never heard of it before but it sounds cool. Well your going to miss depositing so I will be like a level 24 by then!

You're 60 behind me, so missin like 4 days will still make me a head ;p

& yes My Chemical Romance are going to be there too, Emo bashing anyone???
Oh you Emo lover! Na jokes man, it should be good fun!

Yes, Shanus <3's the emo *Sacrasm*, and I have many a plan for what I'm goin to do while MCR are on stage

Well sorry to break your spirit and everything but ive made 65 already today :-P. Jokes man, your doing well for a newly aged 18 year old. Who can blame you?

Well on fridays I do alot of travelling, and the weekends I work pretty much till the night. The week days are my main point givin days, but this also means if it's slow, I got relatively no points, I've been hovering over 25 B/P per day for about a week now, it's so unfair

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 06:32:40

Congrats to:

HouseMasta - 5000 blams
LittleWashu - #1111 EXP. It's not bad.
Ecke - 3333 posts. Maybe see you at 4444. :P
Static - 6000 EXP
PenguinLink - Top 300 B/P

At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Sorry. Here, have a selection of party food and one drink of your choice, to make amends

Until you congrat me, it's not good enough. XP

At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote:
& yes My Chemical Romance are going to be there too, Emo bashing anyone???

Please kill the emos! :D

At 3/3/07 03:19 AM, MadCow wrote: 4,980 exp!
9,247 posts!

These "achievements" are important as hell!


At 3/3/07 06:22 AM, Shanus wrote: Yes, Shanus <3's the emo *Sacrasm*, and I have many a plan for what I'm goin to do while MCR are on stage

What about bottling? :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 09:28:29

Coop looks for sympathy for his blistered thumb, while congratulating:
Bahamut: 6.66 Voting Power
HouseMasta: 5,000 Blams
LittleWashu: 1,111th Experienced
Acid: Level 14
Ecke: 3,333 Posts
Static: 6,000 Experience
PenguinLink: Top 300 B/Per

At 3/2/07 12:19 PM, schneelocke wrote: Ah, OK - that explains it. :) (I don't think anyone was offended, though.)

Simple explanation really.

Well, considering my own target would be 1,000 reviews... maybe it's best if you looked above and read those comments ;)
Which exactly?

The fact that it was Imacow, rather then MadCow...

At 3/2/07 03:09 PM, Eyseicle wrote: Instead of sorting through the 1700-some odd posts, can someone tell me WHY we only get 2 EXP per vote? And is there a way to earn extra exp on top of voting?

Why not? It's how it has been for a fair few years now. There is no other way to earn experience.

At 3/2/07 03:51 PM, Eyseicle wrote: Define "sliding scale". Does that mean my EXP goes down over time?

The gap between levels will increase exponentially over time, as the level 30 user deposits expereince. The gap only increases a small amount each day for level 9-10, but the gap for higher levels gets bigger, quicker. A missed depsoit can set you back three or four days at my level and 3 or 4 weeks at level 25+

At 3/2/07 05:29 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Any break I get, I'm on the portal. It slowed to 35 yesterday, but that's still above pace for me. Maybe I can salvage a 210 point week.
55 for me, but I pulled an all nighter, just for the concert tickets, I'll get bout the same today I'd say

Neat, I had a short day yesterday, but I still managed to make over 30. Maybe the drought is over for now *statwhores*

At 3/2/07 05:52 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Well sorry to break your spirit and everything but ive made 65 already today :-P. Jokes man, your doing well for a newly aged 18 year old. Who can blame you?

I'm still going to beat you to EGSC!

At 3/2/07 09:32 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Checks Vegas odds* 1,000,000-1. Might just have a few dollars on that
Well then, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

*bets $5 stake* Hell, I've only lost £2.62. Not even half an hour's work.

Would it be worth a rental?

Sure, give it a shot.

At 3/3/07 06:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/2/07 11:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Sorry. Here, have a selection of party food and one drink of your choice, to make amends
Until you congrat me, it's not good enough. XP

If you're submitting a flash today, read the review I'll leave you!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 09:33:22

Congrats to:
HouseMasta: 5000 Blams
LittleWashu: Ranked #1111 in Experience
Acid: Officially level 14 ;)
Ecke: 3333 Posts
Static: 6000 Exp
PenguinLink: Top 300 B/P

Thanks to:

6 congrats and 6 thanks. Nice.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 10:42:40

I reached 2600 experience points today and I just submitted my 20th submission to the portal, YAY!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 10:50:54



I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 10:52:29

At 3/3/07 10:50 AM, LuigiBot wrote: ONE THOUSAND POSTS!


Congrats to you Luigi! I will be upto 1000 posts as well soon, I hope.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 10:59:49

At 3/3/07 10:50 AM, LuigiBot wrote: ONE THOUSAND POSTS!


Don't forget the screenshot

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 11:03:05

At 3/3/07 10:52 AM, Nicholas-Deary wrote:
Congrats to you Luigi!


At 3/3/07 10:59 AM, 1ups wrote: Don't forget the screenshot

Thank you very much. Almost forgot to do that.

I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-03-03 13:18:30

8,000 EXP and wont be another 1000 untill Level 16

"What is a joke exactly?"

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