At 1/25/07 10:35 AM, raindrops wrote: Here is the chart by Ramgi
25 08,383
26 08,882
Mmmm, level 25.
At 1/25/07 10:35 AM, raindrops wrote: Here is the chart by Ramgi
18 04,890
19 05,389
Depending when exactly the levels come out I will be either be level 18 or 19... Dissapointed I won't jump to 20 though..
I reached Elite Guard Praporshchik little while ago, Also recieved 3.54 A+ Batting Average. On top of that I recieved last weeks underdog and turd of the week. I would of revieved this weeks turd, but the kk mass voted my flash up.
Finally got rid of that smelly overused glove.
I came close to beating x-naut for the position of lowest flash, not that close but the closet anyones come, I reached the 3rd lowest flash of all time, too bad it'll eventually be voted up since everything on the last page gets mass fived.
Congrats to:
AtomicTerrorist - 16,000 b/p.
Cereal - EG Packages.
HomerDough - EG Sergeant First Class, and 5,000 b/p.
ibhenowflee - 1,000 posts.
MARINE - 6,000 exp.
Phantom - Level 14.
ReservoirDogs - Level 10.
Simon - Level 13.
Truth - Level 14.
VincentElric - Level 10.
At 1/25/07 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, that's your loss, sonny *puts quater back in pocket, smugly*
Bummer. :(
At 1/25/07 10:35 AM, raindrops wrote: 20 05,888
21 06,387
A seven level jump. That's neat.
Also, 8,888 posts.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
FUCK YES! Level ten! I'm glad I got that in before the "remodel". Shame though. I really liked the level 12 icon. I think they're keeping it as one though.(?)
omg i now have more then 25 000 stat points on NG log :O
At 1/24/07 10:34 PM, Crag wrote:At 1/23/07 10:05 PM, Unheard wrote:No one congratualted me :(At 1/23/07 02:37 PM, Ecke wrote: I give it a 6.well me too.
elite guard private, yahoo!
annnnnnd. 2,000 exp!
At 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protect
nice job! :D
At 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protect
nice job! :D
At 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protect
nice job! :D
Apparently at some point today I got 9k saves.
At 1/25/07 08:30 PM, milinko959 wrote:At 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protectnice job! :D
have had enough of your antics
I'm going to be level 10 in 3 more days! Hell yeah!
At 1/25/07 08:37 PM, Cereal wrote:At 1/25/07 08:30 PM, milinko959 wrote:have had enough of your anticsAt 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protectnice job! :D
and iv had enough of urs. tho congrats on the 9k saves milinko
Congratulations to:
VincentElric Level 10
ReservoirDogs Level 12
Truth Level 14
MARINE 6.000 Posts
Mr.Molotov 8,888 Posts
Sirockalot Level 10, 1,100 Posts
AtomicTerrorist 25,000 Total Stats
Crag 2,000 Experience
jdog925 Level 8
verycoolguy 1,000 Posts Wow made this account on 6/6/06 eh?
At 1/25/07 08:14 PM, wesdood wrote: reached 210 in blam/protect
Nice job! :D
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
28 09,880
I'll be at least lvl 28. Are all the 1-30 gonna remain the same? Because that would still be lame. Cuz the 30 new ones will hardly be reached.
*Bold is the LEVEL, anything UNBOLD is the exp needed
Finally got to lvl 10, feels like an achievement =D
At 1/22/07 01:27 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/7/07 08:09 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 1/7/07 02:14 PM, gfoxcook wrote: GET A ROOM! :::slams door:::Oh, come on, it was just a HUG.
Nothing to do with fear, baby. Just to do with funny.
Personally I think Greg likes to watch. Perv! 0_0
At 1/22/07 01:28 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/8/07 02:17 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Always a welcome break when Pimp misses a deposit. Now if gfox would only do the same thing on Retrogade. *looks around*I do plan on taking a break from depositing soon. If you're still interested in RG exp by then, in light of your upsetness at charlotte's exp morality....
Ack! Just so we're clear on this Greg, I never said anything to anyone on Newgrounds about said incident. Not via the BBS, PM system, AIM, or even e-mail.
then I hope you enjoy the results.
If it means you're leaving Retrogade then I'm positive I won't like the results. :-(
I'd say the amount I'm gonna stop at, but it would ruin the surprise. It'll be within a matter of weeks, though, I can say that.
Make a contest out of it, like when you quit voting on Newgrounds. You should create another BBS sig for the winners too!
As long as I don't get stuck with that shitty level 23 icon I'm a happy camper. :-)
I hear ya. I don't think I have any danger of getting the level 23 icon on this account ever, unless they really screw with the level icons and throw 'em all over the place randomly when it goes from 30 to 60. :::crosses fingers:::
Technically the level 23 icon should be miles behind us when the new levels are added. You know what would be really freaky? If admin decided to draw the corresponding numbers randomly from a hat. Can you imagine the lollipop as the new level 60 icon?
*makes a Mr. Yuck face*
Well if you're ever privy to such information don't hesitate to let the less fortunate know.
I'm sure someone else will be breaking the news long before me, I'm not exactly up on the current events.
Meh..... things like that tend to happen when your visits to Newgrounds are sporadic at best.
And even if I start coming by every weekend, as I very much plan to do.... I STILL won't be on top of things as well as many others. #;-}>
The general forum hasn't been that bad lately, but for the most part I equate it to gas station restroom. *grins* When I was a kid I used to booby trap the toilets during summertime so that they'd spray the patron with water when they flushed. Haha! Buddy would come walking out looking like he had a major accident.
78,000 b/p points!!!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 1/26/07 03:26 AM, Cereal wrote: 3000 exp
Way to make me look bad! >:-(
Na, just kidding. Congrats cereal!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!