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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 20:07:22

PenguinLink's Congratulations List #7
Congratulations to the following users:

AnzRage- Level 17
Hemlok- Elite Guard Lieutenant General (Almost there!)
MARCUSM- 8,000 Experience Points
Ecke- 666 Blams
Coop83- 8,000 Posts, 8.000 Posts per day, 300 Flash reviews
kilkenny14- For being a noob

At 1/23/07 06:52 AM, schneelocke wrote:
Farðu í rassgat.

Uhhh.... Thank you? 0_0

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 21:20:33

Congrats to:
AnzRage - NOT level 17.

You really have to hate those level requirements. :(

Coop83 - Top 400 expers, 1,000 days on NG, 8,000 posts, and 8 PPD.
Dream-of-Duke - 12,000 saves.
Ecke - 666 blams.
Hemlok - EG Lieutenant General.
MARCUSM - 8,000 exp.
MegaGold - 3,000 posts.
Patcoola - EG Lieutenant Colonel.

At 1/23/07 09:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Get off my damn lawn!

But this lawn needs a mowing. Don't want to risk getting you injuring your back, or anything.

So who did eat that poisoned slice?

>_> *secretly stares at Bonus*

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 21:56:54

111 responses.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 22:05:14

At 1/23/07 02:37 PM, Ecke wrote: I give it a 6.

well me too.

Awesome post great job!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 22:26:52

Voting Power: 6.66 votes

My name is EvanStone.

You will refer to me as such or I'll crack your head open with my level 20 rusty pipe.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-23 23:37:06

Level 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 00:30:13

NOW I AM LVL 17. means only 300 people here are better than me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 00:43:03

At 1/24/07 12:30 AM, AnzRage wrote: NOW I AM LVL 17. means only 300 people here are better than me.

Congrats but dont you mean there are only 389 people better than you!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 04:09:29

Coop passes on hearty congratulations to:
MetalDart: 111 responses
CrimsonBlood: 6.66 Voting Power
AnzRage: Level 17

And thanks to:

At 1/23/07 05:00 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Man coop, you are pulling in those sexy stats today arn't you! Man I would love to have an account like yours.

Well, it took me 1,000 days to reach this statty goodness. Some people can post or B/P quicker than me, I'm just keeping to a reasonable pace.

Would you like me to take it off of yours hands, I would do a good job! If I can have your account say nothing

nothing? Why would I say nothing?

Alright he's going to give me his account!

Like fuck I am!

At 1/23/07 06:16 PM, BonusStage wrote: But Coop,

BBS Posts: 8,001 in total (8.005 per day)

if you've been here 1k days, it should be more along the lines of .... BBS Posts: 8,001 in total (8.001 per day)

There's always one. Look, there are 365 days in a year. Multiply by two, you get 730 days, leaving 270 days to fill up. Count 270 days from April 28th 2006 and you arrive at yesterday. Therefor 1,000 days on Newgrounds. Go figure

At 1/23/07 06:39 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote: He has been here for 1000 days.


PPD doesn't count the current day as one of the days. So if you made 15 posts on the day you signed up, then 15 posts the next day, your PPD would show as 30 rather than 15.

Thank you Afro_Stud. I'm glad someone likes me around here, inlike Bonus who's getting all pissed that I'm ruining his 10k Experience / Quadlist runup

At 1/23/07 08:07 PM, PenguinLink wrote: PenguinLink's Congratulations List #7
Congratulations to the following users:
Coop83- 8,000 Posts, 8.000 Posts per day, 300 Flash reviews

*taps on shoulder* Um, you missed out the whole 1,000 days on NG and top 400 for Experience ;)

At 1/23/07 09:20 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:
At 1/23/07 09:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Get off my damn lawn!
But this lawn needs a mowing. Don't want to risk getting you injuring your back, or anything.

Ok, mow it and I'll pay you good money.

So who did eat that poisoned slice?
>_> *secretly stares at Bonus*

*looks at watch* I don't think so...

At 1/24/07 12:43 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 1/24/07 12:30 AM, AnzRage wrote: NOW I AM LVL 17. means only 300 people here are better than me.
Congrats but dont you mean there are only 389 people better than you!

Only 388 on Experience totals, but according to this link, there are only 267 users better than him for level i.e. Level 18 or above

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 07:13:45


Who want to help me work in the foundry. Now its going to be hard to get 30k blams.

Generic congrats to all or list on weekends.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 08:49:56

At 1/23/07 08:07 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Uhhh.... Thank you? 0_0

Yeah, something like that. :)

At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: *looks at watch* I don't think so...


Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 08:58:49

I've just reached level 14, my last level up that will actually mean anything. Unless of course the new levels take half a year or more to arrive, or better still, they never get implemented.

Also, since I'm posting I may as well mention the fact that I reached 6666 posts yesterday.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 11:27:52

Congrats to:

Coop83 - 1000 days old NG account, Top 400 EXP, 8000 posts, 8PPD, 300 flash reviews. Wow!
Ecke - 666 blams
MetalDart - 111 responses
CrimsonBlood - 6.66VP
BonusStage - 10000 EXP
AfroUnderscoreStud - 6666 posts, level 14. Yay!

At 1/23/07 06:52 AM, schneelocke wrote: You could've delayed your post by five minutes. :) (I'm just teasing, though...)

I would've had to delay my post by 3 hours. XD

At 1/24/07 07:13 AM, IndianapolisColts wrote: Go COLTS.

Name change again? I'll laugh if you're stuck with that name on the redesign.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 11:48:29

ok some guy told me that i could only post in here so yay for me i got level 11 finally woot!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 13:39:19

1,111 saves. Woohoo.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

Steam ID

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 14:06:43

At 1/24/07 08:58 AM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote: I've just reached level 14, my last level up that will actually mean anything. Unless of course the new levels take half a year or more to arrive, or better still, they never get implemented.

Congrats on the pipe (and 6666 posts). I wouldn't be surprised if the new levels took another 6 months (or even longer; in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't implemented in 2007 at all[1]), but why do you hope they're never gonna arrive at all?

At 1/24/07 11:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: I would've had to delay my post by 3 hours. XD

In that case, you could've made your post and made a new one 3 hours later. ;)

1. In case gfox is reading this: I don't have any inside information, I'm just speculating (and being

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 14:28:50

Congratulation to:

AnzRage Level 17
Hemlok Elite Guard Lieutenant General
MARCUSM 8,000 experience
MetalDart 111 Responces
BonusStage 10,000 experience
ng-user1 Level 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls 1111 Saves

Coop83 I hope you read this, because after 1000 days of having 9,970 experience, is pure amazing. I have to give your grats for that. Too bad you didn't start in 1999, you would be by far the highest experienced person.

At 1/23/07 06:16 PM, BonusStage wrote: But Coop,

BBS Posts: 8,001 in total (8.005 per day)

if you've been here 1k days, it should be more along the lines of .... BBS Posts: 8,001 in total (8.001 per day)

Actually the per day thing is a little screwy. My friend cory did like 20 in 2 days and it said like 14 a day or something weird like that.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 15:29:19

Congratulations to this thread, for haveing 1752 pages.
Holy Shit.

If I have a kid, I'm gonna teach him not to be faggot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 18:36:29

Congrats to:
AfroUnderscoreStud - Level 14, and 6,666 posts.
AnzRage - Level 17.
BonusStage - 10,000 exp.
CrimsonBlood - 6.66 VP.
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 1,111 saves.
MetalDart - 111 review responses.
ng-user1 - Level 11.

At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ok, mow it and I'll pay you good money.

But I should let you know, since I'm the young, know-it-all hooligan who enjoys messing around with other people, while you never seem to notice, don't expect that lawn to be done anytime soon.

*looks at watch* I don't think so...

Oh bugger. :(

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 19:58:04

PenguinLink's Congratulations List #8
Congratulations to the following users:

MetalDart- 111 Responses
CrimsonBlood- 6.66 Voting Power (What's up with all the 666 stats?)
The52369874125thAlt- Level 3
AnzRage- Level 17
BonusStage- 10,000 Experiecne Points (90 more to get the armored Fist!)
AfroUnderscoreStud- Level 14, 6666 Posts
ng-user1- Level 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls- 1,111 Saves

At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote:
*taps on shoulder* Um, you missed out the whole 1,000 days on NG and top 400 for Experience ;)

Sorry Mister Coop83, Congratulations on being 1,000 days on NG and top 400 for Experience. Much better now? =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 20:11:37

Elite Guard Sergeant First Class and 5000 B/P

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 21:10:30

I believe i have 16 000 bp!

well... 15990 but after the ones in the portal get deleted or saved i will :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-24 22:34:52

At 1/23/07 10:05 PM, Unheard wrote:
At 1/23/07 02:37 PM, Ecke wrote: I give it a 6.
well me too.

No one congratualted me :(

elite guard private, yahoo!

Awesome post great job!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 03:30:18

At 1/24/07 10:34 PM, Unheard wrote:
At 1/23/07 10:05 PM, Unheard wrote:
At 1/23/07 02:37 PM, Ecke wrote: I give it a 6.
well me too.
No one congratualted me :(

elite guard private, yahoo!


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 04:10:26

Hoping that the boiler can cope with the cold weather, Coop congratulates:
BonusStage: 10,000 Experience
AfroUnderscoreStud: Level 14; 6,666 Posts
ng-user1: Level 11
Hybrid-of-Souls: 1,111 Saves
HomerDough: EG Sergeant 1st Class; 5,000 B/P
AtomicTerrorist: 16,000 B/P
ibhenowflee: 1,000 Posts
Unheard: EG Private
Simon: Level 13

And thanks to:

At 1/24/07 08:49 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: *looks at watch* I don't think so...

Look, I made sure it wasn't yours... I'm still wondering who had it.

At 1/24/07 11:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop83 - 1000 days old NG account, Top 400 EXP, 8000 posts, 8PPD, 300 flash reviews. Wow!

There's a couple more achievements in the pipeline for the next 24 hours, by the way. Thanks

At 1/24/07 02:28 PM, MegaGold wrote: Coop83 I hope you read this, because after 1000 days of having 9,970 experience, is pure amazing. I have to give your grats for that. Too bad you didn't start in 1999, you would be by far the highest experienced person.

Yeah, but I'm content with having quite a stats haul from being an 04 user.

At 1/24/07 05:58 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Awesome stats there Coop83, and a special congratulations to Mahesh for getting 10,000 EXP! Also WTG for everyone's recent accomplishments.

Why thank you

Sort of a generic reply for this thread for now. I am planning on posting in here much more, maybe even become a Wi/HT regular. General Forum just isn't what it used to be.

Glad to see you back, OsAmARaMa.

At 1/24/07 06:36 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:
At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ok, mow it and I'll pay you good money.
But I should let you know, since I'm the young, know-it-all hooligan who enjoys messing around with other people, while you never seem to notice, don't expect that lawn to be done anytime soon.

Well, that's your loss, sonny *puts quater back in pocket, smugly*

At 1/24/07 07:58 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/24/07 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote:
*taps on shoulder* Um, you missed out the whole 1,000 days on NG and top 400 for Experience ;)
Sorry Mister Coop83, Congratulations on being 1,000 days on NG and top 400 for Experience. Much better now? =)

Much better, thank you.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 08:57:06

At 1/25/07 03:15 AM, Simon wrote: Level 13 kkkkkk.

Heh, I just got level 14 today, though Pimp will probably ruin it soon I guess. Congrats to you any way.

But I'm not here so much for flattery over the new level, but actually for some help. I have an old chart that shows how much points should vary each day with every deposit, but I have also noticed it is totally off, if I can get 4 point differences during level 13 when the chart stated a max of 2 a day, some thing is wrong. Does any one here by chance has one of those charts that show how the amount of points for levels change with each deposit of ( well now it's Pimp ). Mine seems to be inaccurate.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 09:42:22

Congrats to:

ng-user1 - Level 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 1111 saves
HomerDough - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
AtomicTerrorist - 16000 B/P
ibhenowflee - 1000 posts
Unheard - Elite Guard Private
Simon - Level 13
Phantom - Level 14

At 1/24/07 02:06 PM, schneelocke wrote: In that case, you could've made your post and made a new one 3 hours later. ;)


At 1/24/07 05:58 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: I am planning on posting in here much more, maybe even become a Wi/HT regular.

That's cool, although the Wi/Ht regulars list seems to be dead now. :(

General Forum just isn't what it used to be.

Very true. I can't get myself to post there much now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 10:46:13

At 1/24/07 03:34 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 1/24/07 03:29 PM, Dragonman855 wrote: Congratulations to this thread, for haveing 1752 pages.
Holy Shit.
Thank you, I take the credit of course.

It would have been better if you congratulated it at 1750 pages, since there are only 250 pages to go till 2000 pages. Man I can't wait.

Congrats to:
HomerDough- 5,000 B/P
AtomicTerrorist- 16,000 B/P
ibhenowflee- 1,000 Posts
Unheard- 666 blams
Simon- Level 13

At 1/25/07 10:35 AM, terrorful wrote: Here is the chart by Ramgi
23 07,385
24 07,884
25 08,383
26 08,882

I guess I'll be level 24, but close to level 25. 9 levels higher is good to me I guess.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 11:11:42

At 1/25/07 10:51 AM, terrorful wrote:
At 1/25/07 10:46 AM, MegaGold wrote: I guess I'll be level 24, but close to level 25. 9 levels higher is good to me I guess.
Yeah you will be, but I also read something about it being easier to gain exp, like - to gain levels, so you will be level 25 in no time.

That's because it's more spread out. It will take me about 1-2 months to gain my next *new* newgrounds level.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-01-25 11:50:49

Congrats to:
Kidiri: Police Sergeant
KirbyLink: LVL 12
Dream-of-Duke: 12,000 Saves
MegaGold: 3,000 Posts
Patcoola: EG Lieutenant Colonel
AnzRage: LVL 17
Hemlok: EG Lieutenant General
MarcusM: 8,000 Experience
-1,000 Newgrounds Days
-Top 400 Experience
-8,000 Posts
-300 Flash Reviews
This time you deserve a whole list on your own =D Congrats!
Ecke: 666 Blams
MetalDart: 111 Responses
CrimsonBlood: 6.66 VP
BonusStage: 10,000 Experience - Nothing big? Hahaha, ha! No seriously, congrats!
Afro_Stud: LVL 14/6,666 Posts
ng-user1: LVL 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 1,111 Saves
HomerDough: EG Sergeant First Class
AtomicTerrorist: 16,000 B/P - Soon you'll have passed me by 1k lol!
ibhenowflee: 1,000 Posts
Unheard: EG Private
Simon: LVL 13
Phantom: LVL 14

At 1/23/07 01:00 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/22/07 12:26 PM, Casualty wrote:
NEW ON NG LOG: Base Voting Power! Thanks to gfox for the idea!
Wow, what more can you add to it? Keep up the great job with the NG Log Casualty. I'm sure another idea will pop up on someone elses' head and then you'll use it, once more! :D

I'm wish I had more ideas... Thanks for the kind comments. If anyone has an idea, be sure to tell me about it! But nothing impossible of course, please =P

At 1/23/07 05:50 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 1/22/07 03:04 PM, Casualty wrote: If you ask me... They are indeed one of the shittiest bands ever, and high ranked in that list.
Shit bands?
but you like metal, that's all metal is composed of

Being funny are we? What do you prefer then? =P

At 1/23/07 06:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/22/07 03:04 PM, Casualty wrote: But there IS worse, I think. For instance there is Tokio Hotel
Someone showed me a video of one of their songs and I only listened to it for less than a minute because it was so horrible.

The link I posted must be like, the worst music video EVER made, any category.

Yeah, too bad music is for everyone isn't it.
Don't forget Bullet, they should be put in the shit list. :P

If they didn't pretend to play metal, they'd be an average band to me. But they play bullshit if titled as metal.

At 1/23/07 09:03 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/22/07 03:04 PM, Casualty wrote: But there IS worse, I think. For instance there is Tokio Hotel, which is a the ABSOLUTE TOP of the list, no contest. A bunch of German emo kids with no musical feeling at all? OH SHIT.
Ok, that's bad, but surely they aren't a band. I've got more musical talent and I don't go around the place calling myself a band, do I?

Fortunately you don't =P Nah just kidding!

Let's not forget Linkin Park (Craawwwling in my skiiin),
Take away the vocals and you've got some good music

Not IMO, but who am I...

Simple Plan (How could this happen to meeeeeeeee),
Never heard of them... fortunately

You lucky bastard! Keep it like that!

Marylin Manson (No quote required),
Satan's Layby


James Blunt (*whine cry sniff whine*),
Good parody done by Wierd Al though - You're pitiful.

Yeah, but the parody doesn't excuse him.

Limp Bizkit (I suck),
See comments for Linkin Park. Other than that, say what you like about Soggy Digestive

See reply for your comments to Linkin Park. And I've never heard about Soggy Digestive...

Fall Out Boy (We're going DAAAAAAAA),
Hey, that's a good tune. At least it's a tune and it's sung properly.

Meh, probably...

Green Day (Don't wanna be... ARGH I CAN'T FINISH THAT),
They write decent stuff. Basket case, American Idiot and When September Ends being all three of them (Plus the wierd Al parody factor as well)

Nah, I really don't like their stuff, and especially their looks >:( But once again I respect your opinion =P

Blink 182 (Hello I fuck dogs),
What's my age again is the only good song (might be the fact that I'm 23 that causes me to like this, ask me again in 2.5 months time...)

Hahaha ok I'll try to remember!

Any rap artist (IN DA STREETZ YO), and a lot more.
Oh don't get me started... Anything ever written by Madonna to begin with

Hah yes, any pop too actually.

At 1/24/07 05:58 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Sort of a generic reply for this thread for now. I am planning on posting in here much more, maybe even become a Wi/HT regular. General Forum just isn't what it used to be.

That's kinda what brought me here... It's quite fun to post congrats to everyone actually, and there's some nice talking with nice people too... I wish General was like 2 years ago.

At 1/25/07 10:35 AM, raindrops wrote: Here is the chart by Ramgi

That means I'd have leveled up to LVL 22 yesterday, congrats to me! Meh I think that redesign is taking too long... They shouldn't have told that early, maybe.

So I repeat, If anyone has ideas for NG Log, don't hesitate and tell me as soon as possible, before you forget about it!




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