I'm celebrating 8,358 Saves! Why? Because when you add that to my 11,642 Blams, You get my latest achievement of 20,000 B/P!
Trying to look festive on his last day in the office, Coop congratulates:
Mrs-Molotov: 25,000 Blams
wizardman: 200 review responses (Trust me, I've got a better response rate than you, but I'm a selective reviewer... 89 replies from 283 reviews...)
Dream-of-Duke: 7,000 Experience
AfroNotAfroStud; AfroStrawberry; AfroAmigos: 3,000 Experience
dave: 10,000 Blams; 10,000 Saves; Doublelisted. (Puts mine to shame :( )
AtomicTerrorist: 2,222 Spams
At 12/21/06 05:14 AM, schneelocke wrote:
*noddles* Yeah, but the top 2000 one actually updates daily, which, to me, actually makes it more useful. I'm not sure why the other one is still around at all... :P
At 12/21/06 10:57 AM, Mrs-Molotov wrote:
because ramagi old exp list was here before the automated top 2000 exp users. And it serves as a better historical document to see how much the users gained or didnt gain in 28,30,or 31 days.
Well, personally, I prefer the fact that I can check my stats against other users on a month-by-month basis, but I will check this other list daily as well.
At 12/21/06 05:14 PM, superstatguy wrote:
Yea, I get that a lot. It's usually due to my beyond-any-other-human knowledge.
Trust me, I know too much. Luckily, the government pays me so I won't reveal anything; It's pretty sweet.
And of course, you've had your modesty surgically removed