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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 19:53:38

At 10/15/06 07:44 PM, BonusStage wrote:
HAHAHA, it's not ... hacking

Then you either made it up, or open 30 windows at a time, then vote as the panels load in which case that's not really 30 seconds. It'd take at least 5 minutes to do all that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 19:55:01

At 10/15/06 07:44 PM, BonusStage wrote: Look at it statistically
the top 95 percentile contains about .3 of the population.

wtf are you typing about, I'm saying that the insult "Too bad i don't waste my fucking life like you do." isn't good for you..

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:14:28

At 10/15/06 07:55 PM, Cereal wrote:
At 10/15/06 07:44 PM, BonusStage wrote: Look at it statistically
the top 95 percentile contains about .3 of the population.
wtf are you typing about, I'm saying that the insult "Too bad i don't waste my fucking life like you do." isn't good for you..

Forget about it Cereal and just ignore the guy. He's a failed abortion and he lives for this crap. Seriously man, if you don't respond to his posts he has nothing to feed on. The only problem is he's too ignorant to get the message. All dogs and cats have to live with fleas. ^_~

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:19:03

Oh dear, I seem to have finally stumbled upon teh EGPFC rank.


:::fakes a 1000 blam/1000 save screenshot to commemorate teh moment:::

Now if only I could find a way to get more blams and ACTUALLY have 50:50 blams and saves again... I'll get 'em evened out sooner or later, I'm just having fun with teh rankups, slow as they may be coming.

I might actually get motivated, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas related time off from work soon... to b/p a lot more for gfoxclock in the near future.

That's if FFXII doesn't eat up all the rest of my 2006 free time from 10/31 onward (which is a very real possibility #;-}>).

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:22:28

At 10/15/06 08:14 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Forget about it Cereal and just ignore the guy. He's a failed abortion and he lives for this crap. Seriously man, if you don't respond to his posts he has nothing to feed on. The only problem is he's too ignorant to get the message. All dogs and cats have to live with fleas. ^_~

*hugs* I love you fellow 02 bro

I wish they'll make a scale to show you the number of whistle points you have, I reached gold on the old scale but, now all these people that were silver are deity like me :'(

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:24:43

At 10/15/06 08:22 PM, Cereal wrote: *hugs* I love you fellow 02 bro

I wish they'll make a scale to show you the number of whistle points you have, I reached gold on the old scale but, now all these people that were silver are deity like me :'(

you was garage few misn ago? and your sing up date is 04

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:31:12

At 10/15/06 08:24 PM, Shoryuken wrote:
At 10/15/06 08:22 PM, Cereal wrote: *hugs* I love you fellow 02 bro

I wish they'll make a scale to show you the number of whistle points you have, I reached gold on the old scale but, now all these people that were silver are deity like me :'(
you was garage few misn ago? and your sing up date is 04

Garage!! Sing up date!!!

Don't believe it, my real "sing up date" 6/7/02 I must have a couple 02 account but when I made them I used a wrong email, they're were probably in 03 if they made it that far..I do have some 03 accounts, but I used my net scape email and I can't access it :'( its says its un validated.

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:32:17

At 10/15/06 08:19 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
fakes a 1000 blam/1000 save screenshot to commemorate teh moment:::

Did I do it right?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:38:13

At 10/15/06 08:33 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Cant beleve i got that diety whistle! And another thing is i hope i dont lose it for any stupid reason! :O

it's really the easiest thing to max out in your profile at this point :(

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:46:07

Hey, I got 2000 posts! Yay!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:50:35

At 10/15/06 08:39 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Not really i still need an A+ Batting average and Alot more posts and reviews then im good.

I means as in ranks like:

it will take a long time to reach Elite Guard Supreme Commander for b/p since only so many movies are submitted,

same with level 30

anyone can get to deity since there are no limites on to how many you can get.

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 20:59:31

At 10/15/06 08:38 PM, Cereal wrote:
At 10/15/06 08:33 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Cant beleve i got that diety whistle! And another thing is i hope i dont lose it for any stupid reason! :O

you can't lose it now unless you get enough - whistle points to do so

it's really the easiest thing to max out in your profile at this point :(

It used to be the second hardest thing to may out ( with EXP being the hardest still)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 21:05:32

First off, congrats to LEVEL UP! itself for 50,000+ posts. Insanity, insanity. And page #1669... nifty, nifty. :::dives right in to the catchup from his last postspree:::

I'm gonna try to reply to everyone who replied to me back in late August... reply to a few other posts of interest I noticed while skimming over the 40+ pages since I last posted... and then call it a night where Wi/Ht? is concerned. This was a speed catchup run... that's the only kind I can afford, especially on a normal 2-day weekend. I wish I'd used my 5-day weekend a week ago to do this, but oh well. Hindsight and all. #;-}>


At 8/27/06 03:18 AM, BR wrote:
Heh, I like to extend my congratulations to you gfoxcook. You might not experience level 22 on your primary account, but perhaps one of your alts. can be the cataylst for those "skipped" levels.. :-)


And yeah, that's my comfort, that my alts might experience some of the levels, if not all... that my main account will be skipping over. That's not QUITE the same, but it's better than nothing.

At 8/27/06 05:12 AM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 8/27/06 02:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote: BLACKJACK, BABY!
Congrats to teh Gregory.

Thanks, Pure. Teh Gregory, eh? Heh.

At 8/27/06 06:07 AM, Helloween wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 8888 posts, Level 21. Damn, now you look like Recon.
gfoxclock - 222 posts, 11000 EXP. #;-}>

Thanks, my namechangery friend. I almost always look like Recon. We're both huge fans of the neutral aura, we've both got around the same amount of posts, and that's been true for over a year now... and ever since we got up high in the exp ranks, we're both often sharing the same level. He'll level up before me, of course, and then we'll be SOMEwhat different for awhile... but eventually I level up to the same level as him and it keeps on going.

It'll be interesting to see with the new 60 level system, but it's quite likely we'll be 1-2 levels apart there, instead of 0-1 levels apart like with this classic 30 level system... so perhaps there will be less Recon/gfox similarity at that point. Hooray?

(I always rely upon how sigs look to tell people apart quickly while scrolling through topics, anyway, but more avatars will certainly help as well).

At 8/26/06 09:12 AM, sonip wrote: um a whole thread about lvling what has the world come to ?
Go away.


At 8/27/06 09:26 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 8/27/06 08:06 AM, Denvish wrote: Dildo on a chain. Hate it.
I remember having that icon. Congratz on that and 14K posts.

Awww shucks. Sorry about you not liking the level, Denvish, but congrats on level 19 nonetheless.

gfoxcook level up as wel about time :)

Thanks. Indeeeeed. My last one under the old system. ;_;

At 8/27/06 03:07 PM, Tannerite wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxclock - 222 posts, and 11,000 exp.
gfoxcook - 8,888 posts, and level 21.

Thanks, Tanner-ish person!

At 8/27/06 05:03 PM, Psycho-Simple wrote: CONGRATS 2 :
gfoxclock - 222 posts, and 11,000 exp.
gfoxcook - 8,888 posts, and level 21.

And thankee kindly as well.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 21:06:52

At 8/27/06 11:20 PM, H0GMA wrote:
At 8/27/06 12:59 AM, ReconRebel wrote: You can thank all the level 9 whiners for that one. I'm looking forward to the new level icons myself but it's kinda like a slap in the face to all the regulars who kept up with their deposits over the years. Pros and cons come with any deal.
Yeah *sighs*

I really don't see what's wrong with waiting about 4 months for a level-up anyway.

Nothing's wrong with that. Waiting 2 years, OTOH... starts to get a bit old. #;-}>

Pretty much like how it is on Retrogade =(
Ouch. You do happen to spend a great deal of time there Afro_Stud.
Only for JP. The only stat I really care about on that site. Heh.

Pfft. Speaking as the #1 in VP and #2 in exp might make me a bit biased, but there are PLENTY of stats to love on RG. Just ask Recon, I'm sure he'll let you know teh niftiness of money, for one thing. #;-}>

At 8/27/06 02:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Anywho... boy have I posted a lot this week.
Yeah, it's been odd seeing you around so much :o

Heh. I hope odd in a GOOD way, at least? #;-}>

You know, odd as in "unexpected but pleasant surprise" way, as opposed to odd as in "wish he'd go away like he usually is" way. #;-}>

8888 posts, baby! Yeah! Woo hoo!

You folks don't need to congrat me on silly landmarks like 8888, BTW. I just loves me my numbers. When I hit 9000 posts at LONG freakin' last, then I will deserve some congrats.

I wish I could get my lazy ass up to that... looks like I'll be around 8936 at the end of this weekend, at least. Closer... closer...

Level 21 suits you I reckon. Congrats on that too.

Thanks! There's a REAL meritous accomplishment to congrat me on, at least. #;-}>

At 8/28/06 01:39 AM, Rioan wrote: Congratulations to the following:
gfoxclock 222 posts;
gfoxcook - 8,888 posts, Level 21;

Thanks. Wheeeee.... so many freakin' congrats from late August I didn't see until today. I feel so negligent.

And last but not least, the most astonishing accomplishment:
H0GMA! Not only does H0GMA boast 1,000 experience points, but also an AMAZING post count of ONE!!!

Heh, I was thinking the same thing. What an alt, what an alt. #;-}>

Just playing around. : P
So how many alts do you have anyway?


At 8/29/06 09:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/25/06 06:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I know who Bender is, dagnabit. I own all four seasons of Futurama on DVD, it's one of the best shows EVAR. #;-}>
OMG! I now have even more respect for you, I didn't think that was possible. </brownose>

Heh. Why not just say great minds think alike (and share fandoms) and leave it at that? #;-}>

How long do you think he'll last?
Even shorter than he lasts is the sack.

I don't even remember the context of the above joke, but thanks for thinking it funny enough not to need a </brownose> tag after your reaction to it, I DO appreciate that. #;-}>

I wish I'd typed "in" instead of is... like I meant to... up there, though. ;_;

At 8/27/06 02:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Naw, it's fine. I just thought you seriously thought I was bashing Coop for something, when Coop was perfectly innocent
Well, of that crime anyway...

Well yeah... I didn't mean of EVERYthing. #;-}>

At 8/27/06 03:02 AM, gfoxclock wrote: We need some neutral aura level 16s in here... STAT!
Reporting for duty, perhaps I can convince BareNakedMike to join us and I know Andersson will fit that bill in a few weeks time

Hell yeah! THE MORE GREEN 16s... the BETTER!

Congratulations to: (I know there's others, but I can't be arsed to make a list today :P)
gfoxcook: 8,888 Posts


I'm going to go and lie down for a bit - someone let me know when schneelocke gets back and assists in the suicide of her stalker.

oooo... I'd forgotten all about that. Nifteh!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 21:07:12

At 8/29/06 10:57 AM, schneelocke wrote: I'm back! Did anyone miss me? ^^

YAY! There we go. I know it's a bit of a delayed reaction on my part... heh.

At 8/24/06 06:37 AM, gfoxclock wrote: I don't drop by this topic that often, and I gave up on catching up each time I drop back in back in 2005, if not late 2004!... but I seem to remember personally seeing yet another case of one of your congrats list being directly pasted by someone...
Yeah, it wasn't/isn't the first time that it's happened to me.


there's nothing legally wrong with it... morally wrong is another matter.
Is there anything wrong with it (morally/ethically) if I - as the original author/poster - don't mind?

If it still offends enough of the rest of us... then yes! #;-}>

It's lazy and sad, though.
Lazy, yes, definitely. :)

See? YOU ADMIT IT. You just won't call the bastard sad, that's all. You're too merciful, especially for a werewolf. :::nods:::

Speaking of which, 9 days ago on Sci-Fi was the premiere of the werewolf ep of season 2 of the new Doctor Who. Did you see it? Heh.

Thanks for the compliment. ^.~

I'll always compliment teh good spelling/grammar.

Sorry it took me so long to come back. :P *werewolfsmackdowns* ^^


Hey, it's not as if you'll lose levels. :) You can count me in as one of the whiners, too, BTW; even though I'm not level 9 anymore, I'm not very happy with the current system. I don't mind others being higher levels than I am, but I'm not happy with the fact that there's half a dozen levels I will - basically - never be able to reach at all. Whether the addition of 30 more levels will fundamentally change that is another question, of course...

Of course it won't. Instead of 6 levels you'll never be able to get to, there will be 12 levels instead.

The tradeoff is that instead of getting to experience 24 levels, you'll get to experience 48 instead.

It's the same diff, relatively speaking, though. It doesn't really "change" anything. Just provides more variety.

More variety is USUALLY a good thing, especially if the design of most of the 60 levels is great. Then I'll be happy. But if there's still a buncha crappy levels like the current level 23... then it might not really improve much of anything. I remain open-minded, and we'll just have to wait and see, yanno?

gfoxcook - 8888 posts, Level 21


At 8/29/06 01:48 PM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, I think gfox was waiting for it too :P

Heh. I wanted something a bit more gorey and spectacular, but oh well. #;-}>

At 9/1/06 01:30 AM, DaRk-2 wrote: Congrats List ( 8/27/06- 8/31/06 )

gfoxclock- Level 21


At 9/1/06 04:13 PM, Major-punk wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - Level 21


gfoxclock - 11,000 experience


gfoxcook - 8,888 posts


As for myself, 2222 posts. Slow and steady....

Goes nicely with gfoxclock's 222 posts back then. #;-}>

At 9/13/06 08:24 AM, HoboPorn wrote: Have you guys noticed this lol

8. gfoxcook 02/18/00 M 60,000 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander
9. leeboy105 01/24/02 M 59,996 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander

Yeah... that's called leeboy about to pass me on the list back a month ago. And trust me, I noticed. I save the top 50 lists every day. #;-}>

At 9/14/06 10:00 AM, Toocool100 wrote: I'm level 20 now :)

Congrats, man! Strange to see you with the mallet, but it definitely looks better with your name than the flail did. There's very few people/auras for which that isn't the case, though. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 21:07:34

At 9/23/06 12:20 AM, JerkClock wrote:
At 9/22/06 11:50 PM, isCRULZ wrote: I didnt notice it, there goes his 3+ depositing streak.
He's been missing every once in a while, but one of his misses happened this week. HumanTarget was behind him by 50, now he's behind by 40.

Maybe so, but Pimp's like 80 or 90 exp ahead of HT now. So HT's been missing more than Pimp has, that's for certain.

At 9/24/06 04:45 PM, Iscaryrules wrote:
At 9/24/06 06:37 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Saves, now matching 20k+ saves and blams and the gap between them is very close aswell...
gfoxclock would be proud of that.

DAMN STRAIGHT. Some day gfoxclock himself will hit 20k saves and 20k blams, it's a fine, fine thing to hit. Great job, X!

Well, okay, maybe not. I think he'd settle for 10k/10k or 15k/15k for teh ultimate landmarks.

But for now, 5k/5k is the main major longterm goal, anyway.

At 9/25/06 10:40 AM, schneelocke wrote: That being said, here's an accomplishment from me: 60000 points! 2xEGSC! And tomorrow, I'll have passed gfox, too. ^_^

Unless you didn't gain any additional blams or saves on 9/25, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet you'd already passed me on that day. I guess you meant on the top 50 list, but since that updates only once every 24 hours, it's hardly the ultimate resource for truthful rankings. #;-}>

At 9/25/06 08:40 PM, Inuyasha wrote:
At 9/25/06 10:40 AM, schneelocke wrote: That being said, here's an accomplishment from me: 60000 points! 2xEGSC! And tomorrow, I'll have passed gfox, too. ^_^
My that is something. I still remeber you being one of the faster users to get to EGSC. Not to mention you oddly signed up on my birthday.

Thanks for the roundabout compliment there, BTW. Instead of being happy for my b/p accomplishments receiving congrats, which they can't... I'm willing to gain some measure of silly pride from you guys complimenting others for passing teh great gfox's 60k b/p. Sad, I know. But still, I can't help but notice a lot of people seem to slow down a lot after they pass my mark. And that means something, I'm pretty sure. #;-}>

IOW, I may not be the summit of Everest, but I'm a camp wayyyyy above the basecamp, and just getting up to my level = you've earned yourself a pat on the back and a good rest and some congrats.


:::goes to wash away the shame of his prideful ways now:::

Seriously, I need a shower. I'm getting in there as soon as I finish posting in this topic. WHEW.

At 10/11/06 10:54 PM, Washu-chan wrote: You know why? because Deity is now as common as silver was and is. I got big congrats when I did it because it was ultra rare. The same when I got gold.

That can't possibly be true.

Because according to Wade's posts about the whistle glitch fix, 99%+ of the people above a normal whistle had silver. Hardly anyone had bronze, gold, or deity.

And if the levels are fixed now... I really doubt that 99% of the people above a normal whistle have DEITY now.

If you told me 33% have silver, 33% have gold, and 33% have deity I'd still think that was likely inaccurate, but certainly far closer to the truth.

As a silver who was near gold for the past two years, I resent the implication that somehow silvers becoming deity makes deity a worthless rank now.

I kinda wish I'd gained gold at some point on my own merits, but I appreciate that instantly jumping to deity, especially when I've hardly marked any reviews in the past year... and marked NO flashes since like June 2005... = I was pretty badass in 2003/2004.

At 10/15/06 08:32 PM, MetalDart wrote:
At 10/15/06 08:19 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
fakes a 1000 blam/1000 save screenshot to commemorate teh moment:::
Did I do it right?

Perfect, man. Perfect. #;-}>

Now, when I fake screenies, I fake a full-profile-window screenie. Two, actually. One of the top profilepic/exp/reviews area, and one of the bottom ranks/b/p/posts area. But those don't fit on the BBS (well, they might with mod/admin large pic posting ability, but I mean the regular size/shape pic limits #;-}>), so the type of screenie you just made is teh perfects for this sort of situation. :::nods:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 21:09:22

At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, BonusStage wrote: hi greg ^_^

How DARE you break up my quadpost! :::salps::: GOSH.

But um...

:::sexes you anyway:::

Hey there.

BTW, funny how usually when I drop by to catch up once in a blue moon... you're banned... but this time you're not... but iscrulz is. WHACKY.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 22:03:38

I'm finally in the Top 100 in Blams and Saves! Bow down to my awesomeness!

Next stop, Stop 50!

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 22:38:41

At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

Maybe so, but Pimp's like 80 or 90 exp ahead of HT now. So HT's been missing more than Pimp has, that's for certain.

And just in the past few days too. He may be giving up, and if he does, hopefully pimp will follow.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-15 23:30:54

At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 10/11/06 10:54 PM, Washu-chan wrote: You know why? because Deity is now as common as silver was and is. I got big congrats when I did it because it was ultra rare. The same when I got gold.
That can't possibly be true.

Because according to Wade's posts about the whistle glitch fix, 99%+ of the people above a normal whistle had silver. Hardly anyone had bronze, gold, or deity.

In the words of the english naruto " Believe it" I was the last person to beat the old system and get deity as well as gold. When wade was talking about the top user who was raising the bar up wade was talking about me. If you back check the thread you will find out it is true seach for post by me on the following days 2/28/26 and 7/11/06 the proof is in my stat posts on those days

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 00:26:02

Congrats to:
Crossofdevil - Deity whistle.
gfoxclock - EG Private First Class.
M-A-R-C-U-S - 28,000 blams.
MrT-Time - Deity whistle.
Pimplediddy - 2,000 posts.
PoJoX - Level 10.
Seamonky - Top 100 b/pers.
TITROTU - First portal award.

At 10/15/06 07:44 PM, BonusStage wrote: More like, LET'S FUK


Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 00:32:20

At 10/16/06 12:26 AM, Tannerite wrote: LET'S GET NEKED.

not until you're over 18 :'(

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 01:41:29

This makes my 1000 post. I'm so happy.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 01:42:31

At 10/15/06 11:30 PM, Shadow-Washu wrote:
At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 10/11/06 10:54 PM, Washu-chan wrote: You know why? because Deity is now as common as silver was and is. I got big congrats when I did it because it was ultra rare. The same when I got gold.
That can't possibly be true.

It seems about 100 users now have diety. I'm not even sure about the gold. It blew my mind to find diety on my profile when I opened it up tonite however.

In the words of the english naruto " Believe it" I was the last person to beat the old system and get deity as well as gold. When wade was talking about the top user who was raising the bar up wade was talking about me. If you back check the thread you will find out it is true seach for post by me on the following days 2/28/26 and 7/11/06 the proof is in my stat posts on those days

yes Washu you did a great job at the flagging. You were in fact my hero. I still think they should have something that shows the top flagger. When you're #1 out of more than a million users, thats something to crow about.

So, is my diety whistle worth mentioning?

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 01:56:51

At 10/16/06 01:42 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: So, is my diety whistle worth mentioning?

might as well, not every one has it "yet"

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 02:05:05

I got 1k exp, woo!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 02:44:19

yay ive just got 1500 posts now this is my 1501.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 02:55:24

At 10/15/06 09:14 PM, BonusStage wrote: I SO SRY GFOXY

You should be. But then I said mean things about you over in EGRL, so... I guess we're even now. Make-up sex?

But um...
last night

OH NOE. I musta been totally wasted last night, then.

Hey there.
Hi :)

Yo. So um... come around here much?

BTW, funny how usually when I drop by to catch up once in a blue moon... you're banned... but this time you're not... but iscrulz is. WHACKY.
LOL iscrulz is so fucking hot.

Yeah, isn't he though?

i mean, i still love you the most

Suuuuure. It's okay, man. If you love someone, set them free.

At 10/15/06 10:38 PM, JerkClock wrote:
At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Maybe so, but Pimp's like 80 or 90 exp ahead of HT now. So HT's been missing more than Pimp has, that's for certain.
And just in the past few days too. He may be giving up, and if he does, hopefully pimp will follow.

Yeah, he's just falling further and further back. It will be interesting to see if it continues.

I don't think Pimp will stop completely, but maybe he'll start missing 10 exp here and there more often.

I know I certainly plan to do that, but more intentionally than by accident, once I'm comfortably #1 on RG in exp (I'm still #2 currently, DaFreak, the legendary #1 of RG, retired in July).

At 10/16/06 12:26 AM, Tannerite wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxclock - EG Private First Class.


Crossofdevil - Deity whistle.
MrT-Time - Deity whistle.

I'm glad SOMEone around here can spell deity correctly.

At 10/15/06 07:44 PM, BonusStage wrote: More like, LET'S FUK

... whoa. You two get a room. It's okay, Bonus, I told you I wouldn't be jealous already, kay?

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 03:01:25

At 10/15/06 11:30 PM, Shadow-Washu wrote:
At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 10/11/06 10:54 PM, Washu-chan wrote: You know why? because Deity is now as common as silver was and is. I got big congrats when I did it because it was ultra rare. The same when I got gold.
That can't possibly be true.

Because according to Wade's posts about the whistle glitch fix, 99%+ of the people above a normal whistle had silver. Hardly anyone had bronze, gold, or deity.
In the words of the english naruto " Believe it" I was the last person to beat the old system and get deity as well as gold. When wade was talking about the top user who was raising the bar up wade was talking about me. If you back check the thread you will find out it is true seach for post by me on the following days 2/28/26 and 7/11/06 the proof is in my stat posts on those days

Why are you talking about proof of you being the top user? I may not be around very much, but trust me... I've known for months that you had the most whistle points, you were the freakin' deity long before this change in the system happened. #;-}> See, I check 100s of profiles every month while making my pentalist. I've been loading your profile for months now. If I couldn't see that you've had a deity whistle for a looooong time now, then I'd need to go get my eyes checked.

I don't think you understood the point of my post in the slightest.

Look up at the post of yours I quoted. You said "deity is now as common as silver was and is." That is what I was saying "That can't possibly be true" in response to. I think you thought I was saying it to the "big congrats" part, which I wasn't replying to at all. O_o

I understand that the point of your post back on 10/11 was that you feel deity has been undervalued, degraded, or whatever other word you want to call it because there are so many deitys now, instead of just one, be they ramagi, you, Newgrundling, Joe, or whatever other deserving whistle heroes of the golden/deity past NG has had since 2003 when the whistle system started.

(...It's kinda like how when I hit EGSC, I was #6. And now there are 70+ EGSCes. It's just not the same to get to it now as when I did in early 2004, of course.
... But if I said "Jesus, EGSC is so worthless now. There's as many EGSCes now as there were EG Privates back before ramagi hit EGSC..."
... Then I'd be totally wrong or smoking crack or something.)

What I was contesting about your post wasn't that deity was cooler back before this change in the system (of course it was), and it's not that you weren't the one and only deity quite recently (of course you were)... it was simply this:

There is no way that, as you said, "deity is now as common as silver was and is," because there were 10s of thousands of people with silver whistles back before the change. And even if there's 100 or 200 deities now... hell, even 500 deities now. 500 deities now is still not as many people as the thousands and thousands of silver whistles we used to have.

That's all I was getting at with the "99% of people with whistles above normal were silver under the old system. Nowhere near 99% of people with whistles above normal are deity now. Hell, I doubt even 33% are. So there's no way there's more deities now than their USED to be silvers." Is that more understandable now? I thought it was to begin with from my 99% thing in the original post, but apparently it wasn't... I think that's because you totally misunderstood what my "that isn't true" part was in response to and got defensive because you thought you had "yet another doubter" on your hands or something.

Are there really that many people going around questioning that you're the #1 whistler/review marker or something? Jebus.

At 10/16/06 01:42 AM, IvanTuroc wrote:
At 10/15/06 11:30 PM, Shadow-Washu wrote:
At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 10/11/06 10:54 PM, Washu-chan wrote: You know why? because Deity is now as common as silver was and is. I got big congrats when I did it because it was ultra rare. The same when I got gold.
That can't possibly be true.
It seems about 100 users now have diety. I'm not even sure about the gold. It blew my mind to find diety on my profile when I opened it up tonite however.


I've heard that "just over 100" count quoted and mentioned as well.

yes Washu you did a great job at the flagging. You were in fact my hero. I still think they should have something that shows the top flagger. When you're #1 out of more than a million users, thats something to crow about.

Back under the old system, we didn't need that. Everyone knew who had the deity whistle because they could see it in the profiles. NOWADAYS, yes... a top 50 list would be quite welcome.

But please, let's have our priorities straight. VP is a much older stat, and we still don't have VP ranks in our profiles or a top 50 VP list.

And hell, at least whistles are a sort of rank, and everyone has that in their profile... VP just gets a number, with no basis for comparison except that users like Captain Bob, Newgrundling, myself, and Wylo have been making SURE there's a basis for comparison for years now in making a user-run VP list. ;_;

So, is my diety whistle worth mentioning?

What is this "die-T" thing you folks keep talking about? #;-}>

Don't mean to pick on you specifically, Ivan, I saw at least three users in this topic in the past day or so spell it diety, but your post is the only one I'm replying to, so... ah wells.

At 10/16/06 01:56 AM, Cereal wrote: might as well, not every one has it "yet"

Yet being the operative word, yes.

But hopefully by the time deity gets way too overcrowded, the admins will add new whistle ranks to the system. Mmm.. blue and green and purple and... oh my, so many whistles.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-16 03:03:15

At 10/16/06 02:58 AM, gfoxclock wrote:
At 10/16/06 01:56 AM, Cereal wrote: might as well, not every one has it "yet"
Yet being the operative word, yes.

But hopefully by the time deity gets way too overcrowded, the admins will add new whistle ranks to the system. Mmm.. blue and green and purple and... oh my, so many whistles.

They should just add a scale to show you how many points you have, washu probably has more then double then some of the deities, but I think hey should make the old "only one person can have rank" something along the line of "sacred" or "legendary" then all the current deities would be reverted to a rank called platinium, then deity and sacred will be like the old gold and deity.

I hope my sig dosen't come out distorted

BBS Signature