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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 03:21:06

I know have a level eleven alt, as seen here. Not much compared to the alts of some of you, but good enough for me. This account will also hit eleven soon, at which point I will be back. Thanks guys.

|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 03:25:03

So I clearly can't spell or link anything correctly. For anyone who cares, here is a working link to my alt.

|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 05:39:11

Congratulations to:
Toohot100: 4,000 Experience
LordTrunks: EG Private
different: EG Sergeant 1st Class
Grammer: 7,000 Posts
Muffin: EG Sergeant Major
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 666 Saves
dave: 3rd NG Berfday
HoboPorn: Level 11
Iscaryrules: 15,000 Saves

Thanks to

At 10/3/06 05:32 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 10/3/06 08:38 AM, Coop83 wrote: schneelocke: Birthday *Gives you a cake with one candle* Sorry, the cake wasn't big enough for the rest.
Awww, thanks. *blows out the candle and makes a wish*

Hope your wish comes true

Ignore it and carry on with life. You are no different to how you were yesterday, correct?
Yes, and that's exactly the problem.

Ah, well in that case, work out what you want to be, go out into the world and become it!

I know life's not quite that simple, but if you've got the drive to do it, you can accomplish it.

At 10/4/06 03:25 AM, Turkeybean wrote: So I clearly can't spell or link anything correctly. For anyone who cares, here is a working link to my alt.

Both of the links work :S

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 10:44:18

[u]Congrats to[/u] (HAHAHAHA):

HoboPorn - level 11, 1:1 blam to save ratio. Not anymore. :P
LordTrunks - Elite Guard Private
different - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Aputhehindu - Level 10
Grammer - 7000 posts
Muffin - Elite Guard Sergeant Major. LOL BB CODE!
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 666 saves
dave - 3 year old NG account
iscrulz - 15000 saves
Turk - Level 11

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 11:04:51

Newgrounds favourite icelandic person just leveled up to level nine and now i am part of the majority of NG!!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 11:37:34

At 10/4/06 01:23 AM, iscrulz wrote: schneelocke Merry birthdays


At 10/4/06 05:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hope your wish comes true

Thanks... I hope so, too.

Ah, well in that case, work out what you want to be, go out into the world and become it!

I know life's not quite that simple, but if you've got the drive to do it, you can accomplish it.

*noddles* I'm not sure I really have the drive (or, rather, the ability!) yet, but I'm working on that. :P

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 14:00:51

[congratulations]Well done, it looks so much better than 10[/congratulations]

Yeah congratz hobo mate. Im still stuck with sucky lvl 9 lol.... darn my lack of depositing...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 16:44:45

At 10/4/06 04:02 PM, Placebo wrote: Just made Elite Guard Colonel.

Congrats Girl you re now on the last badge on the 3rd row. I now find B/P depressing though. I still wish you luck i getting to the last badge ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 17:25:12

600 posts.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 18:02:50

Congrats to:
dave - Third NG berfday.
different - EG Sergeant First Class.
Grammer - 7,000 posts.
HoboPorn - Level 11.
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 666 saves.
Iscaryrules - 15,000 saves.
LordTrunks - EG Private.
Muffin - EG Sergeant Major.
Placebo - EG Colonel.
Toohot100 - 4,000 exp.
Turk - Level 11.

Thanks to:

[anger]I dislike Pimp with the rage of a thousand suns. Now I have to wait until two more day, before I level up. >:([/anger]


Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 18:06:36

Congrats to;

Toohot100: 4000 EXP
Hoboporn: Same amount of Blams and Saves and Level 11
LordTrunks: Elite Guard Private
different: Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Grammer: 7000 posts
Muffin: Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 666 Saves
dave: 3 years on NG
Turk: level 11
Placebo: Elite Guard Colonel

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 20:06:54

At 10/14/02 09:34 PM, Transformers wrote: You can go http://www.newground..l_icons/power10b.gif and just change the /power to whatever level you want. For example you wanted a level 20 dark you would change it to http://www.newground..l_icons/power20c.gif
A= Light aura B= Neutral aura C= Dark aura

or here . press the buttons under for aura.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 20:17:55

At 10/4/06 03:21 AM, Turkeybean wrote: I know have a level eleven alt, as seen here. Not much compared to the alts of some of you, but good enough for me. This account will also hit eleven soon, at which point I will be back. Thanks guys.

ALT!?!?!?!? switch to main account!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 20:36:21

300 flash reviews.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 20:41:50

As of today, I am now an Elite Guard Major.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 21:22:21

At 10/2/06 12:29 PM, Seamonky wrote: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 10,000 quality entries.


At 10/3/06 05:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: God damn it guys, having a life is really HURTIN MEH STATS D?:

I've got no problem with that, no problem at all. B)

At 10/4/06 12:00 AM, dave wrote: Three years on Newgrounds..... ahh the memories.

Nice. That is a number I'll be hitting next month.

At 10/4/06 01:17 AM, Xiivi wrote: How thread post again I do in? [sad face]:'([/sad face]

That time, from the depths of disease, Torajiro said to me

"Sai, I'm sorry....."

I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave, but...

At 10/4/06 04:02 PM, Placebo wrote: Just made Elite Guard Colonel.

It's an alright badge. Kinda, no wait, really ugly IMO. :/

At 10/4/06 04:44 PM, Washu-chan wrote:
At 10/4/06 04:02 PM, Placebo wrote: Just made Elite Guard Colonel.
Congrats Girl


At 10/4/06 08:41 PM, Metrackle wrote: As of today, I am now an Elite Guard Major.

Oh my, you sure are a fast one there.


For the rest of you and your achivements:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 22:16:28

1000 experience points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-04 23:05:43

Well, looks like I'm finally half way there. 15,000 B/P points in total with an almost 50/50 blam to save ratio. EGSC is still pretty far away but I'll make it, probably because I have Hemlock, Omgee and Metrackle not too far behind. (And MetalDart, if he finds his passion for BPing again. : )

By the looks of it, I won't make the +10 rank climbers for the first time in 5 weeks. : (

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 00:28:04

I'm so happy that i leveled up to lv. 13 last month. Hopefully, I will be an Elite Guard Staff Sergeant (or Sergeant First Class..i forgot the b/p ranks already)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 02:28:31

A epic post made of God and Win was posted in the Anime Club not too long ago. From it spawned my 10,000th post. Took me almost three years to do it but I got there.

Longer than Bahamut and Bonus THOSE LITTLE SPAMMERS :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 04:20:17

Congratulations to:
Placebo: EG Colonel (I'm close, but not close enough!)
Hemlok: 300 Reviews
Metrackle: EG Major
Mrs-Sly: 1,000 Experience Points
Shadow-Angel: 15,000 B/P
Inuyasha: 10,000 Posts

At 10/5/06 02:28 AM, Inuyasha wrote: A epic post made of God and Win was posted in the Anime Club not too long ago. From it spawned my 10,000th post. Took me almost three years to do it but I got there.

Did you make your sig pic as a tribute to this? :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 04:31:18


dave - 3rd NG birthday
DeathCabForChristine - 1000 XP
different - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Grammer - 7000 posts
Hemlok - 300 reviews
HoboPorn - Level 11
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 666 saves
Inuyasha - 10000 posts
Kiddmeizter - Level 9 (and you get a cookie for being Icelandic, too. ^.~)
LordTrunks - Elite Guard Private
Metrackle - Elite Guard Major
Mrs-Sly - 1000 XP
Muffin - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
NeneChow - Level 10
Piotrowski - Level 16
Placebo - Elite Guard Colonel
RebeccaRose - 3000 XP
Shadow-Angel - 15000 points
Toohot100 - 4000 XP

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 09:40:13

Congrats to:

Placebo - Elite Guard Colonel
Hemlok - 300 flash reviews
Metrackle - Elite Guard Major
Inuyasha - 10000 posts. You're slow, haha.
Mrs-Sly - 1000 EXP
Shadow-Angel - 15000 B/P
Piotrowski - Level 16 (again)
blackpatriot - Level 13

Thanks to:


At 10/5/06 02:28 AM, Inuyasha wrote:
Longer than Bahamut and Bonus THOSE LITTLE SPAMMERS :P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 10:05:23

Congrats to:
blackpatriot - Level 13.
Hemlok - 300 flash reviews.
Inuyasha - 10,000 posts.
Metrackle - EG Major.
Mrs-Sly - 1,000 exp.
Piotrowski - Level 16.
Shadow-Angel - 15,000 b/p.

Only one more day...

At 10/5/06 02:28 AM, Inuyasha wrote:
Longer than Bahamut and Bonus THOSE LITTLE SPAMMERS :P

I've got a 10+ PPD, and you're not calling me a spammer? :'(

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 13:29:29

At 10/5/06 02:28 AM, Inuyasha wrote: A epic post made of God and Win was posted in the Anime Club not too long ago. From it spawned my 10,000th post. Took me almost three years to do it but I got there.

Still a fucking tremendous PPD. Cool shit, dawg :P

Longer than Bahamut and Bonus THOSE LITTLE SPAMMERS :P

Oh, i know you spammed quite a bit before your little time off. But yeah, those two are in a class of their own (Bahamut a bit more methinks :D)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 14:20:30

At 10/5/06 10:05 AM, Tannerite wrote:
At 10/5/06 02:28 AM, Inuyasha wrote:
Longer than Bahamut and Bonus THOSE LITTLE SPAMMERS :P
I've got a 10+ PPD, and you're not calling me a spammer? :'(

Well, here's a handy little table to sum it up:

BonusStage: 20ppd
Bahamut: 19ppd
Tannerite: 14ppd

I think you lack their pace somewhat

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 14:41:13

Elite Guard Corpral here.

Only raised my voting strength by .13. Oh well.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 15:40:48

At 10/5/06 04:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Did you make your sig pic as a tribute to this? :P

HAHA! In a way, yes! :D I was looking through the locked clubs and I saw her post and it tickled me to no end. Best. Post. Ever.

At 10/5/06 09:40 AM, Helloween wrote: DON'T FUCKING CALL ME A SPAMMER! >:(


At 10/5/06 10:05 AM, Tannerite wrote: I've got a 10+ PPD, and you're not calling me a spammer? :'(

You're getting there. Given you sign-up date and how short it's taken you to get 8k+ posts I'd say you're worming your way up there. :)

I name you... "worm", As you crawl through the dust. ~ Sidney Lostarrot

At 10/5/06 11:40 AM, FBIshemale wrote: A bit late but.... 7,777 posts and 7,77 Voting power at the same time :P

Little? You passed the posts a while ago and you no longer have that cool VP. : (

At 10/5/06 01:29 PM, Frostbreath wrote: Still a fucking tremendous PPD. Cool shit, dawg :P

I know. I was at about 9.8k when I left last year. Should've hit 10k then. :/

Oh, i know you spammed quite a bit before your little time off.


But yeah, those two are in a class of their own (Bahamut a bit more methinks :D)

He was closing in on 8.5k posts when I left so I'm guessing it's cool for him to get about 6k in a year. Heard Bonus went off the deeeeeeeeeeeep end with spamming but then again it's Bonus and he is an a-ok guy in my books.

Man, I remember the day ZAAL got 20k posts, now he has over 32k, nuts. That 66 PPD he had was insane too. There also was some other guy who made like 200 posts in one day but got deleted or just died off. Don't fully remeber it all.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 16:11:46

At 10/5/06 02:20 PM, Coop83 wrote: BonusStage: 20ppd
Bahamut: 19ppd
Tannerite: 14ppd

Surely you mean 16 for Tannerite, though:

"BBS Posts: 8,134 in total (16.105 per day)"

He's still not quite up there, but if 19 posts a day are spammy, then 16 posts probably are, too. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-05 16:23:34

2500 posts.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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