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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-04 23:28:29

i.....hate you all.....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 00:07:28

The devil of posts.
666 posts.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 00:14:43

Oh, come on, this just isn't fair.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 00:27:15

At 9/4/06 12:52 PM, DonDoli wrote: Level 19.

Holy crap, congrats on that, a lot of people wish they could be that high, I'm one of them.

At 9/4/06 03:26 PM, Pieriku wrote: Not really level up but I just reached the 10.000 BP points :-)

What are you talking about, that's awesome. Congratulations man, reach the 5 digits.

At 9/4/06 04:19 PM, dave wrote: Rank: Elite Guard First Lieutenant

Nice, congrats on that.

At 9/4/06 07:15 PM, -Gendo- wrote: 3,800 posts....

Not bad, way better than me. Good luck towards the 4,000th post.

At 9/4/06 07:49 PM, GrammerClock wrote: I just did some B/Ping, and I'm gonna go watch some flash tutorials. By the time you guys read this, I've most likely hit 2k saves.

Well you have and congratulations on that.

At 9/5/06 12:07 AM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: The devil of posts.
666 posts.

Uh oh. Anyways congratulations. Now for the 911, and the 1337. Good luck getting to those ones.

At 9/5/06 12:14 AM, _Twone_ wrote: Oh, come on, this just isn't fair.

Well since you are level 12 now, congratulations.

Top 50 Reviewers

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 00:53:59

At 9/5/06 12:14 AM, _Twone_ wrote: Oh, come on, this just isn't fair.

Patience is a virtue.

Don't ask.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 01:23:47

At 9/5/06 12:07 AM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: The devil of posts.
666 posts.

Wow, me too!!

With this post, I now have 666 posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 01:44:44

Daily 5th on my crappy tribute.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 01:58:14

At 9/5/06 12:14 AM, _Twone_ wrote: Oh, come on, this just isn't fair.

woah, but you're level 12 now o_O on the FAQ's it even says:

3,831 - 4,974

and you're still one short... hmmm. quite strange. either way, congrats on temporarily reaching level 12 until tomorrow, or something :0

congrats to dave, too ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 02:06:39

At 9/5/06 01:44 AM, dave wrote: Daily 5th on my crappy tribute.

Oh, I saw that. Didn't expect a 5th, but it was a great tribute. Congrats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 02:08:33

I made it to level 3 yay! and I got 20 posts. Yay!!! I am a long way off from you guys though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 02:08:41

At 9/5/06 01:44 AM, dave wrote: Daily 5th on my crappy tribute.

From what has come into the portal today, you deserve it.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 04:13:02

Magnumprimers: 1,000 Experience
DonDoli: Level 19
Pieriku: 10,000 B/P

one third distance, keep on trucking.

dave: EG First Lieutenant; Daily 5th place
SlashFirestorm: 2,000 Posts

you hide in the C&C? That's where the bulk of my posts come from

GrammarClock: 2,000 Saves
Washu-Chan: EG Major General
Hybrid_of_Souls: 666 Posts
Powerage: 666 Posts

At 9/4/06 11:11 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Too much information, dude... Besides just wait until October comes around and see your team choke in the playoffs once again... I know, Boston won't even be there, but that's not the point.


At 9/4/06 02:20 PM, schneelocke wrote: If you do do one, let me (us) know how it turns out. :)

Well, the spam was great, but the problem was the crust - not enough spam

Sure. :)

YAY! *eats spam to his heart's content*

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 08:18:39

At 9/4/06 03:35 PM, Feedback- wrote: Sorry. :(
Is there any extra credit for me, that I can do?

Sure. As they say... "try extra stage". ^.^

At 9/5/06 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, the spam was great, but the problem was the crust - not enough spam

Mmmm. Something to keep in mind for next time, then. :)


blackplastic - 500 reviews. 200 audio reviews
dave - Elite Guard First Lieutenant, daily 5th place
DonDoli - Level 19
Dream_of_Duke - 6000 XP
EDK - 1000 XP
ElMaster - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
GrammerClock - 2000 saves
head2toewinner - Level 3
homer8722 - 666 saves
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 666 posts
JacksonHSR - 1000 posts
KingScar - Level 6
LevelOneAccount - Elite Guard Captain
Livingdeadmeat - Level 10
Magnumprimers - 1000 XP
Minion777 - 23000 points
Mrputter - top 800 B/P users
mt_sack - Elite Guard Corporal
-Paradox- - Level 10
pepeatumi - 3333 posts
Pieriku - 10000 points
Powerage - 666 posts
ReconRebel - 47000 blams
SlashFirestorm - 2000 posts
The_Soul_Man - top 2000 XP users, Elite Guard Master Sergeant
throwthegrenade - Police Officer
Waffled - Police Officer, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant
Washu-Chan - Elite Guard Major General
Wylo - Level 23

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 09:20:09

Just recieved a letter from freelotto.com . A notice of a winning. As you know, winning a lottery, any lottery is near impossible. But I won. I won 18 whole cents.


Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 10:31:07

Congrats to:

Magnumprimers - 1000 EXP
DonDoli - Level 19
Pieriku - 10000 B/P. It's an acheivement. :D
dave - Elite Guard First Lieutenant, daily 5th place flash. lol
SlashFirestorm - 2000 posts
GrammerClock - 2000 saves
Washu-Chan - Elite Guard Major General
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 666 posts

At 9/4/06 11:28 PM, Hermes_12 wrote: i.....hate you all.....

That's nice.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 10:54:06

302 posts, w00t.

hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 11:11:43

Congratulations to:

Waffled: Police Sergeant
Magnumprimers: 1000 EXP
MightySerG: 400 posts
DonDoli: Level 19
Pieriku: 10000 BP
dave: Elite Guard First Lieutenant
SlashFirestorm: 2000 posts
Waffled: Police Lieutenant
GrammerClock: 2000 saves
throwthegrenade: Police Officer
Washu-Chan: Elite Guard Major General
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 666 posts
Powerage: Also 666 posts
dave: Daily fif

Thanks to:

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 11:15:11

400 protects.

Apple is a communist dynasty that is trying to take the world down in flames under its oppressive boot. Samsung will surge the universe into glory #androidnation

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 11:38:23

At 9/5/06 11:34 AM, Latios_ wrote: Afro, if i made reviews for your movies, would you respond to them. ):<

Yeah. I've been busy with stuff for ages, so I haven't responded for a while. Should be starting to write responses again in a day or two.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 12:00:40

At 9/5/06 09:20 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Just recieved a letter from freelotto.com . A notice of a winning. As you know, winning a lottery, any lottery is near impossible. But I won. I won 18 whole cents.


That's nothing. I just got an email from the widow of Prime Minister Lumumba who wants me to help her smuggle 27 million out of the country and who promised me 10% of that money if I help her! I'm gonna be rich.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 13:11:40

LVL 10!!! Finaly!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 13:49:33

At 9/4/06 03:35 PM, Feedback- wrote: DonDoli - Level 19.
At 9/5/06 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Congratulations
DonDoli: Level 19
At 9/5/06 08:18 AM, schneelocke wrote: Congrats:
DonDoli - Level 19
At 9/5/06 10:31 AM, lron_Maiden wrote: Congrats to:
DonDoli - Level 19
At 9/5/06 11:11 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Congratulations to:
DonDoli: Level 19


At 9/4/06 04:03 PM, sketch0587 wrote: That's what you mom said.

You're just jealous that you'll soon not even have b/p on me. ;)

At 9/5/06 12:27 AM, MegaGold wrote:
At 9/4/06 12:52 PM, DonDoli wrote: Level 19.
Holy crap, congrats on that, a lot of people wish they could be that high, I'm one of them.

Thanks, it's always great to level up, even if it's to a level you dislike. Alot of people hate this level because it looks like a dildo or dog toy or whatever, I don't like it because it's too similiar to level 15. Level 16 was great, 17 was actually even greater but I'm not a fan of 18-19. However, this brings me closer to one of the sweetest icons, the hammer.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 14:11:21

At 9/5/06 01:49 PM, DonDoli wrote: Alot of people hate this level because it looks like a dildo or dog toy or whatever,

More like a odd butt plug IMO. Bad attempt at a flail.

I'm not a fan of 18-19.

Level 18 only, ONLY looks good with a light aura and your alias as AdelbertSteiner. But only one can be achived. D;

However, this brings me closer to one of the sweetest icons, the hammer.

Maul > Hammer, either way it is nice. So congratulations my good sir on level 19.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 15:49:03

sup ppl, im neew to this forum, the lvl system cools really cool. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:05:54

At 9/5/06 03:49 PM, Fallen_God wrote: sup ppl, im neew to this forum, the lvl system cools really cool. :D

Go to this other site that is a gimmick to newgrounds. It looks like newgrounds what was it called? Raygade?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:07:50

At 9/5/06 05:05 PM, Blue_Block wrote: Go to this other site that is a gimmick to newgrounds. It looks like newgrounds what was it called? Raygade?

I believe you're talking about retrogade.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:15:25

At 9/5/06 05:07 PM, Magikarp wrote:

I believe you're talking about retrogade.

Sorry I forgot. I was close though!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:17:13

Retrograde.com - At least we can spell ''retrograde'' correctly...

ahahah they make so much fun of newground but thats so true...


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:18:22

Level 6 now. See you guys again in 5 days. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-09-05 17:23:21

At 9/5/06 05:18 PM, -ScareCrow- wrote: Level 6 now. See you guys again in 5 days. :P

Wow. your sig is making me horny. Must resist hentai urges!