At 9/3/06 02:22 PM, schneelocke wrote
Hold on, trying to calm down....goosfraba?
*Repeats the word "Goosfraba" over and over*
If I'm not mistaken its from a movie... Anger Management with Adam Sandler if not then I have no idea what it is.
At 9/3/06 02:22 PM, schneelocke wrote
Hold on, trying to calm down....goosfraba?
*Repeats the word "Goosfraba" over and over*
If I'm not mistaken its from a movie... Anger Management with Adam Sandler if not then I have no idea what it is.
At 9/3/06 03:01 PM, Feedback- wrote:O
Wrong, wrong, wrong! The correct answer is "Well, can I have spam instead of the baked beans, then?"
...goosfraba?A word that Eskimos use to calm down their children. Also a word Eskimos use when they're having sex.
It was also in the movie "Anger Management." :D
I see. I hope you'll forgive me if I take that with a big grain of salt - the former part at least sounds too much like an urban legend to me. :) (FWIW, BTW, the Eskimo-Aleut languages form an entire language family - so even though I may well be wrong here, the above statement, to me, sounds similar to saying "XYZ is a word that Europeans use to do ABC", without taking into account that there are several languages spoken in Europe.)
First time posting here. I just got 1000 experience points. Yay!
At 9/3/06 07:40 PM, Waffled wrote: 200 Blams.
Well, actually it would have been 200 saves for you, but you're reallly close to it anyway. Also, each 100 in B/P really isn't an accomplishment. People usually just either post new ranks, or if they reached a 1000 milestone, or if it's a sequenced number (ex. 6666 B/P). /777777 My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
250 exp points
16 reviews
62 blams
4 protects
Damn dialup. I'm only marking for blams because there are tons of blammable stuff out there that's tiny in size.
Level up, woot!
Elite Guard Captain
It feels good to be back
Congrats to
ReconRebel- 47k blams
Wylo- Level 13
-Paradox-- Level 10
mt_sack- Elite Guard Corporal
The_Soul_Man- 2,000 top experience user and Elite Guard Master Sergeant
Dream_Of_Duke- 6,000 experience points
EDK- 1,000 experience points
blackplastic- 500 portal reviews and 200 audio reviews
ElMaster- Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Waffled- 200 saves
pepeatumi- 3,333 posts
LevelOneAccount- Elite Guard Captain (welcome back!)
Livingdeadmeat- Level 10
I got 666 saves, 1600 B/P points, and that's about it
-Paradox-: Level 10
mt_sack: EG Corporal
Feedback-: 10,000 Saves; Doublelisted
Dream_of_Duke: 6,000 Experience
EDK: 1,000 Experience
blackplastic: 500 reviews (flash); 200 reviews (audio)
El_Master: EG Sergeant Major
pepeatumi: 3,333 Posts
LevelOneAccount: EG Captain
Livingdeadmeat: Level 10
homer8722: 666 Saves
At 9/3/06 05:06 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 9/3/06 04:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!Mmmmmm spam pie!
Also Pie
Mmmmmmm Pie
Spam Pie? I believe it's time I did some baking then :D
At 9/3/06 03:43 PM, Stretchysumo wrote:At 9/3/06 03:17 PM, Pineapple_Sock wrote:A mere 144 xp away.At 9/3/06 03:15 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I noticed that I had achieved lots of mile stones as of late despite getting struck at the b/p rankings. Here is another one ---- 6000 EXP points. :DUr close to level 14.
Which is over two weeks worth of depositing away. Close is 1 day or less away, remember that.
At 9/3/06 04:59 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 9/3/06 03:01 PM, Feedback- wrote:Wrong, wrong, wrong! The correct answer is "Well, can I have spam instead of the baked beans, then?"O
I'll take it as read that I can then... can I get that with extra spam on the side?
Thank you for your deposit, Tyranitar! You now have 7,160 experience points. You need 99 more to get to level 15.
Under 100 EXP to go until I'm level 15. Close now. :D
Congrats to:
Mrputter - Top 800 B/P
-Paradox- - Level 10. Looks good.
mt_sack - Elite Guard Corporal
Feedback- - 10000 saves
The_Soul_Man - Top 2000 EXP, Elite Guard Master Sergeant
Dream_of_Duke - 6000 EXP
EDK - 1000 EXP
blackplastic - 500 flash reviews
ElMaster - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
pepeatumi - 3333 posts
LevelOneAccount - Elite Guard Captain. Yay.
Livingdeadmeat - Level 10
homer8722 - 666 saves
At 9/3/06 12:38 PM, DarkEnforcer- wrote: I have decided to retire from b/ping once bh, bahamut and jokerfag passed me.
At 9/4/06 02:03 AM, sketch0587 wrote: 8880 paired with 666 left?
Pretty short congrats list;
LevelOneAccount: Elite guard Captain... (Damn!)
blackplastic: 200 audio reviews
Livingdeadmeat: Level 10
homer8722: 666 saves
Thanks to:
Coop 83... (Yanks suck!)
i was away for a few months from newgrounds and went down a level :( but i will be up a level again in about a week i hope..
"He Who Devours Your Entrails & Enjoys It" : Lobo
At 9/4/06 09:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Coop 83... (Yanks suck!)
Yep, we suck almost as much as you guys do.
Kiss my hairy arse :P
At 9/3/06 01:42 PM, Stretchysumo wrote:At 9/2/06 08:53 PM, JacksonHSR wrote: My first kilo post!it's about time! Now you are one of us.
And some of my posts got deleted reducing my number. How unfortunate.
At 9/4/06 11:01 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 9/4/06 09:42 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Coop 83... (Yanks suck!)Yep, we suck almost as much as you guys do.
Kiss my hairy arse :P
Too much information, dude... Besides just wait until October comes around and see your team choke in the playoffs once again... I know, Boston won't even be there, but that's not the point.
At 9/4/06 12:03 PM, Waffled wrote: Police Sergeant.
Where can I see all of the levels? I lost the link.
For future reference, the link to that is in the FAQ.
At 9/4/06 04:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Spam Pie? I believe it's time I did some baking then :D
If you do do one, let me (us) know how it turns out. :)
I'll take it as read that I can then... can I get that with extra spam on the side?
Sure. :)
At 9/4/06 01:09 PM, Waffled wrote: No need, It's not that I didn't know what the badge were,
Just I needed the link, i'll just add it to favourites.
It's actually generally a good idea to check the FAQ before asking about things like that. There's a reason why it's called "Frequently Asked Questions"... ;)
Not really level up but I just reached the 10.000 BP points :-)
Congrats to:
blackplastic - 500 reviews.
DonDoli - Level 19.
Dream_of_Duke - 6,000 exp.
EDK - 1,000 exp.
ElMaster - EG Sergeant Major.
LevelOneAccount - EG Captain.
Livingdeadmeat - Level 10.
Magnumprimers - 1,000 exp.
pepeatumi - 3,333 posts.
Pieriku - 10,000 b/p.
Thanks to:
At 9/3/06 04:59 PM, schneelocke wrote: Wrong, wrong, wrong! The correct answer is "Well, can I have spam instead of the baked beans, then?"
Sorry. :(
Is there any extra credit for me, that I can do?
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
2000 posts. ^_^
I should have a lot more, but I hide in C+C too much.
Police Badge
Rank: Police Officer
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 200 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 124 quality entries
I got my next badge not really a big deal though.