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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-10 22:01:30





Sig by me.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-10 22:05:11

YAY 400th post!!!!!!!!!!


Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-10 22:37:36

At 6/6/06 01:06 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: Congradulations to:
Myself - Elite Guard Corporal

lmao, 4 days later, Elite Guard Sergent.

Aw mayun, now I have to wait 8-10 days to get to the next badge instead of my usual 3-5 :[

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-10 22:56:25

At 6/10/06 04:23 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
So a level 17 alt isn't all that amazing when you really think about it, eh? #;-}>

It is when you're still level 10 because you didn't deposit for a while for reasons you forget >:'(

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 00:16:28




Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 00:18:15

About a little over a year until my next level up. Level 26 is kind of ugly though...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 00:30:46

Congrats to:
-MetalDart- - 2,000 saves.
Afro_Stud - Safety Patrol, and 100 saves.
KIRBY_LINK - Level 11.

Chill out. :P
At 6/11/06 12:18 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: About a little over a year until my next level up. Level 26 is kind of ugly though...

Don't like the golden dildo?

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 00:48:07

At 6/11/06 12:16 AM, KIRBY_LINK wrote: YAY!!!!!!!!!!


Uhm... yeah, stop typing in all caps, we realize how excited you are, but still, just don't.

At 6/11/06 12:18 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: About a little over a year until my next level up. Level 26 is kind of ugly though...

Yeah, if I were you I'd just keep depositing tho, just in case I'd want to level up all of a sudden... if Wade adds those extra 20 levels.

All the golden icons towards the end are pretty ugly, level 29's pretty kewl tho, you could be YoinK the Pimp lol.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 01:08:54

At 6/11/06 12:16 AM, KIRBY_LINK wrote: YAY!!!!!!!!!!


wow. what a terrible post that was. i think ill take my bump to the same level a little more humbly than that, and only point out that I am stronger than you because of my b/p rank :)

congrats, but you still lose to me

hooray for finally ditching the boxing glove...only to get it again next level.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 01:35:11

At 6/11/06 12:30 AM, CrazedChaos wrote: Don't like the golden dildo?

golden dildo? I thought level 23 was the dildo... now that is called one also?

At 6/11/06 12:48 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: Yeah, if I were you I'd just keep depositing tho, just in case I'd want to level up all of a sudden... if Wade adds those extra 20 levels.

There's been talk of adding new levels for years now... but only time will tell.

All the golden icons towards the end are pretty ugly, level 29's pretty kewl tho, you could be YoinK the Pimp lol.

well, just everything except level 26. level 27 and beyond are cool. Level 27.. the golden hammer looks cool. I don't even remember when I had the black hammer... it's been so long ago.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 01:47:22

8000 thingies.
Wow, i guess.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 02:13:31

At 6/11/06 12:18 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: About a little over a year until my next level up. Level 26 is kind of ugly though...

Not as ugly as level 25 with a neutral aura YoinK. It reminds me of when I was drunk one night. You know, when you vomit and swallow your own puke.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 02:17:49

At 6/11/06 01:35 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
There's been talk of adding new levels for years now... but only time will tell.

I remember seeing at one time a thread that had created ideas for new level icons. I sadly do not remember where it was though. Any hope you or anyone else may be able to enlighten me?

|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 04:31:07

Congrats to:

Dream_of_Duke - Elite Guard Colonel
PickledOnionMuffin - 7500 EXP
robot_ranger_wesdood - 4000 EXP
_Truth_ - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
-JimmyDodger- - 1000 blams, 1000 saves, Elite Guard Private First Class
Afro_Stud - 100 saves
-MetalDart- - 2000 saves
KIRBY_LINK - Level 11
Minion777 - 8000 posts

Thanks to:


At 6/10/06 06:31 PM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: Is a level 27 alt amazing enough when you think about it? <{-;#

Not if it was originally a main account. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 05:16:04

gfoxclock: 10,000 Experience
PickledOnionMuffin: 7,500 Experience
robot_ranger_wesdood: 4,000 Experience
_Truth_: EG Sergeant 1st Class
-MetalDart-: 2,000 Saves
-JimmyDodger-: 1,000 Blams, 1,000 Saves (more saves than blams is nice too)
Minion777: 8,000 Posts

At 6/10/06 06:27 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/10/06 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Let me know of you need to borrow any of my arsenal of weapo- er corrective tools.
Thanks... I actually might have to get back to you on that.

Guns, whips, knives, spiked chains, baseball bats, tazers. You name it, I've probably got it somewhere

At 6/10/06 04:23 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Speaking of nifty achievements with my alt (and really, far more awesome than getting a mere 1500 b/p...), I shoulda announced 10,000 exp in here back when I got it. It's kinda too late now.

Meh, I'll congratulate you anyway

At 6/10/06 06:32 PM, CrazedChaos wrote:
At 6/10/06 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: We hide in the bushes and wait for you to leave before posting achievements :P
Well, that explains this ear I cut off, when I trimmed those bushes.

And I told him to keep his head down.

At 6/10/06 07:39 PM, Afro_Stud wrote:
At 6/10/06 06:17 PM, TheSmileySquad wrote: Rank: Safety Patrol
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 100 crappy entries.

That means all 100 of my B/Ps are blams. :D
I > you

Yeah, but Toocool100>you>him

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 06:09:59

At 6/10/06 06:32 PM, CrazedChaos wrote: How much longer will it be? :D

Hard to say, but... quite a while, I think. :P

At 6/11/06 12:18 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: About a little over a year until my next level up. Level 26 is kind of ugly though...

Hey, don't complain. At least you get to get to the golden levels, unlike us mere mortals... :) Besides, Level 27 will be pretty again; in fact, I'd say it's pretty much the best level there is. ^^ Oh yeah, and congrats again. :)

At 6/11/06 05:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Guns, whips, knives, spiked chains, baseball bats, tazers. You name it, I've probably got it somewhere

Mmmm... I'll take a shotgun, a whip, and a hotshot cattle prod. ;)


Afro_Stud - Safety Patrol with 100 saves
-JimmyDodger- - 1000 blams, 1000 saves
KIRBY_LINK - Level 11
Mad-Cow - Elite Guard Sergeant
-MetalDart- - 2000 saves
Minion777 - 8000 posts
PickledOnionMuffin - 7500 XP
robot_ranger_wesdood - 4000 XP
TheSmileySquad - Safety Patrol
_Truth_ - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
worldfamous - Level 11

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 06:31:21

so many high lvls and im so low lvls

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 09:51:26

At 6/11/06 06:31 AM, demonsnake8 wrote: so many high lvls and im so low lvls

Well, you just signed up recently, so that's to be expected. :) Just keep in mind that we all started at level 1, and keep on depositing every day - and if you can spend some time voting on movies under judgement and accumulate blam and save points, all the better. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 12:51:18

Seems like I totally forgot to take a screenshot for 49000 points. Oh well. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 12:57:38

well i got 140 b/p points yesterday so maybe this will take me 2 weeks to do

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 13:01:38

At 6/11/06 12:51 PM, schneelocke wrote: Seems like I totally forgot to take a screenshot for 49000 points. Oh well. :)


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 13:22:17

At 6/11/06 12:57 PM, _Truth_ wrote: well i got 140 b/p points yesterday so maybe this will take me 2 weeks to do

Yes, but that was Saturday, there's going to be less for a while.

My name is EvanStone.

You will refer to me as such or I'll crack your head open with my level 20 rusty pipe.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 13:33:16

At 6/11/06 01:01 PM, Suck_Me_Down wrote: Wut?

Thanks for the fake. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 13:47:24

There was less yesterday than usual
so i think ill be able to keep up this,if not higher, pace.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 14:17:29

Rank up!! I'm now Elite Guard Major.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 14:28:02

900 posts! I am so slow when it comes to postcount...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 15:08:07

still away from home. which means no good quality screen shots. yesterday i hit 5,000 exp. oh boy, halfway to the big 10k :D today, i hit 20,000 blams. something that should have happened a while ago... if i was ever home :X my slight inactivity saddens me, but hopefully things will be back to normal soon :( much love to the wi/ht lounge, and congrats to everyone for everything ^_^

oh and if anyone were to make a fake screeny the number of saves was 11,344 ;) *cough*


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 15:39:19

At 6/11/06 03:08 PM, BlueHippo wrote: still away from home. which means no good quality screen shots. yesterday i hit 5,000 exp. oh boy, halfway to the big 10k :D today, i hit 20,000 blams. something that should have happened a while ago... if i was ever home :X my slight inactivity saddens me, but hopefully things will be back to normal soon :( much love to the wi/ht lounge, and congrats to everyone for everything ^_^

We will all be waiting for your return ~_^.

oh and if anyone were to make a fake screeny the number of saves was 11,344 ;) *cough*

K, well to tell the truth this one is actually real. I guess I caught you in time C:

I was going to post this a couple minutes ago but forgot I would soon be Elite Guard Major General, which I now am :7

BlueHippo pic below =P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 16:14:43

Congrats to:
BlueHippo - 5,000 exp, and 20,000 blams.
Minion777 - 8,000 posts.
pepeatumi - EG Major.
schneelocke - 49,000 b/p.

At 6/11/06 05:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/10/06 06:32 PM, CrazedChaos wrote: Well, that explains this ear I cut off, when I trimmed those bushes.
And I told him to keep his head down.

Oh well, his loss.

At 6/11/06 06:09 AM, schneelocke wrote: Hard to say, but... quite a while, I think. :P

They are a hard breed to teach.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-06-11 16:33:11

Damn my posts look cool as hell now with a new level, aura, sig and soon to be back to 6K posts.

But what aura do you guys think goes best with the bat?

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

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