I need like 700 more pts to level up. that means I have 70 more deposits to go.
I need like 700 more pts to level up. that means I have 70 more deposits to go.
I thought i'd give a shot congratulating people this time :)
Sorry if it's a bit late to some people but congrats to...
Domnikathor - 7,500 exp.
Bahamut- - 777 reviews
Chumabawamba - Top 1,000 users
Minion777 - 9,000 B/Ps
Tom_s00 - 13,000 blams
bigbadron - 13,337 posts
Vince50 - 5,000 exp.
Major_Punk - 15,000 B/Ps
X-Naut - 9,000 posts
ReconRebel - Level 21
Kabomb - 1,500 exp.
-Kraken- - 4,000 posts
Dent0n - 3500 saves
RyanY - Level 11, 2,000 posts
Popbrian1 - 1,000 exp.
Auz - 6,000 B/Ps
EnglishPanda - Level 9
mr_putter - 2,000 B/Ps
Chris_Aldin - 12,000 B/Ps
DonDoli - Top 200 exp. and 22,222 Blams
Minion777 - 7,000 posts
Donthurtme - Elite Guard Praporshchik
Qwoxyl - Top 10 B/Pers
BonusStage - #21 overall B/Pers
schneelocke - 42000 B/Ps
Fawful - 2,000 saves
XxRabbitxX - Level 9
Qwoxyl - 15,000 saves
Frostbreath - 4,000 saves
Major_punk - 10,000 Blams
Maus - 1,337 exp. rank
Peregrinus - 1,000 saves
KungFuCow - 3.000 ppd
Oh, and me
Elite Guard Sergeant First Class :)
At 11/2/02 10:14 AM, Mangeta wrote:At 10/30/02 12:24 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I JUST WENT 2 VOTING POWER 4%too bad theres about 5000 people with more power than you...
lol, so true
Yay i was on that last of ppl who got congratulated. I actually really do feel special now! hehe! Thanks a lot man.
Well im back with 2 more level ups or what ever you want to call them. First i got a promotiong from Elite Guard First Lieutenant to Elite Guard Captain at 12500 blam/protects. Im nowhere near the top but hey, im not doing badly. And along with this came a sweet new voting power, 8.07! Finally got into the 8's after what seemed like years. Yay!
14,000+ B/P == Elite Guard Major == Me
It seems I havent had an accomplishment in a long time. So this feels good, and an increase in voting power to 7.63 - Cant wait until I reach 8.
Someone make me a 55555 b/p screenie. I'm too lazy.
Congrats to:
KungFuCow - 3 PPD.
Now try 16 PPD. >:D
_ggk_ - EG Sergeant First Class.
Chris_Aldin - EG Captain, and 8+ VP.
Afro_sauce - EG Major.
At 3/14/06 10:57 PM, NaughtyKitty wrote: Someone make me a 55555 b/p screenie. I'm too lazy.
+ 17,188
55,616. :P But with a little half-assed editting....and a pink border.....
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
OK, this one is made full-assed.
No matter how wrong that sounded.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 3/14/06 11:21 PM, Mr_CraZy77 wrote: 38,428
+ 17,188
55,616. :P But with a little half-assed editting....and a pink border.....
At 3/14/06 11:33 PM, Mr_CraZy77 wrote: OK, this one is made full-assed.
No matter how wrong that sounded.
Hmmm.... Which one to choose.... J'aime la premiere. Just a bit better quality although the numbers are kinda interesting :? Thanksies to both ya'll.
At 3/14/06 06:05 PM, Mr_CraZy77 wrote: schneelocke - 42,000 points.
Thanks! :)
At 3/14/06 09:40 PM, _ggk_ wrote: schneelocke - 42000 B/Ps
Thank you! ^.^
Maus - top 1337 XP users (and 23500 posts? That's insane. o.o)
Peregrinus - 1000 saves
KungFuCow - 3 PPD
_ggk_ - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class :)
Chris_Aldin - Elite Guard Captain, 8.00+ VP
Afro_sauce - Elite Guard Major
NaughtyKitty - 55555 points
I just got my 1000th post, and I'm in the top 5000 EXP users! ^_^
Congrats to everyone with an achievement!
At 3/14/06 10:57 PM, NaughtyKitty wrote: Someone make me a 55555 b/p screenie. I'm too lazy.
All 5's
Very nice indeed, it looks great, you are on a roll last couple of months keep on going and BIG Congrats on the 55,555 Blams and protects...
Which do you prefer Protects? or Blams?
once again, i am behind. time to catch up!
congrats to the following:
Domnikathor - 7,500 exp
Bahamut- - 777 reviews
Chumbawamba - top 1,000 users in exp
Minion777 - 9,000 b/p
Tom_s00 - 13,000 blams
bigbadron - teh 13337 posta
Vince50 - 5,000 exp; ½kExp :p
Major_punk - 15,000 b/p points
X-Naut - 9,000 posts
Kabomb - 1,500 exp
-Kraken- - 4,000 posts
pet_rock - level 3...though 8 by time time i made this post :p
Dent0n - 3,500 saves was it?
RyanY - level 11, 2,000+ posts
Popbrain1 - 1,000 exp
bila - level 24 (i like the wand more, too :( )
Auz - 6,000 b/p
EnglishPanda - level 9
mr_putter - 2,000 b/p
Chris_Aldin - 12,000 b/p
hot_and_charming - 500 saves
Minion777 - 7,000 posts (bet you cant wait for 7,777 :p)
Donthurtme - Elite Guard Praporshchik
Qwoxyl - 10 in b/p
FoolyLeFou - silver whistle
schneelocke - 42,000 b/p
XxRabbitxX - level 9
Fawful - 2,000 saves (filthy whoer)
Qwoxyl - 15,000 saves
PowerRangerGOLD - 1337 posts
Distortzion - 75 posts... i guess :p
Domnikathor - 1,100 saves
Frostbreath - 4,000 saves
playa_313 - level 9
Major_punk - 10,000 blams (double listed :0)
Maus - the 1337est user at the moment :p
Peregrinus - 1,000 protection points
KungFuCow - 3 ppd
_ggk_ - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Afro_sauce - Elite Guard Major
NaughtyKitty - 55,555 b/p
SlashFirestorm - 1,000 posts, top 5,000 exp
thanks to(1,111 posts):
lidov / -Kraken- - oh, i didn't realize :0 i'm sorry sir it won't happen again :(
Bahamut- - <3
Mr_CraZy77 - it wasnt that nice of a pic :p
schneelocke - :3
the-the-the-theaats all fo' now folks. catch you guys in a couple pages, unless i actually make something post worthy :p
It seems quite active on the portal this fine morning. So much so that I can celebrate my promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutanant with renewed vigour
At 3/14/06 03:37 PM, BonusStage wrote: Well I find it an incredibly stupid achivement
First, i was all like ''HEY! You're kewl'', so i added you to msn. All cool. But then i was all like''OMFG he's never online ;('' So sad.
At 3/15/06 03:32 AM, TehBlueHippo wrote: At 3/14/06 04:39 PM, schneelocke wrote: At 3/14/06 06:05 PM, Mr_CraZy77 wrote: At 3/14/06 09:40 PM, _ggk_ wrote: Frostbreath - 4,000 saves
At 3/14/06 10:25 PM, Chris_Aldin wrote: Well im back with 2 more level ups or what ever you want to call them. First i got a promotiong from Elite Guard First Lieutenant to Elite Guard Captain at 12500 blam/protects.
WHAT? Have you suddenly switched to a higher gear or what? Dang it, iguess i'll have to wait some more >:(
Oh, and congratulations :)
Wow, only one more rank to go and that's it. Oh, 9.50 VP. Not much of an acheivement, but still something since I'm under 0.5VP to 10.00VP. :)
Congrats to:
PowerRangerGOLD - 1337 posts
wastedwizard - Elite Guard Sergeant
Frostbreath - 4000 saves
Major_punk - 10000 blams. Remember when I got 10k blams? :D You were only a Police Sergeant back then.
Maus - #1337 EXP
_ggk_ - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class. Are you an alt?
Chris_Aldin - Elite Guard Captain
Afro_sauce - Elite Guard Major
NaughtyKitty - 55555 B/P
SlashFirestorm - 1000 posts
Coop83 - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
kickme123 - Level 11
Thanks to:
At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW
holy crap! the biggest thread on the BBs was started by THAT!! what the hell...!
At 3/15/06 11:27 AM, DragonFruit_Clock wrote: holy crap! the biggest thread on the BBs was started by THAT!! what the hell...!
Actually, Amature Sig Makers is the biggest thread on the NG BBS O;-)>
At 3/15/06 11:39 AM, Afro_Stud wrote:At 3/15/06 11:27 AM, DragonFruit_Clock wrote: holy crap! the biggest thread on the BBs was started by THAT!! what the hell...!Actually, Amature Sig Makers is the biggest thread on the NG BBS O;-)>
Correct, this is actually only the third topic in its size, The Regulars Lounge Thread is much bigger than this topic.
At 3/15/06 11:49 AM, -Kraken- wrote: Correct, this is actually only the third topic in its size, The Regulars Lounge Thread is much bigger than this topic.
I wouldn't call 1510 vs. 1473 pages *much* bigger...
At 3/15/06 10:50 AM, Bahamut- wrote: ELITE GUARD GENERAL
Wow, awesome. It'll be hard for me to imagine you as one of the EGSC's later :)
At 3/15/06 11:27 AM, DragonFruit_Clock wrote: holy crap! the biggest thread on the BBs was started by THAT!! what the hell...!
Yackety-yackyack. He had the power, and he felt happy. Don't kick him for it.
Wham, 12k b/p. I MAY reach 8k blams today too. Will post a screenie then too, i suppose. If i can catch it.
Just got 13000 B/P's! ^_^
Congrats to everyone! :-)
Just got Elite Guard Colonel....
One more for Leaf ranks..
At 3/15/06 12:17 PM, schneelocke wrote: I wouldn't call 1510 vs. 1473 pages *much* bigger...
WÙhen I posted it, the LUL had only 1472, which means 38 pages. 38 pages means 1,110-1,139 posts, I consider this quite a lot, but everyone with his scales for large.
At 3/15/06 03:32 AM, TehBlueHippo wrote: schneelocke - 42,000 b/p
Thanks! :)
At 3/15/06 02:17 PM, -Kraken- wrote: WÙhen I posted it, the LUL had only 1472, which means 38 pages. 38 pages means 1,110-1,139 posts, I consider this quite a lot, but everyone with his scales for large.
38 pages out of 1510 is about 2,5%. I still maintain that that's not a *big* difference. :)
SlashFirestorm - 1000 posts, top 5000 XP users, 13000 points
Coop83 - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Kickme123 - Level 11
Bahamut- - Elite Guard General, 9.50+ VP
Frostbreath - 12000 points
Latinoralf - Elite Guard Colonel
At 3/15/06 04:06 PM, schneelocke wrote: 38 pages out of 1510 is about 2,5%. I still maintain that that's not a *big* difference. :)
It really doesn't matter, but I would say that 6,753,965,878 is much bigger than 6,589,235,003. The proportions doesn't change the fact that the difference is big. But it really doesn't matter.