At 12/31/05 03:53 PM, Placebo wrote:
Hey thanks man :)
You're quite welcome. I popped into your profile to check out the new 10k stat of yours and noticed all the other goodies as well, couldn't resist commenting on them all. LIKE A KID IN A CANDY SHOP!
My goal right now is to get EGSC (eventually, haha) and then bring up my saves. Not sure how I got so many blams, but I suppose because of the ratio of good to bad movies in the portal.
Well, good luck with all your goals, but I am most happy to know you want to get your saves up. To 10k+ territory as well, I presume? I hope? I think? I feel? #;-}>
At 12/31/05 04:15 PM, wismty wrote:
you need 5 more experience points for level 19
Not as bad as my "1 more exp point for level 20" message 36 hours ago, but... heh. #;-}>
Looks like I'm going to start 2006 with a new level, too bad 19 is one of my least favorite levels, but I'm sure I'll grow fond to it like I did with others :)
It's not one of my fave OR least fave. It was okay. It's worth going through to get to 20, that's for sure.
At 12/31/05 05:16 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
OMG! I soooooo got all of you there! First, I have rank up in my age! That's right today it's my birthday and I'm back from snowboarding... resting for tonight's party! So I'm no more a teen-ager! Yay!
Rank up in my age... is certainly an interesting way to put it. But anyway, happy birthday!
My boss' birthday is tomorrow, 1/1... and since 6/30 is my birthday, 12/31 is my half-birthday. I'm 28.5 today. Wheee. So fun all around, eh?
At 12/31/05 05:32 PM, schneelocke wrote:
No. :) I don't think you can argue that the portal is actually unbalanced, either - at least not when you judge the amount of good and bad submissions (as opposed to the amount that gets saved and blammed, respectively). Sure, there are more bad ones than good ones, but I don't think that automatically means imbalance: it simply is the way things are. And if reality doesn't match one's expectations, then it's those expectations that are wrong, not reality.
Oh, some ancient Greek philosophers would beg to differ. When reality fails to meet teh HOLY TRUTH's requirements... which is in the wrong? Reality? Or TEH HOLY TRUTH?
I say reality is in the wrong. But clearly you are of another mind on this one. #;-}>
Let's just put it this way, the NG portal is a flawed and human thing, and THAT to me is why there are more blams than saves 95%+ of the time. It's not because that's the way things are, damnit! We could fight to change it. But not enough of us have the flash skills, the time, and the dedication to change things on both the submission and the voting side of things ourselves.
Also, to touch on something I said in that last post: In a perfect world NG would have way more saves than blams, actually. So it doesn't even take a PERFECT world to make the balance on the portal closer to 50:50. It just takes a better pool of artists/submitters.
And BTW, I never said I came to the portal with the expectation that saves would be easier to get than blams or anything. The only day that's true is days like Clock Day, when saves run like a blood river in a time of slaughter. Mmmm... blood river of saves.
But there are a select few, like Toocool, who show us the way: blams can be spurned. And if enough artists changed, or enough voters changed, or preferably BOTH... the portal COULD have more saves than blams every now and then when it's not a special Clock or Lock or Daily Toon or Halloween or Christmas whatever else NG day/holiday to help it have more saves than usual.
So I don't think you're truly neutral, either - true neutrality, for me, would mean that you're free from any kind of personal opinion and only judge flashes based on objective merit, so that your blam/save ratio would precisely (or, given portal artifacts, at least almost precisely) match the ratio of bad vs. good flash submissions.
But the type of neutrality I'm talking about has nothing to do with how you judge movies... either objectively or negatively. I'm talking SHEER numbers. Take saves and subtract blams. Most have a negative number (including this account). Some have a positive number (Toocool being the person on the site with the biggest number of all with this method of examining b/p stats).
But VERY VERY few have near or exactly 0. And that is why it's such a holy grail to raise our b/p while keeping our ratio near 1:1 for myself and others of like mind. It's a goal I once had with gfoxcook, back at 6000 blams and 6000 saves, but my desire for rankups and getting higher in the rankings overruled my number-love side. With my alt, I don't care about getting ahead in rank OR ranking. I'm just raising the numbers together, trying to keep them as close as possible forevah and evah. I think it's a good goal.
Now, whether it's the kind of perfect balance that's fine on NG (IMO) or doesn't fit with the way the NG portal is actually balanced (unbalanced IMO) as in your view... eh. Take it or leave it. #;-}>
But that's just me. :)
And this is just me, so it's good that we know this is a subjective thing on both our parts to begin with. :::nods:::
*chuckle* I'll do so in 2010, when I reach level 20 myself. ^_~
I'll be in level 24 in 2010 IIRC. That'll be nifty.
*noddles* I like level 27, too, but that's probably not surprising, considering it's a variant of the level 20 icon. But unlike level 20, it's one I'll never achieve, unless all the high-ranking people stop depositing altogether.
The blackness is part of what makes 20 so great, though. So 27 doesn't make my top 5. Maybe my top 10, but... eh.
Well, you can still add a gfoxglock and gfoxlock and so on, too... more alts to level up. ^_~
gfoxcook/gfoxclock/gfox = enough gfox-related alts. I have 999999th and 1000000th as well, yanno. But they're forever level 1s. I don't want to deposit for 5 accounts. 3 is enough. And no, I ain't renaming them to glock and lock, either. #;-}>