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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 11:55:06

At 10/8/05 11:31 AM, BonusStage wrote: Guess what i just did


LVL 14. Congrats.




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 12:11:07

I'm kind of suprised. After the huge amount of points everywhere yesterday, I only went up one place in the B/P rankings, up to #117. I suppose that can be expected the higher you get, but I thought I'd pull off at least a two-point jump. Oh well.

At 10/8/05 12:54 AM, Wylo wrote: Well sith that Daily2oon boost, I passed 39k b/p.

Bless those bastards. Congrats!

At 10/8/05 01:07 AM, Glock21 wrote: Just levelled up to level 5


At 10/8/05 01:13 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I just found out that I had more than 2500 saves already, how cool! :D

A breach is as good as a benchmark. Congrats.

At 10/8/05 01:30 AM, gfoxclock wrote: Well, I got this account up from 72 b/p (it had been at 36 blams and 36 saves since August of 2004, over 14 months ago)... to 114 b/p as of now.

+42 gain. Eh. That'll happen when it's a work day. Stupid Daily Day submitters submitting shit from 8 AM to 6 PM!!! :::shakes fist at them::: #;-}>

Not to shabby for you employed losers. :-P


You're all jealous of my new Safety Patrol sash (at least in combination with my 60,000 (+, sadly) points on my OTHER account), aren'tcha. #;-}>

Very jealous. *Retreats to RetroGade and looks at cash total*
There we go. Much better. ^_^

At 10/8/05 04:50 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: 2000 combined blams and protects.

Well done.

At 10/8/05 04:57 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Jes' don't pass meh, k?

[/No Promises]

At 10/8/05 07:59 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: View Your Reviews (333)
(With Responses Only (136))

Congrats. I've been reviewing a bit lately, too. I should breach 300 later today.

At 10/8/05 09:04 AM, randomwolf1 wrote: Yesterday was b/p semi-heaven (clock day is heaven)
I'm in top 1500 b/p now =D

Good work, congrats.

At 10/8/05 09:38 AM, cheesebizkit wrote: i reached 4000 exp yesterday but my ban prevented me from posting it here.

Congrats on that and the posts. Too lazy to quote both.

And congrats to Bonus for whatever. Wow, man. Just wow.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 13:42:29

w00T o just leveled up yesterday and now im newgrounds safety patrol w00T

Reason for ban: Do not as for pirated copies of programs. <3 Enoll << Thanks for the love. <3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 13:49:56

Seriously guy, I think we should start blamming the star syndicate's work ...

A review I've posted :

I have a sad impression ... October 8, 2005
Entry: compressed and depressed

Overall Score: 1
Is it me or ... you're (you know, the whole starsyndicate stuff) making fun of everyone ... making somehow crappy animations on purpose. Seeing how people react, seeing users with big vp voting 2+ just to get points ... making your flash pass probably makes you laugh a lot ...

Graphics: 2 Sound: 2 Interactivity: 0 Style: 2 Violence: 0 Humor: 0

Author's response:
mhm You got it! ^_^

Dah ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 13:51:05

At 10/8/05 01:42 PM, yoyodog76 wrote: w00T o just leveled up yesterday and now im newgrounds safety patrol w00T

On your way to stardom!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 14:58:41

Wow i am Happy - i missed on alot of my other levels up but this one i am happy to see and witness -

19 - thats nineteen!

I would like to thank Recon Rebel, my newgrounds homeboy since i have been postin in the Where Is/How To club and he is the reason that i have gotten this far, thanks comrade much thanks!!

To all the other members thank you too very much............

**walks off the stage smiling and happy**

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 15:02:37

At 10/8/05 04:57 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Congrats to gfoxclock - Safety Patrol
At 10/8/05 08:19 AM, SadicSchoolgirl wrote: Congrats to gfoxclock - Safety Patrol


At 10/8/05 01:42 PM, yoyodog76 wrote: w00T o just leveled up yesterday and now im newgrounds safety patrol w00T

HEY! Stop crowdin' me, boy!

At 10/8/05 12:11 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I'm kind of suprised. After the huge amount of points everywhere yesterday, I only went up one place in the B/P rankings, up to #117. I suppose that can be expected the higher you get, but I thought I'd pull off at least a two-point jump. Oh well.

"two-point jump"? What a lame way of phrasing that. I suppose you think I made a 8194-point jump overnight due to my b/p rank going from #33,469 (when I had 36/36 for 72 total points) yesterday.... to #25,275 (from 60/60 for 120 total b/p) today, eh?!

Those aren't 8194 points I jumped, they're 8194 spots, ranks, or rankings. Just... don't call them points, man.

That's even worse than people who say a baseball team scored points. THEY SCORE RUNS, DAGNABIT. #;-}>

+42 gain. Eh. That'll happen when it's a work day. Stupid Daily Day submitters submitting shit from 8 AM to 6 PM!!! :::shakes fist at them::: #;-}>

Turned out to be +48 in the end.

Not to shabby for you employed losers. :-P

... employed losers. Interesting turn o' phrase there.... as opposed to what, unemployed winners? #;-}> Maybe winners at the "NG Portal Game o' Daily Day Funness" or something, I suppose...

Very jealous. *Retreats to RetroGade and looks at cash total*
There we go. Much better. ^_^

Pfft. Cash on RG is cheap. Cheaper than human life. :::spits terbacci and kicks at the dust on the cracked ground beneath him::: ... ayup.

And congrats to Bonus for whatever. Wow, man. Just wow.

:::rolling of the eyes ensues:::

Yeah. Way to go with that 12,500 posts, Bonus. Not like it took much effort at all. Spammers shouldn't get postcount congrats. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I said, damnit.

:::still stuck beneath 8600 posts... yet posting with his alt because he wants to get a 36,000/24,000 profile screenshot with 8585 posts on gfoxcook.... oh, the silliness:::

Remember, folks. Pentalist updates are shifting back to SATURDAYS now, for the first time since March of 2005. So don't be waiting until Sunday to check out the thread/website if you normally are in the habit of that. Check it out later tonight!

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 15:26:24

Hey guys. Don't you think that MPA will pass ramagi in b/p points soon? It will be so cool to have a new b/p leader. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 15:43:32

Alright, so I don't have to go through so much pages tomorrow, I will make another congrats list tonight. I bet there'll be a lot of new posts to read through tomorrow.

At 10/8/05 12:11 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: [/Promises]

Better. ^__^

At 10/8/05 01:49 PM, -Myst- wrote: Seriously guy, I think we should start blamming the star syndicate's work ...

If a SS flash is pure shit, then I will vote to try and get it blammed. If the flash is at least decent, then I will vote to save it. It just depends on the quality for me whether I vote or high or low on a flash.

At 10/8/05 03:02 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Remember, folks. Pentalist updates are shifting back to SATURDAYS now, for the first time since March of 2005. So don't be waiting until Sunday to check out the thread/website if you normally are in the habit of that. Check it out later tonight!

Alright, I guess I will see the update tomorrow. I'll easily remember to check on Sundays from now on.

At 10/8/05 03:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Hey guys. Don't you think that MPA will pass ramagi in b/p points soon? It will be so cool to have a new b/p leader. ;)

I dunno. I still like seeing ramagi as #1 B/P.

Congrats to:

Lidov - 100 responses
randomwolf1 - 1500 b/p
cheesebizkit - 4000 EXP, 2000 posts
BonusStage - Level 14
XkwiziTOnE - Level 19. Mr. gfox look-a-like.

Thanks to:

Auz. I dunno about retiring from reviewing now, but I think you'll get a fast enough pace to beat me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 15:46:54

At 10/8/05 02:58 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Wow i am Happy - i missed on alot of my other levels up but this one i am happy to see and witness -

19 - thats nineteen!

Wow that's over double my level =D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 16:50:48

At 10/8/05 01:49 PM, -Myst- wrote: Is it me or ... you're (you know, the whole starsyndicate stuff) making fun of everyone ... making somehow crappy animations on purpose. Seeing how people react, seeing users with big vp voting 2+ just to get points ... making your flash pass probably makes you laugh a lot ...

Hehe, hehehe. I've known that for quite a while. I'm surprised you only realize this is their attitude now.

But yes I seriously think that the work put into the worse flashes make them fully deserve to get blammed, but the majority of users on Newgrounds love to see the Star Syndicate pwn the Portal and vote for the protection on purpose. Me included :(

If I felt that my 0 vote would make a difference, I'd blam. But there's enough crappy flash that comes through that some Daily2oons I think really make par. :\

At 10/8/05 03:02 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Ha ha! BEST. PAIR. OF. CONGRATS... I'VE. EVER. RECEIVED. #;-}>

As if Safety Patrol is the biggest achievement in the world?...

...Yes, of course it is. ^_~

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 16:55:54

At 10/8/05 03:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Hey guys. Don't you think that MPA will pass ramagi in b/p points soon? It will be so cool to have a new b/p leader. ;)

Alright now I have a reason to post this ( I also made another chart like this on page 73

.I do have more info but I decided to only post this much. So heres the .. updated one I guess you could say.

Date..........[...ramagi's b/p....]....MPA's b/p....].....Amount MPA gained over ramagi

Oct 1.................74,967..................
.. 70,146..............................0
Oct 2.................74,981..................
Oct 3.................74,981..................
Oct 4.................74,983..................
Oct 5.................74,983..................
Oct 6.................74,983..................
Oct 7.................74,983..................
Oct 8.................74,983..................

At this rate MPA a total of 746 in 6 days ( not counting Oct 1) and is averaging 124.4 per day ( not countin oct 1 ).
At this rate if ramagi doesnt gain b/p MPa will pass her in 31 days .... eep

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 17:01:44

Date..........[...ramagi's b/p....]....MPA's b/p....].....Amount MPA gained over ramagi

Gah!! dammit didnt work again! Right now I really, really wish they had a preview post button ... anyway this is what it was supposed to look like

oh well ill get it right next time, i know what I did wrong.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 17:16:39

At 10/8/05 05:01 PM, major_punk wrote:
Date..........[...ramagi's b/p....]....MPA's b/p....].....Amount MPA gained over ramagi

Ramagi could lose her crown!
Also 250 posts =D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 17:22:46

Yess!!! Finally! After a good 5 months I've made it to 1000 NG mag reviews.

I love myself. I'm probably gonna stop here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 17:48:24

At 10/8/05 05:16 PM, randomwolf1 wrote:
At 10/8/05 05:01 PM, major_punk wrote:
Date..........[...ramagi's b/p....]....MPA's b/p....].....Amount MPA gained over ramagi
Ramagi could lose her crown!
Also 250 posts =D

If this keeps up but it will still take a while.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 18:00:10

another little something for me
lucky 7's!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 19:25:37

At 10/8/05 02:58 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: LEVELed UP!
19 - thats nineteen!

Congratulations buddy, enjoy the new icon. ^_^

I would like to thank Recon Rebel, my newgrounds homeboy since i have been postin in the Where Is/How To club and he is the reason that i have gotten this far, thanks comrade much thanks!!

We are all in the same boat on a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.

-G. K. Chesterton-

**walks off the stage smiling and happy**

Did Pure just give you a joint?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 19:34:38

At 10/8/05 05:01 PM, major_punk wrote:
Date..........[...ramagi's b/p....]....MPA's b/p....].....Amount MPA gained over ramagi
Gah!! dammit didnt work again! Right now I really, really wish they had a preview post button ... anyway this is what it was supposed to look like
oh well ill get it right next time, i know what I did wrong.

Heh - don't worry about it XD

Anyhow, although the rate of increace against Ramagi is moving quickly, I'd have to say it'd be a good month before MPA gains around 4,000 b/p points :l

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 19:55:37

Congrats to:

SerialKillerOveride - Police Lieutenant
lapis - Level 12
Kirk_Cocaine - 3,000 Exp Points
Lidov - 1,337 Blams, 777 Saves & 100 Review Replies
Elfer - Level 16
AnzRage - Ranked #46 B/P
Afro_Stud - 555 Posts
iscRulz - Elite Guard Brigadier General
kirbypwner - Level 11
Wylo - 39,000 B/P Points
Glock21 - Level 5
gfoxclock - Safety Patrol
WorldOutkast - Elite Guard Private First Class
Bahamut7 - 333 Reviews
cheesebizkit - 4,000 Exp Points & 2,000 Posts
BonusStage - Level 14
yoyodog76 - Level 5 & Safety Patrol
XkwiziTOnE - Level 19
-Dani- - 1000 NG Mag Reviews
randomwolf1 - 777 Saves

Thanks to: randomwolf1, Auz, Pure_LionHeart & iscRulz

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 20:37:11

I finaly got level 10, i woulda had it sooner but i didnt have time to deposit with school and all

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 20:54:06

At 10/8/05 08:37 PM, -Dark- wrote: I finaly got level 10, i woulda had it sooner but i didnt have time to deposit with school and all

Nice! Your sign up date is even two months ahead of me XD

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 22:24:40

Made a milestone tonight and didn't even notice it until a few minutes ago.

If you're gonna make every game a matter of life and death, you're gonna have a ton of problems. For one thing you'll be dead a lot. ^_~

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 22:29:12

At 10/8/05 10:24 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Made a milestone tonight and didn't even notice it until a few minutes ago.

Wow - that's incredible...

If you're gonna make every game a matter of life and death, you're gonna have a ton of problems. For one thing you'll be dead a lot. ^_~

heh - "Words of Wisdom from ReconRebel" - lol - I'd better watch out for more of those XD

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 22:41:19

Lucky, lucky. 7,000 protects. I think I'll celebrate by changing my aura to light.

You'd believe me, but you'd be wrong.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 22:54:16

At 10/8/05 10:41 PM, Xiivi wrote: Lucky, lucky. 7,000 protects. I think I'll celebrate by changing my aura to light.

You'd believe me, but you'd be wrong.

Wowzers - that change from blue to blue really put sweat down my cheeks :/

Also, just a note: I'm thinking of creating a campaign to change the ways of users who have aura in light or dark types. *sighs* - we all know neutral is the best :/

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 23:20:34

At 9/28/05 12:06 PM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote:
At 9/18/05 02:20 PM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote: Passed 16,000 BPs.

Just passed 17,000 BPs. Averaging 100/day I guess. woot.


Passed 18,000 BPs. Strange that the day always has an 8 in it.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 23:23:28

Finally...10,000 saves.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 23:30:11

Ladies and gentlemen. I have a big announcement. I have officially become an Elite Guard Praporshchik. It is the first golden badge I got. :) Because of that, you can see that my updated BBS sign is a bit different compared with my previous versions. Anyway, I am really proud of being a Praporshchik. By the way, does anyone knows what Praporshchik means?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-10-08 23:33:58

At 10/8/05 11:30 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Praporshchik

u wanna kno for real?

well congrats for that it was so long ago when i got that like the beginning of 2004 or something.