havent been here in a while so heres my catchin up list:
Glaiel_Gamer fp agian.
LittleMissVixen 10k blams
viverrine: lvl 10
Religiously_Rude: EG private
Dream_of_Duke: lvl 11
-TITROTU-: brass knucks// silver leaf
ReconRebel fidy tree dowsouand b/ps
Mogly: lvl 10
Inny: lvl 12 only 3months to leave the fist lvls
squadus2 2,060 posts
Qwoxyl 1337 posts.
BahamutClock: alt to lvl 9. My alts only at 1,070 exp.
AshfordPride silver whistell
Back_Door_Baron: EG 2nd lt over 8.00 vp
Legionnaire-X 5,555th post.
:Denvish: Damn denny thats a great gif. I noticed you stopped at 49,998 b/p. So your leaving my at 16 I will jion ya in no more than 2 weeks.
Iamcoolareyou 7k exp.
DelboyDylan: elite guard sergeant first class
Bahamut7 6,000 posts
Qwazer 100 posts
JchanShadow wtf wrong account.Ranked # 13,645 out of 814,455 users
-absentminded-: silver eagle and boing glove// late B-day wishez
X-Naut 6k posts
Redwrath sliver whistle
Alkador rank 600 exp
Barbeq: lvl 10
Frostbreath half a congrats on 200 song downloads
DonDoli 10k blams. I thinking exp for next 10k stat but the rate your b/ping it will be saves
DragonSpeaker silver whislte
GUTHRIE exp rank #500
Brandon_Blaylock lvl 8 yowz
Baleted Thanks yo:
At 8/22/05 03:34 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Or Starday or Dailyday... I'm sure there are some other high submitting days as well.
those are ones but on stardy not everthing was passing. Still the n=more submissions come in the more pionts aviable.
I haven't checked his levels out but he is pretty high in the rankings.
Yes the first general I beileve.
Within a year I'll be level 15, close to 16 I assume. Probably will be top 500 XP right at level 16. Used to be the mid-lvl14 the end of last year, now you have to be half way through lvl15 or so to be in the top 500 or so. :/
Yes a year at lvl15 I will be working on 19 but who knows the requirements to be in the top 500 exp ranks
Depends on your work area, if you've got an office job you might be able to do some point collecting. If it's outside work, construction and what not I highly doubt you'll get more than 20 points a day. :/
I am indoors most of the time. So grabing pionts wont be so hard.
At 8/23/05 07:27 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: I finally now have 7000 XP still haven't missed a deposit since i've joined.
Congrats I have 1,000 more than you but signed up over a year ago. I wish I could say I never missed a deposit.
At 8/23/05 08:53 PM, ramagi wrote: P.S. If you follow my exp list go vot in the poll I made. THANKS!
Must vote to save it. for great statistical justice.
At 8/24/05 11:18 AM, DonDoli wrote: Yeah... can't wait :P $20 on 0.01.
I think it will be that much too.
At 8/25/05 12:46 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Since the classes just started, I am not that busy lately. By the way, I have got at least 50 b/p points per day since became a level 11 user. :P
Good for you. I think I got 50 pts to. since your lvl 11.
At 8/25/05 04:14 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Well, I'm back.
welcome back.
The first change I noticed was that the B/P system's been changed, apparently. Was there any topic about this? If not, what was the reason?
It happened on clockady but the admins having playing with it for a while. theres lots of threads about it Newgrundling would know. I say ok but at least take out the space.
No accomplishments, obviously, except that I dropped a single spot in B/P rankings, which is good, considering the time I've been gone.
Well I guess it isnt too bad then.
At 8/25/05 04:22 AM, _darx_ wrote: Yay, to me... for something O_o... hehe
what 500 exp. safety patrol. a+ b/a.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)