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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 10:16:45

Elite Guard Sergeant First Class! It would have taken another week to get here if it hadn't been for clock day.

Congrats Denvish, that's some serious stats you got there.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 10:57:20

At 8/23/05 06:59 AM, Alkador wrote: How is everyone doing?

Heh, I'm good. I managed to wake up early today and not late like 1:00PM. Also...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 10:57:44

this post is number 100 for me!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 11:03:09

1000exp + 900th top b/p'er

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 13:00:50

Empty gas containers to:

-TITROTU- - EG Major
Back_Door_Baron - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant, 8.00 VP
Legionnaire-X - 5,555 posts
Denvish - Level 17, 50,ooo b/p, 8,ooo posts
IM_KOOL_R_U - 7,ooo exp
DelboyDylan - EG Sergeant FC
Bahamut7 - 6,ooo posts
JchanShadow - 1,ooo exp

At 8/23/05 04:39 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Oh yes there is.

Well, not for me it aint.

At 8/23/05 07:21 AM, Denvish wrote: my 50000th BP point was on my own game =)

That's a way to do it, too :) Big congratz to you.

At 8/23/05 07:27 AM, Backside wrote: God damn, how do you people that are possibly in school KEEP UP, it is so hard, I have 6 out of 7 classes that swamp me with homework every night :'(

Well that can't be fun. But that's also part of growing up :) And keep up to what, exactly?

but i still keep deposits up, I may eventually turn into someone like Pimp or HT, and ONLY deposit ::::::::OOOOOO

Zomfg, you leaving the Wi/Ht? Not in a million years.

It's starting to get hard thinking of all these different gifts. Any tips would come in handy :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 13:21:01

I'm Level 10! Yes, finally! And I also ranked up in b/p points to Elite Guard Sergeant Major. The final rank before the gold badges, yay!

And now for an extra long list:
madknt: Bronze whistle
Vince50: 3000 exp and 1000 saves
Minion777: Silver whistle. Looks like you'll be friends fo' life!
WorldOutkast: First good flash in the portal. Yes, using clock day isn't fair is it?
Stuff4u2kno: Level 9, 1500 b/p points and 300 posts. Complications eh? Interesting...
Lidov: Silver whistle. Welcome to the club, we all have silver whistles here.
Stayin_me: Level 10 and Elite Guard Private First Class.
angry_gorilla27: Silver whislte and 600 posts
boloneyman: Elite Guard Master Sergeant, that's pretty good, most people never get past the first few ranks.
Master_Inuyasha: Top 2000 for exp and top 100 for b/p points
Alkador: Elite Guard Corporal
The_Ass_Clown: 666 b/p points, yes, something bad will happen very soon. *evil laugh*
MystWilliams: 4000 exp
EclecticEnnui: Level 10
Coop83: 4000+ blams, woot!
AnzRage: 6000 saves
Primalblood: Elite Guard Captain, sheesh, clock day payed off for everyone.
DarkDeviL92: Silver whistle. You should of stopped at bronze but oh well, doing stuff on newgrounds is addictive.
JchanShadow: Silver whistle.
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy: 7000 exp. Yeah, yeah ok.
Redwrath: Bronze whistle. You must have whistled a lot of stuff for just one day!
major_punk: 1000 blams and elite guard private
c0wz: Silver whistle
Latinoralf: Exp rank 2000 and b/p rank 200. Woah, if only you could take that 0 off the exp rank too.
Frostbreath: EG Staff Sergeant
JerkClock: Six base voting power
DonDoli: Elite Guard Major, sweet! You're seriously gaining insanely fast. Insanely.
Ventar: Elite Guard Master Sergeant, oh snap, you're gaining points really fast.
TheReverse: 300 posts
UrbanNinja: Level 8 and 100 posts
agatio: 7000 blams and b/p total 9000+, holy crap two? I've never heard of this number.
Minion777: Level 10
ramagi: 72K b/p points
thefinalcooljudge: Level 12
DAVE: 8 voting power. Yay for dave.
Glaiel_Gamer: Front page
AshfordPride: Level 9, Unfortunately? You mean how long it takes to get to 10?
LittleMissVixen: 10000 blams, stupid people better start submitting more quality movies for once to get that up.
viverrine: Level 10
Religiously_Rude: Elite Guard Private
Dream_of_Duke: Level 11
-TITROTU-: Level 11, woah two people get to level 11 in a row!
ReconRebel: 53000 b/p points. Ohh, flashy!
Mogly: Level 10
squadus2: 2000 posts
Master_Inuyasha: Level 12, fianlly make it there, because level 12 is awesome.
Qwoxyl: 1337 posts, holy shit that's like the best thing ever done...ever. Your e-life is complete.
BahamutClock: Level 9
AshfordPride: Silver whistle
-TITROTU-: Elite Guard Major, holy shit bitch, that's sweet.
Ganondorf: Normal whistle, well anything is better than garbage, now to get it higher.
Back_Door_Baron: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant, and broken 8 vp. Wow, that rank up really boosted it didn't it. Good ol clock day.
Legionnaire-X: 5555 posts. LOLWUT?
Denvish: Level 17. 8000 posts, 13500 saves, 36500 blams, and 50000 b/p points. Wow, you sure weren't planning this were you :) Sweet picture too!
IM_KOOL_R_U: 7000 exp, no missed deposits? That's great, I would figure most people miss one or two no matter what, but not you!
DelboyDylan: Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Bahamut7: 6000 posts
Qwazer: 100 posts
JchanShadow: 1000 exp points and top 900 for b/p points

Thanks to:

At 8/23/05 07:27 AM, Backside wrote: God damn, how do you people that are possibly in school KEEP UP, it is so hard, I have 6 out of 7 classes that swamp me with homework every night :'(

Well school hasn't started for me, but I still get lazy and end up doing a giant congrat this like this. I wonder what will happen, after school starts...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 15:29:10

At 8/23/05 01:21 PM, -absentminded- wrote: I'm Level 10! Yes, finally! And I also ranked up in b/p points to Elite Guard Sergeant Major. The final rank before the gold badges, yay!

Congrats to you...

Lidov: Silver whistle. Welcome to the club, we all have silver whistles here.

Damnit, i thought I was unique...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 16:46:52

Happy 6k posts to me. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 20:53:05

Thanks to all those who gave me congratz back a couple pages.

Congratz to
LittleMissVixen 10K blams
Religiously_Rude rank up
Dream_of_Duke level up
-TITROTU- level up and rank up
ReconRebel 53K
Mogly level up
Master_Inuyasha level up (no midget for you)
squadus2 2K posts
Qwoxyl 1337 posts
Legionnaire-X 5555 posts
IM_KOOL_R_U 7K exp
DelboyDylan rank up
Bahamut7 6K posts
X_Naut 6k posts

Well that is most everyone except this.

At 8/23/05 07:21 AM, Denvish wrote: Wheeeeee... it's been tough not to get a single blam/protect for 4 days, but I can start again now.
So: Level 17, 8000 posts, 13500 protects, 36500 blams, and my 50000th BP point was on my own game =)

So that is what you were up too, I knew it had to be something, yea I got to get to that game and review it, I wonder if I will ever get a response to my review on Overrun2.
Congratz on all those fun stats at once.

Ok I deleted the last two post one because the in it was completly wrong.
THe other if you have question you should try to serach for a topic about that subject or psot a topic about. If you want more info about
The whistle system read this topic.

P.S. If you follow my exp list go vot in the poll I made. THANKS!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-23 23:05:52

I make silver whistle in under a week! Yes!

Gold Whistle here I come (if they ever chnage to whistle system.)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 08:59:52

Experience: Ranked # 600 out of 813,802 users!
My next feat shall be soon. =)
Oh! I've been with NG for two years and 15 days now too. I didn't notice that.

How is everyone?

A favour?
I'm aiming to be the college captain of my school. I would like some feedback as to the types of programs that I could run at schools. You know, casual days, sport round robins, school plays etc. I need some really successful ideas that worked at your school and what they incorporate. Of course, I'll brainstorm on my own too, but some overseas (and possibly local) feedback would be appreciated.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 10:18:23

yay! i'm lv 10 now!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 11:14:09

E-hug for:

-absentminded- - Level 10
X-Naut - 6,ooo posts
Redwrath - Silver whis.
Alkador - #600 exp
Barbeq - Level 10

Thanks to:


At 8/24/05 07:23 AM, Backside wrote: I mean just keep up in this thread with congrating heh

Oh. Well that only takes a couple of minutes of my time. Homework can wait.

I know I know, you're right ;)

I thought so. Making a large quotsie list this weekend?

At 8/24/05 08:59 AM, Alkador wrote: How is everyone?

Just got out of shower after loosing a soccer game :(

A favour?

Well, our school has a massive sports program. I believe it's the largest in our nation actually. And i think it's great, since then we have all kinds of tournaments.


Hardly congratsworthy, but one of my songs pulled off 200 downloads.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 11:18:55

Congrats to:

Ventar: EG Master Sergeant.
Nice, not far from top #300. Keep it up.
TheReverse: 300 posts.
Well, soon 400. Congrats.
major_punk: Elite Guard Private.
Good job, nice beeing an elite.
UrbanNinja: level 8 and 100 posts.
Soon level 9 :P Congrats.
agatio: 7000 blams, 9000 b/p.
Minion777: level 10.
Congrats on leaving the masses behind :P
ramagi: 72 000 b/p.
Great, soon 50 000 blams. That will be huge.
thefinalcooljudge: Level 12.
Nice, that's a cool level.
DAVE: 8.00 vp.
Nice, that's something alright.
Septemb3r: 8000 exp.
Wow, that's freaking amazing! Having 8000 exp, that's like the best thing one can have. Huge congrats!
Glaiel_Gamer: Another frontpage.
I can remeber my frontpage. That's a great feeling :) Congrats.
AshfordPride: level 9.
On the bright side, you've passed level 1-8 :)
LittleMissVixen: 10 000 blams.
Wow, you have a really dark ratio. Congrats. 10k is big.
viverrine: level 10.
Congrats on the glove, mister.
Religiously_Rude: Elite Guard Private.
Congrats on becoming a Elite and entering the silver ranks :)
Dream_of_Duke: Level 11.
Well, no matter how the levels look you still gotta level up :)
-TITROTU-: Level 11, Elite Guard Major.
Ah ha ha ha. Still havn't passed me mister 112, I'm not afraid, I'm NOT afraid :'(
ReconRebel: 53 000 b/p.
Huge congrats, that's really nice. But what's all the fuss about? I mean you got 52k a couple of days ago, right?
Mogly: level 10.
Nice, keep rolling on.
Master_Inuyasha: Level 12.
Nice, I didn't even notice :O Time to gun for the bat, eh?
squadus2: 2000 posts.
Yiffy, I guess.
Qwoxyl: 1337 |*0575. (How do you make P's :( )
Truly leet.
BahamutClock: Level 9.
You want to be level 10? That I do not get.
AshfordPride: Silver whistle.
Welcome :)
Ganondorf: Getting the Normal whistle back.
Congrats, and good job.
Back_Door_Baron: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant, 8.00+ vp.
Congrats, good for you that it feels good :)
Legionnaire-X: 5555 posts.
Now go for 6666, you evil prick :D
Denvish: Level 17, 8000 posts, 13500 protects, 36500 blams, 50000 b/p.
Jolly damn. Great job. But I see some black lines in the bottom right corner of your pic >:)
IM_KOOL_R_U: 7000 exp.
Nice, great that you havn't missed a singel deposit. I wish I would *wrist sliting*
DelboyDylan: EG Sergeant First Class.
Great job on the star :) Just a little more and you'll get to gold.
Bahamut7: 6000 posts.
Nice, 4000 to go.
Qwazer: 100 posts.
Keep it up.
JchanShadow: 1000 exp, #900 b/p.
Nice, that's cool.
-absentminded-: Level 10, EG Sergeant Major.
Great! You'll love it in the gold ranks ;)
X-Naut: 6000 posts.
Yes happy 6k posts, and happy getting your name back :)
Redwrath: Silver whistle.
Good luck on gold, buddy :)
Alkador: #600 in exp.
Congrats, that's nice.
Barbeq: Level 10.
Nice leaving the masses, eh?
Frostbreath: 200 downloads on a song.
Of course it's worthy :D
Does that give it a new pic? I'm just too lazy to look XP

Thanks to:


At 8/20/05 03:22 PM, Religiously_Rude wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Congrats to:
Geeze Don... You could have at least alphabetized them...

At least? Man, that would have taken forever to do. They are sorted by date, the easiest thing to do, as I simply take post after post.

Oh and congrats on EGM... And the Vp which is a lot higher than mine...

Thanks, you'll get there... maybe :P

At 8/20/05 03:39 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: What's the deal with all the whistle upgrades? :S
This always happens after Wade clears out a load of reviews, as this is when the whistle points/ranks are upgraded too.

Yeah, I guess that's right. Just needed someone to tell me :)

At 8/21/05 06:12 AM, Septemb3r wrote: DonDoli: Silver leaf. Dang your going to pass me in vp the next rank up only a 45/55 exp difference lets see how much the vp is.

Yeah... can't wait :P $20 on 0.01.

At 8/21/05 08:08 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Haha... yeah.. right XP j/k
You never know =O
Heh heh, one day, I could pull a fixit. :P

Yeah, I guess. It's not that hard, I'm pulling one right now XO

DonDoli. Yes, I know I need 10000 of something else and that will be posts.

Posts, alright. I wonder what my second will be, exp or saves?

At 8/21/05 08:48 AM, BONUS-fucking-STAGE wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Congrats to:
BonusStage: Gaing two steps in b/p.
Oh it's cool alright :)
You'll realize my pain once you get this high *cuts*

You'll be the one in pain when I catch up >:)

Elite Guard Major!, which gives me a vp of 9.50+.
It took me 8 active days, not counting when I was on vacation. Must say that I'm proud =D
Oh, yet time passes on all days, therefore vacation counts SIR ):<

Not really a measuring of time as much as a sign of leet skillz :)

And what's up with the crappy name SIR ):<

At 8/22/05 03:34 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Anyway,
Elite Guard Major!, which gives me a vp of 9.50+.
It took me 8 active days, not counting when I was on vacation. Must say that I'm proud =D
*proceedes to dig my grave* Geez, you are a freaking machine. :D

Yup, I'm the smart fixit and yaya. I post aswell so that NO ONE KNOWS! Oh wait.

At 8/22/05 11:17 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Thanks to:
Frostbreath: Dirty blankest lol :S
You should appreciate my generosity :)

Who says I don't :P
Eggshells... damn.

At 8/23/05 01:21 PM, -absentminded- wrote: DonDoli: Elite Guard Major, sweet! You're seriously gaining insanely fast. Insanely.

Well, I try :) Thanks.

At 8/23/05 08:53 PM, ramagi wrote: P.S. If you follow my exp list go vot in the poll I made. THANKS!

Voted I have :)


And I have something nice myself :D
10 000 blams!

Now the question is if I'll get 5700 saves in 192 days, or if exp will be my secong 10k.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 12:02:45

Congrats to:
major_punk: Elite Guard Private.
agatio: 9000 b/p.
ramagi: 72 000 b/p.
Glaiel_Gamer: frontpage.
ReconRebel: 53 000 b/p.
Bahamut7and X_Naut:6k posts.
DonDoli and LittleMissVixen:10 000 blams.
DAVE and Back_Door_Baron: 8.00+ vp.
-TITROTU-: Level 11, Elite Guard Major.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 15:34:40

HAPPY BIRTHDAY absentminded !!!!!!!!!!

Have a good day dude.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 16:20:38

Congrats to:
X-Naut: 6000 posts
Redwrath: Silver whistle, yay for silver, it seems unlikely they'll ever change the whistle system, but if they do, maybe it will be humanly possible to get gold and above.
Alkador: Ranked 600 for exp, hmm, I wonder what your next feat will be...
Barbeq: Level 10, finally, after all this time, you have it!
Frostbreath: 200 downloads on a song. I feel like giving this a congrats, so ok.
DonDoli: 10000 blams, sweet, that's gotta be awesome. <insert more compliments here>

Thanks to:

At 8/24/05 08:59 AM, Alkador wrote: A favour?

My school, does a lot of musicals (like last year was "The music man"). That did really well, and they even taped it and put it on video to buy. There was also a monthly newsletter written by some of the students of the school, talking about imporant events going on within the school.

At 8/24/05 03:34 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: HAPPY BIRTHDAY absentminded !!!!!!!!!!

Have a good day dude.

Holy shit thanks! <3<3<3 :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 16:43:15

And I got silver whistle!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 16:59:32

It seems i am slowly but surly coming back to NG. My old favorite site. One of the first sites i really payed attention to.

Thanks to anyone who gave me congratz.

Anyone kno any really good flashes that are worth watching or playing? that are new

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 17:03:21

At 8/24/05 11:18 AM, DonDoli wrote: Congrats to:
-TITROTU-: Level 11, Elite Guard Major.
Ah ha ha ha. Still havn't passed me mister 112, I'm not afraid, I'm NOT afraid :'(

I'm just getting started, mister 111.

And I have something nice myself :D
10 000 blams!

You always have to crush my dreams, don't you?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 17:39:06

At 8/24/05 04:59 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: It seems i am slowly but surly coming back to NG. My old favorite site. One of the first sites i really payed attention to.

This site all ways seems to keep me comming back too. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 18:00:47

At 8/24/05 04:43 PM, DragonSpeaker wrote: And I got silver whistle!

That's cool.

But, don't triple post again.

Also, I deleted those other two posts because you weren't actually announcing anything.

Good day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-24 22:43:27

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Ranked 500 in Experience.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 00:46:45

Since the classes just started, I am not that busy lately. By the way, I have got at least 50 b/p points per day since became a level 11 user. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 01:24:15

At 8/22/05 03:34 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/22/05 02:46 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Running out of time so I'll say goodnight now. Later people.
Congratulations on your 53k b/p points good sir, quite the heap of them too. :D

That's the way I feel too Master_Inuyasha... until I see ramagi's stats. She has almost 20,000 more b/p points than I do. Utter Madness.

At 8/22/05 08:58 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I have recently gotten something so important on an internet forum that nothing else can ever compare (yes, not even Recon's 53,000 b/p points).

Damn, and I thought that was an honest and for true achievement. * cries *

I have over 1,336 posts!

You're still sitting at 1337 posts Qwoxyl. Hasn't anyone taken a screenie for you?

Wait!! Don't answer that or someone is gonna have to forge it.

At 8/22/05 11:17 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 8/22/05 02:46 AM, ReconRebel wrote: * hastily prepares a gif *
Love it when you do those :)

Thanks Frostbreath. It's gonna be a while before I get a chance to post another one (unless there's another Clock, Lock, Glock, Star or Muffin Day coming up).

At 8/22/05 11:18 AM, Icebreath wrote: There's no fun having an alt that's level 9+ :)

Even less fun having an alt at level 19 ;-)

At 8/22/05 01:42 PM, Lidov wrote:
At 8/21/05 07:38 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Still banned on Retrogade Lidov?
Yes, I am still banned, but not for a good reason, this Quik banned me, but i don't complain....

I was portal banned for approximately 24 hours by QuikFox as well. He thought I was trying to cheat the system due to the speed at which I gained my cash. It was all a mistake but I was a little pissed not being able to deposit my experience.

Who are yew?

On Retrogade I'm known as "TheDerelict".

At 8/23/05 06:59 AM, Alkador wrote: Recon, how are you? When's your holiday?

I'm grabbing a couple of holiday request forms tonight and I'll be faxing the paperwork to head office by tomorrow. The earliest I can try for is the beginning of October (one of the main guards is on holidays right now) so it looks like that'll be the month when I take off. I hope you have a backup plan for experience deposits Alkador.

At 8/23/05 07:27 AM, BunnyStage wrote: God damn, how do you people that are possibly in school KEEP UP?

I pay someone to do my homework.

At 8/24/05 05:39 PM, _lightning_ wrote: This site all ways seems to keep me comming back too. :)

Did you get my e-mail _lightning_ or are you pissed at me for some reason?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 01:52:58

At 8/24/05 05:39 PM, _lightning_ wrote:
At 8/24/05 04:59 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: It seems i am slowly but surly coming back to NG. My old favorite site. One of the first sites i really payed attention to.

luff. :D

This site all ways seems to keep me comming back too. :)

That's because your account pwns :P

Alk, well done on being here for 2 years and all, that's hawt.
top 600 exp rank aswell, nice.
But mine's still bigger than yours :D
Have fun with all those ideas for your school... you should talk to my dad - He's a corporate trainer aswell as a motivational speaker for schools, VCE kids.

Don - 10k blams, NICE :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 01:53:20

yay i leveled up again but still sucky on the whistle thing... i flaged a few movies but mainly cause they said suttible for all ages and clearly wasn't so i guess the rating system is either fake or just not important enough...?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 04:14:40

Well, I'm back.

The first change I noticed was that the B/P system's been changed, apparently. Was there any topic about this? If not, what was the reason?

No accomplishments, obviously, except that I dropped a single spot in B/P rankings, which is good, considering the time I've been gone.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 04:22:47

Yay, to me... for something O_o... hehe

A Girl in A Room Halloween Collaboration II -Join Now!-

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-25 04:47:49

Fuck, I got banned again. :S At least the ban didn't last very long.

At 8/24/05 08:59 AM, Alkador wrote: How is everyone?

Fine. Hopefully, I'll be getting a bus pass today.

At 8/24/05 11:18 AM, DonDoli wrote: Posts, alright. I wonder what my second will be, exp or saves?

With that mad pace of yours, I'd say saves, then sometime, you'll be triplelisted.

At 8/24/05 05:03 PM, -TITROTU- wrote: I'm just getting started, mister 111.

Hai, I'm mister 113 and someday, I will be a threat to you two on b/p.

At 8/25/05 04:14 AM, -Mazza- wrote: The first change I noticed was that the B/P system's been changed, apparently. Was there any topic about this? If not, what was the reason?

There are a lot of threads about it.

Welcome back!

Congrats to:

Legionnaire-X - 5555 posts
Denvish - Level 17, 50000 b/p, 8000 posts
IM_KOOL_R_U - 7000 EXP
DelboyDylan - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
JchanShadow - 1000 EXP, 900th highest b/p
-absentminded- - Level 10, happy birthday
X-Naut - 6000 posts. O_o How'd you get your name back?
Alkador - top 600 EXP
Barbeq - Level 10
DonDoli - 10000 blams
DragonSpeaker - Silver whistle
GUTHRIE - 500th highest EXP

Thanks to:
