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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 08:35:18

At 8/3/05 05:54 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: NOOOOOO!

I got 36k points, but I blammed one too many movies. Now I have 26,001 blams and 9,999 protects. My e-life is over.

I can just imagine how that makes you feel...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 09:07:16

Congrats to madknt for 2,000 posts, iscuLz for getting half way to EGSC and a HUGE Congratulations to Foxphere for getting all the way there.

31 EGSCs. Yikes! And 24,000 points just to get in the top 50, soon (well not that soon) a ranking of EGG won't get someone on.

At 8/5/05 04:48 AM, 7iron wrote: Congrats To :
Qwoxyl- 10000 saves
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams

You will now die a slow and painful death. Or maybe not, but still, don't do that again.

At 8/5/05 05:29 AM, Alkador wrote:
At 8/4/05 09:16 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Thanks, weirdness is vital for life and stuff... whatever. It's always hard to get used to a new level icon (except level 16, that's automatic).
Everyone is weird...in their own way. As I said for above. Well, congrats on your 36k b/p while I'm at it. Good to see you make a post or two (two) in here. See you around.

Yes, weird how Recon has a higher level and takes longer to level up than most of us and yet manages to appear as leveling up quickly. Thanks and I will post more than once a week here. See you then.

I went to my year 11 school formal last night and had heaps of fun. Although I was on my own (I didn't mind) I had a load of fun. I'm apparently a groovy dancer and I brought along some glow sticks (the ones you crack), which instantly made me famous. Great fun.

Groovy dancer and glow sticks? Best formal ever (until year 12).

At 8/5/05 03:01 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/4/05 09:26 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Congrats To :
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams
look at my profile nub :D

Stop laughing at the nub, he gave you congrats for something I did, which means he gets a not slow but still painful death.

At 8/4/05 06:54 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/4/05 06:30 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Just waiting for a protection point to appear so I can get 5 digit, quadruple zero, pentalist worthy, 10,000 saves.
XD you are now pentalisted good sir :P

A :D and XP to you too good sir. Thanks.

My life dream has been shattered... unless I get 29,000 blams and 11,000 saves for a total of 40,000 points. Then I'll start the process all over again with an alt account.
dude i thought you were like a user who just wants to get as much as possible...

I do, only I want as much as possible on another account.

you're one of those guys who wants to reach a milestone, and then start again with an alt??!

Fixit never got 50,000 points, so he didn't reach his milestone. Although if yaya stops at X9,500, then maybe it might mean fixit did get what he wanted.

I usually get up before 8, I just take forever to actually wake up.
im up at 8-8:10 for school, and i come on for 2 minutes and get a couple of b/p...
but you're finished school eh?
and you live in.... SA if memory serves... can't remember though.

I used to wake up early and go on, but since I got the last rank, my determination started to fade. I have TAFE instead of school now, and I live in NSW.

Yes it does.
you changed it bitch :(
now it's a 5 digit number :'(

Well I'm not missing a penta list for a repdigit. Besides, 11,111 is much better.

zomgz you're 14th now?
or my mind is just frazzling, and infact you weren't 16th the last time i refreshed your profile..

Probably, 15th wasn't long.

you've stopped because EKRegulus overtook you and shattered your heart, didn't you?

I thought I could catch up during the holidays, but he was just too fast. Only a lifetime supply of sugar can cure me now.

At 8/5/05 08:35 AM, WorldOutkast wrote:
At 8/3/05 05:54 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: NOOOOOO!
I can just imagine how that makes you feel...

Thank you for caring, but I guess these wounds will never heal. Great, now I have Linkin Park music playing in my head, now I truely am depressed.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 09:35:30

At 8/5/05 03:01 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/4/05 09:26 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Congrats To :
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA so many people I forget who is who!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 11:50:06

Rank up w00t w00t:

Rank: Police Sergeant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 277 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 123 quality entries.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 13:26:28

Level up.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 13:46:19

Bows to
Foxphere: 5 star rank up.
Septemb3r 200 post bronze who that must have been hard to get joo phail.
madknt 2,000 posts
TomFlump 1,111 rank pretty nice
DarkDeviL92: police sergeant
Tom_s00: baseball bat So does carmel have every lvl drawn like that.

Thanks to
No one else yet :..(

At 8/5/05 04:48 AM, 7iron wrote: and anyone i missed sorry! also thank u iscruelz for depositing for me! (and 2 blams)

Me. for 15k b/p aka halfway to egsc. also your welcome.

At 8/5/05 05:54 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: and some other people who congratulated me. :)

I think I did. oh well. ok..

At 8/5/05 07:21 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Thanks to:
7iron. Did you just steal DarkDeviL's congrats list?

hmm yeah hahaha he would have gone past DD list and look for more people and see the marcus didnt get those 10-26 p/b pts.

At 8/5/05 11:58 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Ooh all right, I must be stupid for having not noticed that...

No need to be just caught off guard. good luck on silver star and olive branch.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 14:12:12

I made a huge response to everyone and then my computer died

That happened to me before too, doesn't it suck? Except I typed it all up again...after going into a mad fit of rage :p

Congrats to:
LittleMissVixen : 10000 b/p points, yeah it does take some time, but it's good to know you did it!
Evark : Over 1000 for both saves and blams. Yay, nice numbers all around. How do you do it?
JONJONAUG : Silver whistle plus 1000 b/p points. I wonder how you can miss this GIANT thread ;)
Stuff4u2kno : Silver whistle. Yes, the silver whistle is quite easy, but that's as far as we get...
Xiivi : 21000 b/p points. Is it really that joyful? Well, I'm sure it is, why wouldn't you want it?
Undercover : Passed 5000 exp, sweet, hope you get your internet back and working correctly.
Dream_of_Duke : Top 4000 exp rank, ok. I'm sure you like seeing that right?
Qwoxyl : 10000 saves, and 26000 blams for 36000 b/p points. I can't believe you missed the screenshot, you have to be more careful when heading for even stats. Especially for stats like those. Oh well, life goes on, real life that is.
iscuLz : Halfway to EGSC, now you have to get that number of b/p points all over again. Sheesh. Well congrats on halfway, closer every day.
Foxphere : Elite Guard Supreme Commander, yes the final rank, your work and time pays off for this. Is it worth it? But then again, you wouldn't get so many points if it wasn't.
Septemb3r : 200 posts and bronze whistle. You'll keep them, what you really want them to do is make them go up.
madknt : 2000 posts. There's always more work ahead and goals ahead for you.
TomFlump : Ranked 1111 for exp, heh nice number you got there.
DarkDeviL92 : Police Sergeant, yay for new ranks. But there are still more to go.
Tom_s00 : Level up to 13, you look different now, I'll have to get used to you having the new level.

Thanks to:

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 18:18:56

Congrats to:

squadus2: 1500 posts.
Alright, good job. 12 ppd ain't bad :)
madknt: Elite Guard Private First Class, 2k posts.
Nice, now go for your next arrow thingy :P
EKRegulus: 9k saves.
KitFisto-: level 11.
You got pwnd by ht, nice going anyway.
FBIpolux: First deposit of the day, 4000 exp.
...so? Umm, congrats on the 4000 exp though.
pokemon_trainersSTFU: Elite Guard Private.
Nice getting into the silver ranks =)
Lidov: Bronze whistle.
Bronze whistle? Wow, that's like hard to get. Harder than silver if you know what it is that I am trying to tell you.
JchanShadow: Bronze whistle, 1337 blams.
Asdf you too? It's not every day I congratulate this.. :/ leet.
Metal_Therapy: top 2000 active users.
Welcome to the party! We're all gay brothers here =)
ramagi: 11000 posts, and gaining an exp-rank.
Cute. Hot and milky, good job miss not-to-be-#1-for-much-longer :) Congrats on the rank-up, that must have felt nice.
IvanTuroc: Elite Guard Firts Luitenant.
Good job working your arse off for a badge that looks the same =D Thumbs up anyway.
-absentminded-: Elite Guard Master Sergeant.
Great job, that's a nice badge. And not far to golden ranks, too =)
LittleMissVixen: 10000 b/p.
Wonderful, hitting the big 10k. Congrats.
TomFlump: Ranked # 1111 in exp.
Haha, lucky.
DarkDeviL92: Police Sergeant.
Keep it up.
Tom_s00: Level 13.
Wow, you aren't Tom >:( That looks great, congrats.

Thanks to:

At 8/3/05 07:37 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/2/05 05:57 PM, DonDoli wrote: Anyway, I'm a regular now, I guess that's an achievement. I have this little thingy aswell:
Laugh 4 things one being a regular and you openly admitted you lefted for a while how cute Donny Darko

Cute? Do you really think I'm cute? Oh stop it you :)
It's not like it really matters, and it's not like it's hard to find out. Not like it's a secret.. whatevs.
It's not like I can get kicked out yet either:

10. Retired Regulars may be revoted onto the list, but not the following month that they were retired. Example: If I am voted off for this August update, I may not be readded to the list for the September update. This rule also applies for a newly voted Regular being voted off.



I'm terribly sorry k.

At 8/3/05 05:04 PM, -absentminded- wrote: DonDoli: 3000 saves, 12000 b/p, top 150 b/p, 3333 saves, sheesh, do a few things why don't ya? Gigantic lists get to be pretty time consuming, heck it takes me a while to do a small one for a page or two. List for 20 pages = insane. Congrats on being a new regular too man!

Thanks for voting, err I mean thanks for giving me the biggest congratulation :)
Yes, I know they are consuming, it's also time-consuming to write long ratings =D

At 8/3/05 10:41 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 8/2/05 05:57 PM, DonDoli wrote: I hate mr Recon though, for beeing level 20. That is one of my favourite levels and I could have been there now >:'(
Wow. You signed up three days before I did. Kinda puts this whole deposit thing into a better perspective. What caused you to miss so many deposits DonDoli? I know I've missed somewhere around forty (don't know the exact count) with the majority of them occurring within the first two years of signing up.

I've missed a fucking year of depositing, and I hate myself for it >:'(
I simply didn't go to newgrounds for about a year. And soon I'll be stuck at 3 levels that I hate, 17-19, when I could have been at 20. Fuck.

Oh well. What can you do.


Elite Guard Captain
That took me 13 days, one day less than it took to get to EGFL. Next up, the marvelous and oh so cute leaves =)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 00:10:42

At 8/5/05 03:59 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/5/05 03:11 AM, ReconRebel wrote: However your posts could be reduced in number due to liljim's pruner.
so, has liljim said 'ima delete your crappy posts' in a nutshell?

Haha! Not that I know of. I'm betting the chance of losing posts is greater if you post in the general forum on a regular basis mainly due to the large number of topics that are locked. I think the pruner targets those topics but don't quote me on that. I wonder if it has a standard in deciding what constitutes a crappy post. ie. the number of characters used.

At 8/5/05 05:29 AM, Alkador wrote:
At 8/3/05 10:41 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Thanks Alkador, you've got the correct icon but the wrong level.
Close enough. ;P Still, it always looks really awkward when someone changes a level.

Particularly when the person is advancing to a level where the icon blows chunks (like level 14).

You seem to rise in levels faster than anyone else for some reason.

That's because I cheat.

At 8/5/05 06:18 PM, DonDoli wrote:
At 8/3/05 10:41 PM, ReconRebel wrote: What caused you to miss so many deposits DonDoli? I know I've missed somewhere around forty.
I simply didn't go to newgrounds for about a year. And soon I'll be stuck at 3 levels that I hate, 17-19, when I could have been at 20.

Hey now, the gauntlets aren't that bad. My favorite icon is level 25 with the sword running a close second.


Never say, "fuck." Always say, "Ah, interesting."

Oh well. What can you do.

Well I always say life begins at forty, but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, bad eyesight and the tendency to tell the same story to someone three or four times.

Elite Guard Captain

Congrats DonDoli. Do you plan on reaching the final rank?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 00:30:02

At 8/5/05 03:11 AM, ReconRebel wrote: The bronze and silver whistles are static which means you won't risk losing them unless you start flagging reviews incorrectly. However your posts could be reduced in number due to liljim's pruner.

um maybe I want the trash whistle I dont need to worry about my posts/

At 8/5/05 05:29 AM, Alkador wrote: And...how is everyone?

Ok I guess not much to report.

At 8/5/05 10:26 AM, BonusStage wrote:
Ok I got 200 post and bronze whistle. I hope I can keep it.

Yes dammit!!!

At 8/5/05 02:12 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Septemb3r : 200 posts and bronze whistle. You'll keep them, what you really want them to do is make them go up.

I want to stay at bronze whistle but I going for more posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 00:49:31

At 8/4/05 02:39 AM, iscruLz wrote: Inny: silver leaf. Well I will get the golden one first but I wont get the eagle before you

That's my bet. I'm still about 800 points behind you, so I might catch up to you and might get the eagle before you or at the same time.

I see well I have been in a huge rut lately and your closing the gap to around 800 pionts Hell you may pass me in blams in a few days.

Yeah, probably pass you in blams but you have many more saves than I. It will be a while before I even get to 4,444 protects. :/ BTW, nice job on getting half way to EGSC. :)

Yep I help bump you up a spot. but damn I been stuck at 96 for quite a while. I got to check who 95 is.

That list carmel made will have them on there. I'm gonna help him out and get atleast the ranks of 200 -.

Funny thing you talked about this. You are going to pass me in blams like in 3 days I bet. I got to get more saves now. You are closing the gap it was around 1,800 when we started talking about this lets say a month ago but it started way before that. Hey we need Red to b/p agian.

Yeah, 3 days give or take. I don't get many on the weekends due to working and what not, but yeah, soon I will. Saves, now that will take me a long time to ever get within 100 of you. I'm not the biggest on saves really. And yeah, Red should, well he should come back to the site period.

At 8/4/05 05:36 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Don't worrry. I'm sure I did hire an assassin to kill you. :P

Oh man, I need to get me a yojimbo then. :X

At 8/4/05 08:37 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: my guestimate: i've written around 5,000 reviews on this site >: (

Le ownage in le highest. :)

At 8/4/05 12:36 PM, BonusStage wrote: I made a huge response to everyone and then my computer died


So yeah ... sup home boys?

Nothing much, just chillin', you? And yeah I know how that is, happens to me alot. : (

At 8/4/05 09:40 PM, Foxphere wrote: I am now officially an Elite Guard Supreme Commander.



At 8/5/05 03:59 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: so, has liljim said 'ima delete your crappy posts' in a nutshell?

Nope, not opperating at the moment. He talked about this months ago, I guess he's still teaking it. Basically what it is is a script that will delete short and crappy threads, locked threads, or [a guess on this one] short and shitty posts. Currently the mods are[possibly were, my post count is staying the same for the most part]doing what the pruner is supposed to do.... you nub. : P

At 8/5/05 01:26 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Level up.


At 8/5/05 06:18 PM, DonDoli wrote: Elite Guard Captain

Ah hogwash, you're gonna pass me in about 15 days, I know it. :*(

That took me 13 days, one day less than it took to get to EGFL. Next up, the marvelous and oh so cute leaves =)

Oh man, make that 14 days. :*(

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 01:38:06

Thanks to those who gave me congratz back a page ago and beyond.

Congratz to
IvanTuroc Rank up
LittleMissVixen 10K BP
Qwoxyl 36K 26K blams and 10K saves, too bad you missed it by one
Evark 1K saves
Xiivi 21K
-Undercover- 5K exp
madknt 2K posts
Tom_s00 level up
FBIpolux 4K exp
DonDoli rank up
iscruLz 15k B/P
Finally congratz to
Foxphere for the final rank up

Well when this list updates.
My BP total will be 70K on it, which it has been for some time tonight, but I went out had some fun.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 03:22:11

Happy 30k blams and a top 10 reviewers for me. :)

Oh and congrats ramagi for hitting 70k B/P points. :)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 04:22:31

At 8/6/05 12:49 AM, Soma-Cruz wrote: Oh man, I need to get me a yojimbo then. :X

He won't be able to save you.

Congrats to:

madknt - 2000 posts
TomFlump - 1111th highest EXP
Tom_s00 - Level 13
DonDoli - Elite Guard Captain
ramagi - 70000 b/p
X_Naut - 30000 blams, top 10 reviewers

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 04:52:29

At 8/5/05 07:21 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Ah, it's out in Australia. I wasn't too sure when it was out over there. I've had a lot of fun on Alien Hominid! :D

Neither was I. Well, hope you can play to multiplayer feature, which poxpower told me was very fun. I'll play it with my friend when he buys it.

At 8/5/05 09:07 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Yes, weird how Recon has a higher level and takes longer to level up than most of us and yet manages to appear as leveling up quickly. Thanks and I will post more than once a week here. See you then.

Yeah, I just don't get it...he just seems to level up faster than any of us...oh well, his secret power will remain a secret. Even the big ones like ramagi and gfoxcook seem to go slow. Well, it's good to see members come here more. If only XkwiziTOnE would pay more visits...

Groovy dancer and glow sticks? Best formal ever (until year 12).

Glow sticks are the sticks you crack and glow. I became instantly cool, which is rare my side. But I look forward to my final year.

At 8/6/05 12:10 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Particularly when the person is advancing to a level where the icon blows chunks (like level 14).

The more pain = faster level ups?

That's because I cheat.

Highly interesting. Well, I shan't tell a soul. I wonder if the same affect occurs when someone deposits for you? *rolls eyes*

Was a nice day for me. Went to my Aunt's place, which is like a farm. How is everyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 04:56:09

Whoa. Been a while since my previous post. Ctrl+F I shall do :O

At 7/29/05 05:17 PM, MrT-Time wrote: -Mazza- : Ranked up to 38#. Holy shit !


At 7/30/05 01:07 PM, Frostbreath wrote: -Mazza- - #38 in b/p


At 7/31/05 04:23 PM, Brewtality wrote: -Mazza- - #38 in B/P


At 8/2/05 04:53 AM, Alkador wrote: I hereby declare my absolute and fullest congratulations to our newest Where is/How to? Members. That being, Tom_s00 and the elusive -Mazza-. I give you my warmest welcome to Wi/Ht? (even though you are regular enough) and I hope everyone else does. I congratulate you again.

Thanks :D

At 8/3/05 01:37 PM, IvanTuroc wrote: congrats Mazza for Wi/Ht membership


I fianally got to EGFL here is my screeny;
yay me! Go team portal!!!


At 8/4/05 02:39 AM, iscruLz wrote: Mazza and Tom_s00 huge congrats on the membership.


At 8/6/05 03:22 AM, X_Naut wrote: Happy 30k blams and a top 10 reviewers for me. :)

Congrats, that's a lot of blams. The top ten reviewers is probably even more special.

Didn't achieve much lately, went up one spot in the B/P ranking, and I'm nearing the top 400 for Exp. Apart from that, not much going on.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 05:08:49

At 8/6/05 03:22 AM, X_Naut wrote: Happy 30k blams and a top 10 reviewers for me. :)

0o0o0oh very nice.
you're catching me haha :D

Ramagi - that be niiiice :D 70k... wow.

even yaya would be proud, if he wasnt just a damn program XD tee hee hee ehee hee hee ehee hee eh ehe he he he he heeheheheheheh heheehh eh eh eh hehehe.

you get the picture :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 06:39:11

This thread am quite popular. I'm almost gonna level up. yeah.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 06:45:02


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 08:47:02

At 8/5/05 01:46 PM, iscruLz wrote: Tom_s00: baseball bat So does carmel have every lvl drawn like that.

Yes and the whistles and some ranks too i think.

At 8/5/05 02:12 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Tom_s00 : Level up to 13, you look different now, I'll have to get used to you having the new level.

Me also ! i like the bat waaaay more than the boxing glove, i've been waiting for this icon for a dam long time.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 08:55:25

At 8/6/05 07:43 AM, KurtGlock wrote:
At 8/6/05 06:39 AM, l1fty wrote: This thread am quite popular. I'm almost gonna level up. yeah.
Eww!! Bad luck! I hate those brass knuckles.

you racist piece of shit!!! rofl.

Tom, well done on FINALLY reaching level 13...
where'd you go all that time? you could be like, on your way to level 17 by now if you had only deposited :S

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 09:04:17

At 8/6/05 07:43 AM, KurtGlock wrote: Eww!! Bad luck! I hate those brass knuckles.

I know. I agree as well. It will be moving away from the kick ass boxing glove to the crappy brass knuckles. Good thing I'll be getting rid of the bastard in 2 or 3 days.

At 8/6/05 08:55 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: you racist piece of shit!!! rofl.

I know you were joking, but I don't hate the level 11 weapon, because it's black. It's because I moved away from the boxing glove and I think gloves > brass knuckles.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 09:06:47

At 8/6/05 07:43 AM, KurtGlock wrote: Eww!! Bad luck! I hate those brass knuckles.

No-one hates them more than me, i can pretty much garuntee that. But i must carry on for the sake of lvl 12. I'm like a month and a bit off at least.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 09:23:10

woot, finally took back 70th place in terms of b/p...
some mo'fo overtook me for ages, so i must have caught up to a retired mo'fo' :D hahaha.

the great morph - level 11 looks best with a light aura. it could be far worse so shut the hell up :P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 15:27:54

At 8/6/05 01:38 AM, ramagi wrote: Well when this list updates.
My BP total will be 70K on it, which it has been for some time tonight, but I went out had some fun.

Congrats, I told you you wouldn't be able to stop on it. =p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 15:37:47

At 8/6/05 09:23 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: the great morph - level 11 looks best with a light aura. it could be far worse so shut the hell up :P


That's easy for you to say lvl 15er! congrats on 70th B/P position too.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 17:38:51

Dear BonusStage,

Please check your inbox.

I ask for this to remain because it pretains to a serious issue of which I took on and now I can not due to complications with my current facilities. You'd understand this if you were in my skin.


[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 20:09:17

Screenie from last night. Now today I have lost a digit in my experience rank. ^_^
PS: I'm on vacation.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 22:35:04



yeh, i'm awesome like that bitches, check this shit out :D 19.5k b/p, putting me into the General ranks :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-06 22:49:36

At 8/6/05 06:41 AM, KurtGlock wrote: Well. I got the gold B/P Police Captain badge, after a few days of constant blamming. (I hadn't payed much attention towards the portal before).

congrats hope u like that vp u have been so long since i had that rank

conrats M-A-R-C-U-S

visting ng again.

does anyone kno if i created a proxy would it mess up my ng voting by sayin i am usin someone elses ip?