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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-03 23:40:51

I got silver whistle today. Yesterday I has a normal whistle. Woot =) I should be getting 1000 b/p within a few days...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 00:15:42

Ah, the joys of having 21,000 b/p. XD

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 00:49:13

At 8/4/05 12:15 AM, Xiivi wrote: Ah, the joys of having 21,000 b/p. XD

Congrats Xiivi. Recently cracked 17,000 protection points myself. Now if bila took a nice long vacation I might actually have a chance on catching him in saves!

the old fart.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 01:16:30

At 7/30/05 04:32 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Master_Inuyasha - 10000 blams, Elite Guard Major. I'm going to kill you for that. ;)

Oh crap! *locks doors* I don't see you in my yard at the moment.... <_<

At 7/30/05 04:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: As most reviews say these days

KWAS71KCK. rofl

At 7/30/05 10:23 AM, BonusStage wrote: Politics forum...

Blech, it's all a bunch of nazis who think their oppinon is the only one that matters and is the right one. I'd hate for them to find out the truth of what is right and what is wrong.

At 7/30/05 01:25 PM, gfoxclock wrote: TEH





At 7/31/05 11:21 AM, RoweNuts wrote: Finally...30,000 b/p points, a new shiny badge, and a nice .33 VP boost.

Pretty cool. Was wondering about when you'd get there.

At 7/31/05 04:23 PM, Brewtality wrote: Master_Inuyasha - 10k blams & EG Major. I bet we're feeling big in the pants now. : o

Indeed. With my new found erection with all of the other ones I'm doing quite swell. Even though my b/p rate has fallen just like a guy who was hit in the shins with a lead pipe. : (

At 8/2/05 10:54 PM, EKRegulus wrote: 9000 saves ok

Ok <3

At 8/3/05 12:34 PM, ramagi wrote: I have to run I'll be back later with a congratz post since my last post, but till then.

Same thing with you posting, as if midget has broken you fingers with a monkey wrench. :/ But that is life for you, always coming first and getting in the way.

At 8/4/05 12:49 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
the old fart.

Atleast he gives you someone to try and catch up with or say pace yourself, kind like how I'm trying to catch up to iscruLz, but he is a ahead of me. And seeing how I've crippled my b/p point rate, looks like I'll be about the same numbers away from him for a while. :/

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 02:39:29

well I havent been here in a long time so since the last visti only rank and lvl ups (over 9) ups will be acknowleged ok

the stuff I said above:
Inny: silver leaf. Well I will get the golden one first but I wont get the eagle before you get the golden leaf thats for sure.
revexe: lvl 10
Recon: lvl 20 way better the that pussy flail you had.
RoweNuts: EGSC damn is that the 28th (too lazy to check)
-Osaka-: 3 chevrons rank up
cheesebizkit: lvl 12 hahaha
Qwoxyl: the chain.
IvanTuroc: lvl 12 you should stay at the level or keep going// First Lieutenant
FBIpolux: silver star even though you wont read this.
Masso: lvl 10.
squadus2: corporal
DelboyDylan: Sergeant
Tom_s00: first Lieutenant
Funkybob2: gold police badge
madknt: the longest rank (words yo)
KitFisto-: black fist ala brass knucks
WorldOutkast: Jioned the EG.
-absentminded-: master sergeant

Mazza and Tom_s00 huge congrats on the membership.

At 7/30/05 12:24 AM, Soma-Cruz wrote:
At 7/26/05 01:52 AM, iscruLz wrote: well you are closing the gap lets see who gets the new leaf first.
D It's not you I can assure you that.

I see well I have been in a huge rut lately and your closing the gap to around 800 pionts Hell you may pass me in blams in a few days.

At 7/30/05 10:26 AM, jonthomson wrote: I've slowed down in b/p so much that I'll drop out of the top 100 any day now. Boo.

Yep I help bump you up a spot. but damn I been stuck at 96 for quite a while. I got to check who 95 is.

Apart from that, not much, nearly level 18 but not quite there yet. A couple of weeks away or there abouts.

I wish I could say the same for 17 for me.

At 7/30/05 12:37 PM, thegreatmorph wrote: Congrats to everyone, I've missed too much to do individual congrats.

yeah same thing here.

At 7/30/05 01:25 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
At 7/29/05 03:33 AM, Septemb3r wrote: congrats to" gfoxclawck lvl 16 I wish i held on to my alt it would be around.lvl 13 I checked
shakes head sadly::: you gotsta hang on to teh dream and keep on keepin' on w/ teh deposits, izzy. It's the only way ta be!

Why the head shake I killed my other alts beacuse of funkbrs. yeah yeah I deposit my alt everyday thats a fact. but nevertheless it has a excellent sign up date.

MPA: lvl 16 welcome to the family
MPA and my alt are in the mafia? @_@

Omg please dont wack me. I will pay the protection money later I promise.

At 7/30/05 11:14 PM, X_Naut wrote: Congrats ReconRebel for level 20. :)

sorry if i'm a little late.

haha I am so late I hope he doesnt mind late congrats.

At 7/31/05 12:14 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Hello all! Wishing everyone a congrades to everyone on a level and/or rank up......

Hello to you. I am doing teh samething.

At 7/31/05 10:10 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/25/05 01:08 AM, iscruLz wrote: Well I was just seeing if you would catch me. but I was one of the orginal guesser so it balances out.
Eh, you weren't the only one to do it, either. One other person decided to double-vote with an alt. You silly bastards. #;-}>

Well mind telling who the other was.

Cool i would be 37th I am almost at 30,000 pionts
Then ya just gotta get a second stat up to 10k, eh? Did you notice you got a mention on last week's update, BTW? In the 1x10k section (i.e. the "halfway or more there" mentions #;-}>).

No I read the last one two update I think. I had the 10k blams for I while now of course its marked somewhere in this topic. ok I read the paragraph you made. Yes its going to take until 2006 march. I cant get 4,000 post before the end of the years and certianly not 6,000 saves. plus by then I will have a lot more stats hopefully reaching 40k.

4,444 Saves you may think well thats good but it has more on my 4,444 blam and post. I posted in this thread. IT shows that protects are hard to come by.
4444 saves is better than 99.5% of NG has. Maybe even 99.9%, come to think of it...

well if d0gma was running the b/p stuff I would be near the top 50. I just got to keep the saves coming to keep Inny at bay.

Edit: TooCool stuff

I didnt know which to quote but anyways the only way that we would know is if blams missed was tracked. but its a good thing they dont do that all though it might be possible for an admin to figure out might be. I mean would he have over 35K missed blams I thinking no.

At 8/4/05 01:16 AM, Soma-Cruz wrote: Atleast he gives you someone to try and catch up with or say pace yourself, kind like how I'm trying to catch up to iscruLz, but he is a ahead of me. And seeing how I've crippled my b/p point rate, looks like I'll be about the same numbers away from him for a while. :/

Funny thing you talked about this. You are going to pass me in blams like in 3 days I bet. I got to get more saves now. You are closing the gap it was around 1,800 when we started talking about this lets say a month ago but it started way before that. Hey we need Red to b/p agian.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 03:56:54

At 8/3/05 05:54 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:

8AM? you were up early :D rofl.


? :O

I got 36k points, but I blammed one too many movies. Now I have 26,001 blams and 9,999 protects. My e-life is over.

were you aiming on stopping on b/p'ing with 10k saves and 26k blams or something?!
still looks nice with the 9,999.

anyways, i dont know if this has been noticed, but NG now has over 800,000 registered profiles:

Experience: Ranked # 483 out of 800,005 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 71 out of 800,005 users!

boo ya?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 04:19:45

II just noticed that and was about to post that here :)
I'm a newbie:
Experience: Ranked # 67,627 out of 800,005 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 31,320 out of 800,005 users!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 04:21:12

Thank you for your deposit, -Undercover-! You now have 5,005 experience points. You need 173 more to get to level 14.

Thanks to my neglect in the sign up process, I cant have an even number of experience at any time, but I hit/passed 5000exp!
I could be a lot higher but my first year of Newgrounds was about Flash and making movies.

In other "great" news I lost connection to the internet so can rarely come to Newgrounds at the moment... I have to use other ways to get on to the net aside from my own computer.

Anyway, awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 05:13:35

Congrarulations to all the people who achieved some feats, <3 to you all. :) After today's deposit, I find myself a top 4000 exp user now. lol! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 05:36:42

At 8/4/05 01:16 AM, Soma-Cruz wrote: Oh crap! *locks doors* I don't see you in my yard at the moment.... <_<

Don't worrry. I'm sure I did hire an assassin to kill you. :P

Congrats to:

WorldOutkast - Elite Guard Private
Lidov - Bronze whistle
JchanShadow - Bronze whistle, 1337 blams
ramagi - 11000 posts, 33th highest EXP
IvanTuroc - Elite Guard First Lieutenant
LittleMissVixen - 10000 b/p
Qwoxyl - 36000 b/p, 26000 blams, 9999 saves
Evark - 1000 saves
JONJONAUG - Silver whistle, Police Captain
Stuff4u2kno - Silver whistle
Xiivi - 21000 b/p
-Undercover- - 5000 EXP
Dream_of_Duke - Top 4000 EXP

Thanks to:


Experience: Ranked # 1,998 out of 800,005 users!

YAY! Top 2000 EXP! :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 06:30:51

Just waiting for a protection point to appear so I can get 5 digit, quadruple zero, pentalist worthy, 10,000 saves.

Congrats to xiivi for 21,000 points (great job) and Undercover's passing of 5,000 exp (there there, you get to have 5,555 exp... in 55 days time).

At 8/3/05 07:17 PM, Lidov wrote:
At 8/3/05 05:54 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: I got 36k points, but I blammed one too many movies. Now I have 26,001 blams and 9,999 protects. My e-life is over.
hahaha!.......... Sorry, I ment congrats.... :(

My life dream has been shattered... unless I get 29,000 blams and 11,000 saves for a total of 40,000 points. Then I'll start the process all over again with an alt account.

At 8/4/05 03:56 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/3/05 05:54 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
8AM? you were up early :D rofl.

I usually get up before 8, I just take forever to actually wake up.

I got 36k points, but I blammed one too many movies. Now I have 26,001 blams and 9,999 protects. My e-life is over.

I will now have to go on a killing spree to get over missing a nifty milestone.

still looks nice with the 9,999.

Yes it does.

anyways, i dont know if this has been noticed, but NG now has over 800,000 registered profiles:

Hooray, this place just keeps growing and growing.

Experience: Ranked # 483 out of 800,005 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 71 out of 800,005 users!

boo ya

Ya, congrats!

At 8/4/05 05:36 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Qwoxyl - 36000 b/p, 26000 blams, 9999 saves


YAY! Top 2000 EXP! :D

Yay indeed, congrats.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 06:54:24

At 8/4/05 06:30 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Just waiting for a protection point to appear so I can get 5 digit, quadruple zero, pentalist worthy, 10,000 saves.

XD you are now pentalisted good sir :P

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 26,001 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 10,000 quality entries.

My life dream has been shattered... unless I get 29,000 blams and 11,000 saves for a total of 40,000 points. Then I'll start the process all over again with an alt account.

dude i thought you were like a user who just wants to get as much as possible...
you're one of those guys who wants to reach a milestone, and then start again with an alt??!


I usually get up before 8, I just take forever to actually wake up.

im up at 8-8:10 for school, and i come on for 2 minutes and get a couple of b/p...

but you're finished school eh?
and you live in.... SA if memory serves... can't remember though.

I will now have to go on a killing spree to get over missing a nifty milestone.

just like that guy in tasmania did...

Yes it does.

you changed it bitch :(
now it's a 5 digit number :'(

Hooray, this place just keeps growing and growing.

fkn nubs XD

Ya, congrats!


Yay indeed, congrats.

zomgz you're 14th now? dang, overtook 2 people from the last update eh?
or my mind is just frazzling, and infact you weren't 16th the last time i refreshed your profile..
in either circumstance, well done on the nice amount of b/p you got.

you've stopped because EKRegulus overtook you and shattered your heart, didn't you?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 08:37:18


waed is delteting everything on teh site :(

'Reviews written by M-A-R-C-U-S:
4,446 reviews available '


'Reviews written by M-A-R-C-U-S:
4,436 reviews available '

my guestimate: i've written around 5,000 reviews on this site >: (

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 09:16:26

10,000 saves! 26,000 blams and 36,000 points! YAY!

At 8/1/05 03:10 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 8/1/05 02:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Congrats to Recon for the hammer (you can never be congratulated too many times)
The silent one speaks!!! Thanks Qwoxyl.

Yes, I do seem to be earning a reputation for not posting much. And you're welcome.

I see you online almost every night. Try lurking once and a while. It's like being an online ninja!

I thought I was lurking, I'm online for hours, I read posts and I hardly post.

At 8/1/05 08:54 PM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 8/1/05 02:32 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Level 15! Chain>Pipe.
Hey, hey, look who posted! Indeed, your statement is correct, but it's far more cooler with the 16th, so keep depositing :)

Another person who noticed my lack of presence. And I will keep depositing, I'm never going to leave here without the nunchaku (even though ninjas never used them, they're still cool).

At 8/2/05 04:53 AM, Alkador wrote: Qwoxyl for level 15. You look...weird!

Thanks, weirdness is vital for life and stuff... whatever. It's always hard to get used to a new level icon (except level 16, that's automatic).

M-A-R-C-U-S, shame you lost all those reviews and I will respond to your post tomorrow when I'm not half asleep.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 09:26:15

Congrats To :

-absentminded- 4444 blams
-Osaka- 1000 saves
Frostbreath- 2,500 blams
FBIpolux- 5,000 b/p, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Masso- Level 10
Dream_of_Duke- Top 400 b/p user list, Top 4000 user list
squadus2- 1500 posts
madknt- Elite Guard Private First Class
EKRegulus- 9000 saves ok
KitFisto- Level 11
FBIpolux- First Deposit User Award
WorldOutkast - Elite Guard Private
Lidov - Bronze Whistle
ramagi- 11000 posts
JchanShadow- 1337 blams
IvanTuroc- Elite guard first lieutenant
LittleMissVixen- 10,000 b/p
Evark- 1000+ Blams and Protects each
JONJONAUG- 1000 b/p, Silver Whistle
Stuff4u2kno- Silver Whistle
Xiivi- 21,000 b/p
-Undercover- 5005 ex. points
Bahamut7- Top 2000 ex. points
Qwoxyl- 10000 saves
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 13:55:36

Woah nice achievements all!
Congrats to everyone.
I'm too lazy to make a list :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 14:26:14

im lvl 10 in 14 days YAY

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 14:42:36

YAY! im better than 790034 in EXP and better than 798543 in B/P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 19:46:20

Congratz too
NG 800k users
-Undercover- 5k exp liek 4,595 to go.
Qwoxyl 26 blams 10 saves 36 b/p 9 (in thousands)
Dream_of_Duke top 4000 exp user ok.
Bahamut7 the top 2k users

At 8/4/05 08:37 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: OH NOESH.

1212 reviews before banned now 1,199

At 8/4/05 02:42 PM, A-Twon25 wrote: YAY! im better than 790034 in EXP and better than 798543 in B/P


79983 in exp and 80020 in b/p 99.98%

At 8/4/05 02:39 AM, iscruLz wrote: FBIpolux: silver star even though you wont read this.
Silver star? What's this?


wink ok I like saying the what the pic is like golden leaf.
Halfway there

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 10,455 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 4,545 quality entries.At 8/4/05 04:49 PM, FBIpolux wrote:

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 21:40:34


I am now officially an Elite Guard Supreme Commander.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-04 21:55:03

At 8/4/05 09:40 PM, Foxphere wrote: FINALLY! :D

I am now officially an Elite Guard Supreme Commander.

That's great man, that's a terrific rank. Congrats.

And congrats everyone else!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 01:14:16

At 8/4/05 10:05 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/4/05 09:40 PM, Foxphere wrote: FINALLY! :D

I am now officially an Elite Guard Supreme Commander.
Only one worth congratsing ok?

Ok I got 200 post and bronze whistle. I hope I can keep it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 03:01:01

At 8/4/05 09:26 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Congrats To :
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams


look at my profile nub :D

Qwox, i await your response lawl :P

Fox - NIIIIIICE work :D
luff teh SC

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 03:11:29

At 8/5/05 01:14 AM, Septemb3r wrote: Ok I got 200 post and bronze whistle. I hope I can keep it.

The bronze and silver whistles are static which means you won't risk losing them unless you start flagging reviews incorrectly. However your posts could be reduced in number due to liljim's pruner.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 03:59:53

At 8/5/05 03:11 AM, ReconRebel wrote: The bronze and silver whistles are static which means you won't risk losing them unless you start flagging reviews incorrectly. However your posts could be reduced in number due to liljim's pruner.

now, i've only heard a teeny weeny bit about this - not enough to understand what it is >: (

also, im too lazy to read up on it...

so, has liljim said 'ima delete your crappy posts' in a nutshell?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 04:48:59

Congrats To :

-absentminded- 4444 blams
-Osaka- 1000 saves
Frostbreath- 2,500 blams
FBIpolux- 5,000 b/p, Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Masso- Level 10
Dream_of_Duke- Top 400 b/p user list, Top 4000 user list
squadus2- 1500 posts
EKRegulus- 9000 saves ok
KitFisto- Level 11
FBIpolux- First Deposit User Award
WorldOutkast - Elite Guard Private
Lidov - Bronze Whistle: ramagi- 11000 posts
JchanShadow- 1337 blams
IvanTuroc- Elite guard first lieutenant
LittleMissVixen- 10,000 b/p
Evark- 1000+ Blams and Protects each
JONJONAUG- 1000 b/p, Silver Whistle:
Stuff4u2kno- Silver Whistle
Xiivi- 21,000 b/p:
-Undercover- 5005 ex. points
Bahamut7- Top 2000 ex. points
Qwoxyl- 10000 saves
M-A-R-C-U-S- 10000 saves and 26000 blams

and anyone i missed sorry! also thank u iscruelz for depositing for me! (and 2 blams)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 05:29:52

At 8/2/05 11:31 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Good. I got Alien Hominid today! :D

Wow, that's really cool. It's apparently out in Australia and one of my fellow NG users said he saw it, so I look forward to sighting it myself.

At 8/2/05 05:20 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Well, I am busy as hell, but getting excited. Yup, that is right, your good boy Myst is officially a university student and is taking a Joint Honors Ba in English and Fine Arts. I just found out my roommates etc, and I am pr-e-tt-y pumped. Other than that, I am tired as hell from all the working and partying the summer has entailed.

Well done my child! It's great to see you undertaking university. But that just confuses me more. I thought you were already undertaking a university course (since you had the superior writing skills). So you have dorms and such? Well, I'd be excited if I were in your position. You are exciting me in a way, as I look forward to my future.

How about you Alkador?

I'm doing great! School day off today and school formal (aka prom night) last night.

At 8/3/05 06:58 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Boy do i feel a bit lost in this forum - i hope i am still considered a member of the Wi/Ht club........but i am gonna be honest i need to be updated to whats been going on here.........i know i am the last one to get info about stuff, but being on a long long absence can cause that...........is everyone i use to know still a member and if holla at me - i have been tryin to get my e-mail account workin cause it went through some troubles at one point...........on a lighter note hows everything w/ everyone (new or old)?

Well well well, if it isn't the good old XkwiziTOnE. I was wondering where you had vanished off to the last time I spoke to you. If you remember me, of course.

It's unfortunate your e-mail account has not been working. We just had the Wi/Ht? elections, so I don't know if you missed out or not. Apart from that, I'm fantastic. I just hope you can post around here some more as it's good to see some old faces. Just quote me and I'll talk heaps back. =)

At 8/3/05 10:41 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Thanks Alkador, you've got the correct icon but the wrong level. I won't see the halberd for another 935 points (however long that is).

Close enough. ;P Still, it always looks really awkward when someone changes a level. But after a few weeks, it's perfectly normal. You seem to rise in levels faster than anyone else for some reason.

At 8/4/05 09:16 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Thanks, weirdness is vital for life and stuff... whatever. It's always hard to get used to a new level icon (except level 16, that's automatic).

Everyone is weird...in their own way. As I said for above. Well, congrats on your 36k b/p while I'm at it. Good to see you make a post or two (two) in here. See you around.

On a side note...

I went to my year 11 school formal last night and had heaps of fun. Although I was on my own (I didn't mind) I had a load of fun. I'm apparently a groovy dancer and I brought along some glow sticks (the ones you crack), which instantly made me famous. Great fun.

And...how is everyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 05:54:20

special thanks to Bahamut7, 7iron, -Mazza- and some other people who congratulated me. :)
I am going out for 2 days. So I guess that I cannot come here to congratulate on ramagi on getting 70000 b/p points. Thus, I have to congratulate her even before she reaches the big feat, lol! By the way, ReconRebel's hammer is much better than the flail, <3...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 07:21:44

At 8/5/05 05:29 AM, Alkador wrote: Wow, that's really cool. It's apparently out in Australia and one of my fellow NG users said he saw it, so I look forward to sighting it myself.

Ah, it's out in Australia. I wasn't too sure when it was out over there. I've had a lot of fun on Alien Hominid! :D

And...how is everyone?

I'm fine, although I'm so fucking lazy today. Got out of bed at midday. :S

Congrats to:

Qwoxyl - 10000 saves
Foxphere - EGSC
Septemb3r - 200 posts, bronze whistle

Thanks to:

7iron. Did you just steal DarkDeviL's congrats list?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-05 07:25:17

2000 Posts! yay!

next level up targets:
Top #500 exp.
5000 posts.

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