At 6/29/05 11:36 AM, MagicalMusicalHulk wrote:
level 13 - 2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2
Okay, you lost me here. This spot marks the point where I got lost.
Hmm. Okay, basically, that is how many points, the requirement of XP for level 13 goes up each day, you shouldn't be concerned about that, because you are at level 13, you should be looking at level 14 instead.
level 14 - 2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3-2
Notice how you have " 4,380 / 5,092 " , that is " Your total XP/XP needed for level 14 " . Each time ht52, or the level 30 deposits, the requirement XP for level 14 will go up 2-3 points, depending on the day. For instance, when he deposits today, you'll see that ' 5,092' change to either 5,094 or 5,095.
I'm sorry if I still have you lost, gfox could explain this WAY better than I can.
Thanks for explaining it so well. ... I'm guessing that at the level I am now 13 it'll take about 78-89 deposits until I reach the next level. With depositing 8 and sometimes 9 points. I think.
Level 14 5092 93 days ( 3 months 2 days ) <== How long it will take you to reach level 14, IF you don't miss a deposit untill then.
Taken from
Denvishs' XP calculator. Basically, there at the bottom of the page, you put in the total ammount of XP you have, and it will show you how many days/months/years/ etc.. it will take you to reach a certain level.
But pretty much, it's like you are only getting about 7-8 XP per deposit since the requirement XP for level 14 goes up about 2-3 points per day.