Congrats, I was stuck there for a way too long time. And for no reason at all. But then I saw the light again and continued to rank up!
You gotta believe!
That is nice, but then again 2 months is a long time. If you really want to be a nolife, you should have done atleast the double :P
Well that's good to know, but I'm slow when I come back to the portal because after checking the obitutaries, I always realize I missed out on atleast 10 blam points! :P
That is where you are wrong, buddy! You need to keep this up! Show the world who you really are! Just do not pass me in the rankings, k?
Hey thanks man, I don't see any reason to stop now. But passing you in the rankings, we'll have to see about that now won't we.
passed 8,500 experience today
Cool, about two more months until level 18
and I'm only a quarter of one VP away from ten.
The big 10 eh?
The next big thing will be 10K posts. And you'll know about it.
I expect to hear about it, 10K posts, now that's big.
Geez, it seems to take forever trying to get 100+ more B/P points right now. Just as I vote..... It appears someone with similar/same IP address has already voted for you. Or the This movie never existed in the database, or got deleted.
I feel your pain! I don't get the similar ip problem, but it seems the movie always gets deleted right before I vote on it. I actually had that problem once with the movie not existing (deleted), but the movie only had like 60 views and it was a good movie, so I went back, voted again, and that time my vote counted. Weird.