Oh, and sorry about the poor screenie quality. Photoshop is so much better than MS Paint, but unlike Photoshop, MS Paint is free.

Oh, and sorry about the poor screenie quality. Photoshop is so much better than MS Paint, but unlike Photoshop, MS Paint is free.
At 6/17/05 12:12 PM, BonusStage wrote: Considering i am on vacation i think it's a viable excuse, but i believe i missed a couple deposits, but i guess spending a week in Vegas is definitely worth a few XP points ;)
No, you didn't, you've still only missed two ever.
I got 1400 posts
aint much put it has zero's in it lol
next stop 1500posts
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
3,000 experience points... I feel like I'm getting old! :o
My 1000th post is finally here. I feel like I've spent quite a bit of time on the bbs.
More interestingly, I am just about level 10, and have 100 reviews. Interesting, no?
Thats weird look at my icon and read this.
Thank you for your deposit, Zen_Gaijin! You now have 4,140 experience points. You need 1 more to get to level 13.
Sweetness. Level 9 and a Bronze whistle all in the same day. Yay for me!
im finally an Elite Guard Private. 1500 B/P points baby!!! YEAH!!
Eh I hate this I missed 10 points because I had to go with my mom to staples and it was closed. I was about to check the store hours but she rushed me in the car, but when I got in the car she was busy talking with someone about work. oh and poxpower says we're geeks.
Greetz fly out to:
madknt - 1k posts
RedCircle - level up ... :P Huge congratulations.
Minion777 - various shit :D
AnzRage - 20k combined B/P... Niice! :)
Frostbreath - fist =)
Kevindeed - various achievments
Bahamut7 - completing the achievents list :)
agatio - devil number of blams :>
Kazuo_Kiriyama - 3k exp... No, you're not old. :>
Sir_Snark - whole lot of achievements :)
And sorry to all I missed. :)
At 6/21/05 08:10 PM, Kazuo_Kiriyama wrote: 3,000 experience points... I feel like I'm getting old! :o
Congrats on the 3,000 exp, 5,000 is an awsome number aswell, so congrats on that milestone...
Damn i forgot to grab my screenshot of me 13,000 blams oh well this is good enough...
At 6/22/05 03:15 AM, Zendra wrote: I can see I was your inspiration to still take a screenshot. :)
To be honest you had nothing to do with it, besides if you look at the time stamps of our posts they are 2 seconds apart that is not enough time to see you post then me go to my profile make a screenie, and post it....
Roffl Zendra you are funny...
At 6/21/05 04:54 AM, -Anti-Hero- wrote: I stand by my statement. ;-)
After 4 folders and JURASSIC PARK, NG is on my favs.
RG is in the 4th folder, and there after 5 folders, and after 5 sites.
NG wins ;D
Anyway, my archievments around this time, since I can't have them all at the same time:
1. 9 posts per day. I had 8.997 yesterday :P
2. It's on 11200 now, but my Origami Studio 1.1 passed 10000 views :)
3. 22000 b/p. 23 more :P
4. 999 reviews. Yay reviewed Xombie 6 and made my longest review ever, 3303/3033 characters! :D
5. Think I mentioned it already, but i'll brag again in any case. 91 (-1 :() ppl with my submissions in their favs :)
5. VP from 9.66 -> 9.67 :D
6. Just accidently moved my arm, that almost caused... a disaster (without spelling mistake ofcourse) :O
At 6/22/05 03:26 AM, Zendra wrote: I guess you mean two minutes. And two minutes is long enough to see my post - as inspiration - and then take a screenshot, edit it and post it.
Maybe it was 2 minutes but i came on and checked my profile and was opening the psp took the screenie and posted, besides my screenie is whooping yours haha...
Ok ill stop...
I happened to find myself a top 5000 exp user after today's deposit. :D
congratulations to
Zendra: 3000 blams. (now go for 3333)
XwaynetcoltX: 13000 blams. (nice, 2000 away from 15000)
I was too lazy to check the previous page. But I am only 7 saves away from 1337 saves now. :)
Congrats to:
-Bahamut7: 2500 Saves, 7,777 Blams. Getting closer and closer to 10k Blams, too.
-Back_Door_Baron: EG Praporschik. Nice, finally into the gold badges.
-Minion777: 777 Saves, 2,222 Blams. Nice.
-AnzRage: 20,000 B/P. 2/3 of the way there.
-Frostbreath: Lv 11. Lol HT52.
-LookingTwiceKills: 1,500 Exp. Nice.
-agatio: 6,666 Blams. I suppose the white's there for the cleansing of evil spirits?
-Kazuo_Kiriyama: 3,000 Exp. Nice.
-Sir_Snark: 1,000 Posts, 100 Reviews, almost Lv 10. What a lucky coincidence.
-Jebus_Son_of_Gob: Lv 9, Bronze whistle. You didn't jump right to Silver? What a rare feat.
-thisguy47: EG Private. Nice, now for more EG Ranks you'll ever want.
-Zendra: 2,000 Blams. Nice.
~X~: 13,000 Blams, 8,888 Saves. You better not have missed 8,888 Saves now :P
-carmelhadinosaur: A lot of stuff....Why not wait until 100 people bookmark your movies?
At 6/20/05 02:52 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: ROFL! You got it right, but I was hoping you'd know it from plaing the game. It's sad to see so many people who haven't played this marvelous game, and some even call themselfs fans of Square, how lame. -_-
I never did, but I'll try and see if I can find the game anywhere. Most likely not, though, since it's quite old. Plus, the Euro version seems to be made by a different company for some reason.
And if I can't find it, there's always other ways...Such as Ebay....And, uh.....You know....The cheap way....
But, I guess I can give you your prize...
*Lowers pants*
At 6/20/05 03:53 PM, -Anti-Hero- wrote: Anyone like my new alias? Anti-Hero was taken, so I had to throw a few extra dashes in there.
I know what you mean, it's annoying when someone with no flash, posts, music, or anything of importance steals the name you want to use, and doesn't even do anything with it.
Same reason I got my dashes :(
Nice alias, by the way.
At 6/20/05 10:49 PM, Xiivi wrote: Thanks to iscruLz....and no one else...please refrain from congratulating me if you aren't going to pay attention to the main accomplishment of mine and just skip to a picture. I've had this happen numerous times now. Don't congratulate me unless you want to spend the 45 seconds reading my post. Just another reason why congrats list fail now. -_-;;
Yeah, but that's only because you didn't even bother to draw attention to your level up.
Sorry for not noticing, though, and congrats.
Once again, I did nothing worth mentioning :(
Congratz to:
Kevindeed - 500 saves, top 1000 b/p
Bahamut7 - 7,777 blams
LookingTwiceKills - 1,500 exp
agatio - 6,666 blams
Kazuo_Kiriyama - 3,000 exp
Sir_Snark - 1,000 posts
thisguy47 - EG Private, 100 revs.
Zendra - 2,000 blams
XwaynecoltX - 13,000 blams
carmel - Some amount of acheivements
Thanks to:
-Mazza-. Yes i got knocked down to level 10 but what the hey.
WOOT i am now an Elite Guard Lieutenant General!
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1
I got 5,000 saves now, but i'm too lazy to take a snapshot.
At 6/21/05 03:45 PM, BonusStage wrote: 2) Bahumut 'alread' /= already <3
Thanks for mentioning that.
3) Bahumut omfg you got stuff, horray :D
Indeed I did. :O
Congrats to:
agatio - 6666 blams
Kazuo_Kiriyama - 3000 EXP
Sir_Snark - 1000 posts
thisguy47 - Elite Guard Private
Zendra - 2000 blams
XwaynecoltX - 13000 blams, 8888 saves
carmelhadinosaur - 9PPD, one flash with 10000 views
Toocool100 - Elite Guard Lieutenant General
AnzRage - 5000 saves
Thanks to:
At 6/22/05 06:18 AM, -Mazza- wrote: ~X~: 13,000 Blams, 8,888 Saves. You better not have missed 8,888 Saves now :P
Haha its ok though ill just wait till 9,000 for a screenie heh,
anyways thanks, and ongrats yo anyones milestones haha ya i pulled a PURE_LionHeart haha...
Thanks for voting, -Anti-Hero-!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 6.00 votes.
So many achievements this time around. Congrats y'all! Heh, I pulled an XwaynecoltX. haha...
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
Yay, a rank up which brings me to Elite Guard Staff Sergeant! That's 4000 b/p points in a little over 2 months. I seriously need to get out more.
At 6/22/05 04:39 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Yay, a rank up which brings me to Elite Guard Staff Sergeant!
Congrats, I was stuck there for a way too long time. And for no reason at all. But then I saw the light again and continued to rank up!
That's 4000 b/p points in a little over 2 months.
That is nice, but then again 2 months is a long time. If you really want to be a nolife, you should have done atleast the double :P
I seriously need to get out more.
That is where you are wrong, buddy! You need to keep this up! Show the world who you really are! Just do not pass me in the rankings, k?
Congrats to everybody. Not much doing here... passed 8,500 experience today and I'm only a quarter of one VP away from ten. The next big thing will be 10K posts. And you'll know about it.
Argh.... HT deposited and I wasn't on so I couldn't deposit, and now.... my experience went down. Well so much for a higher V.P so I can help B.ing and P.ing.
Anyways, congrats to anyone who leveled up. I haven't posted lately because of those final exams. But now that their over, I'll try to post more often.
Geez, it seems to take forever trying to get 100+ more B/P points right now. Just as I vote..... It appears someone with similar/same IP address has already voted for you. Or the This movie never existed in the database, or got deleted.
Wow, as soon as I finished my post, I just realised X is at the 9,989 :O so close to his 10000 :-D