At 6/3/05 06:27 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 2.3027 to 2.3118!
Thanks for that.
Alo, about powerrangerred emailing me and I've been emailing him back, I got quite an interesting email from him. This is what he said to me on one of the emails:
Hello, I sent a mail to George W. Wade so he could know that you asked for
mass voting on one of his own forums.
Surely the good guy wont use double standarts and act as he should.
Now if I was actually wanting people to mass vote, I'm sure I wouldn't be seeing voting messages from people such as jonthomson. I think the email is just total bullshit and whoever is doing this is trying to scare me here. Basically, all I did was complain about the problem with people voting on my flash and I see people voting 5 on it. I did not ask anyone to mass vote at all. Did I say to you people, "OMG, vote 5 on my flash!"? No I didn't.
Oh, I think I know who's behind all the Power Rangers crap. I think it's Jimmy_Kimmell.
Click on the profile for Jimmy Kimmell and you'll see the alias as PowerRangerYELLOW.
Anyway, other than my blabbering about the problem with voting, here is something that I acheived.
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 6,743 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 2,257 quality entries.
Yay for 9000 b/p. :D