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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-22 21:44:05

3000 posts yayayayayayya
please screencap
party anyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-22 22:45:49

just reached a new B/P rank, will also gain level 13 in a few days.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-22 23:28:35

At 5/22/05 09:44 PM, enigma- wrote: 3000 posts yayayayayayya

Congratz... 4000 for me! =D

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 00:15:41

At 5/22/05 07:34 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm keeping my account active on Retrogade. Most of my stats now rank in the top 100 and I'll be leveling up soon too!

But do you ever post or review on the site? I'm determined to find your account there, since I've searched many a time for the account named ReconRebel with no luck. I just went through many of the accounts in the Last Depositers and Top Experience lists looking for users close to leveling up, and the users I did find close, after checking their profile message, posts, reviews, etc., just don't seem like you.

I always had suspecions you were the user TheDerelict, but with that account not being exactly close to leveling up, you just tossed that theory to the wind.

I will find you!

Oh, and congrats to everyone out ther. :-)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 00:22:41

Arg I am so behind on b/ping that I have lost two spots, SHIT!! Well that emans this week is going to be hectic, but I do have a base vp of 5.55 so I am pretty rproud of that, I will be back here soon to get my 3333 blams damnit so don't forget about me!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 00:45:54

lvl 11 today

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 00:59:21

At 5/22/05 08:32 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Didn't notice I made a milestone today (major hangover). My saves should follow suit in a few days but in the meantime it's time for another hastily made gif.


dang, 5th on ng and only a 2:1 b/p ratio? that's pretty sweet :) haha.
well done to yoink on level 24, i'll enjoy looking at that far more than the Q-tip... its more for girls.
like ramagi!
good luck to Bone-us-Stage... EGSC soon! haha.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 01:01:27

hit 2000 exp yesterday

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 01:06:02

At 5/23/05 12:59 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: good luck to Bone-us-Stage... EGSC soon! haha.

liek, 20 seconds after i posted that?

Rank: Elite Guard Supreme Commander
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 22,108 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 7,892 quality entries.

well done dude.... you got it.

someone's tired...

~BonusStage~ Lauren > EGSC k? says:
:.:.: MARCUS :.:.: says:

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 01:06:43

At 5/23/05 12:15 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 5/22/05 07:34 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm keeping my account active on Retrogade. Most of my stats now rank in the top 100 and I'll be leveling up soon too!
But do you ever post or review on the site?

Of course I do Pure, although I'm a little weak in one area. I'll be putting more effort into my account in the future. I really like that site.

I'm determined to find your account there, since I've searched many a time for the account named ReconRebel with no luck.

That's probably because I use a different alias on Retrogade. It's also my only account on that site compared to the numerous accounts I deposit for here. I know other people have multiple accounts Retrogade even though it's frowned on.

I just went through many of the accounts in the Last Depositers and Top Experience lists looking for users close to leveling up, and the users I did find close, after checking their profile message, posts, reviews, etc., just don't seem like you.

I've occasionally thrown out clues about my real identity but I'm not going to make it easy for anyone. I guarantee at least one person out there knows who I am. I screwed up once and used the wrong e-mail account (lol). Call it childish but I still get a kick out of it ^_^

I always had suspecions you were the user TheDerelict, but with that account not being exactly close to leveling up, you just tossed that theory to the wind.

TheDerelict? Well I was an abandoned child. Some nice elderly people found me in the woods and took me home to live with them. They're dead now.

I will find you!

Haha! Be careful of what you want or you may surely get it.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 01:08:48


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 02:51:07

At 5/23/05 01:06 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 5/23/05 12:59 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: good luck to Bone-us-Stage... EGSC soon! haha.
liek, 20 seconds after i posted that?

Well, wadd'ya know....

~BonusStage~ Lauren > EGSC k? says:

He earned it.

.:.: MARCUS :.:.: says:

Aw, how sweet!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 05:18:52

Here is an interesting combination: 1500 exp points and ranked 444 in b/p points. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 06:25:36

At 5/22/05 12:02 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Thanks. yea, the gold gauntlet is actually my absolute favorite. It's going to take a little over a year to obtain level 25 now, which means i'll have this sword for over a year.

Shit... a year to level up, that's crazy. Only takes me about 4 months to level up, but I'm only just LV 12 :)

At 5/22/05 12:54 PM, jonthomson wrote: Does anyone else get bumped back to the main message box when you press tab?

Yup. Cursor gets as far as the little 'Characters remaining' dialog box and then it bumps back to the message area. I wonder if they can change the tabbing order for a page? Or maybe it always has to go in the order the buttons are laid out.

At 5/22/05 12:59 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 5/22/05 11:54 AM, Eldarion wrote: ht52 > me ;_;
NO, he's not a cool user, you are *huggles*

Weeee, my coolness pwns ht52 :D
That bastard >:(


random GIS'ed 30,000 pic coming up...

At 5/22/05 01:51 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Haha lol congrats tommorow! :D

Heh, thanks carmel ;)
Who made that cool EGSC pic by the way? Looks awesome.

At 5/22/05 07:29 PM, bila wrote: You need 1 more point to reach the next level, so you're already reached that level and lost it again for the last three days!!!


I never actually reached LV 12 , until today. I was just 1 point short of it. It woulda been worse if I'd lost it :)

At 5/22/05 07:34 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/22/05 11:54 AM, Eldarion wrote: I don't like that sword much better, but at least now you can set your sights on Level 25; the gold gauntlet rocks :D
The gold gauntlet is the best icon out there Eldarion! It's gonna be another six years before I get a chance to see it in my profile.

It's one of my favs too, but out of my reach, I'm afraid. It'd take me 13.8 years to get that gold gauntlet O_O
My favourite though is the LV 16 nunchucks, and they'll only take 1.5 years to get :)


Oh, and I reached LV12 today, no more crappy brass knuckles for me ^_^

#25 EGSC celebratory pic for Bonus (rofl, looks like cosplay or something..):

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 07:30:03

Top 1000 for b/p. :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 07:51:38

- Congratulations BonusStage EGSC-

At 5/22/05 09:42 AM, Eldarion wrote: I hate humantarget52 >:(

Well at least I din't get hit and/or struck by him :P

Haha unlucky Eldarion, i see this way as better than getting a tast of 12 then getting knocked back.

At 5/22/05 11:04 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I believe that i'm officially a level 24 user now.
thank the lord that I do not have to see that ugly Q-tip under my username any more.

Big congrats Yoink, thas one of the better icon you have now, and very rare on the BBS too.

At 5/22/05 08:32 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Didn't notice I made a milestone today (major hangover). My saves should follow suit in a few days but in the meantime it's time for another hastily made gif.

Congrats Recon : )

At 5/22/05 10:45 PM, X-Stem wrote: just reached a new B/P rank, will also gain level 13 in a few days.

Congrats, and good luck it's just got alot harder for you,,,,

At 5/23/05 12:45 AM, X_DrakenGard_X wrote: lvl 11 today

Congrats on getting the brass knuckles

- Congratulations BonusStage EGSC-

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 08:02:47

Big congrats to Bonus for EGSC, kettle's on

Congratulations also to everyone else in the 30 pages since I last visited the LUL

Milestones missed: 5000 posts, 30000 blams, top 300 exp rank

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 11:06:52

At 5/22/05 11:04 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I believe that i'm officially a level 24 user now.
thank the lord that I do not have to see that ugly Q-tip under my username any more.

Bastard Humantarget, he levelled you down again. >:( When I made this post, you were at level 23. I really should Alkador to ask HT to stop depositing.

At 5/22/05 06:54 PM, SeeD419 wrote: I miss wi/ht...you guys should stop by RG sometime ;)

I guess I should go back to that site sometime. I am a member there, but I made one review, one post and I'm at level 7. I'm happy on Newgrounds.

Congrats to:

LamboFactor - 2000 posts
Myst_Williams - 3PPD
ReconRebel - 32000 blams
SadicSchoolgirl - 2000 posts
enigma- - 3000 posts
X-Stem - Elite Guard Sergeant
wismty - 4000 posts
ThugNasty - 5.55 Base VP
X_DrakenGard_X - Level 11
authenticsimpson - 2000 EXP
Dream_of_Duke - 444th highest BP
Eldarion - Level 12
Vince50 - Top 1000 BP
Denvish - 5000 posts, 30000 blams, top 300 EXP
BonusStage - EGSC

Thank you for your deposit, Bahamut7! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 664 more to get to level 12.

Yay, a quarter way there.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with Newgrounds today? I've been getting a shit load of problems right now and it's not very nice to be mixed with my crappy day in school.

Hmm, the BBS was disabled just before. Maybe I'll find out what happened by one of the admins, but if not, then I wonder what's wrong with NG today. :S

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 11:08:54

After being a level 24 user for over 48 hours... I did not expect to be smacked back down to a level 23... I thought those days of the Q-tip were finally over. I thought wrong it seems. I guess it really depends on when Humantarget decides to make his deposit.... I'm only 1 exp point away from level 24 now... but it sucks to see this level icon again after being level 24 for 2 days straight... and yes I did deposit everyday.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 11:16:03

At 5/23/05 11:08 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: After being a level 24 user for over 48 hours... I did not expect to be smacked back down to a level 23...

Aw, that's a damn shame. But don't worry, you will for sure reach and stay at level 24 by tomorrow.

But still....

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 12:01:54

At 5/23/05 11:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: fmoggmfomofgmofgo that is the creepiest thing ever, and HT on his LIFE would've never missed a deposit, THUS, that is creepy as HELL :o

Yea.. it's kind of creepy.. but I think Humantarget decided to make an earlier deposit causing the requirements of levels to be higher than they were the other days... I think he made later deposits the past few days and an early one for today which caused me to level down. Oh well... there's always tommorrow.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 13:23:28

Yoink wrote
hey i'm now level 24 as of this post...
but I'll get slapped back down in the
morning... unfortunately.... It's going
to take about 2 days for me to officially
keep this level... it's way better to have
the sword than the Q-tip.

Congrats on the new level its looking tight...

ramagi wrote
The line starts back on page...you know I am not
sure when I started posting in this topic, and no
way am I going to look for it.

Haha ramagi and her silly fanboys hahaha...

carmelhadinosaur wrote
Congrats Yoink on the sword!!

Ya thats one hell of a sword, nice work Carmel...

acs92003 wrote
I maybe on level 9, but that doesn't make you a better
person. It's only level-ups. Why are people fighting
and comparing whose level is higher than whose. That's
Bull-Shitting man!!! Come on!!!

LOL @ LVL 9 hahaha J/K

juraj wrote
Level up! Finally.


Dream_of_Duke wrote
I almost forgot something----it is my 200th day at NG
as a user. :D:D:D (damn...I should have got 2000 exp
points.) :(

Congrats on your 200th day, just keep on depositing and it will be even better...

Bahamut7 wrote
I got 3000 posts.

Awsome congrats on that...

-TheElement wrote
1000 posts.
Screenie please. And could you fix that 1001 with photoshop?

1,000 posts cool now go get 2,000 which is slightly better...

iKiba wrote
Yahoo, I'm 3/4ths of the the way there to the 2x10k list. XD

Almost there, keep rolling away or something heh...

boloneyman wrote
I just leveled up to Elite Gaurd Staff Seargent a few days
ago. Just another small step up the Newgrounds ladder.

Heh ya it is another small step, but a big leap haha congrats...

-TheElement wrote
2.000 EXP points. w00t again!

2,000 EXP, thats cool, you can either or soon will be able to vote on the monthly vote... congrats...

SeeD419 wrote
I'm so evil
Voting Power: 6.66 votes

Heh 6.66 evil maybe, but its better then 6.65...

juraj wrote
500th post.
Way to go...

Oh...500 hmmm maybe wait till 1,000 might look better, but congrats in anycase...

YoinK_VineS wote
I believe that i'm officially a level 24 user now.
thank the lord that I do not have to see that ugly Q-tip
under my username any more.

Haha congrats yet again, its awsome keep it going...

ReconRebel wrote
Didn't notice I made a milestone today (major hangover).
My saves should follow suit in a few days but in the meantime
it's time for another hastily made gif.
32,000 Blams

WHOAAA 32,000 blams sigh, you are a murderer of flash films haha...

SadicSchoolgirl wrote
2,000 posts today. Yay!
Also, I'm inching towards 10 posts per day. Which is a good
thing, seeing as I took an NG vacation quite recently.

Congrats on 2,000 posts, now go get 3,000...

enigma- wrote
3000 posts yayayayayayya
please screencap
party anyone?

Oh 3,000, there sure has been alot of posters getting lots of post milestones, congrats on 3k...

X-Stem wrote
just reached a new B/P rank


ThugNasty wrote
wismty wrote
4000 posts for me! =D

Heh C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S 4,000 IS AWSOME...

ThugNasty wrote
Arg I am so behind on b/ping that I have lost two spots,
SHIT!! Well that emans this week is going to be hectic,
but I do have a base vp of 5.55 so I am pretty rproud of

Then get to blamming the portal is just to the left of the admins office haha...

X_DrakenGard_X wrote
lvl 11 today

Congrats on Lvl 11 you just escaped the noobsvile...

authenticsimpson wrote
hit 2000 exp yesterday

Cool 2,000 exp is cool...

Denvish wrote
5000 posts, 30000 blams, top 300 exp rank

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S on all them missed milestones...

Bonustage wrote

Heh congrats silly kid...

Bahamut7 wrote
You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 664 more
to get to level 12.

2,500 exp awsome dude, almost to 3,000 which is even better, congrats...

YoinK_VineS wrote
Yea.. it's kind of creepy.. but I think Humantarget decided
to make an earlier deposit causing the requirements of
levels to be higher than they were the other days... I
think he made later deposits the past few days and an early
one for today which caused me to level down. Oh well...
there's always tommorrow.

DOH.. Well at some point you will have it so for the 3rd time congrats on level 24 heh...

Thekillerbomb wrote
Im on level.....1

Roffl ok...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 13:43:36

Congrats to:

-BonusStage: 22,000 Blams. *Make-upsex* Oh, and what else did you do today?....Probably nothing important. (Congrats on EGSC)
-LamboFactor: 2,000 Posts. Nice.
-Myst_Williams: 3.00 PPD. I thought you had more, but maybe I was thinking of someone else.
-ReconRebel: 32,000 Blams. <3 gifs
-SadicSchoolgirl: 2,000 Posts. Second one today :)
-enigma-: 3,000 Posts. Looks like you got struck by one of the mods :P
-X-Stem: EG Sergeant. Nice.
-wismty: 4,000 Posts. What is it with all these post milestones today?
-ThugNasty: Base VP of 5.55. Nice.
-X_DrakenGard_X: Lv 11. Lol @ sig
-authenticsimpson: 2,000 Exp. Lots of twos today, too.

At 5/22/05 12:54 PM, jonthomson wrote: Just wondering...

Try typing a message and tabbing to Post It!

Does anyone else get bumped back to the main message box when you press tab?

Yeah, same thing happens to me. Maybe it's to prevent people accidentally pressing the Tab button while trying to use the Caps Lock button, and then pressing Enter.

At 5/22/05 07:34 PM, ReconRebel wrote: So was her first name supposed to be reminiscent of a German super tank?

I was thinking more along the lines of the Beginning and the End, as Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet....But yours is so much more logical :P

Agent Smith was better looking.

Seraph was always the hottest one, though.

At 5/23/05 01:01 PM, Thekillerbomb wrote: Im on level.....1

Way to go.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 13:56:09

At 5/23/05 06:25 AM, Eldarion wrote: Heh, thanks carmel ;)
Who made that cool EGSC pic by the way? Looks awesome.

Lol guess *hint BS' reply :D*

At 5/23/05 01:23 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Ya thats one hell of a sword, nice work Carmel...

Haha thanks and good job on that hell of a post haha...
I liked its orginizing :D

At 5/22/05 04:43 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Is that sarcasm, or a ligit request? : P
If ligit... either lvl 14, or lvl 22 (fav numbers)... i'll <3 you forever if you do one of those. : D

Lol ofcourse it's sarcasm, see:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 14:45:10

At 5/23/05 01:43 PM, -Mazza- wrote: I was thinking more along the lines of the Beginning and the End, as Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet....But yours is so much more logical :P

LOLOL. He meant Maus = German Super Tank. The Panzer Maus was a 100 ton tank used in WWII. So you're both right, but talking at cross purposes. ;)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 14:49:10

WTF?? O_o Soooooo many pages whats going on??? Aggh!! Topic was started years ago! ONOO!NO! *Runs away

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 15:19:28

At 5/23/05 01:56 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Haha thanks and good job on that hell of a post haha...
I liked its orginizing :D

Haha thanks i liked it... i do big posts now and then, expect another in a couple of pages roffl...

OutlawStarStud wrote
WTF?? O_o Soooooo many pages whats going on??? Aggh!!
Topic was started years ago! ONOO!NO! *Runs away

Um yes its a big topic...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 15:39:12

At 5/23/05 11:16 AM, Frostbreath wrote: picture

That picture is evil!

At 5/23/05 11:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: SAVED the best for last bitch :D

Yep. :)

I haven't gotten any yet and my school day was short and sweet

I think you just missed them.

At 5/23/05 01:23 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Awsome congrats on that...


2,500 exp awsome dude, almost to 3,000 which is even better, congrats...

Yeah, but since I'm a quarter way there, I feel 2500 is more special.

At 5/23/05 01:56 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: picture


Also, I got an email from g-bot and it said:

"BonusStage has just entered you as a buddy in the Newgrounds Multi-Author management section."

Um, why Bonus?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 18:03:25

At 5/23/05 05:55 PM, Thekillerbomb wrote: Hey guys how do you upgrade your level again? I am only on level uno (one for those who cant speak spanish)

Go to the portal, vote on five movies, after you vote on the fifth movie scroll down and look for the text "Click here to deposit your experience". Do it and you'll receive 10 experience points. You need 50 to reach level 2.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-23 19:05:58

he is lvl 18 now

Well after the entire year of 04 i levles up to 10.