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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 21:05:18

At 5/6/05 08:27 PM, _redruM_ wrote: If non-NG stats are in the criteria now, I have an interesting one for you. I've been in 3 life threatening situations in the past month. Well, 2, the second one was really just a large inconvenience, not really life threatening.


Finally, while coming home from one of my classes, I was jumped by two guys. I had been sparring for like 45 minutes straight in my class, so my body was already pretty taxed. Luckily, I still had it in me to pull off some of my better moves (lol) and get away with no more than a cut and a few bruises. This one was pretty ugly. I broke the first guy's nose. Then the second guy got angry, pulled a knife, and managed to slice me through my jacket. Then I managed to break his arm and jaw, and took off. Luckily I caught a bus when I got to the street, but they were still on the ground when they left my sight.

good job, it would have been best to get the cops thou... aren't you concerned that when their faces heal they will be waiting for you?

Yep, at this point I'd almost entertain the thought that some higher power wants me dead. Yet, I still seem to have a little luck on my hands. My backpack took most of the abuse of going through the windshield, and my jacket proved to be quite difficult to cut through. It seems more likely this higher power is just fucking with me. Kinda like that one friend who would always push you and then grab you whenever you stood on the edge of a stair, or other.

some higher power wants to keep you on your toes! But more likely the idiot drivers and punks are out in force... and you should stay out of the sun.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 21:22:06

Thanks! :)

Also, is FireFox being a retarded prick to any of you? It's certainly fucking up on me right now.
I'm going to work on Flash and if FireFox is still being a bastard to me when I think I've done a lot of work on Flash today, I won't be happy AT ALL!

What/who is fire fox?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 21:22:21

At 5/7/05 10:48 PM, atricaudatus wrote:
At 5/7/05 10:03 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/7/05 11:27 AM, atricaudatus wrote: You aren't suggesting that bila and Recon and I are geezers, are you? ;-)
Are old geezers still allowed to play video games?
I sure hope so! Otherwise, I'm turning in my union card in the Intl Geezer Guild.
Glad I'm not the ONLY forty something "kid" here. (gfox "outed" you!)

You're no Geezer! You're only the same age as me!
oh wait...DOH!!!!

Where I come from, "He needed killin" is a legitimate legal defense.

LOL the "law" of the old west... i don't think it's still a legitimate defense in most places...

In Colorado they still have the "make my day law" where if they're on your property, in your home and you are threatened.... by all means it's fine and as long as you kill the scum.
Wish they had that everywhere, it cuts down on break-ins allot!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 22:07:39

At 5/9/05 04:45 PM, BonusStage wrote: hahaha well GREAT JOB THEN you've done a kick ass job MW in the fact that you've barely missed any, hopefully you'll keep that up, and remember, if you ever need someone to deposit, i can do it :D

Thanks! And i know, thanks also for doing that for me that once a while back.

At 5/9/05 05:18 PM, AconiteThrill wrote: Huge congrats dude, i know the feeling, i loved it when i escaped the clutches of level 11 ! maby now if i posted a bit more we could do one of those stupid name swaps lol ^_^ enjoy lvl 12 you'll have it for long enough : p

lol! True... and i actually hate the lvl 12 symbol, its after 12 that it gets into the good stuff. Thats my motivation. And keep posting. : )

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 22:10:51

At 5/9/05 09:22 PM, bila wrote:
You're no Geezer! You're only the same age as me!
oh wait...DOH!!!!

LOL. Yeah buddy, You and Recon and I need to form the Geriatric NGer's Club.

Where I come from, "He needed killin" is a legitimate legal defense.
LOL the "law" of the old west... i don't think it's still a legitimate defense in most places...

In Colorado they still have the "make my day law" where if they're on your property, in your home and you are threatened.... by all means it's fine and as long as you kill the scum.
Wish they had that everywhere, it cuts down on break-ins allot!!!

Yep. Nothing deters crime like an armed citizenry. Florida recently passed a new law similar to that you mentioned in Colorado, called the "stand your ground" law by the media. Previously, a potential victim of a crime was oblidged to retreat (from their own home even!) if at all possible, rather than use deadly force.

In NC, where I live we have a concealed carry law, and we can plug an intruder in the act of breaking in. IOW, if he's in the doorway or window, cap him. Once he's in though, the same "retreat if possible" law applies. Strange laws. Hopefully, NC will follow FL's lead.

Personally, I have a pretty extensive selection of firearms, all full loaded and without child locks (no kids in the house) and I wouldn't hesitate to plug some dirtbag in or out. Better tried by 12 than carried by 6, as they say.

Hope no one objects to me using the "lounge" feature of this thread, rather than the "level up" part.
But just to CYA... 'grats to all. :-P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 23:43:56

At 5/9/05 03:02 PM, -Lauren- wrote: Yay, I finally levelled up because I decided to do some b/s's for ME today.

I'm now Elite Guard Corporal. I know it isn't much for you high level folks, but meh

What?! Corporal is still hella tight congrats on that
Myst, congrats on level twelve I will be 11 for a while here still!
No l3itch, but you get a hella big congrats cuz trhere are way too many lvl 9's out there and ten is just so much of a cooler number!
Eldarion, 2222 saves is amazing I am still working on getting that far, nice screenshot dude!
Arg I think that is all for now, congrats to any who I missed I am trying to think if I have anything to say for today, hmmmmmmmm, nope good job today people!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-09 23:50:15

Hey everyone, nothing new here. Although I am getting rather close to some things, but for now I've got nothing. I'd like to take this chance to congratulate the Anime Club for being the 4th thread to snag 1,000 pages. :)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 01:56:18

At 5/9/05 09:22 PM, YomamaStanks wrote: What/who is fire fox?

It's a web browser. You can get it here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 03:29:44

i cant remember if i posted this here when it happened, i think i was too tired/lazy to do it at the time...
well, i ranked up, and it was fun.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 03:48:36

At 5/9/05 10:10 PM, atricaudatus wrote:
At 5/9/05 09:22 PM, bila wrote:
Yep. Nothing deters crime like an armed citizenry. Florida recently passed a new law similar to that you mentioned in Colorado, called the "stand your ground" law by the media. Previously, a potential victim of a crime was oblidged to retreat (from their own home even!) if at all possible, rather than use deadly force.

Well, it been proving in cities where guns have been banned.. crime goes UP!
A town in Texas actually passed and ordinance requiring all citizens to have firearm premits (even in you didn't own a gun, you have the ability) guess how many break-ins and hold-ups they had.

In NC, where I live we have a concealed carry law, and we can plug an intruder in the act of breaking in. IOW, if he's in the doorway or window, cap him. Once he's in though, the same "retreat if possible" law applies. Strange laws. Hopefully, NC will follow FL's lead.
Hope no one objects to me using the "lounge" feature of this thread, rather than the "level up" part.
But just to CYA... 'grats to all. :-P


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 04:59:33

War of the Portal - Part 4
10 - “True Evil”
Interesting note: I have never called the Power in this story ‘magic’. I feel that magic is overused, so I have made sure that magic and the Power are not associated.

-Myst- raised his head as he looked around the broken earth around him. “What happened?”
gfoxcook spoke softly. “Two of the seals I made over the portal have broken,” He paused as his eyes glanced to -Myst-‘s face. “They snapped as if they were twigs.”
“The seal I placed on the mountain also broke,” Said Stamper with a concerned look on his face. Alkador had never seen him worry so much.
“Dobio is dead and these ‘seals’ you speak of are broken,” RedCircle looked at the others with a worried look. “What does this mean?”
“It means that the stronger submissions have the ability to escape to any part of the world any time.” Inuzuka-Kiba stared at Dobio’s body as the others whispered amongst themselves.
“How did the other submissions get out before then?” Asked ReconRebel.
“The seal had strange abilities but it prevents certain levels of energy escaping. The submissions we were up against were moderately weak. The majority of submissions that could not escape were the more powerful ones.” Replied Inuzuka-Kiba.
“So you’re saying that there are monsters more powerful than what we have fought” Eldarion almost squeaked.
“If it is, then we are ready to protect ourselves,” Replied gfoxcook. “With an Ancient who has more knowledge of the Power than anyone here. We can also test everyone here to see if there are others with the Ancient genes.”
At once, Stamper and gfoxcook went inside the house while the group looked at Dobio’s lifeless body. Red blood from his chest was now black as his face showed signs of a white colour. the_phantom_spancker squatted down to close the man’s eyelids.

“Are you sure we should go up soon?” Asked the supreme guard as he looked at the King closely. The black man turned his face with his black eyes feeling the guard’s heart.
“Of course. These few men are the only pawns to my move. The pawn cannot defeat the queen.”
“But the pawn can trap the queen and kill it,” Smirked another guard. There were three of them that carefully kept an eye on the King.
“Silence!” Snapped the King. “It is time I showed the world that life can be as fun as a game. They will scream when I pinch their lives. Screaming is music to my ears.”
“You speak of too many clichés,” Another guard said as he spoke up. “Very well then so be it. But do not blame us for your death.”
“Don’t worry,” The King said as he stood up, stepping outside of the blooded circle. “I will just show them how the Power of Destruction can be put to use.”

YoinK_VineS and -Mazza- stared at the huge hole over the cliff before them.
“The earth crumbled?” -Mazza- rubbed his chin as he saw the pink light that moved like life deep below them.
“This is bad,” YoinK_VineS gulped as he stepped backwards, fearing he might fall down. “We have to warn the others!”
A strange sound came from within the portal as -Mazza- started to run alongside YoinK_VineS.
“What else is down there?”
“Apparently, there were powerful creatures sealed a long time ago. Their purpose, I don’t know.”
A gigantic red mechanical machine landed before them with long chromium plated arms with a dark grey colour. The machine stared at the two with a robotic expression.
“Ruby weapon?” -Mazza- had one eyebrow higher than the other.
“Holy…no,” A puddle of yellowish liquid appeared at the ground front YoinK_VineS’s legs. “This is the P-bot…”
The P-bot made a mechanical whirring sound as its right arm pointed at the two.
A beam of blue light burst from P-bot’s arm as the ground before it melted instantly, breaking the ground apart as more of the Portal was revealed. The robot roared a high pitched screech while YoinK_VineS summoned lightning from the sky, hoping to destroy the circuits within the robot. The bolts slammed against the robot’s head as it froze only for a second, the beam fading in a residue of bright blue light. It lifted its head up suddenly as it squatted, the earth partially giving way, leaping into the sky as a gale came to life. YoinK_VineS gritted as he cast a partial shield around him and -Mazza-, cursing while doing so.
“We have no time. Let’s get hurry back now!”

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 09:10:18

Bila, I figured you might know the truth behind this one because i am truly unsure myself. A friend of mine told me about a law that is in effect in I believe north or south dakota that states "if three or more indians are spotted in a group together at one time, it is legal to open fire". Now I was skeptical at first and if you don't knwo I will be sure to check on some website for it, but I thought it was the most outrageous thing I had ever heard, what do you think?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 10:04:59

At 5/10/05 04:59 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
10 - “True Evil”

P-Bot finally! I was wondering when he would come out! Anyway, good episode again Alk, I liked the part when the guard told the King he was speaking clichés, we don't see that quite often in other stories, but the vilains keep on saying the same lines all the time :P

Interesting note: I have never called the Power in this story ‘magic’. I feel that magic is overused, so I have made sure that magic and the Power are not associated.

I agree, when I write (yes, 'cause I'm writing too) I usually try to avoid this word too, it's a little annoying for us and the readers ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 10:45:30

At 5/9/05 02:13 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: Yeah, I really hate that too. Elementary school was a real bitch for me. I have mild autism, Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD and OCD and the school I went to had no special needs support whatsoever.

I have Asperger's Syndrome. I find both Primary and Secondary school a bitch.

At 5/9/05 04:45 PM, BonusStage wrote: I was making reference to the mod Incredible_Hulk :P

I know.

It was ... just ... that awesome :o

10000 will be better, though.

*claps* great stories, just had nothing to say to the 2nd one so i skippizled ;P

That's alright.

At 5/9/05 11:50 PM, Hiragana wrote: Hey everyone, nothing new here. Although I am getting rather close to some things, but for now I've got nothing. I'd like to take this chance to congratulate the Anime Club for being the 4th thread to snag 1,000 pages. :)

I noticed it at 999 pages last night.

At 5/10/05 04:59 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
10 - “True Evil”

Yay for P-Bot! :D

Congrats to:

-Lauren- - Elite Guard Corporal.
Myst_Williams - Level 12. I'll get that in around three months time. :|
Eldarion - 2222 saves.

And today, bah! The start of my mock exams and English was a pain in the ass. Good thing I'm home now. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 10:49:51

OMFG name change !!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!

At 5/9/05 07:24 PM, atricaudatus wrote: BTW, did anyone else catch Camelhadino's flash the other day?
VERY nice piece of work!

Yeah i saw it as it came through, i gave it a 4 : )

At 5/9/05 10:07 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: lol! True... and i actually hate the lvl 12 symbol, its after 12 that it gets into the good stuff. Thats my motivation. And keep posting. : )

I totaly agree, level 13 is well cool, i can't wait to get my hands on it, i tihkn im about3 months away lol.

At 5/10/05 03:29 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: i cant remember if i posted this here when it happened, i think i was too tired/lazy to do it at the time...
well, i ranked up, and it was fun.

Congrats MARCUS, enjoy the VP boost, also that is deffinatly one of the better looking badges.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 11:52:50

At 5/9/05 03:32 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: OMG! Finally... christ almight (not to offend)... lvl f'n 12...

Yup, i only missed 4 deposits between lvl 11 and 12... that is a freaking record for me considering i'm only a lvl 12 and signed up back in like 02. : P

Congrats Kyle, just don't get too excited about it, 'cause the more you like leveling up, the more it's disappointing after each one to see how much points it takes until next level! Good work anyway ;)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 13:31:02

At 5/9/05 07:24 PM, atricaudatus wrote::

BTW, did anyone else catch Camelhadino's flash the other day?
VERY nice piece of work!

I say it and it was amazing. I put it in my favorite's list because it was very nice.

At 5/10/05 10:45 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
And today, bah! The start of my mock exams and English was a pain in the ass. Good thing I'm home now. :)

I feel your pain. I'm right in the middle of my IGCSE's and it's not fun at ALL. Study leave is fun though. I get to spend all day on the computer.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 15:26:02

At 5/10/05 11:52 AM, -Myst- wrote: Congrats Kyle, just don't get too excited about it, 'cause the more you like leveling up, the more it's disappointing after each one to see how much points it takes until next level! Good work anyway ;)

lol! True, but way to burst my bubble. : ) I just want to get out of the fist 'era'...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 15:39:37

At 5/10/05 03:26 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: lol! True, but way to burst my bubble. : ) I just want to get out of the fist 'era'...

Well, I don't want to disapoint you, but there are still three fists (well, let's say you probably won't get the third one) still ahead and you'll need years to pass them :P

Sorry hehe, just do your best and you might be able to tell your kids you passed that "era". Oh ... you don't have kids? Well, I don't know which will come first then, the kids or the fists? :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 16:20:24

At 5/10/05 03:39 PM, -Myst- wrote:
At 5/10/05 03:26 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: lol! True, but way to burst my bubble. : ) I just want to get out of the fist 'era'...
Well, I don't want to disapoint you, but there are still three fists (well, let's say you probably won't get the third one) still ahead and you'll need years to pass them :P

Ahh, ya, those. Well, i meant the beginning fists, not no elite silver and gold fists etc.

Sorry hehe, just do your best and you might be able to tell your kids you passed that "era". Oh ... you don't have kids? Well, I don't know which will come first then, the kids or the fists? :P

lol! Well, im not worried about those fists, as soon as i get to lvl 14, im gonna slack a bit, but until then... no matter how long it takes me... i am doing my best not to miss any deposits.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 17:15:21

I just got lvl 4. whoopee.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 19:58:16

At 5/10/05 05:15 PM, ShAw_T wrote: I just got lvl 4. whoopee.


I would wait till level 9 or even 10 the lower levels are somewhat fast to get, but congrats...

As for me 1 exp remaining for TEH level 19 heh so maybe tonight but even that might seem dim with HT haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-10 22:13:42

At 5/10/05 07:58 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Roffl

I would wait till level 9 or even 10 the lower levels are somewhat fast to get, but congrats...

As for me 1 exp remaining for TEH level 19 heh so maybe tonight but even that might seem dim with HT haha...


Yeah really, I wish that HT would just no longer exist! The ratios used to be so much better but now he had to go and mess it all up! Hey X, don't you wish they would implement a whole new batch of like b/p badges and exp badges, I think that would make things a whole lot more interesting. I mean obviously it would still be impossible to catch the current higher level people, but it would allow us lower level people to reach our levels a little quicker. Obviously an impossible wish, but I can still dream... Oh and congrats to imster level four, wait til you get to 9 XD!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 01:45:45

At 5/10/05 10:13 PM, ThugNasty wrote:

congrats to imster level four, wait til you get to 9 XD!


Awsome LEVEL 19 for today anyways...

and look at this big road thats next for me...

XwaynecoltX! You now have 9,560 experience points. You need 906 more to get to level 20.

sigh well im happy for lvl 19 even if i have to wait another day ha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 02:58:54

I wish i woulda came on when i signed up as much as i do now i would be on like l v l 11 sumthin lol

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 03:03:18

At 5/9/05 06:36 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 5/9/05 06:15 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Straight out of left field it's BonusStage. If you want me to massage Kam-Rons feet then you have to suck each his ten lovely toes first! Don't choke on the big ones ;-)
haha i don't choke easily, big things are in my mouth all the time :P

DUUUUUDE that sounds so WROOOOONG!

I could make so many bad jokes right now, but i do like you and don't want to offend... but that just leaves too much open to the imagination!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 03:38:33

At 5/10/05 10:13 PM, ThugNasty wrote:
Yeah really, I wish that HT would just no longer exist! The ratios used to be so much better but now he had to go and mess it all up! Hey X, don't you wish they would implement a whole new batch of like b/p badges and exp badges, I think that would make things a whole lot more interesting. I mean obviously it would still be impossible to catch the current higher level people, but it would allow us lower level people to reach our levels a little quicker. Obviously an impossible wish, but I can still dream... Oh and congrats to imster level four, wait til you get to 9 XD!

Well, even if HT52 mysteriously stops depositing, it would only mean a few days of no exp "decay", before Pimp takes over Level 30, starting the mad race again..

Besides, you can always hope the older folks get bored of NGs and quit depositing XD

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 04:10:52

At 5/9/05 11:42 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Really? Wouldn't want to live there, then. Don't really see why anyone would.

Neither do I. Unfortunately, this is where I was born and I haven't yet established enough financial independence to move elsewhere.

My post spawned a reply from the legendary bila. I'm honoured =P.

At 5/9/05 09:05 PM, bila wrote: good job, it would have been best to get the cops thou... aren't you concerned that when their faces heal they will be waiting for you?

Heh, wouldn't have been much point in going to the cops. I didn't really get a good look at their faces, so I wouldn't really be able to describe them well. For now, I'm just going to try using better judgement.

some higher power wants to keep you on your toes! But more likely the idiot drivers and punks are out in force... and you should stay out of the sun.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Haha, thanks for the advice. Though in a way I'm almost glad the last one happened. Proves to me that all my training has been worthwhile.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 04:42:44


im new to this so i just wanna noe how to lvl up....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-11 05:00:57

Congrats ~X~, one more level before you're in the 20s.

At 5/11/05 04:42 AM, dJ_moLE_RAt wrote: im new to this so i just wanna noe how to lvl up....

Vote on 5 movies, blahblahblah, look at the picture. Or read the Help section/FAQ.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge