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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:22:46

At 9/27/05 09:05 PM, Nomader wrote:
So I should simply take a rifle, fire it into the ground... let's pretend I'm a German soldier shall we?

YAY!!!I love RPG'S!!!!

"Why am I defending this worthless jungle location again?"

Because the Americans pwned joo.

*multiple shots ring out as troops attempt to reload rifles*

Sweet sound effects

"Send in artillery 27-1" *Germans Win!*

If there were artillery in the jungle, without grenades, you're screwed anyways (unless I am proven wrong by the 27-1, which totally went over my head), and besides that's why I have my trusty Colt. 45 with me....

And how do ya like the sig eh?

I see three layers with patterns over the nice artwork, I see the artwork, but if I look closely, I can clearly see three distinct lines.

(in the video games, it reloads fine)

IT DOES!!!>:(

Alright... my psychic powers are swelling... oh my! I sense... an Oakland Raiders fan! *phew* - I must now rest... my brain hurts too much

If I could choose, my sig would be a Dodger sig, but its the end of baseball season, and I got the sig in the American Football Crew, so for us who are fans of the LA-LA-LAND, until spring!!!!



Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:30:57

i would use a colt.45 and Sten MK II Silenced for sneaky tatics unless i would want to warn the crazy commies about dancing with guns

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:34:47

Since i looked at your posts your rank will be a PFC. Private First Class.


BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:39:18

At 9/27/05 09:22 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 9/27/05 09:05 PM, Nomader wrote:
So I should simply take a rifle, fire it into the ground... let's pretend I'm a German soldier shall we?
YAY!!!I love RPG'S!!!!


"Why am I defending this worthless jungle location again?"
Because the Americans pwned joo.


*multiple shots ring out as troops attempt to reload rifles*
Sweet sound effects

Very good sound effects

"Send in artillery 27-1" *Germans Win!*
If there were artillery in the jungle, without grenades, you're screwed anyways (unless I am proven wrong by the 27-1, which totally went over my head), and besides that's why I have my trusty Colt. 45 with me....

lol - I guess your right - I guess "Drop the bombs" woulda been better

And how do ya like the sig eh?
I see three layers with patterns over the nice artwork, I see the artwork, but if I look closely, I can clearly see three distinct lines.

lol - very nice lines eh?

(in the video games, it reloads fine)
IT DOES!!!>:(

That's fine - I'm just saying...

Alright... my psychic powers are swelling... oh my! I sense... an Oakland Raiders fan! *phew* - I must now rest... my brain hurts too much
If I could choose, my sig would be a Dodger sig, but its the end of baseball season, and I got the sig in the American Football Crew, so for us who are fans of the LA-LA-LAND, until spring!!!!


Are you serious about that? Nice! That's my style! (I'm a huge Cleveland fan)



Anyways, we don't need anymore off topic spurts of "psychicness" and such... just for future reference...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:42:26

if about grenades Stielhandgranate is the best for 2reasons one it easier to hold and throws more accurate

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:48:16

At 9/27/05 09:39 PM, Nomader wrote:

Double lol


triple lol

Very good sound effects



Quadrouple (sp?) lol

- I guess your right - I guess "Drop the bombs" woulda been better

Still in that case, you're screwed.

lol - very nice lines eh?

I didn't say I like the lines, they ruined it. The lines seem to separate the sig into three sections, the bottom blurry, the middle clear, and the top has a different tone of color. It may be my internet.

That's fine - I'm just saying...

It's cool.

Alright... my psychic powers are swelling... oh my! I sense... an Oakland Raiders fan! *phew* - I must now rest... my brain hurts too much
Are you serious about that? Nice! That's my style! (I'm a huge Cleveland fan)

You don't remember my post in the major league baseball crew? You quoted me and responded. LOL@your memory.


What am I at, quintipple lol?????

Anyways, we don't need anymore off topic spurts of "psychicness" and such... just for future reference...

Ok.....I mean "yes sir"

ruinin' the fun...>:( (just playin')

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:50:00

At 9/27/05 09:42 PM, brandon_ross wrote: if about grenades Stielhandgranate is the best for 2reasons one it easier to hold and throws more accurate

I'm not good when it comes to grenade specifics. I just pull the pin where the directions tell me, and pray for the best...

sorry for the double post....

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 21:56:34

At 9/27/05 09:50 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 9/27/05 09:42 PM, brandon_ross wrote: if about grenades Stielhandgranate is the best for 2reasons one it easier to hold and throws more accurate
I'm not good when it comes to grenade specifics. I just pull the pin where the directions tell me, and pray for the best...

sorry for the double post....

god you are hilarouis!

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 22:12:40

At 9/27/05 09:56 PM, brandon_ross wrote:
god you are hilarouis!

Thank you my good man.

Recomends to give brandon_ross a higher rank...

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-27 22:24:07

At 9/27/05 10:12 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 9/27/05 09:56 PM, brandon_ross wrote:
god you are hilarouis!
Thank you my good man.

About the Indians and such, I do have a bad memory lol - also, I'm serious... I don't want this to become a mini-general forum

Recomends to give brandon_ross a higher rank...
Agrees, simply due to the fact he has an ad in his profile...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 00:03:52

At 9/27/05 10:24 PM, Nomader wrote: also, I'm serious... I don't want this to become a mini-general forum

meh, if it does become a mini-general, its an exclusive one. Also, there will be the whole prospect of war in the back of our minds. Another good thing that might happen if this becomes a mini-general, then you can't get banned for posting in spam topics

Agrees, simply due to the fact he has an ad in his profile...

And sig.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 01:28:03

If I could choose, my sig would be a Dodger sig, but its the end of baseball season, and I got the sig in the American Football Crew, so for us who are fans of the LA-LA-LAND, until spring!!!!


Who knows?! Cleveland could be sweep out of the wild card before the playoffs begin.

Are you serious about that? Nice! That's my style! (I'm a huge Cleveland fan)

I'm a Los Angeles of Anaheim Angels fan. Go Angels! Yeah last night they won the American League Western Division!

Here is the standings:

AL West: Anaheim Angels (going to playoffs)
AL Central: Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Indians
AL East: Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees
AL Wild Card: Boston Red Sox, Cleveland Indians, New York Yankees

NL West: San Diego Padres, San Francisco Giants, Arizona Diamondbacks
NL Central: St. Louis Cardinals (going to playoffs)
NL East: Atlanta Braves (going to playoffs)
NL Wild Card: Houston Astros, Philadelphia Phillies

Sorry about the baseball thing in the War Crew.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 01:39:41

uhh...uhh..come on City of Angels, you know that they are coming. With all their mighty, and the powerful force from the Lord himself. Bring it down! 2005, the year they win again. The real Angels are here to take down every team in the Major League, from New York to San Deigo, World Series 2005, Angels vs. Giants, Guerrero vs. Bonds...

Whoops! Damn song, you made me do this!? Damn you, song.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 01:44:17

sorry to triple post! but their is a game where you can download and play for free and its online. Here is the site for it: http://www.tibia.com/

Its like a Medieval era game. If you downloaded and begin to play it, then look for me (Lord Bison) in the game and i will help you.

When signing up choose the place called "Libera" (Thats where I am) from the list of Medieval countries.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 01:50:43

!!!Listen Up Soldiers!!!

Today the War Crew is now 10 pages old!
Now you know how long we have been here to post about the wars and it stuff.
You can throw a party but instead of fireworks lighting the night sky, it will be grenades!
Someone bring out the cake and some Samuel Admas!
Enjoy the rest of the party. Battalion...Party Time!!

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 10:50:05

bloody hell 2 pages in a aday and a surge of new recruits who didnt desert this is truely a joyous birthday.
happy birthday war crew merry frag grenade one and all

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 10:53:16

commander we need more officers are infastructure has no middlemen just the top and the bottom we should promote some of the PFC's

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 13:09:07

I agree, since it seems as thoughyour either very high up or very low. And I am not going to try to change the rank list; I'm sure our Supreme Commander put a lot of effort into making that.

Long live the War crew!

Random fact:Led Zeppelin's song "Houses of the Holy" did not feature on the album of the same name (it was on "Physical Graffiti"). Oh yeah, and post count+1.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 13:41:30


I would like to inform you that i am stilll loyal to the crew. I happened to be preoccupied with other business these past few days. ....Ergh enough with the milatary fomat (i've been reading too much of my dads business emails :P. yes i am back, sry about my lack of knowdledge of the AK i pretty much got all my facts wrong. But i was surprised to know those things are legal. one of you said you were firing them at the range. But they have no real purpose other than to kill other human beings, i mean you cant use them to hunt or do something like biathalon with them. ANYWAY...

Personally i think the worse general in history was Haig. That idiot was really out of touch and im pretty sure his I.Q. didnt make double digits. The whole war was a waste and generals like him made it worse. The Somme. something like 400,000 British n' Imperial troops died there. ANd almost the equal number of French and even more german. Generals of the time design battles to be "butchering machines" Where Hundreds of thosounds would eb confined defending a sinificant point e.g. Verdun (which was historically important to the french.) and basically let them all die.

The Somme was alot liek that. Also they didnt learn from their mistakes made in other Battles much like that. One the first day soldiers where expected to cross no-mans land at a pretty much walking pace, carrying 80 lbs on their backs. There was no rolling barrage, which would've made the atttack much easier and safer for the british soldiers. There was terrible cordination and communication.

A intresting general who almost became the leader of the Britsh Army and replace HAig was Sir Arthur Currie. But im sure not coming from an upper class aristocratic English family had something to do with it.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 14:11:49

At 9/21/05 03:31 PM, canada_rocker wrote: stuff about the downplaying of other nations efforts in ww2

i agree with you on that but its being going on for centuries my people may be the earliest example of this.(i'm welsh)

the battle of agincore an army welsh archers lead by king henry the V (i think) defeated a massive army of heavily armed frenchmen but after the victory the welsh*disappered* and suddenly he had an english archer cough. figure that one out.

second the famous battle of the zulu's 100 troops mainly welsh defeated an army of thousands of zulu's but in the papers the only welsh were the few casulties.

*fun fact* the famous film zulu was shot in south africa during aparthied the director wasn't allowed to pay the tribe who starred as the zulus a decent wage. he got past this by giving them the cattle that were seen in the movie(cattle being more valuable then money in there culture

so yea i know how you feel my own father was a victim of it during the cold war one of are ships went down containing a copy of are defense plans and the soviets found out so he had to dive down into the depths of the ocean traverse the sunken ship wich was torn and twisted and diving equipment wasnt as advanced as it is now.

my grandad collected the articles in the papers and such and some said he was the most english of english and somthing like that so i know how you feel and it sucks.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 14:35:44

At 9/28/05 01:41 PM, canada_rocker wrote: Sir.

I would like to inform you that i am stilll loyal to the crew. I happened to be preoccupied with other business these past few days. ....Ergh enough with the milatary fomat (i've been reading too much of my dads business emails :P. yes i am back, sry about my lack of knowdledge of the AK i pretty much got all my facts wrong. But i was surprised to know those things are legal. one of you said you were firing them at the range. But they have no real purpose other than to kill other human beings, i mean you cant use them to hunt or do something like biathalon with them. ANYWAY...

Sure you can use them to hunt - just it wouldn't be very effective XD

Personally i think the worse general in history was Haig. That idiot was really out of touch and im pretty sure his I.Q. didnt make double digits. The whole war was a waste and generals like him made it worse. The Somme. something like 400,000 British n' Imperial troops died there. ANd almost the equal number of French and even more german. Generals of the time design battles to be "butchering machines" Where Hundreds of thosounds would eb confined defending a sinificant point e.g. Verdun (which was historically important to the french.) and basically let them all die.

The Somme was alot liek that. Also they didnt learn from their mistakes made in other Battles much like that. One the first day soldiers where expected to cross no-mans land at a pretty much walking pace, carrying 80 lbs on their backs. There was no rolling barrage, which would've made the atttack much easier and safer for the british soldiers. There was terrible cordination and communication.

A intresting general who almost became the leader of the Britsh Army and replace HAig was Sir Arthur Currie. But im sure not coming from an upper class aristocratic English family had something to do with it.

Could you explain which war this is now? My apolgies, but you have me confused...

Also, we need more members... - I don't mean Privates, I mean we have around 5 private first classes - promote some up a bit, will you?

At 9/28/05 01:21 PM, Dah_LT wrote:
At 8/22/05 07:51 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: No Posting crap about the soldiers risking their lives to defend their countries.
Fuck you, and your club. Have a nice day.

You too - and while your at it, spam isn't the nicest thing to post in a club - could you refrain from doing it? Thank you!

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 17:43:49

what up guys ijust cam back from college and on the ride home from the bus.. i was woundering...does hydroshock kill better then getting hit from a 45 which just has impact power?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 17:46:09

At 9/28/05 05:43 PM, falcontrigger wrote: what up guys ijust cam back from college and on the ride home from the bus.. i was woundering...does hydroshock kill better then getting hit from a 45 which just has impact power?

I'm not exactly sure what the hydroshock is, and I'm too lazy to google *gasp!*

But, I believe the .45 would be better, especially at close range.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 17:59:48

At 9/28/05 01:28 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:

I'm a Los Angeles of Anaheim Angels fan. Go Angels! Yeah last night they won the American League Western Division!

They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

Anyway, I got an idea, a trivia game. I would ask trivia questions about wars and you try to answer. If you like the idea post and I'll put up some questions...if you don't like the idea, then say so and carry on...

just a thought

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 18:21:10

They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

they suuuuck!!!

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 18:26:03

At 9/28/05 06:21 PM, falcontrigger wrote: They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

they suuuuck!!!

So? What does one season have to do with anything, espiecally city names?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 18:59:58

At 9/28/05 06:21 PM, falcontrigger wrote: They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

they suuuuck!!!

At least they are the ONLY team from the Los Angeles/Orange area to make it to the playoffs. Plus all the Angels players are not in the injury list while the others are.

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 19:06:57

At 9/28/05 06:59 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 9/28/05 06:21 PM, falcontrigger wrote: They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

they suuuuck!!!
At least they are the ONLY team from the Los Angeles/Orange area to make it to the playoffs. Plus all the Angels players are not in the injury list while the others are.

Again as I said above, this year. When the angels win as many world championships, make the playoffs as many times, produce as much hall of fame players, be as revolutionary, as the Dodgers then we'll talk about letting them having the "L.A." title.

so no one liked my idea?

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 19:09:14

At 9/28/05 10:53 AM, redglare1 wrote: commander we need more officers are infastructure has no middlemen just the top and the bottom we should promote some of the PFC's

ok since today is the War Crew's 10th page, most of the Privates and PFCs will get promoted to higher ranks.

Soldiers!! A-ten-hut!! To all the ones who are reading this, I, GeneralMBison, Supreme Commander of the War Crew make the following Privates and Private First Class soldiers to the ranks of: Captain, Lieutenant, Master Sergeant, First Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant and Sergeant. Congats to the newly promoted soldiers.

Here is the ranks:
Ranks (This will update a lot of times):
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison (founder)
General: redglare1, ChurroNG
Lieutenant General: Nomader
Major General: marchingtyrants
Brigadier General: seventy-one
Lieutenant Colonel:
Captain: falcontrigger
Lieutenant: canada_rocker
Second Lieutenant:
Sergeant Major:
Master Sergeant: brandon_ross
First Sergeant:
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite
Staff Sergeant:
Lance Corporal:
Private First Class: Emumember
Private: KjartanT, -bloodskater, thegodofwolves

Response to The War Crew 2005-09-28 19:14:35

At 9/28/05 07:06 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 9/28/05 06:59 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 9/28/05 06:21 PM, falcontrigger wrote: They need to change it back to the Aneheim Angels!!! There is only one true team of L.A. and that is...THE DODGERS!!!!

they suuuuck!!!
At least they are the ONLY team from the Los Angeles/Orange area to make it to the playoffs. Plus all the Angels players are not in the injury list while the others are.
Again as I said above, this year. When the angels win as many world championships, make the playoffs as many times, produce as much hall of fame players, be as revolutionary, as the Dodgers then we'll talk about letting them having the "L.A." title.

Since i do like the Angels, but i hate the name change, Los Angeles of Anaheim?! What the fuck!? Do you see a team with that type of name in their team name. Its better changing back the name to the California Angels. That's old school classic.

so no one liked my idea?

the trivia thing could be good since i know a lot about many wars from the Roman era to today's war in Iraq. I could be one of the hosts.