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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 06:20:40

Hey,can I join here?

I mostly like(if ya can"like"wars...)WWII an' Vietnam. But I have interrests with modern war.
Ancient wars like crusades or ancient Rome isn't so ..."cool". I don't like 'em and I have no interrest to it.

Oh. And First World War is also one of my interrests.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 06:29:27

At 7/27/06 06:16 AM, WastedWizard wrote: At
And not the Lebanese.
No but they did nothing to stop them.

And how do you know this? and your also implying that the Lebanese government knew about this proof please.

Yes however the government of Afghanistan support and back the attack thats why they got away with it. If it had been one of the militia groups like the northern allaince then it would have been a damnsight harder.
IIraq? When did Saddam agree to it?

Iraq was an excuse to get rid of an old puppet who had become uncontrollable.

Yes I would....

Why yes thats tacticly sound i mean it must gross incompetence if a government doesn't maintain an army of Pyschics to see into the future so we don't have to wait for terrorist cells to strike to become aware of there existence.

And this coming from a bloke who hates war?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 10:18:57

The universally popular Hershey bar was used overseas during World War II as currency.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 11:37:33

At 7/27/06 10:18 AM, GovernorJ wrote: The universally popular Hershey bar was used overseas during World War II as currency.

The universally what?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 11:44:55

At 7/27/06 06:20 AM, 2112 wrote: Hey,can I join here?

Sorry about ignoring you there i think you can join.

Welcome Private.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 17:02:31

Hey , Today when I was looking for some intresting stuff in the forums , I found this topic - Wich goes really well with my story.
Well , Some of you probally know that there's war between Lebanon and Israel (Where I live) , And there are bombing at the side that's closer to Lebanon.
I actually live there , And a few days ago they started bombing my city aswell - About 2 missles hit some area near my house , I was so shocked that I couldnt even get to the Safe-room.

I would really like to hear people say their opinions about my situation.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 17:10:31

At 7/27/06 05:02 PM, DaSecondTerminator wrote: Hey , Today when I was looking for some intresting stuff in the forums , I found this topic - Wich goes really well with my story.
Well , Some of you probally know that there's war between Lebanon and Israel (Where I live) , And there are bombing at the side that's closer to Lebanon.
I actually live there , And a few days ago they started bombing my city aswell - About 2 missles hit some area near my house , I was so shocked that I couldnt even get to the Safe-room.

Im sorry im abit confused do you live in Lebannon or Israel, Also your profile says you live in Russia.(though seeing as how mine says east i guess i cant talk)

I would really like to hear people say their opinions about my situation.

Read the posts by me and Wasted. Its abit long.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 18:42:50

At 7/27/06 05:02 PM, DaSecondTerminator wrote: Hey , Today when I was looking for some intresting stuff in the forums , I found this topic - Wich goes really well with my story.
Well , Some of you probally know that there's war between Lebanon and Israel (Where I live) , And there are bombing at the side that's closer to Lebanon.
I actually live there , And a few days ago they started bombing my city aswell - About 2 missles hit some area near my house , I was so shocked that I couldnt even get to the Safe-room.

I would really like to hear people say their opinions about my situation.

Ghost_Phantom lives in Haifa, Israel and I know what he has been going through (not in real life but in theory anyway) Of course depending on where you are depnds on your situation.

Will reply to RedGlare when I get on tommorow.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 20:38:18

Yo im a war spescelict can i join(im not ghetto

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 20:42:58

can i join?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-28 05:18:44

At 7/27/06 05:10 PM, RedGlare wrote:
At 7/27/06 05:02 PM, DaSecondTerminator wrote:
Im sorry im abit confused do you live in Lebannon or Israel, Also your profile says you live in Russia.(though seeing as how mine says east i guess i cant talk)

I live in Israel, My pofile says I live in Russia couse I was supposed to go to Russia , But couse of Various reasons I didnt go, So I forgot to change it back :)

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-28 05:21:36

And by the way , Can I join?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-28 05:22:21

At 7/27/06 11:44 AM, RedGlare wrote: Sorry about ignoring you there i think you can join.

It's okay,I didn't wait,that ya answer me in three seconds for my postin'. :D

Welcome Private.

Thank you,sir.

Umm...do we have here like military-ranks? Like now I'm private and,when I've been here long enough and showed my skills ya like promote me to Corporal or Sergeant?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-28 09:30:11

At 7/28/06 05:22 AM, 2112 wrote:
Umm...do we have here like military-ranks? Like now I'm private and,when I've been here long enough and showed my skills ya like promote me to Corporal or Sergeant?

We used to but things have fallen apart recently so for now where just keeping our ranks until Bison gets back. Like im the Commisar and technicly 2nd in Command but thats not offical.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-29 08:32:27

Dudes Im asking again , Can I join?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-29 10:11:33

At 7/29/06 08:32 AM, DaSecondTerminator wrote: Dudes Im asking again , Can I join?


Response to The War Crew 2006-07-29 10:41:30

Thanks ^_^

By the way since the bombing in my city , I left to Haifa, In the next day they started to bomb Haifa aswell.
So I moved again , This time to Tel aviv , There were'nt any bombings here, So Im pretty safe =)

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-29 11:05:35

Yo im in love with war. Murder follows me everywhere so im joining. Bush will never pull the troops out of iraq. If he did he would be risking getting assassinated or pulled out of office. Bush is a satanist controlled by the illumitti and as long as the war continues he stays in office. Its the evil wayz of the illumitti that force bush to piss off the ppl of the U.S. Believe its all true.

I won't ever cheat on my bitch but I'll still sleep with a luger

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-29 11:52:47

Ok clown first of its illumanati. Second why do you want to join this crew? i seriously doubt murder follows a 14 year old around. Third this isn't and american club (why do people only come inhere about the bloody Iraq war?)

So if you want to join then please tell us why and your views on war(in general not one in particular). And leave the conspiracy theoriess out of here please. MarchingTyrant did that to death.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-31 12:08:56

At 7/29/06 11:05 AM, Clownshock wrote: Yo im in love with war. Murder follows me everywhere so im joining. Bush will never pull the troops out of iraq. If he did he would be risking getting assassinated or pulled out of office. Bush is a satanist controlled by the illumitti and as long as the war continues he stays in office. Its the evil wayz of the illumitti that force bush to piss off the ppl of the U.S. Believe its all true.

Whatta fuck?! Dude...just go.
"murder follows me everywhere.." Yes,cuz I'm gonna kill you,that was tyhe most stupid post I've seen in couple weeks.

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-02 15:41:05

i get sick of ppl who think they like war but it nothing but pain and bloodshed so who ever think they LOVE war there a fucking noob and im sierous it not a fun luagh at bin laden( well iwould) and think that the crew mostly for american war well it isnt dipshit

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-02 17:57:28

Yep , if we're talking about it then war is a huge milkshake made of Blood , Guns , Killed people and explotions.
Other than that , People who like war are total idiots , You CAN be intrested of studying or learning about a war. But loving it makes you like to see people dying and family's losing their loved-ones.

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-03 12:29:41

At 8/2/06 05:57 PM, DaSecondTerminator wrote: Yep , if we're talking about it then war is a huge milkshake made of Blood , Guns , Killed people and explotions.

Don't forget Refugees there the little umbrella on the War Shake. (that was a metaphor albeit a poor one (but its not a joke) about the aftermath of war).

Other than that , People who like war are total idiots ,

Well there are other reasons aggresion believe that other people are evil etc. But generaly yea they are idiots. But lets be civil.

You CAN be intrested of studying or learning about a war.

Thats the whole reason for this crew.

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-04 14:23:12

Well in less then an hour i'll be heading off to a Navy Ship for training i'll be gone a whole week so try and keep this place active.

Wasted your in charge until i or Bision return goodluck.

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-04 17:18:25

Have fun (I guess thats the only thing I could say to you)

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-05 21:32:39

aah well the war in iraq been a lot calmer since those two leader died i nthe bombing riad a month ago and the war in irasel may come to a end since there gonna debate about it. those are the peaceful days... well i was jsut saying something for today

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-06 06:35:59

Oh god I PRAY that this war will come to an end soon ,couse it takes the time of our summer vecation :(

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-07 16:59:24

Well I don't think just debating will bring an end after thinking about it, Couse Israel wants the 2 soldiers back and I don't see the hizbollah is even thinking of returning them.
And the Prime minister of Israel wants Forces from all over the world to guard the Lebanon , Israel border.
Well just thinking about my last post.

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-07 17:07:52

how do they even know if the two soldiers are still alive?

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-08-08 06:00:29

They told us a week ago that the soldiers health condition is allright , And they said that they are still alive.
By the way , even if the soldiers were dead then Israel would want them back anyways. (Their bodys)