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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-07-19 14:37:17

Well I'm back from Germany 2006 and I'm glad that Italy won the World Cup for the 4th time. So what's been happening since I left for Europe?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-21 18:15:46

wow... it been like a century i mean LITTERYALLY like a century so hey bision prob member me from early 05 so you you bring back up the ranks? if you stil ldo that so ill try to post often

The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-07-22 13:05:23

has anyone posted on the war crew forums lately i know this sounds kind of rather annoying but we should be a little like the other crew's/club's you know 3 post's at least every day?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-23 14:19:17

i just started posting again on ng bbs so ill come to the forum once or twice daily..

The War Crew

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 12:51:07

At 7/24/06 04:36 AM, 1nic wrote: I like war. If I was in a war, I'd be in the Marines or the Navy. I would prefer to be creating explosives 2 destroy THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD.

How can you like somthing you've not been in? sounds like you've been watching to many movies. Some advice there usually made up completly. Just holding a small Bore training rifle tells you that. Ive never been in one myself thankfully but ive trained for one and it doesn't look like a good prospect.

Also why the hell would you want to destroy the world? are you suicidal or have an escape plan?.

look this not a club were we go on and on about how cool war is and how fun killing is. This club is for serious discussion. if you wan't to take part then feel free to join.

If your just going to go on and on about hollywood war then please don't.

Welcome back Brandon.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 12:57:32

At 7/24/06 04:36 AM, 1nic wrote: I like war. If I was in a war, I'd be in the Marines or the Navy. I would prefer to be creating explosives 2 destroy THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD.

You like war? Are some sort of mental retard? You "like" millions of people across the world going out to kill each other why their familys wait, so scared that if someone knocks on the door they think the worst?

I would love to see you in a god damn war and see how much fun you think it is then. I hate people like you, I am going into the RAF next year... does that mean I like war? No.. I hate it so keep you lame ass opinions to youself.

Anyway after the rant I am glad to be back people.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 13:05:15

At 7/24/06 12:57 PM, WastedWizard wrote: Anyway after the rant I am glad to be back people.

Well its good to have you back man but ease up there hes a Hollywood child brought up to believe machine gun clips last for at least 40 mins and you can take about 10 hits before slowing and single handedly take out a few helicopter gunships and never run into minefields or a snipers nest.

In Short i doubt hes held a military style gun before or had any thing close to resembling combat training. Hopefull as he grows he'll learn alittle about the evil of man and id just like to say i finnally see Rayzerblazes viewpoint. Though i don't like i must confess i find it strangly appealing.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 13:16:22

At 7/24/06 01:05 PM, RedGlare wrote: In Short i doubt hes held a military style gun before or had any thing close to resembling combat training. Hopefull as he grows he'll learn alittle about the evil of man and id just like to say i finnally see Rayzerblazes viewpoint. Though i don't like i must confess i find it strangly appealing.

I admit war games are fun, but that's because it's not serious. Mother's are not crying at home because a character in the game died.

Otherwise i hate war, and all aspects of it. The death, the destruction. it all sucks ass.

Oh Snype, you're such a fag.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 13:20:06

Also im sure you all know Costa Rica has had no standing armed forces since the 70's and in that time no ones invaded. I would of thought as soon as they fired the army foreign tanks would come rolling in.

Just goes to show you that world peace is acheivable.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 14:49:13

you should tell that to israel.they fire airstrikes everyday just because two of their soldiers are missing.they said ww3 would start in the middle east,they might be right

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 15:54:37

nice to see you again reglare well im getting confused why lebannon been doing crap for a while with jsut rockets sure it smart i nwar tatic but it not getting them any progess except elmiating popluation

The War Crew

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 16:00:56

reason why they make war games like cod2 and moh, not jsut for entainment as most ppl bleive but actually it telling you how ppl saw war in a way some ppl sees it while there children thinking it jsut a game but it letting you see history and FACT by playing
that why i play war games and collect war antiques cuz i wouldnt want to fight but iwould want to see what they been through so ppl of their country know how they have to do such thing just for a goal for whatever it could possibly achieve today
so war games is not jsut a game it a piece of history

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 16:01:15

At 7/24/06 02:49 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: you should tell that to israel.they fire airstrikes everyday just because two of their soldiers are missing.they said ww3 would start in the middle east,they might be right

Good on them.. defending their borders and troops.

At 7/24/06 03:54 PM, brandon_ross wrote: nice to see you again reglare well im getting confused why lebannon been doing crap for a while with jsut rockets sure it smart i nwar tatic but it not getting them any progess except elmiating popluation

Ok... hard to read, they are idiots they send rockets into citys for no reason. They can all die...

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 16:02:50

i agree with you there.it must have been hell seeing your friends die around,death in the air.its a pity if you nthink about it.so many lives lost.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 16:02:53

Ok... hard to read, they are idiots they send rockets into citys for no reason. They can all die...

sorry my typing is bad when i type fast

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 16:07:36

for exmaple in the movie we were soldiers the mens could say nothing cuz it was too hard and the reporter cried cuz he saw it and it impossbile to write it but the best way to tell wat they saw is if they see wat we saw by saying and showing seirous movies like saving private ryan it can tell ppl how wars is not all about glory and fun cuz the only thing soldiers cares about in war is to surivive with their friends trust me i tried watch saving private ryan it is hearbreaking and im only 14 and i understand this stuff more than the goverment could possibly care except the few

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-24 19:08:29

At 7/24/06 04:01 PM, WastedWizard wrote:
At 7/24/06 02:49 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: you should tell that to israel.they fire airstrikes everyday just because two of their soldiers are missing.they said ww3 would start in the middle east,they might be right
Good on them.. defending their borders and troops.

Not quite considering the Lebanese government wasn't responsible. The whole reminds me of Hitlers operation Canned Goods in Poland. Or how the Japanese Empire Annexed most of China.

And im skeptical about a Syrian connection as Syria occupied Lebanon for years. And fighting the Syrians is how Hezbolah(sp) got most f its influence.

I'm sure theres a few oppurtunists on both sides of the border dealing with weapons the middle East is Known for its lose borders.

Bottom line is like the Cold War both sidees can usually be acused of the same things, I mean Israel has launched missile attacks aswell and there leaders logic is often.

I remember when Arafat was still alive he had luanched a crack down on militant cells etc. And the Israeli's criticised him for not doing enough, however the Israeli government were currently bulldozing his compound where he ran the country.

And just last week on the news some Israeli foreign diplomat blame the war on the Lebanese army for not stopping them. Now is a fairr point but then shouldn't they support the Lebanese army rathering then invading.

Personaly i feel neither side is in the right and any person who claims otherwise has got alot of explaining to do.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-25 05:49:44

At 7/24/06 07:08 PM, RedGlare wrote: Personaly i feel neither side is in the right and any person who claims otherwise has got alot of explaining to do.

I would be honoured to know the UK would dop such a thing if I was captured... sadly I know it would not, at leas tIsrael give them time to leave... If they don't and they get killed it's their own fault. On the other hand the damn nutters just fire rockets as if they were candy into populated areas. I know who I am backing but everyone has their opinion...

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-25 07:36:43

One problem with that is the government didn't do it so that makes the invasion illegal infact the only way we got away with Afghanistan was that the Government worked for the terrorist networks there aswell as admitting it publicly.

Now Hezbolah (sp) proberly has links with the Lebanese government however from what i heard they acted independantly those making the invasion illegal. Also Israel has attacked major population centres aswell, and alot of these attacks seemed get in gear after the invasion. And you seem surprised that targeting population centres happens its usually standard battle procedure it happens in every war in fact as a RAF pilot you'd be a key part to those kinds of operations.

I mean it would be like Germany complaining about getting Bombed during the war if you can't except acts of aggresion or retalliation then you shouldn't be in a war.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-25 08:53:21

israel is attacking civilians though.that is basicly as bad as the ss when they shot the wounded,priests and medics.it is bad karma

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-25 11:49:52

ikinda forgot the whole reason they started having a war... was it cuz of the two troops missing?

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 10:37:37

come on guys if you dont start posting this is gonna be a sad end for the war crew we MUST STAY STRONG we dont want a big FAIL on your thred like this

The War Crew

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 11:45:02

we cant post all the time.some people do have other things to do you know.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 11:55:54

i know but at least post once a day when you least got a minute

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 12:05:17

well i have got a minute.lets talk about the vietnam war.attitudes were very different then to ww 1 and 2.racism was also a big thing.the vietcong ountnumbered the americans greatly.they also used booby traps and methods that drove soldiers crazy.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 12:18:01

At 7/26/06 12:05 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: well i have got a minute.lets talk about the vietnam war.attitudes were very different then to ww 1 and 2.racism was also a big thing.the vietcong ountnumbered the americans greatly.they also used booby traps and methods that drove soldiers crazy.

The Vietcong did not out number the US at there height they had 380'000 combatents all were basicly infantry with some small artillery pieces. And so what if they used traps the US used tanks chemical weapons air strikes CIA torturers and Navy task forces and Helicopters.

And the American attitude was the same in the Korean war where an order was issued regarding South Korean refugee's "kill em all " The US Navy shelled a beach were thousands of refugee's were sheltering without provocation.

It was the same in Vietnam villages were destroyed the population was forcebly relocated, and anyone not fiercly loyal to the heavily corrupt Pro american regime in the south was shot or tortured.

Thats actually film "news reel film" of 2 south Vietnam police holding a guy, then another one casuly places a revolver 2 his head and pulls the trigger.

And this wasn't caught on undercover camera, this about 10 feet away directly in front of the camera on a busy street in broad daylight.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 16:53:42

you can always count on general redglare to tell you the true facts.by the way if you have seen apocolypse now,did an actual regiment go surfboarding or was that just made up.if its true they must have had a screw loose.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-26 18:49:40

At 7/25/06 07:36 AM, RedGlare wrote: One problem with that is the government didn't do it so that makes the invasion illegal infact the only way we got away with Afghanistan was that the Government worked for the terrorist networks there aswell as admitting it publicly.

Now Hezbolah (sp) proberly has links with the Lebanese government however from what i heard they acted independantly those making the invasion illegal. Also Israel has attacked major population centres aswell, and alot of these attacks seemed get in gear after the invasion. And you seem surprised that targeting population centres happens its usually standard battle procedure it happens in every war in fact as a RAF pilot you'd be a key part to those kinds of operations.

I am not suprised..... the $%*@?!'s are going to want to get as much media coverage and deaths and possible.... what I am saying is we invaded Iraq to find the nukes..... they are invading to wipe them out.

I mean it would be like Germany complaining about getting Bombed during the war if you can't except acts of aggresion or retalliation then you shouldn't be in a war.

Who made the first move? Who took the soldiers.... not Israel. America went to war after 9/11 because of what had happened to their people, Israel are doing the same.

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 05:59:22

At 7/26/06 04:53 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: you can always count on general redglare to tell you the true facts.

Thanks but i believe its Commisar now. Anyway i technicly just give a summary of events you'd have dig deeper by watching a documentary or paying attention in school.

by the way if you have seen apocolypse now,

Never seen it. Never had an urge to see a Vietnam war film. Though i do know abit about the film. It was film in the Phillipines i believe during a civil war. the phillopeano prime minister or president (whatever the hell his title was) supplyed the helicopters and most of the millitary equipment.

did an actual regiment go surfboarding or was that just made up.

Well im not sure but its possible a few did on R&R by the coast or somthing.

if its true they must have had a screw loose.

Well theres not alot to do in a war when your not attacking or being attacked.

At 7/26/06 06:49 PM, WastedWizard wrote:
I am not suprised..... the $%*@?!'s are going to want to get as much media coverage and deaths and possible.... what I am saying is we invaded Iraq to find the nukes..... they are invading to wipe them out.

Wipe who out exactly? there are a lot of "colaterl damage" for the 7th greatest military power. Personaly i'd find the invasion more believeable if they didn't try the they should of stop the terrorists first like every lebeanese victim deserved i mean right im sure children could stop terrorists.


Who made the first move? Who took the soldiers.... not Israel.

And not the Lebanese.

America went to war after 9/11 because of what had happened to their people,

Yes however the government of Afghanistan support and back the attack thats why they got away with it. If it had been one of the militia groups like the northern allaince then it would have been a damnsight harder.

Israel are doing the same.

No Israel is atttacking a nation because of the actions of a militia group. Would you advocate the invasion of Ireland because they didn't stop the IRA?

Response to The War Crew 2006-07-27 06:16:28

At 7/27/06 05:59 AM, RedGlare wrote:
At 7/26/06 06:49 PM, WastedWizard wrote:
I am not suprised..... the $%*@?!'s are going to want to get as much media coverage and deaths and possible.... what I am saying is we invaded Iraq to find the nukes..... they are invading to wipe them out.
Wipe who out exactly? there are a lot of "colaterl damage" for the 7th greatest military power. Personaly i'd find the invasion more believeable if they didn't try the they should of stop the terrorists first like every lebeanese victim deserved i mean right im sure children could stop terrorists.

Hezbollah and who ever else it takes to stop them.

Sadly people die in war... America and Britain are the best at doing it so I can't mock Israel over it.

Who made the first move? Who took the soldiers.... not Israel.
And not the Lebanese.

No but they did nothing to stop them.

America went to war after 9/11 because of what had happened to their people,
Yes however the government of Afghanistan support and back the attack thats why they got away with it. If it had been one of the militia groups like the northern allaince then it would have been a damnsight harder.

IIraq? When did Saddam agree to it?

Israel are doing the same.
No Israel is atttacking a nation because of the actions of a militia group. Would you advocate the invasion of Ireland because they didn't stop the IRA?

Yes I would....