At 3/12/06 03:45 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 3/11/06 07:30 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:
The Grand World War
Here is a updated Chapter 1:
:20 March, 2020 2:12 PM
:The Captiol, Washington DC
:20 March, 2020 2:25 PM
:United States Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, California
20 March, 2020 3:18 PM
The Captiol, Washington DC
After voting for almost an hour, all the senators had the votes sent up to Senator Masters to begin the count and to decide who is going to make the cut. "Ok, so there are two senators in each state so there are 100 votes that will tell the nation and the world who is going to be the next president," told Senator Masters to everyone. Then he picked up a ballot and began to read the name. "1 vote to Senator Raiden from Senator Wood of Ohio," he said as he held up the ballot in the air so all the members saw the event that was about the begin. The same thing happen for 30 minutes. After the almost all the ballots were counted, there was only five ballots left to be counted by Senator Masters. "Alright, here is the final five votes to see who is going to be on the list. Right now the scores are this: Senator Raiden of Nevada with 20 votes, U.S. Army General Normader with18 votes, Senator Guerrero of California with 18 votes, Texas Govenor Von Duke with 5 votes, Washington Govenor De La Vega with 16 votes, U.S. Marines Colonel Guile with 17 votes, and U.S. Army Lieutenant General Duca with 6 votes. The ones with the lowest votes will be taken out of the list. So the ones that the people will see that may become the next president will be the following: Senator Raiden, General Normader, Senator Guerrero, and Colonel Guile. Now we must tell the nation about it," said Senator Masters to the room full of senators as they were ready to tell the world about the results.
20 March, 2020 4:28 PM
Times Square, New York City
Inside a two-story McDonalds on 37th St., a man was busy eating his lunch while listening to FOX News about the events that President Johnstock did over his eight years as president. After a few moments of eating his lunch of fries, a small drink, and a Big Mac, he pulled out his Nokia cell phone out of his side pocket and dialed a number. The phone rang for two times before it was picked up. "Hello?" said a deep, low voice on the other line. "So is the voting over?" the man told to the deep voice. "Yes it is. The man that got the highest vote was Senator Raiden with 20 votes," answered back the voice. "So what do you want to do with him?" said the man. "Hmmm....I hear that he is going to be at a meeting in New York City. Maybe in Madison Square Garden. I want you to kill him and do it quickly before they find out that it was you," replied the voice. "What time is the meeting?" asked the man. "In about less than 2 hours. I want you to do it as soon as he begins to speak. That so he won't tell the people that he is the front runner of becoming the next president. He is very popular with the people and the senators. But I hear that he is going to be like President Johnstock, so we must take him down," replied the voice. "Ok, I'll be there. Don't worry about it, he will go down before he steps in the Oval Office. I'll talk to you later," the man said before he hung up and finished up eating his Big Mac. After finishing his burger, he checked his watch to see how much time he has before the final minutes of Senator Raiden's life. He had about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get ready, then he left McDonalds and got on his black Toyota Carmy and began to drive south of Times Square to a hotel right across Madison Square Garden.