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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 16:20:14

At 3/11/06 06:05 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The following ranks have been taken down: Lance Corporal and Second Lieutenant.

I was thinking we should keep 2/Lt, as it is a good rank, whereas Gunnery Sergeant is actually an appointment and not an actual rank (much like Sergeant Major). 2/Lt has always been the first real officer rank, and I think it should stay.

But you are the Commander, so I will abide by your word, Sir.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-13 03:27:38

What a day! I just got home from watching 2 baseball games in the same day!! It's the World Baseball Classic. Both games were in Anaheim, CA. The first one was USA vs. Japan (I went for but lost), the score (USA 4 Japan 3) and the second game was Mexico (I went for but lost) vs. Korea, the score (Mexico 1 Korea 2). The MEX vs. KOR game was crazy. A whole mess of Mexicans were yelling and chanting "Mexico!". I'm glad that I'm Mexican, I love that race. Even when they were cussing at the umpires for stupid crap.

At 3/12/06 04:20 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/11/06 06:05 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The following ranks have been taken down: Lance Corporal and Second Lieutenant.
I was thinking we should keep 2/Lt, as it is a good rank, whereas Gunnery Sergeant is actually an appointment and not an actual rank (much like Sergeant Major). 2/Lt has always been the first real officer rank, and I think it should stay.

But you are the Commander, so I will abide by your word, Sir.

Well right now I'm going to take down the ones who hasn't been here for a long time, then I will do something about the ranks. So I will add back the 2nd Lt. Later in the day, I will finish up Ch. 1 of my story and add Ch. 2 to it too. See ya later for now.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-13 17:42:40

I'm here everybody, I'm here!

I can't guarantee I won't be so active, but now and then, I'll drop by for discussions.

Sorry about all this, General - and again, apologies for not answering that e-mail... anyways, I'm back! (but possibly not for long)

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-13 19:27:33

Ok, now here is the list of the ranks and the people that have been in AWOL are also going out that have been updated. Plus listen up soldiers! Today we have one soldier who is now been promoted one rank up. He is Master Sergeant Peregrinus. He is now known as 2nd Lt. Peregrinus. Congats Peregrinus.

The War Crew
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Generals: RedGlare, Nomader, ChurroNG (last posted here on 1/1/06)
Lieutenant General: seventy-one (last posted here on 1/29/06)
Major General: marchingtyrants (last posted here on 1/13/06)
Brigadier General: brandon_ross (inactive, remove from list?)
Colonel: <none>
Lieutenant Colonel: <none>
Major: <none>
Captain: falcon trigger (inactive, remove from list?)
Lieutenant: canada_rocker (inactive? I've only seen CrimsonRocker, who is also inactive)
Second Lueitenant: Peregrinus
Sergeant Major: <none>
Master Sergeant: <none>
First Sergeant: <none>
Staff Sergeant: Jag_Riypai
Sergeant: rayzerblayze
Corporal: <none>
Private First Class: <none>
Private: <none>

The following ranks have been taken down until futher notice: Lance Corporal, Gunnery Sergeant.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-13 20:33:35

At 3/12/06 03:45 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 3/11/06 07:30 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The Grand World War


Here is more of Chapter 1:

20 March, 2020 2:12 PM
The Captiol, Washington DC

"Alright, this special meeting is now in order," said Senator Masters of Texas, "you all know why this is happening. We are all hear to impeach President Johnstock out of president of the US. He has caused many problems to us and the world!" After he said that, many of the senators both Democrates and Republicans were cheering for him. "Your right about that Senator Masters, but if we are going to impeach President Johnstock, then who is going to replace him?" said Senator Garcia of California. "Well Senator Garcia, right now I have two people on my mind, General Normader from the US Army and one man who is inside with us today, he is Senator Ken Raiden of Nevada," replied Masters. "Well those two are the good ones to become the next president. Only the people now know the rumors about us trying to impeach President Johnstock, but the don't know who is going to be the next leader. So we must just show the list of people that may replace him," said Senator Singleton of New York. "Then we will all take a vote of who is the going to be on the list," replied Senator Masters as every senator in the building began to take out a voting balot to decide who is going to be on the list.

20 March, 2020 2:25 PM
United States Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, California

As the sun blasted though the dark clouds over Camp Pendleton, a group of Marines were in hard traning under the clouds before their drill instructor came out and told them to pick up the pace. "Come now, you wimps!!! Hurry up or else you will not get your energy in the mess hall!!" yelled Sgt. rayzerblayze to the soldiers as they were running in the mile track. A few moments later, Staff Sgt. Jag_Riypai came out of the mess hall to chat with Sgt. rayzerblayze about some news from Washington DC. "Sgt. rayzerblayze, I need to talk with you now," said the Staff Sgt. to Sgt. rayzerblayze as he was walking to him. "What is it, Staff Sgt. Jag-Riypai?" replied the segerant. "I just got a message from 2nd Lt. Peregrinus from Washington DC. The message says that the senators are about to impeach President Johnstock out of president and they will tell the people of the United States who is going to be the next president," he said as he read the letter from 2nd Lt. Peregrinus. "Well I'm glad that he is going to forced out of president. He just fucked up our nation into the most hated nation in the world! But can the next president turn things around?" rayzerblayze replied. "Who knows? Maybe the next president could turn things around, but we will see what happenes," answered back Staff Sgt. Jag_Riypai.

20 March, 2020 3:18 PM
The Captiol, Washington DC

After voting for almost an hour, all the senators had the votes sent up to Senator Masters to begin the count and to decide who is going to make the cut. "Ok, so there are two senators in each state so there are 100 votes that will tell the nation and the world who is going to be the next president," told Senator Masters to everyone. Then he picked up a ballot and began to read the name. "1 vote to Senator Raiden from Senator Wood of Ohio," he said as he held up the ballot in the air so all the members saw the event.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 00:25:46

At 3/13/06 11:56 PM, n00gie wrote: Sorry for my miss-spells, my A key and others don't work half the time and I don't catch all the mistakes.

That's why proof-reading is your friend :)

Very good story so far, Commander. And thank you for the promotion, but I was a Sergeant Major before, not a Master Sergeant :P

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 02:10:33

At 3/14/06 12:25 AM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/13/06 11:56 PM, n00gie wrote: Sorry for my miss-spells, my A key and others don't work half the time and I don't catch all the mistakes.

Very good about 'Nam there, n00gie. They should have done that and it would have changed the course of history. But the past is the past.

That's why proof-reading is your friend :)

That's right.

Very good story so far, Commander. And thank you for the promotion, but I was a Sergeant Major before, not a Master Sergeant :P

Whoops, sorry about the wrong rank there 2nd Lt. Peregrinus. The story is coming good, I got some good reviews from my friends and cousins. Everyone who is in the War Crew will be in my story and so far we got 4 of them inside the story right now. Tomorrow I will finish up Ch. 1 and then add some of Ch. 2 to it. Later I will add all the parts of my story to my website. It needs a major update but not now.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 11:10:30

i thought the first chapter was good.also vietnam was a disaster but thats my opinion

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 11:51:53

At 3/14/06 02:10 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
Very good about 'Nam there, n00gie. They should have done that and it would have changed the course of history. But the past is the past.

I'm glad they didn't because the Vietenamese would still be oppresed by foreign power and the appauling treatment of prisoners in that war i'd hate to think what would happen to millions of innocent Vietnamese.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 19:02:23

At 3/14/06 03:25 AM, n00gie wrote:
At 3/13/06 08:33 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 3/12/06 03:45 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 3/11/06 07:30 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The Grand World War

Here is more of Chapter 1:
So, the story will have more than one side, so far the political higher up side, and the Marines side. I like storys like this. You should also put the view point of family members of the soldiers(If you haven't thought of it.), when the war breaks out it will add more drama =P

Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Right now it's starting with two sides and then later it will grow into more sides. There will be Air Force, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Civilains, Police, Forgein Nations, and the terrorists' sides. Plus there will be more to be added. So stay tuned for new sides to be added.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 20:52:32

At 3/12/06 03:45 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 3/11/06 07:30 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The Grand World War


Here is a updated Chapter 1:

:20 March, 2020 2:12 PM
:The Captiol, Washington DC

:20 March, 2020 2:25 PM
:United States Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, California

20 March, 2020 3:18 PM
The Captiol, Washington DC

After voting for almost an hour, all the senators had the votes sent up to Senator Masters to begin the count and to decide who is going to make the cut. "Ok, so there are two senators in each state so there are 100 votes that will tell the nation and the world who is going to be the next president," told Senator Masters to everyone. Then he picked up a ballot and began to read the name. "1 vote to Senator Raiden from Senator Wood of Ohio," he said as he held up the ballot in the air so all the members saw the event that was about the begin. The same thing happen for 30 minutes. After the almost all the ballots were counted, there was only five ballots left to be counted by Senator Masters. "Alright, here is the final five votes to see who is going to be on the list. Right now the scores are this: Senator Raiden of Nevada with 20 votes, U.S. Army General Normader with18 votes, Senator Guerrero of California with 18 votes, Texas Govenor Von Duke with 5 votes, Washington Govenor De La Vega with 16 votes, U.S. Marines Colonel Guile with 17 votes, and U.S. Army Lieutenant General Duca with 6 votes. The ones with the lowest votes will be taken out of the list. So the ones that the people will see that may become the next president will be the following: Senator Raiden, General Normader, Senator Guerrero, and Colonel Guile. Now we must tell the nation about it," said Senator Masters to the room full of senators as they were ready to tell the world about the results.

20 March, 2020 4:28 PM
Times Square, New York City

Inside a two-story McDonalds on 37th St., a man was busy eating his lunch while listening to FOX News about the events that President Johnstock did over his eight years as president. After a few moments of eating his lunch of fries, a small drink, and a Big Mac, he pulled out his Nokia cell phone out of his side pocket and dialed a number. The phone rang for two times before it was picked up. "Hello?" said a deep, low voice on the other line. "So is the voting over?" the man told to the deep voice. "Yes it is. The man that got the highest vote was Senator Raiden with 20 votes," answered back the voice. "So what do you want to do with him?" said the man. "Hmmm....I hear that he is going to be at a meeting in New York City. Maybe in Madison Square Garden. I want you to kill him and do it quickly before they find out that it was you," replied the voice. "What time is the meeting?" asked the man. "In about less than 2 hours. I want you to do it as soon as he begins to speak. That so he won't tell the people that he is the front runner of becoming the next president. He is very popular with the people and the senators. But I hear that he is going to be like President Johnstock, so we must take him down," replied the voice. "Ok, I'll be there. Don't worry about it, he will go down before he steps in the Oval Office. I'll talk to you later," the man said before he hung up and finished up eating his Big Mac. After finishing his burger, he checked his watch to see how much time he has before the final minutes of Senator Raiden's life. He had about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get ready, then he left McDonalds and got on his black Toyota Carmy and began to drive south of Times Square to a hotel right across Madison Square Garden.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 22:07:28

No One seems to remember the Korean war.

Probably cost more lives than Vietnam, and involved more countries too

Nec Deficit Alter.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-14 23:19:24

At 3/14/06 10:11 PM, n00gie wrote:
At 3/14/06 10:07 PM, Lord_Kensington wrote: No One seems to remember the Korean war.

Probably cost more lives than Vietnam, and involved more countries too
No, because it was in between two major wars, WW2 being a major loss of lives, and Vietnam being so contraversal.

Korea had far fewer casualties than Vietnam did. 50,000 Americans were KIA or MIA at the end of Vietnam. Way more than Korea.

And no-one remembers it because it was so soon after the Second World War, it kind of meshed together.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-15 01:16:16

At 3/14/06 11:19 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/14/06 10:11 PM, n00gie wrote:
At 3/14/06 10:07 PM, Lord_Kensington wrote: No One seems to remember the Korean war.

Probably cost more lives than Vietnam, and involved more countries too
No, because it was in between two major wars, WW2 being a major loss of lives, and Vietnam being so contraversal.
Korea had far fewer casualties than Vietnam did. 50,000 Americans were KIA or MIA at the end of Vietnam. Way more than Korea.

And no-one remembers it because it was so soon after the Second World War, it kind of meshed together.

Yeah, because the Korean War happened during the Cold War. Also because at that time it was the civil rights era in the United States. So it was like another major civil war but only in the US.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-15 12:24:49

what caused the korean war and the vietnam war?.i havent learned about them in school yet so i dont know

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-15 12:27:56

At 3/15/06 12:24 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: what caused the korean war and the vietnam war?.i havent learned about them in school yet so i dont know

In a Nutshell:
Invasion in Both cases. The communist North halfs of both Korea and Vietnam invaded the not-so-sommunist southern parts, sparking war.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-15 12:34:33

ok.thanks for that.at least i will be ready for when i do that in history.it was a good thing to join this crew.you learn a lot.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-15 17:43:38

At 3/14/06 06:04 PM, n00gie wrote:


Good point. We were in Vietnam just to liberte communism, not set up any new goverment, the French could have just jumped in after we left, or the other country's that wanted Vietnam.

But America already set up a government in the south a racist brutal dictatorship. While in contrast in the North Ho chi minh was very popular after defeating the French and legitamatly came to power.

Also for some reason my double isn't working so bare with a have few to answer.

Some one here explained the reasons for both Korea and Vietnam, The part about Korea was true however the NVA only invaded after many treatys were broken by the south and an army of atleast 10'000 marines were already stationed there.

Plus the concept most Americans could not understand was why the Vietnamese were fighting so hard. Actually it wasn't Communsim that drove but a first for independance. The Vietcong ( there real name was somthing like the Ho chi minh liberation front) were fighting a foreign invader and the SVA which where seen as traitors.

In the north they saw the south being taken over by another invader so they wen't in to in there eyes save it from another occupier. Vietnam and the rest of french indo china was ruled by many people for centuries.

And the South became Communist because they saw the south as free and independant and they did with Communism so they joined it and as the war progressed the more Communist the south got especially with the SVA and America's fish out of water.

Plus i was never realy convinced by the they were just impatinet story. As its seems more likely to have been pure hatred of Communism and a simple superiority complex by America regarding the Vietnamese. Even in Saigon marines frequently used "Gooks" like the N word.

In fact America probably kick started the domino effect instead of stopping it.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-16 00:05:13

At 3/16/06 12:02 AM, n00gie wrote:
At 3/14/06 11:19 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
And no-one remembers it because it was so soon after the Second World War, it kind of meshed together.
Yes. People didn't want Vietnam!! Ok? Plus Vietnam was more stressfull. Mines, ambushes, you never new when you were going to get blown to pieces. Korean vets that were also Vietnam vets hated Vietnam war more. Casualties arn't the only factor in war.

Most Korea vets were WWII vets, actually. Most were too old for Vietnam, some 15 years later...

Either way, I'm Canadian., We only had a handful of soldiers in Nam...

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-16 12:39:48

what kind of booby traps where there in vietnam.i know there were tripwires which set off explosions.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-16 15:06:36

At 3/16/06 12:39 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: what kind of booby traps where there in vietnam.i know there were tripwires which set off explosions.

Tripwires, Man pits (hole with spikes, hidden. you fall through). Foot spikes (big ass nails you step on), snares, any combination of spiky stuff getting either launched at you, or you into it.

There were 100's of variations of booby traps, it's nearly impossible to list them all.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-17 14:01:15

so there all dangerous and grusome.nasty

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-17 14:13:31

That's why every war is so bloody with nasty ways of diying. That is the way in every war.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-17 14:18:58

personally i think war is meaningless.are the soldiers really fighting and dying for a good cause.i think not

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-17 17:26:43

At 3/17/06 02:18 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: personally i think war is meaningless.are the soldiers really fighting and dying for a good cause.i think not

War succeeds where diplomacy fails. In my city, they're holding a rally against war tomorrow. They want the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and all that dumb peacenick stuff.

Idiots. Canada has no troops in Iraq, and protesting wont get them out. That's been tried before. And Afghanistan IS a justified action, and is less a war now than humanitarian action with the occasional "getting shot" thing...

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-18 09:11:44

I would like to join

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-19 11:23:15

At 3/17/06 02:18 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: personally i think war is meaningless.are the soldiers really fighting and dying for a good cause.i think not

It depends on the war and why it was fought. example WW1 wrong it was just an excuse for the European empires to try annexe the other and become the worlds only superpower.

WW2 this was to stop the Nazi's building a vast German empire in Europe. This is considered good you see you can't generalise in war. Each conflict is different.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-19 13:27:12

Sorry commander I haven't been on in a while. I apologize for my absense.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-19 13:58:58

i watched platoon a couple of nights ago and it really explained what vietnam was like.with ambushes traps and mutiny.it was actually a very graphic film.but all war films are graphic in there own way.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-19 16:47:56

At 3/18/06 09:11 AM, wastedwizard wrote: I would like to join

Welcome, wastedwizard. You're stalking me in all my clubs, aren't you?

Anyways, if you post a few more times here, you'll be added to the members list.

At 3/19/06 01:27 PM, -Jag- wrote: Sorry commander I haven't been on in a while. I apologize for my absense.

There you are. It's been so long, you probably have no clue in hell who I am. Second Lieutenant Peregrinus. Welcome Back!

At 3/19/06 01:58 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: i watched platoon a couple of nights ago and it really explained what vietnam was like.with ambushes traps and mutiny.it was actually a very graphic film.but all war films are graphic in there own way.

I own the special edition DVD of Platoon. It's a good movie. So good, I think I have it listed in my profile under "favorite movies".

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