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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-08 03:03:56

Soldiers, listen up!

Today is your Commander's birthday! The 8th of March is the day that I was born. Now let the war continue! That is all from your commander.

Com. General M. Bison

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-08 11:42:01

Happy birthday Commander sir. By the way have I got a rank yet?

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-08 19:30:36

At 3/8/06 11:42 AM, Jag_Riypai wrote: Happy birthday Commander sir. By the way have I got a rank yet?

Not yet, new guy. First post two more times on the War Crew then we will give you a rank that goes well to you. The more you post, the higher your rank will be. This is one of the rules of the War Crew to get promoted to the next rank.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 11:20:22

Okay then. I bet I'm a private.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:04:11

can i join the war crew.please

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:33:35

At 3/8/06 03:03 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Today is your Commander's birthday! The 8th of March is the day that I was born. Now let the war continue! That is all from your commander.

Happy Belated Birthday, Sir! On a related note, today is my mother's birthday!

At 3/9/06 11:20 AM, Jag_Riypai wrote: Okay then. I bet I'm a private.

We shall see. I started as a Staff Sergeant, I think.

At 3/9/06 03:04 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: can i join the war crew.please

If youre going to join and then never come back, then no. If you have the patience to continue posting here (despite the fact that half the members are AWOL and posts are more rare) then yes. We'll figure out a rank for you soon enough if you stick around.

That is all
Sergean Major Peregrinus

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:37:02

i will stick around.i like to share my opinions with others who like the same things.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:40:13

At 3/9/06 03:37 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: i will stick around.i like to share my opinions with others who like the same things.

Good good. I'm glad I didn't have to wait for a day or two for your reply either (>.<) Thats a point in your favor already. Feel free to browse through the pages of this topic to see what has already been discussed, and if you can think of something new as a topic, feel free to post it and open a discussion!

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:41:00

ok i will do that.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 15:45:18

At 3/9/06 03:33 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/9/06 11:20 AM, Jag_Riypai wrote: Okay then. I bet I'm a private.
We shall see. I started as a Staff Sergeant, I think.

That is all
Sergean Major Peregrinus

I hope your right I dont like privates.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:07:50

if you think about it ww1 and ww2 were completely differant to vietnam korea and the gulf war because of the attitudes.it makes you think

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:11:22

At 3/9/06 03:41 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: ok i will do that.


At 3/9/06 03:45 PM, Jag_Riypai wrote: I hope your right I dont like privates.

Haha, everyone has to start somewhere.

Now: for new members, and because I'm bored as hell, here are the War Crew ranks and Active members. Commander Bison: I think most everyone on the previous list you posted has gone AWOL. I suggest removing them from active duty to free up ranks for the new recruits. I want your opinion before assigning a rank to them.

The War Crew
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Generals: RedGlare, Nomader, ChurroNG (last posted here on 1/1/06)
Lieutenant General: seventy-one (last posted here on 1/29/06)
Major General: marchingtyrants (last posted here on 1/13/06)
Brigadier General: brandon_ross (inactive, remove from list?)
Colonel: <none>
Lieutenant Colonel: <none>
Major: <none>
Captain: falcon trigger (inactive, remove from list?)
Lieutenant: canada_rocker (inactive? I've only seen CrimsonRocker, who is also inactive)
Second Lueitenant: <none>
Sergeant Major: Peregrinus
Master Sergeant: <none>
First Sergeant: <none>
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite (inactive)
Staff Sergeant: <none>
Sergeant: SHAITH_HEAD (inactive)
Corporal: <none>
Lance Corporal: <none>
Private First Class: Emumember (inactive)
Private: KjartanT (inactive)
Recruits: Jag_Riypai, rayzerblayze

Due to low membership, I recommend removing some ranks, such as Lance Corporal, which is really the same as PFC in the real world. For the general ranks, I suggest spacing them out to span the empty slots, with seniority by last post (so only one member per General rank). My suggestions for ranks are as follows:

Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Lieutenant General:
Major General:
Brigadier General:
Lieutenant Colonel:
Second Lieutenant:
Sergeant Major:
Master Sergeant:
First Sergeant:
Staff Sergeant:
Private First Class:

Ranks removed: Lance Corporal and Gunnery Sergeant. This lowers the ranks to 19 instead of 21 (not like we have that many members anyways...). If new people come, there can be more than one Private, PFC, Corporal, and Sergeant, with ranks-ups being given by activity and/or join date.

I recommend Jag_Riypai for Private First Class and rayzerblayze for Private at the moment, with the possibility of ranking them up based on activity to start filling the officer ranks.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:15:56

well privates not that bad but hey i will work up the ranks.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:23:34

At 3/9/06 04:07 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: if you think about it ww1 and ww2 were completely differant to vietnam korea and the gulf war because of the attitudes.it makes you think

Not just the attitudes. No two wars are the same. This is partly due to the evolution of tactics and technology. Back in the era of flint-lock rifles and muskets, soldiers wore bright colored uniforms, and stood on front of the enemy shoulder to shoulder, firing volleys at the enemy.

World War I saw the static warfare of the trenches. The uniforms were subdued colours, and the primary tactic was to assault the enemy trenches in the face of machine gun fire (this being the first time machine guns were widely used in combat).

WWI also saw the first military use of the airplane, though mainly in a reconnaisance role.

WWII was different. The lines of battle were always moving, the troops more commonly wore clothing colored to match their surroundings (in some cases an actual camouflage pattern).

Korea was another war of trenches, though on a different scale. instead of being trenches on flat farm land, they were trenches on hillsides with a valley in between.

Vietnam saw the wide-spread use of automatic weapons as standard issue (the M-16), and was a guerilla-style combat. Never certain who was friend and who was enemy.

The Persian Gulf War was easily won thanks to technology. Stealth fighter/bombers were used in raids, US M1 Abrams tanks were far superior to the old out-dated Russian model tanks the Iraquis had, and the troops on the US side were better trained and equipped than their Iraqui enemy.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:27:52

i didnt think of it that way.in all wars all sides lose as something will always affect themeven if its death or trying to rebuild civilisation

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:35:39

At 3/9/06 04:27 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: I didn't think of it that way. In all wars all sides lose, as something will always affect them - even if it's death, or trying to re-build civilization

Indeed. If you look at every war in the last 100 or so years, none are too similar to any other, although they may share similar characteristics.

And please make the effort to use proper punctuation, spelling, and spaces. If you wish to see how your most recent post could have been different, look at the fixed-up quote just above where I began my reply with "indeed", and compare it to how your original post was written. It makes a world of difference, prevents you from being mocked, or even possibly banned for having poorly-written posts (I'm sure it has happened before).

Don't be too paranoid about it, as everyone makes mistakes (typos). Just try and proof-read your post before hitting the "Post it!" button in the future. :)

[example: spelling errors I found in my post because of proof reading: 1]

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-03-09 16:43:14

I will try.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-10 16:51:52

Yay Private 1st class. On this game I have for my Ps2 called Battlefield 2 you got up in ranks like this. It really realistic. I'm a Command Seargent Major. Private 1st Class is the second rank.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 12:41:25

so whats the game like ?

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 16:00:41

At 3/9/06 04:23 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
At 3/9/06 04:07 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: if you think about it ww1 and ww2 were completely differant to vietnam korea and the gulf war because of the attitudes.it makes you think
Not just the attitudes. No two wars are the same. This is partly due to the evolution of tactics and technology. Back in the era of flint-lock rifles and muskets, soldiers wore bright colored uniforms, and stood on front of the enemy shoulder to shoulder, firing volleys at the enemy.

World War I saw the static warfare of the trenches. The uniforms were subdued colours, and the primary tactic was to assault the enemy trenches in the face of machine gun fire (this being the first time machine guns were widely used in combat).

And grenades were becoming a common sight ww1 was a big step up technologically unfortunatly tactics were old fashioned and training impractical.

WWI also saw the first military use of the airplane, though mainly in a reconnaisance role.

WW1 also saw the first use of tanks. They were slow and could not fire while moving however when the British first deployed them the German defenders were so frightened they fired everything they had even bricks. But they had no proper anti tank weapons and fled the trenches.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 18:05:30

At 3/9/06 04:11 PM, Peregrinus wrote:

:Commander Bison: I think most everyone on the previous list you posted has gone AWOL. I suggest removing them from active duty to free up ranks for the new recruits. I want your opinion before assigning a rank to them.

The War Crew
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Generals: RedGlare, Nomader, ChurroNG (last posted here on 1/1/06)
Lieutenant General: seventy-one (last posted here on 1/29/06)
Major General: marchingtyrants (last posted here on 1/13/06)
Brigadier General: brandon_ross (inactive, remove from list?)
Colonel: <none>
Lieutenant Colonel: <none>
Major: <none>
Captain: falcon trigger (inactive, remove from list?)
Lieutenant: canada_rocker (inactive? I've only seen CrimsonRocker, who is also inactive)
Second Lueitenant: <none>
Sergeant Major: Peregrinus
Master Sergeant: <none>
First Sergeant: <none>
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite (inactive)
Staff Sergeant: <none>
Sergeant: SHAITH_HEAD (inactive)
Corporal: <none>
Lance Corporal: <none>
Private First Class: Emumember (inactive)
Private: KjartanT (inactive)
Recruits: Jag_Riypai, rayzerblayze

I recommend Jag_Riypai for Private First Class and rayzerblayze for Private at the moment, with the possibility of ranking them up based on activity to start filling the officer ranks.

The Commander is here. Looks like we got two new soldiers ready for war. Well now, I will give them their new ranks. Jag_Riypai will be now known as Staff Sergeant Jag_Riypai. rayzerblayze will be now known as Sergeant rayzerblayze. Congats to the new two soldiers!

Here is the list with the others that are now in AWOL:

The War Crew
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Generals: RedGlare, Nomader, ChurroNG (last posted here on 1/1/06)
Lieutenant General: seventy-one (last posted here on 1/29/06)
Major General: marchingtyrants (last posted here on 1/13/06)
Brigadier General: brandon_ross (inactive, remove from list?)
Colonel: <none>
Lieutenant Colonel: <none>
Major: <none>
Captain: falcon trigger (inactive, remove from list?)
Lieutenant: canada_rocker (inactive? I've only seen CrimsonRocker, who is also inactive)
Second Lueitenant: <none>
Sergeant Major: Peregrinus
Master Sergeant: <none>
First Sergeant: <none>
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite (inactive)
Staff Sergeant: Jag_Riypai
Sergeant: SHAITH_HEAD (inactive), rayzerblayze
Corporal: <none>
Lance Corporal: <none>
Private First Class: Emumember (inactive)
Private: KjartanT (inactive)

Now I will take down some ranks off the list since we don't use them very much. Also There is some notes on some of the AWOL soldiers. Here is the updated list:

The War Crew
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison
Generals: RedGlare, Nomader, ChurroNG (last posted here on 1/1/06)
Lieutenant General: seventy-one (last posted here on 1/29/06)
Major General: marchingtyrants (last posted here on 1/13/06)
Brigadier General: brandon_ross [last time posted was on the month of Nov. 2005]
Colonel: <none>
Lieutenant Colonel: <none>
Major: <none>
Captain: falcon trigger [last time posted was on the month of Nov. 2005]
Lieutenant: canada_rocker, CrimsonRocker [both posted on Oct. 2005]
Sergeant Major: Peregrinus
Master Sergeant: <none>
First Sergeant: <none>
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite [posted since Aug. 2005. He will be taken down on Mar. 15]
Staff Sergeant: Jag_Riypai
Sergeant: SHAITH_HEAD [posted since Aug. 2005. He will be taken down on Mar. 15], rayzerblayze
Corporal: <none>
Private First Class: Emumember [posted since Aug. 2005. He will be taken down on Mar. 15]
Private: KjartanT [posted since Aug. 2005. He will be taken down on Mar. 15]

The following ranks have been taken down: Lance Corporal and Second Lueitenant.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 18:11:40

At 3/11/06 12:41 PM, rayzerblayze wrote: so whats the game like ?

Its a single player campaign based first person shooter. You get stars for getting things like 100,000 points, a certain % of accuracy stc and loses them for losing troops. You start of as a private and you work your way up with stars. The highest rank is General.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 18:17:49

At 3/11/06 04:57 PM, n00gie wrote: Holy shit this is a great crew, can I join? What will we be discussing, politics in war or just anything about it? I would like to discuss my thoughts on Vietnam.

Right now you are still in boot camp. But if you post 2 more times, then I will give you a rank. In The War Crew, you can discussing about any war, battle, weapons, soldiers etc. about the war. Sure you can begin to discuss about the Vietnam War.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-11 19:30:09

Here is an updated version of the intro of my story:

The Grand World War


In the year of 2020, the world is recovering from a second Great Depression that struck both stocks exchanges in Tokyo and New York City in the year 2017. Many nations have gain democracy as some other nations turned to communist because of the Great Depression 2. The United States was still together but many leaders are hearing and saying that that nation is about to break apart and each region will become new nations. Many states are protesting to the 45th president of the United States, President Johnstock about causing the 2nd depression. He said the nations like Iran, North Korea are to blame for, but many nations don't believe him. About 1/3 of the countries in the United Nations have turned away on the United States. Some of it's allies also turned away for many reasons. Mexico is one of them, turning from ally with the U.S to becoming allies with Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil (also joined in), and Canada (also joined in) for creating a bigger border wall and not supporting for the major outbreak of the deadly Bird Flu that struck every nation but the U.S.; the only allies that are still with the United States are United Kingdom, Vietnam, and Australia, but it looks like they will also stop supporting the U.S. and join the others. Now the 50 states of the U.S. have sent their senators to impeach President Johnstock out of president and get a new president to take his place before a major civil war begins in the nation and kill many innocent people in major cities, and before World War 3 starts. We head now to the year 2020 in Washington DC to where the senators are talking about who is going to be the next president of the United States, the 46th president.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 03:45:33

At 3/11/06 07:30 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: The Grand World War


Here is a little bit of Chapter 1 of the story there will be more to it later:

20 March, 2020 2:12 PM
The Captiol, Washington DC

"Alright, this special meeting is now in order," said Senator Masters of Texas, "you all know why this is happening. We are all hear to impeach President Johnstock out of president of the US. He has caused many problems to us and the world!" After he said that, many of the senators both Democrates and Republicans were cheering for him. "Your right about that Senator Masters, but if we are going to impeach President Johnstock, then who is going to replace him?" said Senator Garcia of California. "Well Senator Garcia, right now I have two people on my mind, General Normader from the US Army and one man who is inside with us today, he is Senator Ken Raiden of Nevada," replied Masters. "Well those two are the good ones to become the next president. Only the people now know the rumors about us trying to impeach President Johnstock, but the don't know who is going to be the next leader. So we must just show the list of people that may replace him," said Senator Singleton of New York. "Then we will all take a vote of who is the going to be on the list," replied Senator Masters as every senator in the building began to take out a voting balot to decide who is going to be on the list.

20 March, 2020 2:25 PM
United States Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, California

As the sun blasted though the dark clouds over Camp Pendleton, a group of Marines were in hard traning under the clouds before their drill instructor came out and told them to pick up the pace. "Come now, you wimps!!! Hurry up or else you will not get your energy in the mess hall!!" yelled Sgt. rayzerblayze to the soldiers as they were running in the mile track. A few moments later, Staff Sgt. Jag_Riypai came out of the mess hall to chat with Sgt. rayzerblayze about some news from Washington DC.

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 08:00:05

Cool.Im a Sergeant now,that rocks

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 08:20:07

Battlefield 2 sounds like a cool game.i might get it.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 09:58:33

my views on vietnam are that it was a completely differant war to ww1 and ww2 as the weapons were more advanced and attitudes were differant.

i ask myself this was it worth it ?

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 15:51:13

At 3/12/06 09:58 AM, rayzerblayze wrote: my views on vietnam are that it was a completely differant war to ww1 and ww2 as the weapons were more advanced and attitudes were differant.

i ask myself this was it worth it ?

Well America went into the war to crush Communism ignoring the fact the the north vietenamese took power legitamitley and democraticaly voted to rejoin the south. However the ruler of south vietnam was put in place by the american government and ruled like a dictator. He was a cathlic and despised budhism the main religion and had temples raided monks beaten up and murdered a few.

It was so bad a monk set fire to himself in protest. When the south were about to vote america stopped it because communism was popular in the south as well. This raised tensions wich resulted in both a war and revolution in south vietnam during which the american army beehaved brutaly and human rights abuses by the sout vietnamese and US marines were similar to that of the holocaust.

These brutal tactics became known as fish out of water and back fired emensely the vietnamese revoltion ranks swelled and the north vietnamese received little resistence. So no it wasn't worth it

Response to The War Crew 2006-03-12 16:11:39

that explained a lot.and setting your self on fire is a difficult thing to do.but i would rather take my ownt life than so eone kill me

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