At 9/1/05 07:57 AM, iamnone wrote:
fullyclothedmike: i couldn't find the font, so i used one that looked pretty similar. hope it's ok.
A bt fuzzy on the left, but apart from that, it's just what I wanted!
At 9/1/05 07:57 AM, iamnone wrote:
fullyclothedmike: i couldn't find the font, so i used one that looked pretty similar. hope it's ok.
A bt fuzzy on the left, but apart from that, it's just what I wanted!
can someone make me a fall out boy sig? needs to be dark grungy and just plain awesome! i was to lazy to make my own.. :) so someone can make me one :P neways.. yeah dark and grungy.. and have it say my name... -element and all that good stuff .. thanks.. Peace out A-town down!
to those who make sigs and have made one for me..i am sorry for asking for lots and i will try to stick with the one i made for more than 2 weeks :)
can someone make me a sig with this pic plz
Hi SSM, just wondering if any could make me a pretty simple sig. I would like a sig that is half pink and half green with shpoink written on it in a pretty cool font. On the green half i would like the 'Shpo' in pink and 'ink' in green on the pink side.
Then if you want add any nice little touches, or speicalities that you have.
Thanks in advance guys.
At 9/1/05 12:07 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Yeah I know it's long-winded, but I can't find the one I'm looking for. But I thought it might be useful for someone who has no idea when it comes to animating, so at least they can get a feel for what's actually happening.
useful it is, it's just too bad that it gives instructions to parts that can be completely removed. but as you said, it's good for someone who has no idea; maybe he should sweat a little before he finds out the easy, more efficient way.
How you been?
nothing much has changed since the last time i saw you post, except i have a new mouse, but that's not something terrifically great.
At 9/1/05 04:05 PM, shpoink wrote: Hi SSM,
i'll take care of this one. check back at some point in the future.
At 9/1/05 11:52 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: http://www.dysigncor..m/tutorial.php?id=58
Thanks, but I'm having trouble clicking and dragging the first frame of the .gif into the background I want..what's the problem I'm having?
At 9/1/05 04:47 PM, Vegeton wrote:At 9/1/05 11:52 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: http://www.dysigncor..m/tutorial.php?id=58
Thanks, but I'm having trouble clicking and dragging the first frame of the .gif into the background I want..what's the problem I'm having?
The easier way is to put the background into the gif the gif you want in imageready....resize it to the size you want, and then resize the canvas to 400 x 60. Then drag your pre-made background onto the gif. On the layers pallette, left click on the background layer and drag it down to the first layer. There are a few more steps involved, but if you experiment with this, it should help.
I made one, sort''s not anything super cool but it's of scared Scooby and Shaggy shaking. Thanks for the advice you guys, you've been very helpful and hopefully I'll make some nice animated sigs for myself in the future! :D
At 9/1/05 12:37 PM, -Element wrote: can someone make me a fall out boy sig? needs to be dark grungy and just plain awesome! i was to lazy to make my own.. :) so someone can make me one :P neways.. yeah dark and grungy.. and have it say my name... -element and all that good stuff .. thanks.. Peace out A-town down!
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 9/1/05 09:00 PM, Hyuri wrote: hey, can i have a sig, i will give ya some images.
I'd also like it to have a background like my current one, and my name in ice blue somewhere on it! plz
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Image #4
I'm gonna tackle this one...see what I can't create
Hey Juggarnaut,
Did you ever finish up making that dancing dude in my sig to a full size profile pic? No rush if you didn't, I just wanted to know if I missed it somewhere or not.
At 9/1/05 09:00 PM, Hyuri wrote: hey, can i have a sig, i will give ya some images.
I'd also like it to have a background like my current one, and my name in ice blue somewhere on it! plz
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Image #4
sorry forgot, can u make it say, "Our greatest glory, is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"
At 9/1/05 09:43 PM, Hyuri wrote: sorry forgot, can u make it say, "Our greatest glory, is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"
haha, well, i was just about to post it, and then i seen this, so hopefully this is to ur liking?
i'm not sure if theres any let me look first
At 9/1/05 10:14 PM, -Rocketman- wrote: i'm not sure if theres any let me look first
bahaha, well, maybe it would help if i posted the right picture
Really sorry for the triple post...i found a bug in it....heres the fixed version
*fingers crossed*
At 8/14/05 11:31 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote: IF YOU WOULD LIKE A SIG
Please help us, to help you by giving up some basic information. While we appreciate your faith in us, please try to refrain from requests like, “I don’t care what you put in it, as long as it’s cool”. That will assure you that you’ll get something that is reflective of OUR personality, not yours. The more specific you can be will assure that you will be happy with the sig you end up with. Also note that each member of the SSM collective has a distinct, and different style. Your specifications will help us to figure out whose style is best suited to your request.
Sometimes, due to the physical, and file size restraints on the bbs will make it impossible to create exactly what you request. In these cases we will make every effort to get as close to what you want as possible.
We generally are not in the practice of posting several sigs for one person. It’s inevitable that this will occur from time to time, but please don’t ask for several of us to make you one so that you can pick the one you like the most. We’re not here to compete with one another. If you would like a specific person to make your sig, just say so. None of us will take offense. You can take a look at some examples of each artists work by clicking on the sig pic below, and following the links; or you can click on the sig pic of the artist you’re interested in.
Once your sig is posted, it’s not unusual for a few minor adjustments to be requested. Please take a good look at your sig, and make sure that the adjustments you ask for are reasonable, and that you address all of them. The best way to get on our bad side is to ask us to retool your sig over, and over. Finally, once you have your sig, Use it for a little while. I’d say a couple of weeks would be a reasonable time frame. If frequent name changes are your thing, then try requesting one that doesn’t have your name in it. If you really have your heart set on a new sig every day, you might consider downloading one of the many good graphics programs, and learning to make them for yourself.
Profile pics
If you’d like one, most of us are willing to do them, provided we aren’t swamped with requests.
OMG the other day i was thinking if i could have a sig and so i made i yea and it sucked and every1 through rocks at me and i was all stoned and shit so i was asking this old lady to make me a sweet sig and she did it was radicool
it was a sig that was over 5 minutes long but then i found out i can have a sig over the size value 50kb or something like that..
anyways i was hoping you could make me a sig that would be asum.. ya know?
well since you amatures and ya probly use adobe i can not wait ^_^
i would make it myself but my adobe just expired and i dont have the 5000 dollers to replace it.. anyways a sig would be nice right about now.. i was hoping you would
NOT put the MACONTAGE sign on it i like it w/o
anyways i love newgrounds and i hate rocks so.. make me a decent sig so i dont get rocks thrown at me..infact make me a sig good enough so i can throw rocks at people.
i wont throw them at you guys because i am glad you made me my sig.. but if you guys SUCK so much (witch ya probly dont) ill ask the beginers..
sheesh i want a sig some help would be nice ^_^
good luck!
make me a sig that makes me look evil >:)
Do you have an updated list, and do you guys do profile pictures?
Good to see you guys back in action. So if you're all not too swamped with requests I'd like to make one.
A solid white backround with a jagermiester logo anywhere it can fit:
A metal slug animated .gif anywhere it looks proper or can fit:
and finally, WARDAWN written in black letters.
If you guys can find the time, it would be much appreciated. <3
thanx for the sig SquiD- (yeah its a few pages back now) cheers
At 9/2/05 05:21 AM, FinalSketch wrote: Hey Jug can you make a To-Do list. and i might take this one if i dont fall asleep. but anyone may take a chunk out of this one.
yeah, sorry I haven't been as active lately, but my job has been kicking into overdrive this week. I'll get an updated list ready when I get home tonight unless someone else does it first.
Hey cansome make me one with the whole Mike Jones theme
Like Who? Mike Jones! Who Mike Jones!
281-330-8004 Mike Jones Baby! MIKE JONES!
shit like that
Apologies, I've been absent here lately. Getting back to school has been fucking hectic.
At 9/2/05 01:51 PM, -noir- wrote: Apologies, I've been absent here lately. Getting back to school has been fucking hectic.
its ok, huggles!
At 9/2/05 03:42 AM, Rokuro wrote: Hay guys. Can I get a Red and Black Kinda dark sig with Naruto In his Half Fox form?
Thanks :D.
I'll take this.