mixed request list. pages 1-3
Helldemon666 -- status -- complete
8/14/05 11:43 AM, helldemon666 wrote:
can i please have a sig its a simple one i want one that says nothin like a peep with a peep on it
Religiously_Rude -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 12:27 PM, Religiously_Rude wrote:
Hey -Juggernaut- could you make me one based off of my alias?
Snowy_Beast -- status -- not taken
At 8/14/05 12:28 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
I'll make a special request for my forum if I may,
I would like a sig that says:
"Where the games takes his sense"
In it I would like to have all sort of computer parts... so it look technologic... here I know, a tech sig that would says what I mention above.
P.S. Time is NOT an issue here,
P.S.2 If you could use a 467 x 60 format; it would be perfect!
Thanks a lot in advance.
PsychoMonkeyParade -- status -- not taken
At 8/14/05 12:33 PM, PsychoMonkeyParade wrote:
i would like an animated sig with some weird partyish bg and a dancing monkey with my name in some weird font that fits the theme. also, i would like a bag of dancing guacamole doritos. that's all.
Tom_s00 -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 12:37 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Can i have on similar to the one i've posted (bu Carmel) but cusomize it as you see fit, go with what you will think looks good.
As long as my rank and level pictures are included.
BananaBreadMuffin -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 01:19 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
Best of luck to you guys, you'll do great, I sincerely hope.
Can I get a sig? No need to reference muffins on it, but the text "BBM", and a nebula style background would be great.
DarkDeviL92 -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 01:33 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote:
noir, could you make me a harry potter based sig with my name on it in the original harry potter letters but dont make it the same layout as TBF's is.
plz and thx!
Naruto360 -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 01:36 PM, Naruto360 wrote:
can one of the S.S.M's make me a moving naruto sig with my name on it plz if u can't find many naruto movingg images here's an ok website but its only a suggestion.
-absentminded- -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 01:51 PM, -absentminded- wrote:
I would like a sig. Something that looks futuristic or metallic with my username would be great. If it looks 3Dish or seems to pop out at you, that would be awesome, but it doesn't have to.
Break_the_Silence -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 03:06 PM, Break_the_Silence wrote:
In the left of the sig, there's a guy but we only see his back. He's holding a baseball bat in his right hand. It's in a backstreet, and in front of him there's a man in a suit, wearing sunglasses, with a shark smile ( i hope you'll know what i meant.... anyway) on the right side of the sig, it would be written Break the Silence.
Slachtijntje -- status -- not taken
At 8/14/05 03:51 PM, Slachtijntje wrote:
Could I have a sig with the Carnage in it (thar red guy from the spiderman series). I would like my sig to express the feelings the feelings of Carnage and his twisted mind, and making it animated wouldn't hurt but it's not a necessity :)
Lytell_Tepes -- status -- complete... by oni o_0
At 8/14/05 05:31 PM, Lytell_Tepes wrote:
Hey Juggernaut-
could you make me an animated sig simular to the one i have now... I'm really just looking for the lightning to flash.. and maybe something with the eye's and also if it's not too much trouble
do something wicked with my profile pic... i was told that the gamma needs to be tweeked a bit but i don't know what that means.
StrawberryShock -- status -- complete
At 8/14/05 06:55 PM, StrawberryShock wrote:
can you make me a sig with a lighter and a bong with me leaning agginst a cornor saying "Do drugs they are goood!'. id really appreaciate iit. and make a really trippy background.
I-WAS-DAMADCOW -- status -- not taken
At 8/14/05 07:08 PM, I-WAS-DAMADCOW wrote:
Could some one make me a sig that sez: I-WAS-DAMADCOW luv'z teh Dancing Banana