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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 18:43:31

At 8/24/05 06:39 PM, PingPongs wrote: SquiD Will you please make me one?
With the requirements?

Final Sketch is doing your's, just wait.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 18:43:41

At 8/24/05 10:39 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: If it isn't too much trouble could you make the text stand out more?

Does flat white stand out enough?

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 19:15:13

I doubt that really anyone here knows me. I havent been around in a long time!!! I remembered jugernaut made me a couple of sigs in the past. So I wanted to return the favor! This is only my third day with PS so I can understand if no one likes it. Thanks!

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:02:28

Is there a Member Trial coming up soon?
Or do you have to get picked to join?

Whatever the method
I would like to join ssm

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:32:45

I'm still learning about making sigs in flash, and I was wondering if any of you could give me any pointers, I tried to save it and view it but nothing happened.

But anyway, I was trying to make a sig that says >_> *switch effect* <_<' *switch effect* >_>' then it'll say "Mad-Cow" in white letters, on a black background of course.
The face would be yellow and take up most of the page, pretty much, the whole thing'll have a black BG.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:34:27

At 8/24/05 07:15 PM, RobG096 wrote: I doubt that really anyone here knows me. I havent been around in a long time!!! I remembered jugernaut made me a couple of sigs in the past. So I wanted to return the favor! This is only my third day with PS so I can understand if no one likes it. Thanks!

I like it, but i am a noob so my opinion means shit to all others

but i would like a sig.. hopefully ScarFace related. and if you guys can work up a profile pic of Tony Montana with a gun or something that would be great.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:47:21

At 8/24/05 07:15 PM, RobG096 wrote: I doubt that really anyone here knows me. I havent been around in a long time!!! I remembered jugernaut made me a couple of sigs in the past. So I wanted to return the favor! This is only my third day with PS so I can understand if no one likes it. Thanks!

I remember making that sig....thanks for the return...I like the use of grayscale. Not too many people do that.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:53:53

At 8/24/05 08:02 PM, Derc-Tora wrote: Whatever the method
I would like to join ssm

I have watched you for some time now....you have promise. However, I haven't seen anything new by you in a while. Keep sigging, and you will probably get a tryout.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:57:59

That really means a lt dude. I'm just glad I could give back to something that gave to me ya know? If ya ever need anything changed get at me on MSN or AIM.


-SQIUD - Where did you get that render for your sig? If you could let me know that would be awesome. Thanks.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 20:59:30

At 8/24/05 06:43 PM, Mugen- wrote:
At 8/24/05 10:39 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: If it isn't too much trouble could you make the text stand out more?
Does flat white stand out enough?

yes, thanks very much <3

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 21:02:13

At 8/24/05 10:30 AM, Unopened_Wound wrote:
Don't make it... I just don't give a flying fuck any more.

Not to say that I give a flying fuck, but damn.....I do like that idea for a sig! I think I might try this out, but it will be extremely difficult, so don't expect anything for a few days. *kicks self in the ass for not thinking up one like this*

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 21:02:55

At 8/24/05 08:57 PM, RobG096 wrote: -SQIUD - Where did you get that render for your sig? If you could let me know that would be awesome. Thanks.

Well it was actually a long and tiresome search i'll tell you that. I ended up google'ing it and i found a render pack that was up for download. It has like 1600 renders or some shit and when I got it in one of the folders of assorted renders this was one of this one. I reccomend downloading it, it has tonnes of renders you can use in sigs. Very useful. Hope this helps.

Google for like render packs or something and just look for a link that says like 1600+ renders or something.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 21:33:54

At 8/24/05 09:02 PM, -SquiD wrote: 1600+ renders or something.

1600 Renders

At 8/24/05 08:53 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
At 8/24/05 08:02 PM, Derc-Tora wrote: Whatever the method
I would like to join ssm
I have watched you for some time now....you have promise. However, I haven't seen anything new by you in a while. Keep sigging, and you will probably get a tryout.

Ok then, i'll be siggin at asm

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 21:55:09

Wow....the SSM is back. Good thing too. Anyways, can I have a Falco Lombardi sig abstract/grunge style sorta like my current one except with blue as the primary color and cyan as the secondary color? Have the text be cyan. I want "Falco Lombardi" in Arwing font (found at www.dafont.com) and my name in whatever font fits best. Also, use this picture or something similar to it.

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 21:58:08

At 8/24/05 09:55 PM, TBone90 wrote: Request

I swear if anyone does this, I will kill them, this is the only request I can actually do so i'm gonna save it for tomorrow.


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 22:16:05

At 8/24/05 09:02 PM, -SquiD wrote: Google for like render packs or something and just look for a link that says like 1600+ renders or something.

Thanks a bunch dude!

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 22:22:27

finalsketch, sorry but you forgot me in the to do list. i just needed a few changes done, NGCA, if thats too much theh tell me. you dont have to do it, you just have to tell me if you will or not.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-24 23:52:40

At 8/24/05 06:10 PM, -SquiD wrote:
At 8/24/05 10:30 AM, Unopened_Wound wrote: blah blah (graphic expletive) wah wah, *random swear words*
Well maybe if you said you didn't like it when you got it then he wouldnt have to rag on you about it now, or maybe you shouldn't say complete creative control, so we can actually make a sig you like. Oh by the way, fuck fuck fuck fuck I can swear too, aren't I scary?

Ok it has nothing to do with not liking it. I do like it. I would have told him if I didn't like it. I did say I give whoever does it complete creative control. But I never said I didn't like DrunkenPenguins sig, so don't put put fucking words in my mouth. I only asked for a new one cause I saw GreenLanturn's and thought it might look sweet as a Soul Calibur sig.

I would not sport a sig if it was garbage. Plus who the fuck said I was going to change it right away anyway. I just had to voice that awesome idea before I forgot. Yes I said his sig doesn't really fit my name but that doesn't mean I don't like it. It would just work better with a name like X_Naut maybe... my name is too dark.

I love how you took charge.. you just joined right? That takes some big balls son. Well anyway thanks for making me lose all respect I might have had for you. I have offically decided to never wear a sig you make. With Unopened_Wound or Celestial_Guardian.

At 8/24/05 09:02 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
At 8/24/05 10:30 AM, Unopened_Wound wrote:
Don't make it... I just don't give a flying fuck any more.
Not to say that I give a flying fuck, but damn.....I do like that idea for a sig! I think I might try this out, but it will be extremely difficult, so don't expect anything for a few days. *kicks self in the ass for not thinking up one like this*

Make it for yourself. I'm done with the whole crew... I have enough sigs, I won't need to ask you guys ever again. Thanks anyway.

Hello Mr. Krinkle

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 01:33:27

Sorry. Today turned out to be one of those "Run from one Doctors office to another" days. The good news is thatI probably don't need a knee replacement, so I guess all the running around was worth it.

I've got an appointment to have my new DVR set up tomorrow morning, between 8-12, but that's about it, so I should be able to get Darkslayer, and a couple other sigs done...

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 01:40:34

how do you make a sig that moves

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 01:42:45

can you make me a sig with a pic of gordon freeman and some combine or something and my name all graffiti style?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 01:44:56

that would be totally sick. thanks if you can.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 02:27:08

Would it be possible to get a animated sig, where I am dual-wielding bazooka's (and i look cool) that shoot rotating ¥'s, then have them fire at the other side (im on the left shooting at right side) and then have my name on the right too (im not firing at the name, just firing at the other side) and a black bg. I WILL credit you in meh sig, and if you want to the person who makes teh sig can put "Sig made by: (persons name)" if they want. If noone wants to do that, just make a cool sig with my alias, but whatever one you guys want to do (id like the first one prefeably, but if not, dont worry). And thanks in advance to whoever does it!


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 02:42:05

LOL@ sketches new sig.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 03:18:14

I'd like to join Sinisters..
Im working with graphics along time (let's say 2 years)
Here are some of my works(not 400x60 your sizes have to get used to that ;)

Prolly not my best... just made those tonight.
Please think about it,
Thanks in advance,

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 03:32:59

At 8/24/05 01:04 PM, FinalSketch wrote: SSM to do list:

damn you finalsketch you forgot me :P

yeey ssm are back :D

i'd like to request a sig :D

a simple one: i want a black background with in white the text muptalica (in the metallica font) and maybe if you feel like a lil bit of lightning in the back ground or other effects :D

thX in advance


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 04:10:34

Always a simplistic sig eh muppet >_>

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 04:12:49

At 8/25/05 04:10 AM, ReflexX wrote: Always a simplistic sig eh muppet >_>

yeah offcourse :P
never realy liked the grungy or high detailed sigs


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 05:04:10

At 8/25/05 01:40 AM, demosthenes11 wrote: how do you make a sig that moves

Use Flash, animate something sweet that's 400x60 or smaller, then export it as an animated gif. Problem solved.

Or you could just ask one of the nice people here to do it for you.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2005-08-25 08:44:56

OK, here's the latest version for Darkslayer137...

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn