-Juggs- wrote:
BBM wrote:
HBN wrote:
now my pussyhurts
once i get unbaned you know im gonna use this right
Hey now....HBN is a good friend of the SSM. The post he made was making fun of the people who request a sig and then ask a couple of mins later where it is. He's been around since the early days, including when I first started doing sigs in the ASM. Hook him up with a good one. I will do one for him later if no one else gets it.
much love man thanx for sticking up for me when you thought i was getting fucked with but BBM and I go back a ways as well he knew id get the joke
At 3/14/06 03:50 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
At 3/14/06 03:20 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
Hey now....HBN is a good friend of the SSM.
Hey, I do know that, I'm not an e-blind ;)
hahahah but you might just be e-courious
thanx for the steller sig man
and to all you people asking for crazy ass shit
follow my example
keep it simple
dont be such morons
and have some love for them when they do finish it
i havent changed my sig in months
not like some of you little sig whore who need a new one everyfucking day