At 3/6/06 08:40 PM, sprint-T wrote: how am i doing?
great just remove the question mark.
At 3/6/06 08:40 PM, sprint-T wrote: how am i doing?
great just remove the question mark.
At 3/6/06 08:45 PM, MadAnalSeepage_ wrote:At 3/6/06 08:40 PM, sprint-T wrote: how am i doing?great just remove the question mark.
Please please dont get mad at me it was a mistake to begine with to post the sig here but he wants it so if you guys dont mind i am goin to post it and leave
hey- first thanks for making this thread for the noobs like me...second:
can i get a sig wit my username with a background with a shark in it? something like a great white or mako is my preference. also, can you make the text in a red color and a 'thin" font, like Papyrus or somethnig? thanks
-={SSMR}=- To Do List
The first name on the list have waited more than the one at the end of it.
Those in bold have been there since the last To Do List.
hi... could someone please make me a sig with pac man holding a sword slashing at the red ghost, with my name in the bottom right hand corner?
I'd like a total anti-Slipknot signature. Especially Joey from Slipknot has to suffer in it. Also the message 'SLIPKNOT IS NOT METAL' or something like that would be welcome.
-Fluker- ;
Can I have a sig to match the name please?
Someone smoking opium with animated smoke if possible.
A golden theme and my name in a graffiti-ish writing. Underground 02 is a good font if you have it.
Hi could some one make me an animated sig? I want it to say: Will the rabbit ever get his Trix cereal? Then it says, Who cares! Then it says, Visit now!!
Make sure it is in bold letters and it flashes(not too much) when it says Visit now!!
Can someone make me a sig pic with the words "Yoh Asakura and Leader of the Shonen Jump Crew" and this picture in it?
I was wondering if someone in the SSM can make me a sig related to the character Castor Troy from the movie Face/Off. However its done is completely up to the person who makes the sig. Let your creativity run wild.
Thanks in advance.
Dream_Of_Douche ;
Can somone make me a sig, that says in vibrant lettering, "Fuck Dream_Of_Duke" with a background that will make the sig stick out and be noticed, without making the lettering hard to read? Oh, and put my alias in there too, with the same lettering as "Fuck Dream_Of_Duke"
i have one simple request, could you make me a sig with the bad guys in it that says broncofan144 in the bottom right-hand corner if you could i would be very greatful
Can someone make me a sig with K-OS in it?
I've kinda changed my mind. Could I please have a signature with gold writing saying "Resetti06" moving left and right across the picture, a stickman with a gun standing next to it and a dark blue background please?
Hey. Could I get a sig that has a destroyed looking town/village/house in the background and torn-up looking letters that say "stumpy was here"? Thanks a lot!
I forgot to say I want it black and white. Thanks a lot!
I is still like to have sig with picture of Ichiro in it and maybe am his name on it....
if you would be so kind as to make me one with Atomsk (red glowy dude with the two guitars) from FLCL with anything else you want to do to make it look even cooler, then i would be eternally grateful
Could i get a sig with the Grim Reaper. I want people to run up to him but everytime he kills them with his finger. I want it to say speedy1234, and also Ng Mafia.
Thank you
I've been thinking about having a sig made since the one I made (since I suck at paint and other things) just doesn't seem that great to me anymore. Whoever wants to take a spin at it, feel free to do so. I don't mind what it is, but the only thing I want is it to have Tails in it somewhere. Greatly appreaciated if anyone wants to take this on.
I went back and checked on the post I made a while back and realized that I forgot to have my user name added in on it. Just to make sure I got this down path, all I really want is my user name and a picture of Tails in it somewhere and whoever decides to do it can just do what they want, whatever looks good to them. I'm not a picky person, so just have at it and suprise me.
someon make me a sig that has something to do with my
name, like a king or a krown................
Hi, i would adore a sig based on the game "Shadow of the Collosus"
Could it have four collosi in, perhaps with a colour scheme that matches the game itself (green-grey)Could i have my name in small, sort of a runish mystical letters in the bottom right hand corner. The colossi i want are like this:
could i have some sort of colour scheme like the sky in the fourth link Could you also add in some effects such as glowing text, scanlines, solar flare, cool but fitting stuff etc. I expect this might be easier for people who have played the game to do. Sorry if this is too much to fit into a 400x60 sig, but it would be awesome if you could do it, thanks :)
Could someone make me a sig with this in it.
hi :) i was wondering if i could have a sig as, i'm sure you'll agree, my sig isn't the best in the world and a sig from SSM would be sweet!
I wanna have a dark, scary, gothic kind of look with Engelsman in a kind of sharp ragged kind of font in the bottom right hand corner. Thanks
can you do a sig for me casue the ssm are not there can you do a sig when theres tostick people and and one of them hits one like hits in the screen then kik_ass_kid will show up ile blood sorry if this isto hard for you thanks scartch the last one isent you
Sig made by MuffDiver102
-={SSMR}=- To Do List 2
The first name on the list have waited more than the one at the end of it.
Yo. I've grown bored of my sig and I think I need a new one.
I kinda want it JammyDodger themed. Hence, JimmyDodger. Or maybe like my name on the left. And a guy guys eating a JammyDodger and says like 'Uh. They taste like shit!'.
Something to do with me dodging things. Like a guy saying "I dodge things." Or something like that. I would prefer a cartoon guy with brown hair in either. Thanks in advance JimmyDodger.
Hi! just wondering if anyone of you could make me a sig with a woodish nature theme. The text is "NordicFlash" Oh... And.. happy forest.. not creepy.. Thanks!
So, could some one do this please? Don't mean to be whiney.
If the moving numbers are too much trouble, they could just be still, but I'd still like my name glowing in green.
Oh and if you don't get what I mean by "generic matrix code" heres a reference.
fufkin hey couild i possably get a second sig just to swap from time to time could i get a (hed) pe stole 1 if u know who they are plz thx
Can someone make me one with the katamari damacy character (the prince)? Background- funky light green effects, and maybe one the opposite side of the damacy guy, a green PS2 controller. Thanks!
I think the user _dark_knight_ has one sort of like i
I'd like to request a sig please.
I'd like and sig with my name and neutical stars in it please. I'd like for the primary colors to be black and blue. shades of lbue are fine just no baby blue please. Thank you
Yeah and if you guys make profile sigs or whatever they are called for your profile picture can i get just about the same thing. Thanks.
I'd like a sig please. A giant X on fire with blood all around it. Thank you.
Alright, just incase anyone forgot
Topic creator wins the internet!-Dacheater
We need more people like you here on NG-kickme124
You are truly wise beyond you years-blamurai
Jesus, faggot, didn't you die, or something tediously similiar to that ?-Tremour
Only, since Tremour's won't fit, can you just make that single one have smaller text so it isn't to long? And if it's still to high, take out Dacheater's quote.
Hi, could I get a 500(width)x150(height) banner with these 3 pictures in them?
The colours I want for the background are Blue and Red.
As for the text, I would like the word "Himura" in a Japanese-ish style.
Thanks guys and best of luck!
hey- first thanks for making this thread for the noobs like me...second:
can i get a sig wit my username with a background with a shark in it? something like a great white or mako is my preference. also, can you make the text in a red color and a 'thin" font, like Papyrus or somethnig? thanks
Sig made by MuffDiver102
At 3/6/06 08:48 PM, sprint-T wrote: Please please dont get mad at me it was a mistake to begine with to post the sig here but he wants it so if you guys dont mind i am goin to post it and leave
We appreciate your input, however, SSMR is a member only group, you should make sigs at the ASM, and if we think you are good enough, we will invite you to a tryout here.
That's one big list, but i think i can wait that long :s
I hardly ever come here anymore....
Hey guys, I need a new sig for my new username.
I want a totally different style, something witty. Be sure to include my name in it, but other than that, the options are endless. Just make it funny.
It's not paedophilia if she's dead.
kay, boys I got a tall order to fill
I need a Sig With a Pi Symbol on one side, and at Like, top Center, Have it say, " PI SOCEITY".
good luck.
At 3/7/06 08:50 PM, Dudeicus9 wrote: kay, boys I got a tall order to fill
I need a Sig With a Pi Symbol on one side, and at Like, top Center, Have it say, " PI SOCEITY".
good luck.
ok, 86 that, thanks anyway guys.
er...well...i mean, thats not really what i had in mind. maybe something a little bit darker colors, the one you made is too "light" colored for me. and there were only two 7's instead of three. sorry i sound so critical
but it thank you for making mine ahead of schedule
and feel free to get P.o.'d if you spent hours working on one of them and i say this;
would you be able to make a background blend of the Kansas City Shiefs on one side with thier logo and red in the background that melds into Jacksonville Jaguars teal with teir logo on the other side. and could i have my name in the middle. sorry to change my order. if you are like, working on the other already or something, just finish it and ill look at it
this will be my third visit to the SSM seeking Band art. but this person at my school won't shut the hell up until he gets some art so i can't think of anywheree else but here to ask.
the band name is "Freeway Muders"
do whatever you want and it can be big as you want. just ,ake it something that will make him be quiet,
Hey guyts i requested a while back god knows how long ago and im not sure if anyone has followed thru with my request... if u hav then plz let me know if not then all id like is a stick figure wit a weapon of any sort propped on its shoulder and my name thanks in advance
That's one helluva list....I guess it's time I did something productive around here. NG will be my first stop in the morning....
Sorry guys, I have been sick for the last two days. I only have time to make one sig today but hopefully tommarow I will have more time.
At 3/7/06 12:04 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Noob-Antichrist;
Hi, i would adore a sig based on the game "Shadow of the Collosus"
I told myself I would do this one, but kept forgetting to do it.
So expect this one in a bit.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
I would like to request a sig....
Something bright like the sig below, except i want my name on it no retrogade just my name with some nice backround colors and effects...
Does somebody can makes my sig sinister ??? And put my name Bigger ?? ANd if possible , with electricity movement ..... That would be nice from you...
At 3/7/06 12:04 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Brain-Dead;
Hi could some one make me an animated sig?
Simple enough.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 3/8/06 10:10 AM, Velocitom wrote: Simple enough.
Eh, I think this is better.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 3/7/06 12:04 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Thanks in advance.
I already made this one, I guess in the wrong name though.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
At 3/8/06 01:41 AM, Velocitom wrote: The effect of non stop work.
well, it's not exactly what i was looking for, but it's close, and still pretty damn cool.
you mind if i make a few of my own changes to it? i will try not to ruin it, because whether i like it or not, its still good and i will wear it :)
I hardly ever come here anymore....
At 3/7/06 08:50 PM, Dudeicus9 wrote: good luck.
here is some writing so NG doesnt complain about quotes taking up lots of my text
At 3/7/06 12:07 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Sykemus;
Hi! just wondering if anyone of you could make me a sig with a woodish nature theme. The text is "NordicFlash" Oh... And.. happy forest.. not creepy.. Thanks!
here is some writing so NG doesnt complain about quotes taking up lots of my text