At 8/16/05 11:49 PM, Sesshy wrote: ^_^' Hiya! Could someone make a sig for me with this anime character in it?
At 8/16/05 11:49 PM, Sesshy wrote: ^_^' Hiya! Could someone make a sig for me with this anime character in it?
At 8/17/05 06:43 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Big_Scizot:
I need a sig for my NG Runners crew. Just make a sig that has a track and field theme to it. I asked in the ASM but no one made one. I don't care if the sig you make is crap, all I need is a sig.
Alright, now is the time for change... the right time to make a request.
It's true I've already ask for your service on page one, but that was actually a banner for my web site.
This time I'll make a request for me, it's been more than 6 month I'm using this Werewolf, Snowy sig and it serve me well.
So what's next? I won't be specific... there's few thing I want in my signature... my nick name *of course* and I want it to represent my name; Snowy_Beast!
Basically it's up for the artist to decide what the sig should look like, and since I know that all SSMR's member are highly talented I'll be looking forward for this.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Sig made by MuffDiver102
At 8/17/05 07:40 PM, -Oni- wrote:At 8/17/05 07:30 PM, -Oni- wrote: damn i suck at sigging.please don't use this sig unless noone else makes one, i hate it, and its gay.
No problem, but it's not as bad as you think.
Thanks man, but just to say, it's actually quite good!
Hmmm....not sure if I captured what you are after....
At 8/17/05 06:49 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Acid, while I appreciate that you want to take up for the SSM with the spammers, I would ask you to please refrain from posting pics that are not sigs. I don't want picture spamming to become a normal thing here. A few words on someone's conduct will suffice.
Ok, sure, I'll link from now on.
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 8/17/05 05:40 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote:
Great, as always.
i got a hard one but could someone try it.
i would like a moving sig with a michael jackson sprite doing the moonwalk al across the sig to the right and when it comes back to the left have it do the moonwalk and when it gets back to where it was have it hit the ground with its foot and have my name light up on the sig in lights, if you cant do that do something similiar.
plz and thx!
At 8/17/05 08:18 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Hmmm....not sure if I captured what you are after....
Actually you did... in a certain way! It's an excellent signature but I guess I should have specified a little bit more what I wanted. It's a little bit too grungy and not enough snowy...
But you made me realize what I really had in mind; what about an Ice Monster? Could be an Ice Wolf, Ice Dragon, Ice Bear or even Werewolf made of Ice... Make it scary! kinda like your signature...
Anyway, guess I should I've express my-self a little bit more, “mea-culpa”; I'm sorry to have waited that long before saying what I really wanted. But well, thanks a lot for the actual amount of effort you put in that sig, I hope you won't be discouraged and that you will have an other attempt.
Sincerely yours, Snowy_Beast the grateful!
Sig made by MuffDiver102
I just found out that the SSM got reopened, and I saw I was on the list still, which I really appreciate, cause I still wanna sig with you guys. So if I'm still welcome, consider me back :D
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 8/17/05 08:37 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote:At 8/17/05 05:40 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote:ehh.Great, as always.
Thanks. :)
Oh, Kirk, nice to see ya back bud.
At 8/17/05 10:23 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote:At 8/17/05 08:37 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote:Thanks. :)At 8/17/05 05:40 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote:ehh.Great, as always.
Oh, Kirk, nice to see ya back bud.
Thanks dude :) I'll probably make sigs and stuff tomorrow but right now I'm going to party :P night everyone
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
Hey,guys, can I join SSM?
Here is some of my work:
I'm sorry velocitom, I'll have to make your sig tommorrow.
At 8/17/05 11:06 PM, thisaliassucks wrote: I'm sorry velocitom, I'll have to make your sig tommorrow.
BLoody Hell/ Wrong account. /=
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
Could i get a sig with Tinkerbell zapping a cartoon pope and the pope calling her a bitch? With my alias of course.
The sig I have now is no good for me and what I won't I am not good enough to make. The focus should be on my name, while the background should be a blue/ purple smoke whith broken glass all through it. Also I would like this goodluck charm faded into the background. Anyone out there think they can do it?
At 8/17/05 09:59 PM, Kirkus wrote: Consider me back :D
Kirk, good to see that you're back and willing to give it another go!
Wow Juggs. I've got to give it to you man, you've done the unthinkable and so soon it's worked out for the best! Much <3 and respect.
...I wonder if Chromius will come back...
I just stopped into the C&C for a bit and saw this thread. I'm ecstatic that this group is back in business. You were always the club I would come to when I needed a new sig and I was quite disappointed when you disbanded so many months ago. It's awesome to see you guys back on your feet, much <3 and a long life!
Anyway, how about a sig? Something to do with Canada, the Vancouver Canucks and Molson Canadian would be nice. Try to use lots of red and a bit of white (like my current signature). Just have fun with it, I'd love to see what one of you could come up with!
At 8/18/05 02:50 AM, FinalSketch wrote: Here's one for you...
That is an awesome sig, but could you change the name to just "I AM"? I forgot to mention that in the original request. Thanks!
At 8/18/05 03:19 AM, FinalSketch wrote: People, People let's not forget what you want on the sig, please...
Heh, sorry about that. I was just so excited to see that you guys were back in business.
I hope this is what you want.
Awesome, it's perfect! Thanks again.
SSM To do list
Hey can i have a sig like this with my name and just my level ( make it lvl 19 cause i'lll be there soon..Thank you a whole bunch
could i get a sig, if you can think of something that goes with my name your smarter then me.. Note: not much to go on here...perhaps you should give us a theme of some sort.
i was refered here by someone in the asm.
i would like an animated sig please. heres what i want:
what i want is a mech from mech warrior (i can get some good pics for you to go off of) that walks along until it gets to my name(which will look either all metalic-y or like its made of rock or cement or something) and then it stops, the name goes "oh noes!" and then the mech blows it up with lasers and/or missles and continues walking. it then repeats. heres a pic of one of the mechs from a side view, minus the one foot. if you need a better pic, more details, or a better explaination, then my email address is just above my sig, or you can ask me here.
thanks in advance! Note: pic on page 7
Hey - I got one of the last made SSM sigs from War so I'm here for a new one.
Something like my name being spraypainted onto a wall? ( Animated )
My name in black would be great!
I'd like a sig with the text "I hit girls"
not my name or any of that jazz, just what I mentioned above.
I'd like to colors to be mainly green and the images should reflect the text.
Thanks a lot :)
The sig I have now is no good for me and what I won't I am not good enough to make. The focus should be on my name, while the background should be a blue/ purple smoke whith broken glass all through it. Also I would like this goodluck charm faded into the background. Anyone out there think they can do it? Note: pic on pg. 12
i got a hard one but could someone try it.
i would like a moving sig with a michael jackson sprite doing the moonwalk al across the sig to the right and when it comes back to the left have it do the moonwalk and when it gets back to where it was have it hit the ground with its foot and have my name light up on the sig in lights, if you cant do that do something similiar.
Could i get a sig with Tinkerbell zapping a cartoon pope and the pope calling her a bitch? With my alias of course.
I believe I've got everyone on this list...If you made a request and I missed it, let us know.
seeing as u guyz are "sinister" sig makers i was wonderin if u knew how 2 make an animated sig? If you could i was wondering if u could make 1 for me? if u can i would like a stick figure popping up from bottom and shooting a grenade launcher (that is propped on his shoulder) at the LEFT hand side and there is an explosion and on the RIGHT hand side there will be my name in scribble writing...... if thats 2 much trouble just please make 1 with the stick figure and the grenade launcher and my name that would be greatly appreciated....?
hey guys id like an animated sig if u can please!!!
heres how id like it done
from the left a guy drives a car and all of a sudden a car comes around d side n overtakes him the first guy gets pissed and shoots the first!!!
if this is to much trouble then tell me please!!!
thanks a bunch pplz!!!
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
My god...It's the invasion of the animated sig requests. I can't do jack with these. Guess i'll have to be more patient :(
Maybe take requests of list due to n00b spammery? I think it's really a jugg's kinda decision though, leave them and let's wait and see what happends.
I Never knew you guys rebuilt the SSM!?
But I must say it's good to see it back. After it shut down I stopped coming around.
It's almost like old days again. All we need now is the NG Army and things will be like the old days haha.
Could i get a sig with Tinkerbell zapping a cartoon pope and the pope calling her a bitch? With my alias of course.
Somebody seemed to think that all the requests were animated, i would prefer if this wasnt animated...