well AfroUnderscoreStud told me to post this here. so...
This is only a suggestion and might have even already been suggested at one point. As I've been more active in browsing and posting in the Wi/ht section of the forums lately, I've noticed the various threads concerning a person's rank in categories such as experience, save points, B/P points, ect which is beyond the top 50 that Newgrounds gives for some categories. Which thus brings me to my suggestion:
I was thinking of having a thread with your overall rank and in doing so adding both your rank in b/p and expierence. (I.E. I'm rank 470 in experience and 122 in B/P, so my overal rank would be 592). The ranking would go by whoever has the lowest ranking after adding both experience rank and B/P rank.
Now, I'm no whiz at this kind of stuff nor do i really have the time to do it should it even be possible. Just thought I'd bring it up in case its possible and someone doesn't mind doing it or maybe even wants to. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always helpful.