At 8/1/05 02:09 PM, deadbolt277 wrote: can one of u pleeez make me a sig (im begging)
At 8/1/05 12:09 PM, Prellz wrote: could somebody make me a sig like the one i have now? (same concept, but make it a little cleaner please). And if that doesnt work out, mabye make it something to do with blamming.
I was just wondering if anybody got my message earlier. Just let me know if somebody is doing this or not. Thanx
You're sigs are frickin awesome, but that sucks that you're the only MeMB.
can i have a sig with a chik the style the "GTA san andreas" chiks are..u kno on the cover the one with the tongue out...some kind of chik...and then next to it ,it says Paoloproduction maiby in a cool font like the sin city font. Thanks!
O and plz email it to me at
i just wanna post this again cause it has a few more details and may need to be viewed since it may have been overlooked.
-i would like i sig with a moon in the sky a dark bule color(hue.160s, sat.170s lum.80s red. 30s, green. 20s, blue. 140s
-a roof of a house(slanted roof, or flat whoever makes its choice)
-the figure of a kid(black figure) sittin on top of a roof
-in one of the corners have the words: Thief at Dusk in black or if black cannot work choose color that would work
when whoever is starting and is finished with my request
please e-mail me at either or thankyou for your assistance
im postin this again so the sigmakers no its around
-i would like i sig with a moon in the sky a dark bule color(hue.160s, sat.170s lum.80s red. 30s, green. 20s, blue. 140s
-a roof of a house(slanted roof, or flat whoever makes its choice)
-the figure of a kid(black figure) on sittin top of a roof
-in one of the corners have the words: Thief at Dusk in black or if black cannot work choose color that would work and in a cool font
when whoever is starting and is finished with my request
please e-mail me at either or thankyou for your assistance
At 8/1/05 02:10 PM, deadbolt277 wrote:At 8/1/05 02:09 PM, deadbolt277 wrote: can one of u pleeez make me a sig (im begging)oops
Like this?
At 8/2/05 04:50 AM, MeMB wrote:At 8/1/05 02:10 PM, deadbolt277 wrote:Like this?At 8/1/05 02:09 PM, deadbolt277 wrote: can one of u pleeez make me a sig (im begging)oops
ok, ok, im sorry ur the best at makin sigs and i worship u.
but could u plz make me a sig with my name in sinister writing and maybe a black background oh and maybe a spray painted anarchy
symbol would be nice
At 7/28/05 02:02 PM, Genis_Sage wrote: Could somebody make me a sig with my name and use this image .
Thanks a bunch.
i know i am still a little rusty but anny bitching and you gan get fucked ^__^
At 8/2/05 07:15 AM, tkum wrote:At 7/28/05 02:02 PM, Genis_Sage wrote: Could somebody make me a sig with my name and use this image .i know i am still a little rusty but anny bitching and you gan get fucked ^__^
Thanks a bunch.
Great to have you back man! Phew, atleast im not atlone anymore. Thanks.
At 8/1/05 04:39 AM, deadbolt277 wrote:At 8/1/05 04:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: could one of u make me a sig pic plz?hello? anybody here?
next time dont be pushy or you aint get one
At 8/1/05 02:16 PM, Prellz wrote:At 8/1/05 12:09 PM, Prellz wrote: could somebody make me a sig like the one i have now? (same concept, but make it a little cleaner please). And if that doesnt work out, mabye make it something to do with blamming.I was just wondering if anybody got my message earlier. Just let me know if somebody is doing this or not. Thanx
based on your current sig i came up with this...
Anny questions
At 8/2/05 07:46 AM, tkum wrote:At 8/1/05 04:39 AM, deadbolt277 wrote:next time dont be pushy or you aint get oneAt 8/1/05 04:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: could one of u make me a sig pic plz?hello? anybody here?
ty! sorry if ive been pushy
At 8/2/05 07:46 AM, tkum wrote:At 8/1/05 04:39 AM, deadbolt277 wrote:next time dont be pushy or you aint get oneAt 8/1/05 04:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: could one of u make me a sig pic plz?hello? anybody here?
apparantly the sig is too large, (file size)
do u know the problem?
Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could possibly make me a Sin City sig (movie or comic is fine) I would like it to have either Dwane, or Kevin in it. The colors can be Sin City style with my username in red. If anyone can do this id be forever grateful :) but if no,t no worries because I see that most people are already busy with other sigs. Thanks in advance.
At 7/28/05 10:14 PM, InsOmniaC777 wrote: Cool, I'd like one. Please.
*Whistles* Oh, and just make one as cool as you can.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 8/2/05 02:51 PM, Hoaders wrote:
Here you go... I tried to stay as close as i could to the style thats why it looks simple. But you did ask for a sin city sig so i gave you one!
You, my friend, fuckin rock! Many thanks!
I would like a sig that says,
Programmer needed for Sweet side scroller.
and says agsguitbox615at the bottom.
could someone make me a sig that has something to do with sub zero and looks cool plz.
what about mine..
if you cant do the light flashing and stuff can you just put his face smiling??
mine is on the 25th page
At 8/1/05 11:49 AM, Malekvamp wrote: I'm here to make a request please
I would like to have a "car" sig... If possible a BMW sig, with the name Andy on it. That's all ;-) try to make it super cool!
Thanks a lot in advance!
I just wanted to be sure someone saw the request... I do NOT want to rush you guys;
Could you also make one for me please I don't care how long it takes can you take my user name and use your imagination and make something cool out of it please. Background doesnt really matter much as long as its not white. Hope this isnt too much to ask:)
i'd like to request a sig(my first one)
all the requirements a really put in it is that
( * * )
( . . )
UU<-----this symbol is used and possibaslly my name (duh) is in there somewhere.preferabally brown text on black background. meebe a jungle there..bamboo border..i dunno something along those lines.
thank you for condering and or creating a cig for me.
so does anyone wanna take my request
pretty plz you guys rox and I want a roxxoring sig
-repost- (i dont want 2 rush any of u)
i'd like a sig that involves my name in sinister writing with mabye a black background, oh and mabye a spray painted anarhcy symbol on the side
At 8/3/05 03:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: -repost- (i dont want 2 rush any of u)
i'd like a sig that involves my name in sinister writing with mabye a black background, oh and mabye a spray painted anarhcy symbol on the side
Tkum already made you one on page 26.
At 8/3/05 06:46 AM, MeMB wrote:At 8/3/05 03:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: -repost- (i dont want 2 rush any of u)Tkum already made you one on page 26.
i'd like a sig that involves my name in sinister writing with mabye a black background, oh and mabye a spray painted anarhcy symbol on the side
i no but the file size was too large :-(