Can someone make me a sig with my name in it and some sorta reference to domination plz? thanks!
Can someone make me a sig with my name in it and some sorta reference to domination plz? thanks!
May I request a sig pic? Okay, I would like a picture from the short film "Rubber Johnny" with Johnny sitting in his wheelchair with his head back. I would like the title of the film in the upper left hand corner and my name in the bottom righthand corner. Text can be whatever style. Sorry if this seems a bit much, but I don't have the skills to make my own.
Obama wins at life.
At 7/31/05 07:46 AM, MeMB wrote:At 7/31/05 07:44 AM, MeMB wrote:Damnit, forgot the border. Heres a better one:At 7/31/05 05:27 AM, Psi-Boy14 wrote: can I get my request yet It Its on page 18 or 19 or 17 I forgot whichSure
How do you make the border glow like that? (If you dont mind leaking a tip =P )
can i be a member? im jordan and i got adobe like a week ago and im pretty good!
At 7/31/05 05:08 PM, Cannabis_Creations wrote:At 7/31/05 07:46 AM, MeMB wrote:How do you make the border glow like that? (If you dont mind leaking a tip =P )At 7/31/05 07:44 AM, MeMB wrote:Damnit, forgot the border. Heres a better one:At 7/31/05 05:27 AM, Psi-Boy14 wrote: can I get my request yet It Its on page 18 or 19 or 17 I forgot whichSure
a 3 pixel thick border --- a black, a white, and a black then you set the blending mode to overlay -- and if that's not exactly what it is, it's very close
he might just use the white overlayed, or he might use soft light as opposed to overlay...
~Tip Leaked~
oh guys can you make me a sig that has my name in scribbled font on the left and then on the right can u guys make a killer in a dark room with a light that flickers on and off.and each time the light flickers he gets closer then when hes real close the sig starts over.
if u can then thnx,if u cant well then I guess I'll just go ask another sig making crew.
oh and awesome job on other sigs
can i get a sig
-i would like i sig with a moon in the sky a dark bule color(hue.160s, sat.170s lum.80s red. 30s, green. 20s, blue. 140s
-a roof of a house(slanted roof, or flat whoever makes its choice)
-the figure of a kid(black figure) on top of a roof
-in one of the corners have the words: Thief at Dusk in black or if black cannot work choose color that would work
when whoever is starting and is finished with my request
please e-mail me at either or thankyou for your assistance
Making a "glowing" border :P
New layer
Stroke --> 3px Black
Stroke -->2 px white
Stroke --> 1 px black
Set blending mode to overlay.
At 7/31/05 02:24 PM, MeMB wrote: Like this?
yeah its AMAZING!!! thanks
At 8/1/05 04:28 AM, deadbolt277 wrote: could one of u make me a sig pic plz?
hello? anybody here?
Jesus, could you wait for more than ten minutes?! Geez
At 8/1/05 06:54 AM, MeMB wrote: Jesus, could you wait for more than ten minutes?! Geez
I agree.
At 8/1/05 09:51 AM, Lloyd_Irving wrote:At 8/1/05 06:54 AM, MeMB wrote: Jesus, could you wait for more than ten minutes?! GeezI agree.
And here's your reward XD
Hey MeMB, have you heard from Makaio lately? He said he needed to download some brushes and that he'd do my request. But that was last week.....
Guys can u make me a sig, i dunno what i specificaly want, something to do with the pope though, just use ur imagination, either something cool or comical, much appreciated if you make one thanks.
I'm here to make 2 request please
First one....
I would like it to have a penguin on it... you may choose one or both of those wallpaper pictures... --> http://debianusers.o..lbum02/quake_tux.png
or http://www.lilolipo...ges/fonds/HAXXOR.jpg
I would like to have "Morti" written somewhere in the sig but other than that... it's free to the artist!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Second request
I would like to have a "car" sig... if possible a BMW sig, with the name Andy on it. That's all ;-) try to make it super cool!
Thanks a lot in advance!
I hope you'll find time for my 2 request this week. 8p
could somebody make me a sig like the one i have now? (same concept, but make it a little cleaner please). And if that doesnt work out, mabye make it something to do with blamming.
At 8/1/05 11:47 AM, Thief_at_Dusk wrote: yea, i agree also. *cough*
Sorry man, i suck at that type of sigs, but ill ask Blue_Hoody, he's really good with that sorta stuff.
At 8/1/05 12:25 PM, MeMB wrote:At 8/1/05 11:47 AM, Thief_at_Dusk wrote: yea, i agree also. *cough*Sorry man, i suck at that type of sigs, but ill ask Blue_Hoody, he's really good with that sorta stuff.
ok thanks, at least someone responded
At 8/1/05 10:27 AM, MeMB wrote:At 8/1/05 09:51 AM, Lloyd_Irving wrote:And here's your reward XDAt 8/1/05 06:54 AM, MeMB wrote: Jesus, could you wait for more than ten minutes?! GeezI agree.
I'm sorry dude.
That's perfect but I want it to say Genis Sage instead of Lloyd Irving.
But thank you soo much.
It's great.
At 8/1/05 01:39 PM, Lloyd_Irving wrote:
I'm sorry dude.
That's perfect but I want it to say Genis Sage instead of Lloyd Irving.
But thank you soo much.
It's great.
Oops, my bad. I could change it if you'd like
At 8/1/05 01:45 PM, Lloyd_Irving wrote: that would be great.
Would you be able to make me a sin city sig please?
And could you make sure my alias is in the sin city font (and red).
At 8/1/05 01:49 PM, MeMB wrote:At 8/1/05 01:45 PM, Lloyd_Irving wrote: that would be great.XD
Thanks a bunch.