ok, i want to join th4e smg
i can prove i make good sigs, and that some are popular. look here , and maybe get one if you like them
At 6/24/05 02:53 PM, marsh1 wrote: ok, i want to join th4e smg
i can prove i make good sigs, and that some are popular. look here , and maybe get one if you like them
oh wow, you put brackets around peoples names. I could do that.
well this place is kind of dead anyway but read the Rules in the first post
could u plz make me one...something cool with a ninja in it like my nick would be cool...thnx in advance
if you guys have the time.. I would like a sig =) I don't really know what I want... but you can look in my profile for ideas, thanks
CAn someone make me a sig that has some form of animation in it, i want it to have fire in it too. and my name thanx in advance
can i get a cool sig
put this pic of a gorilla with a crown in it and have a color scheme of gold and pink, please make it look cool, maybe even a grunge style
thank you!
sig by carmelhadinosaur
could some1 make me a sig with the south park gang and my name in it.i would credit them
i would like a counter strike source one make sure it is light and has my name on it plz
can u please make me a sig with this in it
monkey thanks and please include my username
Can I have a sig with my name on it "in black" and just a weird backround thats red/black and looks mechanical? Thanks
can someone make me an animate sig with tons of cars crashing into each other and blowing up
I'm looking for someone to make me a sig, i have the images i want on it. if someone could email me @ the_wise_one_75@hotmail.com
hey guys, ive just come from www.gamerenders.com armed with hundreds of brushes, styles all the extensis plugins photoshop cs2 several other plugins and lots and lots of sig making knowledge,
if you want some sigs im bored so put a pic and a colour scheme and any info you want on it, or even a sig that is already done but is shit and ill redo it,
Can I have an animated sig that says theY4Kman, blows up and then says Y4K Studios.
Then have that blow up, so that it loops. Thanks... www.Y4Kstudios.com
Sorry, DP:
Email: theY4Kman@y4kstudios.com
AIM: theY4Kman
MSN :anim8orman or sadwerty1234@earthlink.net
Yahoo: theY4Kman
At 6/29/05 10:40 PM, Crashman wrote: Can I have a sig with my name on it "in black" and just a weird backround thats red/black and looks mechanical? Thanks
dunno if you want this still bit here ya go
tell me if anyone would like one of these sigs click here
At 7/3/05 10:22 AM, Big-Nose-James wrote:At 6/29/05 10:40 PM, Crashman wrote: Can I have a sig with my name on it "in black" and just a weird backround thats red/black and looks mechanical? Thanksdunno if you want this still bit here ya go
Can you just get rid of the wrench please?
if you dont mind i'd like a Matt Hardy Version1 sig i need one as you can see if you can that would be greatly appreciated
CAN SOME ONE PLZ MAKE ME A SIG as u can see my sig is really REAlL Y grosss so plz someone make me a sig
heya i've been asked to make a sig or at least aquire a sig for a .hack / worlds / rpg site and ive tired but all mine are really poop, so can some one please make me a sig or tell me if there is a way toy set your canvas to sig standard size? ta
velvet x
I'd like a sig please! If it is not too much trouble, could you make a sig that says "Super 8-Bit Gamers" with a few game characters in the background and links to the site "www.8-bitgamers.co.nr"? I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
Make me a sig with this picture and make it say: NIGER INNIS IS FRIGGIN HAWT
can someone make me sig that has some kind of animation in it that has to do with my name?
i was wondering can anyone make a sig better then the one i have now its a challenge
Ok this sig has to be animated (please). What I want on it: a smiley face taking up the middle with a face going >:P and the word fap taking up the rest of the sig scrolling down. Hopfully this will be a nice challenge and will actually fit for my sig.
At 7/6/05 09:38 PM, I-WAS-DAMADCOW wrote: Ok this sig has to be animated (please). What I want on it: a smiley face taking up the middle with a face going >:P and the word fap taking up the rest of the sig scrolling down. Hopfully this will be a nice challenge and will actually fit for my sig.
With a black background and a yellow smiley the word fap should be in white