could i get the head in this sig on the one i have now

could i get the head in this sig on the one i have now
you guys want a real challenge??? make a sig with this logo and name integrated into it...
Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!
Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!
im alive but not a member lol :( alas i am not good enuff. Just wanted to ask you SMG guys some advise on how i can imporve the sig im using atm. Im not too sure how you make sort or scratchy layer effects that some of you use as backgrounds, do you know of any good tutorials or got any advise you could pass down to an enthusiastic learner *shines shoes while down on knees*
Hey guys, I'd like someone to make a sig for me since I have no clue how to do that. I'd really appreciate it if someone did this for me.
Here's what I'm looking for in the sig:
-Image of Shadow the Hedgehog in the sig
-Dark-colored background (preferably black)
-My screen name in Impact font, colored crimson red
-Message saying "Darkness Will Rule All" in Times New Roman font, also crimson red (smaller font than screen name)
It seems like you guys are pretty good, so help me out here. Thanks in advance.
wht is the color of the grey ng background color? i want to make a sig that can blend into the background.
Uhh...not to be bothersome, but can someone take notice to my request a couple of posts above?
Hey, if it's not too much trouble I would like a sig made for me.
I want this picture in the background:
(Try to fit in Even Flow through Jeremy, if you can do more, then that's great. It can be vertical or horizontal.)
This image in the foreground:
(I Wish My Username Was)
If somebody makes this for me, I would really appreciate it and I'll credit you for making it. Thanks.
Obama wins at life.
can someone make this look better?
you know what it would look kick arss with some floating bubbles :)
hey, i have a request for a sig:
I'd like it to be either Final Fantasy 6 or 7 themed, and preferably with dark colors as the background. also, i'd like my name to be somewhere in the sig itself.
thanks in advance!
At 6/17/05 12:51 AM, ScumOfTheEarth wrote: So no one is accepting mine?
CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey i was wondering if i could have my screen name on a random background (please a good one) and a dancing monkey.
At 6/17/05 01:14 AM, HaQeR-JaCK-DanIeLS wrote:At 6/17/05 12:51 AM, ScumOfTheEarth wrote: So no one is accepting mine?CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chill out? Doesnt look like i was yelling or screaming at anybody. I just said so i take no one's accepteed mine because no one said. Hey scum illl take your request.
At 6/17/05 05:03 AM, monkeyman478 wrote: Hey i was wondering if i could have my screen name on a random background (please a good one) and a dancing monkey.
hi i'm asking for this to be made into a sig BUT before yoouread i don't know if you need flash mx to put it on NG, but heres my request
what i would like is a sig where the picture below wooshes in into the corner with my sig i have now faded in the background, then i want the picture of my character to say "Hi NG buddies!" for about 2 secs, then say "My Hearts As Big As My Nose!" for about 2 more seconds and woosh off again and my sig (wich would be faded in the back ground) would come forward for about another 3 secs and be like it is now, obviously i'd like it to repeat and thx for reading this in the first place, chow!
heres the pic, if you could get rid of the white at the bottom and and make it have a clear background:
soz i've changed my sig heres the one i want faded in the background
look forget all that can you make one that has that same pic, but has "Big-Nose-James is #1" across the top in red writing and "I heart (cartoon heart) :Gprime (use there logo plz) in yellow underneath and a comic book strip faded as the back ground. plz make it nice and bright and crop and sort out the pic with no background on the pic, plz and thankyou and soz about this inconvenience (i was in over my head)
heres the pic again, ta !
i know this is real annoying now but if you haven't started mine don't bother it's alright now, if you have carry on, either soz for all the rubbish i posted
Can I get a sig with Kratos (God of War) And C.J (GTA:SA) with a gray background with my prifile name in it
yes can anybody make me a sig with a grun and master chief from halo or halo2 killing people as a team colors dontreally matter but my favs are black and green
I could i have a sig that's skateboarding themed (with colour) and my name LookingTwiceKills written in a bold, but clear writing.
Thanks in addvance!
The sig the amatures is really good.I dont think it can be any better.IF so then can you make it better?
At 6/21/05 07:53 PM, Liquidmaycry wrote: The sig the amatures is really good.I dont think it can be any better.IF so then can you make it better?
Wow Dude, you're hilarious.
First you go to the ASM to ask if anyone can make the sig better, (which I did), then you go here to get my version better.