Please take a listen :D
Please take a listen :D
I rarely make stuff nowadays, huh? I felt like making some melodic ambient shit, so here it is in it's purest form: shit.
I made a DnB remix of MTC by DJ S3rl in the early 2015. One and a half year later I want to share it on NG. here it is.
I appreciate reviews :-)
~Kestutis K
Here is some seksi tune for yall
At 4/8/05 08:22 PM, Tancrisism wrote: Place a link, and whatnot, here for users to view your Audio submissions! Here's mine:
Pink_Floyd's Audio!
It's mostly classic rock, and a few orginals. Tell me what you think, and post your audio links, and etc. here, for more publicity.
if yoy said it...
It are some of Heavy electronic music
Wanted people to see this!
Like what I do? Then, it'd be really nice to have followers!
Hey, I'm new to Newgrounds and was wondering if I could be recommended to the audio portal, thanks! :3
Cowboy Steampunk Tune! Hey check out my new Videogame song! Its so motivating! What do you think?
It's me again with a new composition! Don't hesitate to check it :)
Hey guys. I'd love to see what you think of a track I've uploaded - see below.
It is a part of a little game soundtrack I did. The style is a mix of electronic music, keyboards, and (real)guitars. It's not harsh music, it's made to sound happy\cute but has a lot of energy and melody to it.
*P.S - note that currently this isn't being featured in a real game. It's just concept-themed and this is the "Victory" track.
New (old) song.
Hello NewGrounds Community! Here I'm again to post my last composition.
This time is an epic violin ensemble.
I hope you like it.
Thanks for listening :) .
My future bass song I made this weekend!
Okay this is mine and this is a dnb song
Unpublished Submission
Its like a bird soaring to the sky. LOL
Heres my contribution! which is a heavy hitting EDM track which is a remix of another track whioch did really well on the audio portal a few weeks ago. Ive got a ton of music on my channel. Most of it is EDM, Trance, electronic music. I release new music most days and have the smallest following on the face of the planet.
Unpublished Submission
Deep, dark acid house song that is 140bpm and repetitive.
Unpublished Submission
Electro house with filthy and angry leads(maybe they are angry because they are filthy?) and a heavy bassline.
the continuous of "The bad part":
I fuckin' bought Serum today and did some shit with it. Bask in the waterfall of crap.
I made some cheesy Dubstep you might wanna enjoy:
Just uploaded a quick instrumental, give it a listen!
new thing uwu
Hope you enjoy it, it's my first time working with pianos and vocals! :D
On a strange future planet far away the goblin Rock Jigilly runs a goblin gang and chemical factory. He and his workers build acid guns so they can fight against the flying turtlepigs whose meat is so delicious! They have a spaceship too and its designed for spaceracing!
Hi guys, submitted some music I created using FL Studio and Logic, would be great to get some listens:
I was also about to submit a song I created using samples from the film 'Saw' but then read the terms regarding copyrighted material and thought 'better safe than sorry' lol.